PERSONNEL RADIATION MONITORING ACT (Ch. 111«, pars. 230.10 - 230.15) AN ACT in relation to personnel radiation monitoring, approved and effective Aug. 16, 1963. Section 230.10 Short title. This Act may be cited as the Personnel Radiation Monitoring Act. Section 230.11. Type of service  1. Any employer of a person or persons subject to radiation monitoring requirements of the Department of Nuclear Safety shall provide for each such person a type of personnel radiation monitoring service acceptable to the Department of Nuclear Safety. Section 230.12. Record of radiation exposure of employee  2. Each such employer shall maintain a record of the radiation exposure of each employee as reported by the monitoring service on forms prescribed by the Department and shall forward such forms to the Department of Nuclear Safety according to a schedule prescribed by the Department of Nuclear Safety. The record of each employee shall include the name and Social Security number of the employee. Section 230.13. Approval of department  3. No person or firm shall furnish a personnel radiation monitoring service in this State without approval from the Department of Nuclear Safety. Section 230.14 Administrative Procedure Act-Application  4. The provisions of "The Illinois Administrative Procedure Act", approved September 22, 1975, are hereby expressly adopted and shall apply to all administrative rules and procedures of the Department of Nuclear Safety under this Act, except that Section 5 of the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act relating to procedures for rulemaking does not apply to the adoption of any rule required by federal law in connection with which the Department is precluded by law from exercising any discretion. Section 230.15. Rules pertaining to protection of personnel from radiation  5. In addition to the requirements of this Act, the employer shall be subject to other rules of the Department of Nuclear Safety pertaining to the protection of personnel who use, possess or are otherwise exposed to radiation sources at the work site. Such rules may include requirements pertaining to personnel training, personnel exposure limits, notices to personnel of exposures to radiation and other worker rights.