1.   The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, its
Administration, its international civilian staff, any individual
or legal entity, any public, semi-public or private
administrative entity that has contributed in any way to the
preparation, composition or promulgation of NATO Data and of any
related information or documentation, hereby  disclaim any
overall liability arising from any inappropriate, improper or
fraudulent use of the data provided to subscribers.

          Furthermore, neither the Organization, or members of
its International Staff shall be held liable for any financial
or other consequences whatsoever arising from such inappropriate,
improper or fraudulent use.

     2.   Moreover, the Organization reserves the right to
initiate any legal action it shall deem necessary.

          The Organization undertakes solely to provide to
subscriber-users of NATO data that information which the
Organization deems, on the basis of its own criteria and in its
Sovereign discretion, to be appropriate for disclosures.

          3.   The consultation or use of NATO data shall
automatically imply full acceptance of the above disclaimer of