PRESS COMMUNIQUE M-NACC-2(92)110 For Immediate Release (REVISED) 18th December 1992 WORK PLAN FOR DIALOGUE, PARTNERSHIP AND COOPERATION 1993 Issued at the meeting of the North Atlantic Cooperation Council held at NATO Headquarters, Brussels on 18th December 1992 Introduction The Foreign Ministers and Representatives of the member countries of the North Atlantic Cooperation Council have agreed to the following Work Plan for 1993 building on the foundations of dialogue, partnership and cooperation already established. * * * POLITICAL AND SECURITY RELATED MATTERS Topics: -- Political and security related matters; -- Conceptual approaches to arms control and disarmament; -- Conceptual and operational aspects related to peacekeeping; -- Nuclear disarmament and the security of new non-nuclear weapon states; Activities: -- Consultations of the Political Committee with cooperation partners, including as appropriate with experts, as a rule every two months; -- Consultations on specific issues in brainstorming format at Ambassadorial level; -- Consultations on peacekeeping and related matters, starting in a brainstorming format at Ambassadorial level followed by ad hoc meetings of political-military experts, as agreed by Ambassadors, leading to cooperation among interested NACC members in preparation for peacekeeping activities, including: joint sessions on planning of peacekeeping missions; joint participation in peacekeeping training; and consideration of possible joint peacekeeping exercises; -- Special consultations with cooperation partners on regional security issues, including enlarged Political Committee meetings focused on such issues; -- Meetings of each Regional Experts Group with experts from partner countries once a year; DEFENCE PLANNING ISSUES AND MILITARY MATTERS Topics: -- Principles and key aspects of strategy including crisis management, defensiveness, sufficiency and flexibility; -- Issues of defence planning; -- Force and command structures; -- Military contribution to conceptual approaches to all arms control and disarmament issues; -- Views on military exercises; -- Democratic control over the armed forces; -- Planning, management and analysis of national defence programmes and budgets; -- Concepts and methods of training and education in the defence field; -- Consultations on concepts of modernisation of command and control systems, including communications and information systems; -- Reserve forces including mix of active and reserve forces, force structures, training, categories, operational readiness and mobilisation; -- Conceptual discussion on the potential role of the armed forces in natural and technological disaster clean-up; Activities: -- Consultations of the Military Committee in a cooperation session at Chief of Staff level, and other MC meetings with the cooperation partners and consultations in other appropriate fora; -- Military contacts including high-level visits, staff talks and other exchanges, such as port visits; -- Exploratory team and expert team visits; -- Participation by cooperation partners in special and/or regular courses at the NATO Defence College and at the NATO School (SHAPE) at Oberammergau; -- Continuation of invitations to MNC Seminars like SHAPEX and to NAC Sea Day; -- Workshop on training and education, early 1993; -- Seminar on Defensive Military Strategy Structures and Posture; -- A special course to be held in Russia, similar to those taking place in NATO institutions in Rome and Oberammergau; DEFENCE CONVERSION Topic: -- Defence conversion, including its human dimension. Activities: -- Definition of pilot projects supported by nations on the basis of a mechanism and procedures established by the Economic Committee; -- Establishment of a data base on technical expertise and studies on examples of defence industry conversion in the NATO countries; -- Exploratory study of the need and feasibility for establishing a data base on defence industry to be converted in cooperation partner countries. ECONOMIC ISSUES Topic: -- Inter-relationship of defence expenditure and budgets with the economy. Activities: -- Consultations of the Economic Committee in sessions reinforced by experts with cooperation partners every 3 months; -- Participation of partner countries in the annual NATO colloquium on economic developments. SCIENCE Topic: -- Participation of cooperation partners' scientists in NATO science programmes giving emphasis to priority areas of interest to NATO and Cooperation Partners. Activities: -- Meeting of the Science Committee with counterparts from cooperation partner countries once a year; -- Attendance of scientists from cooperation partner countries in the new Advanced Research Perspective Programme activities (ARPP) and in Advanced Study Institutes (ASI) and Advanced Research Workshops (ARW) (approximately 2,000 scientists from cooperation partner countries); -- Holding ARPP, ASI and ARW meetings in cooperation partner countries (approximately 25 meetings); -- Participation of scientists from cooperation partner countries in the Collaborative Research Grants Programme (approximately 130 grants); -- Sending proceedings of NATO's scientific meetings to a central library in each cooperation partner country; -- Sponsoring visits of experts to cooperation partners' laboratories (approximately 15 visits); -- Sponsoring linkage grants between NATO and cooperation partners' laboratories (approximately 70 grants); -- Participation of scientists from cooperation partner countries in the Science Fellowships Programme (approximately 150-200 participants); -- Assisting cooperation partners in the assessment of research proposals through the use of the NATO peer review network of referees and experts; -- Disseminating literature on the Science programme to scientists in cooperation partner countries; -- Ways should be sought to involve Cooperation Partners in some Phase III projects of the Science for Stability Progamme. CHALLENGES OF MODERN SOCIETY (CCMS) Topics: -- Defence-related environmental issues; -- Pilot studies of interest to cooperation partners. Activities: -- Meeting of the Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society with counterparts from cooperation partner countries once a year; -- Participation of cooperation partners' experts in pilot study meetings; -- Participation of cooperation partners' experts in workshops, conferences and seminars related to CCMS pilot studies; -- Dissemination of information on CCMS pilot studies, workshops, conferences and seminars, as well as approved reports to cooperation partners; -- Pilot study on defence base cleanups; -- Pilot study on protecting civil populations from toxic material spills during movements of military and other dangerous, defence-related goods; -- Pilot study on existing cross-border environmental problems emanating from defence-related installations and activities; DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION Topic: -- Dissemination of information about NATO in the countries of cooperation partners Activities: -- A meeting of the Committee on Information and Cultural Relations (CICR) with cooperation partners; -- Information about NATO will be disseminated as widely as possible in the countries of cooperation partners, in particular to the relevant institutions and organisations, inter alia through embassies of NATO member countries serving as contact points and other diplomatic liaison channels; -- Close cooperation with information centres established by those cooperation partner countries interested and able to provide the necessary facilities, support personnel and services; -- Visits to NATO by groups; -- Sponsorship of a number of cooperation partners' representatives to attend seminars in Allied countries;1 -- Co-sponsorship with cooperation partners of seminars/workshops; -- NATO speakers' tours to cooperation partner states;1 -- Expansion of Democratic Institutions Fellowships programme (individual and institutional);1 -- Increased dissemination of NATO documentation in cooperation partner states, including specialised brochures and video clips POLICY PLANNING CONSULTATIONS Topic: -- A mid- and long-term foreign and security policy issue; such an issue might include the formulation of foreign policy in a democratic state Activity: -- A meeting of NATO's Atlantic Policy Advisory Group with cooperation partners AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT Topic: -- Civil-military coordination of air traffic management Activity: -- Two enlarged CEAC plenary sessions and, as appropriate, subordinate group meetings to discuss civil-military coordination