DRAFT NAFTA TARIFF PHASING (PRELIMINARY) 09/03/92 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Subhead Description Canada USA Mexico0101.11 Horses, live pure-bred breeding 0101.11.00 D 0101.11.00 D 0101.11.01 A 0101.19 Horses, live except pure-bred breeding 0101.19.00 D 0101.19.00 D 0101.19.01 A 0101.19.02 A 0101.19.03 A 0101.19.99 A 0101.20 Asses, mules and hinnies, live 0101.20.00 D 0101.20.10 D 0101.20.01 A 0101.20.20 A 0101.20.30 D 0101.20.40 A 0102.10 Bovine, live pure-bred breeding 0102.10.00 D 0102.10.00 D 0102.10.01 D 0102.90 Bovine, live except pure-bred breeding 0102.90.10 D 0102.90.20 D 0102.90.01 D 0102.90.90 A 0102.90.40 A 0102.90.02 D 0102.90.03 D 0102.90.99 D 0103.10 Swine, live pure-bred breeding 0103.10.00 D 0103.10.00 D 0103.10.01 D 0103.91 Swine, live except pure-bred breeding weighing less than 50 kg 0103.91.00 D 0103.91.00 D 0103.91.01 A 0103.91.99 Ctq 0103.92 Swine, live except pure-bred breeding weighing 50 kg or more 0103.92.00 D 0103.92.00 D 0103.92.01 A 0103.92.99 Ctq 0104.10 Sheep, live 0104.10.10 D 0104.10.00 D 0104.10.01 D 0104.10.90 A 0104.10.02 C 0104.10.99 C 0104.20 Goats, live 0104.20.10 D 0104.20.00 A 0104.20.01 D 0104.20.90 A 0104.20.99 B 0105.11 Fowls, live domestic weighing not more than 185 g 0105.11.10 D 0105.11.00 A 0105.11.01 EX 0105.11.90 Bg 0105.11.02 D 0105.11.9V Ex 0105.11.99 C 0105.19 Poultry, live except domestic fowls, weighing not more than 18 0105.19.10 D 0105.19.00 A 0105.19.99 C 0105.19.91 A 0105.19.92 Bg 0105.91 Fowls, live domestic weighing more than 185 g 0105.91.00 Ex 0105.91.00 A 0105.91.01 EX 0105.91.99 EX 0105.99 Poultry, live except domestic fowls, weighing more than 185 g 0105.99.00 Ex 0105.99.00 A 0105.99.99 EX 0106.00 Animals, live nes 0106.00.00 D 0106.00.10 A 0106.00.01 A 0106.00.30 A 0106.00.02 A 0106.00.50 D 0106.00.03 A 0106.00.99 C 0201.10 Bovine carcasses and half carcasses, fresh or chilled 0201.10.00 A 0201.10.00 A 0201.10.01 D 0201.20 Bovine cuts bone in, fresh or chilled 0201.20.00 A 0201.20.20 A 0201.20.99 D 0201.20.40 A 0201.20.60 A 0201.30 Bovine cuts boneless, fresh or chilled 0201.30.00 A 0201.30.20 A 0201.30.01 D 0201.30.40 A 0201.30.60 A 0202.10 Bovine carcasses and half carcasses, frozen 0202.10.00 A 0202.10.00 A 0202.10.01 D 0202.20 Bovine cuts bone in, frozen 0202.20.00 A 0202.20.20 A 0202.20.99 D 0202.20.40 A 0202.20.60 A 0202.30 Bovine cuts boneless, frozen 0202.30.00 Bg 0202.30.20 A 0202.30.01 D 0202.30.40 A 0202.30.60 A 0203.11 Swine carcasses and half carcasses, fresh or chilled 0203.11.00 D 0203.11.00 D 0203.11.01 Ctq 0203.12 Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, of swine bone in, fresh or 0203.12.00 D 0203.12.10 A 0203.12.01 Ctq 0203.12.90 D 0203.19 Swine cuts, fresh or chilled, nes 0203.19.00 D 0203.19.20 A 0203.19.99 Ctq 0203.19.40 D 0203.21 Swine carcasses and half carcasses, frozen 0203.21.00 D 0203.21.00 D 0203.21.01 Ctq 0203.22 Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, of swine, bone in, frozen 0203.22.00 D 0203.22.10 A 0203.22.01 Ctq 0203.22.90 D 0203.29 Swine cuts, frozen nes 0203.29.00 D 0203.29.20 A 0203.29.99 Ctq 0203.29.40 D 0204.10 Lamb carcasses and half carcasses, fresh or chilled 0204.10.00 A 0204.10.00 A 0204.10.01 C 0204.21 Sheep carcasses and half carcasses, fresh or chilled 0204.21.00 A 0204.21.00 A 0204.21.01 C 0204.22 Sheep cuts, bone in, fresh or chilled 0204.22.10 A 0204.22.20 A 0204.22.01 C 0204.22.20 A 0204.22.40 A 0204.23 Sheep cuts, boneless, fresh or chilled 0204.23.10 A 0204.23.20 A 0204.23.01 C 0204.23.20 A 0204.23.40 A 0204.30 Lamb carcasses and half carcasses, frozen 0204.30.00 A 0204.30.00 A 0204.30.01 C 0204.41 Sheep carcasses and half carcasses, frozen 0204.41.00 A 0204.41.00 A 0204.41.01 C 0204.42 Sheep cuts, bone in, frozen 0204.42.10 A 0204.42.20 A 0204.42.01 C 0204.42.20 A 0204.42.40 A 0204.43 Sheep cuts, boneless, frozen 0204.43.10 A 0204.43.20 A 0204.43.01 C 0204.43.20 A 0204.43.40 A 0204.50 Goat meat, fresh, chilled or frozen 0204.50.00 D 0204.50.00 D 0204.50.01 C 0205.00 Horse, ass, mule or hinny meat, fresh, chilled or frozen 0205.00.00 D 0205.00.00 D 0205.00.01 B 0206.10 Bovine edible offal, fresh or chilled 0206.10.00 D 0206.10.00 D 0206.10.01 C 0206.21 Bovine tongues, edible offal, frozen 0206.21.00 D 0206.21.00 D 0206.21.01 C 0206.22 Bovine livers, edible offal, frozen 0206.22.00 D 0206.22.00 D 0206.22.01 C 0206.29 Bovine edible offal, frozen nes 0206.29.00 D 0206.29.00 D 0206.29.99 C 0206.30 Swine edible offal, fresh or chilled 0206.30.00 D 0206.30.00 D 0206.30.01 C 0206.30.99 C 0206.41 Swine livers, edible offal, frozen 0206.41.00 D 0206.41.00 D 0206.41.01 C 0206.49 Swine edible offal, frozen nes 0206.49.00 D 0206.49.00 D 0206.49.01 D 0206.49.99 C 0206.80 Sheep, goats, asses, mules or hinnies edible offal, fresh or 0206.80.00 D 0206.80.00 D 0206.80.01 B 0206.90 Sheep, goats, asses, mules or hinnies edible offal, frozen 0206.90.00 D 0206.90.00 D 0206.90.01 B 0207.10 Poultry, domestic, whole, fresh or chilled 0207.10.00 Ex 0207.10.20 A 0207.10.01 EX 0207.10.40 A 0207.21 Fowls, domestic, whole, frozen 0207.21.00 Ex 0207.21.00 A 0207.21.01 EX 0207.22 Turkeys, domestic, whole, frozen 0207.22.00 Ex 0207.22.20 A 0207.22.01 EX 0207.22.40 A 0207.23 Ducks, geese and guinea fowls, domestic, whole, frozen 0207.23.00 Bg 0207.23.00 A 0207.23.01 CAg 0207.31 Fatty livers of geese or ducks, domestic fresh or chilled 0207.31.00 D 0207.31.00 A 0207.31.01 C 0207.39 Poultry cuts and offal, domestic except geese or ducks livers 0207.39.00 Ex 0207.39.00 A 0207.39.01 EX 0207.39.99 EX 0207.41 Fowl cuts and offal, domestic, except livers, frozen 0207.41.00 Ex 0207.41.00 A 0207.41.0X EX 0207.41.0Y EX 0207.41.0Z EX 0207.41.01 Bp 0207.42 Turkey cuts and offal, except livers, frozen 0207.42.00 Ex 0207.42.00 A 0207.42.0Y EX 0207.42.0Z EX 0207.42.0Z EX 0207.42.01 Bp 0207.43 Duck, geese or guinea fowl cuts and offal, domestic, except 0207.43.00 Bg 0207.43.00 A 0207.43.01 CAg 0207.50 Poultry livers, domestic, frozen 0207.50.00 D 0207.50.00 A 0207.50.01 EX 0208.10 Rabbit or hare meat and edible meat offal, fresh, chilled or 0208.10.00 D 0208.10.00 A 0208.10.01 C 0208.20 Frog legs, fresh, chilled or frozen 0208.20.00 D 0208.20.00 D 0208.20.01 A 0208.90 Meat and edible meat offal, nes fresh, chilled or frozen 0208.90.00 D 0208.90.20 D 0208.90.99 C 0208.90.30 A 0208.90.40 A 0209.00 Pig fat lean meat free and poultry fat unrendered, fresh, 0209.00.10 D 0209.00.00 A 0209.00.0X EX 0209.00.20 Ex 0209.00.01 CAg 0210.11 Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, of swine bone in, cured 0210.11.00 A 0210.11.00 A 0210.11.01 Ctq 0210.12 Bellies, streaky and cuts thereof, swine cured 0210.12.00 A 0210.12.00 A 0210.12.01 Ctq 0210.19 Swine meat cured, nes 0210.19.10 D 0210.19.00 A 0210.19.99 Ctq 0210.19.90 A 0210.20 Bovine meat cured 0210.20.00 A 0210.20.00 A 0210.20.01 C 0210.90 Meat and edible meat offal cured nes and edible meat or offal, 0210.90.10 Ex 0210.90.20 A 0210.90.01 C 0210.90.90 A 0210.90.40 A 0210.90.02 C 0210.90.99 EX 0301.10 Ornamental fish, live 0301.10.00 D 0301.10.00 D 0301.10.01 A 0301.91 Trout, live 0301.91.00 D 0301.91.00 D 0301.91.01 A 0301.92 Eels, live 0301.92.00 D 0301.92.00 D 0301.92.01 A 0301.93 Carp, live 0301.93.00 D 0301.93.00 D 0301.93.01 A 0301.99 Fish live, nes 0301.99.00 D 0301.99.00 D 0301.99.01 A 0301.99.99 B 0302.11 Trout, fresh or chilled excluding heading No 03.04, livers and 0302.11.00 D 0302.11.00 D 0302.11.01 A 0302.12 Salmon Pacific, Atlantic & Danube, fr or chd excl hd No 03.04, 0302.12.00 D 0302.12.00 D 0302.12.01 A 0302.19 Salmonidae nes, fresh or chilled, excl heading No 03.04, liver 0302.19.00 D 0302.19.00 D 0302.19.99 A 0302.21 Halibut, fresh or chilled, excluding heading No 03.04, livers 0302.21.00 D 0302.21.00 D 0302.21.01 B 0302.22 Plaice, fresh or chilled, excl heading No 03.04, livers and 0302.22.00 D 0302.22.00 A 0302.22.01 A 0302.23 Sole, fresh or chilled, excluding heading No 03.04, livers and 0302.23.00 D 0302.23.00 A 0302.23.01 A 0302.29 Flatfish nes, fresh or chilled excluding heading No 03.04, 0302.29.00 D 0302.29.00 A 0302.29.99 A 0302.31 Tunas,albacore or longfinned,fr or chd excl heading No 03.04, 0302.31.00 D 0302.31.00 D 0302.31.01 C 0302.32 Tunas, yellowfin, fresh or chilled, excl heading No 03.04, 0302.32.00 D 0302.32.00 D 0302.32.01 C 0302.33 Skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito, fr or chd,excl heading No 0302.33.00 D 0302.33.00 D 0302.33.01 C 0302.39 Tunas nes, fresh or chilled, excluding heading No 03.04, liver 0302.39.00 D 0302.39.00 D 0302.39.99 C 0302.40 Herrings, fresh or chilled, excluding heading No 03.04, livers 0302.40.00 D 0302.40.00 D 0302.40.01 A 0302.50 Cod, fresh or chilled, excluding heading No 03.04, livers and 0302.50.00 D 0302.50.00 D 0302.50.01 A 0302.61 Sardines,sardinella,brisling or sprats, fr or chd,excl hd No 0302.61.00 D 0302.61.00 A 0302.61.01 B 0302.62 Haddock, fresh or chilled, excluding heading No 03.04, livers 0302.62.00 D 0302.62.00 D 0302.62.01 A 0302.63 Coalfish, fresh or chilled, excluding heading No 03.04, livers 0302.63.00 D 0302.63.00 D 0302.63.01 A 0302.64 Mackerel, fresh or chilled, excluding heading No 03.04, livers 0302.64.00 D 0302.64.00 D 0302.64.01 A 0302.65 Dogfish and other sharks, fresh or chd, excl heading No 03.04, 0302.65.00 D 0302.65.00 A 0302.65.01 A 0302.66 Eels, fresh or chilled, excluding heading No 03.04, livers and 0302.66.00 D 0302.66.00 D 0302.66.01 A 0302.69 Fish nes, fresh or chilled excl heading No 03.04, livers and 0302.69.00 D 0302.69.10 A 0302.69.01 A 0302.69.20 D 0302.69.99 B 0302.69.40 A 0302.70 Livers and roes, fresh or chilled 0302.70.00 A 0302.70.20 A 0302.70.01 A 0302.70.40 D 0303.10 Salmon, Pacific, frozen, excluding heading No 03.04, livers an 0303.10.00 D 0303.10.00 D 0303.10.01 A 0303.21 Trout, frozen, excluding heading No 03.04, livers and roes 0303.21.00 D 0303.21.00 D 0303.21.01 A 0303.22 Salmon Atlantic,frozen,excluding heading No 03.04, livers and 0303.22.00 D 0303.22.00 D 0303.22.01 A 0303.29 Salmonidae, nes,frozen,excluding heading No 03.04, livers and 0303.29.00 D 0303.29.00 D 0303.29.99 A 0303.31 Halibut, frozen, excluding heading No 03.04, livers and roes 0303.31.00 D 0303.31.00 D 0303.31.01 B 0303.32 Plaice, frozen, excluding heading No 03.04, livers and roes 0303.32.00 D 0303.32.00 A 0303.32.01 A 0303.33 Sole, frozen, excluding heading No 03.04, livers and roes 0303.33.00 D 0303.33.00 A 0303.33.01 A 0303.39 Flatfish nes, frozen, excluding heading No 03.04, livers and 0303.39.00 D 0303.39.00 A 0303.39.99 A 0303.41 Tunas, albacore or longfinned, frozen, excl heading No 03.04, 0303.41.00 D 0303.41.00 D 0303.41.01 C 0303.42 Tunas, yellowfin, frozen excluding heading No 03.04, livers an 0303.42.00 D 0303.42.00 D 0303.42.01 C 0303.43 Skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito,frozen excl heading No 03.04 0303.43.00 D 0303.43.00 D 0303.43.01 C 0303.49 Tunas nes, frozen, excluding heading No 03.04, livers and roes 0303.49.00 D 0303.49.00 D 0303.49.01 C 0303.50 Herrings, frozen, excluding heading No 03.04, livers and roes 0303.50.00 D 0303.50.00 D 0303.50.01 A 0303.60 Cod, frozen, excluding heading No 03.04, livers and roes 0303.60.00 D 0303.60.00 D 0303.60.01 A 0303.71 Sardines,sardinella,brisling or sprats, frozen excl hd No 0303.71.00 D 0303.71.00 A 0303.71.01 B 0303.72 Haddock, frozen, excluding heading No 03.04, livers and roes 0303.72.00 D 0303.72.00 D 0303.72.01 A 0303.73 Coalfish, frozen, excluding heading No 03.04, livers and roes 0303.73.00 D 0303.73.00 D 0303.73.01 A 0303.74 Mackerel, frozen, excluding heading No 03.04, livers and roes 0303.74.00 D 0303.74.00 D 0303.74.01 A 0303.75 Dogfish and other sharks, frozen, excl heading No 03.04, liver 0303.75.00 D 0303.75.00 A 0303.75.01 A 0303.76 Eels, frozen, excluding heading No 03.04, livers and roes 0303.76.00 D 0303.76.00 D 0303.76.01 A 0303.77 Sea bass, frozen, excluding heading No 03.04, livers and roes 0303.77.00 D 0303.77.00 A 0303.77.01 A 0303.78 Hake, frozen, excluding heading No 03.04, livers and roes 0303.78.00 D 0303.78.00 D 0303.78.01 A 0303.79 Fish nes, frozen, excluding heading No 03.04, livers and roes 0303.79.00 D 0303.79.20 D 0303.79.99 A 0303.79.40 A 0303.80 Livers and roes, frozen 0303.80.00 A 0303.80.20 A 0303.80.01 A 0303.80.40 D 0304.10 Fish fillets and other fish meat, minced or not, fresh or 0304.10.00 D 0304.10.10 C 0304.10.01 C 0304.10.30 A 0304.10.40 D 0304.20 Fish fillets frozen 0304.20.00 D 0304.20.20 D 0304.20.01 C 0304.20.30 C 0304.20.50 A 0304.20.60 D 0304.90 Fish meat nes, minced or not, frozen 0304.90.00 D 0304.90.10 D 0304.90.99 B 0304.90.90 A 0305.10 Fish meal fit for human consumption 0305.10.00 A 0305.10.20 D 0305.10.01 A 0305.10.40 A 0305.20 Livers and roes, dried, smoked, salted or in brine 0305.20.00 A 0305.20.20 A 0305.20.01 A 0305.20.40 D 0305.30 Fish fillets, dried, salted or in brine but not smoked 0305.30.00 D 0305.30.20 B 0305.30.01 B 0305.30.40 B 0305.30.60 D 0305.41 Salmon, Pacific, Atlantic and Danube, smoked including fillets 0305.41.00 D 0305.41.00 A 0305.41.01 A 0305.42 Herrings smoked, including fillets 0305.42.00 D 0305.42.00 D 0305.42.01 A 0305.49 Fish nes, smoked including fillets 0305.49.00 D 0305.49.20 A 0305.49.01 A 0305.49.40 D 0305.49.99 A 0305.51 Cod dried, whether or not salted but not smoked 0305.51.00 D 0305.51.00 A 0305.51.01 A 0305.51.99 A 0305.59 Fish nes, dried, whether or not salted but not smoked 0305.59.00 D 0305.59.20 A 0305.59.01 A 0305.59.40 A 0305.59.99 A 0305.61 Herrings, salted and in brine, but not dried or smoked 0305.61.00 D 0305.61.20 A 0305.61.01 A 0305.61.40 D 0305.62 Cod, salted and in brine, but not dried or smoked 0305.62.00 D 0305.62.00 D 0305.62.01 A 0305.63 Anchovies, salted and in brine, but not dried or smoked 0305.63.00 D 0305.63.20 A 0305.63.01 A 0305.63.40 A 0305.63.60 D 0305.69 Fish nes, salted and in brine, but not dried or smoked 0305.69.00 D 0305.69.10 D 0305.69.99 A 0305.69.20 A 0305.69.30 D 0305.69.40 A 0305.69.50 A 0305.69.60 A 0306.11 Rock lobster & other sea crawfish,frozen in shell or not, incl 0306.11.00 C 0306.11.00 D 0306.11.01 C 0306.12 Lobsters nes, frozen, in shell, boiled 0306.12.00 D 0306.12.00 D 0306.12.01 B 0306.13 Shrimps and prawns, frozen, in shell or not, including boiled 0306.13.00 D 0306.13.00 D 0306.13.01 C 0306.14 Crabs frozen, in shell or not, including boiled in shell 0306.14.00 A 0306.14.20 A 0306.14.01 A 0306.14.40 D 0306.19 Crustaceans nes, frozen, in shell or not including boiled in 0306.19.00 A 0306.19.00 D 0306.19.99 A 0306.21 Rock lobster & other sea crawfish not fz,in shell or not, incl 0306.21.00 C 0306.21.00 D 0306.21.01 C 0306.22 Lobsters nes, not frozen, in shell, including boiled in shell 0306.22.00 D 0306.22.00 D 0306.22.01 B 0306.23 Shrimps and prawns, not frozen, in shell or not, including 0306.23.00 D 0306.23.00 D 0306.23.01 C 0306.24 Crabs, not frozen, in shell or not, including boiled in shell 0306.24.00 A 0306.24.20 A 0306.24.01 A 0306.24.40 D 0306.29 Crustaceans nes, not frozen, in shell or not, including boiled 0306.29.00 A 0306.29.00 D 0306.29.99 A 0307.10 Oysters, shelled or not, live, fresh, chilled,frozen,dried, 0307.10.10 A 0307.10.00 D 0307.10.01 B 0307.10.20 D 0307.21 Scallops, including queen scallops, shelled or not, live, fres 0307.21.00 D 0307.21.00 D 0307.21.01 B 0307.29 Scallops, incl queen scallops, shelled or not,frozen, dried, 0307.29.10 D 0307.29.00 D 0307.29.99 B 0307.29.20 B 0307.31 Mussels, shelled or not, live, fresh or chilled 0307.31.00 D 0307.31.00 D 0307.31.01 B 0307.39 Mussels, shelled or not, frozen, dried, salted or in brine 0307.39.00 D 0307.39.00 D 0307.39.99 B 0307.41 Cuttle fish and squid, shelled or not, live, fresh or chilled 0307.41.00 D 0307.41.00 D 0307.41.01 B 0307.41.99 A 0307.49 Cuttle fish and squid, shelled or not, frozen, dried, salted o 0307.49.00 D 0307.49.00 D 0307.49.01 B 0307.49.99 A 0307.51 Octopus, live, fresh or chilled 0307.51.00 D 0307.51.00 D 0307.51.01 A 0307.59 Octopus, frozen, dried, salted or in brine 0307.59.00 D 0307.59.00 D 0307.59.99 B 0307.60 Snails, (excl sea) shelled or not, live, fresh, chd, fz, 0307.60.00 D 0307.60.00 A 0307.60.01 A 0307.91 Molluscs nes,shelled or not,and aquatic invertebrates nes,live 0307.91.00 D 0307.91.00 D 0307.91.01 A 0307.99 Molluscs nes, shelled or not and aquatic invert nes, fz, 0307.99.00 D 0307.99.00 D 0307.99.99 A 0401.10 Milk not concentrated and unsweetened not exceeding 1% fat 0401.10.00 Ex 0401.10.00 A 0401.10.01 EX 0401.10.99 EX 0401.20 Milk not concentrated and unsweetened exceeding 1% not 0401.20.00 Ex 0401.20.20 A 0401.20.01 EX 0401.20.40 A 0401.20.99 EX 0401.30 Milk and cream not concentrated and unsweetened exceeding 6% 0401.30.00 Ex 0401.30.10 C 0401.30.01 EX 0401.30.30 C 0401.30.99 EX 0401.30.40 C 0402.10 Milk powder not exceeding 1.5% fat 0402.10.00 Ex 0402.10.00 C 0402.10.01 EX 0402.10.99 EX 0402.21 Milk and cream powder unsweetened exceeding 1.5% fat 0402.21.10 Ex 0402.21.20 C 0402.21.01 EX 0402.21.20 Ex 0402.21.40 C 0402.21.99 EX 0402.21.60 C 0402.29 Milk and cream powder sweetened exceeding 1.5% fat 0402.29.10 Ex 0402.29.00 C 0402.29.99 EX 0402.29.20 Ex 0402.91 Milk and cream unsweetened, nes 0402.91.00 Ex 0402.91.20 C 0402.91.01 EX 0402.91.40 C 0402.91.99 EX 0402.99 Milk and cream nes sweetened 0402.99.00 Ex 0402.99.20 C 0402.99.01 EX 0402.99.40 C 0402.99.99 EX 0402.99.60 C 0403.10 Yogurt concentrated or not, sweetened or not, flavoured or 0403.10.00 Ex 0403.10.00 C 0403.10.01 EX 0403.90 Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, kephir and ferm or acid 0403.90.10 Ex 0403.90.10 C 0403.90.01 EX 0403.90.90 Ex 0403.90.15 C 0403.90.99 EX 0403.90.20 C 0403.90.40 C 0403.90.50 C 0403.90.60 C 0403.90.70 C 0403.90.75 C 0403.90.80 C 0404.10 Whey whether or not concentrated or sweetened 0404.10.10 Ex 0404.10.20 A 0404.10.01 EX 0404.10.90 Ex 0404.10.40 C 0404.90 Products consisting of natural milk constituents sweetened or 0404.90.00 Ex 0404.90.05 A 0404.90.99 EX 0404.90.10 A 0404.90.20 C 0404.90.40 C 0404.90.60 C 0405.00 Butter and other fats and oils derived from milk 0405.00.10 Ex 0405.00.70 C 0405.00.01 EX 0405.00.90 Ex 0405.00.75 C 0405.00.02 EX 0405.00.80 C 0405.00.03 EX 0405.00.99 EX 0406.10 Cheese, fresh (including whey cheese) unfermented, and curd 0406.10.00 Ex 0406.10.10 A 0406.10.01 EX 0406.10.50 C 0406.20 Cheese, grated or powdered, of all kinds 0406.20.10 Ex 0406.20.10 C 0406.20.01 EX 0406.20.90 Ex 0406.20.20 C 0406.20.30 C 0406.20.35 C 0406.20.40 C 0406.20.50 C 0406.20.55 C 0406.20.60 C 0406.30 Cheese processed, not grated or powdered 0406.30.00 Ex 0406.30.10 C 0406.30.01 EX 0406.30.20 C 0406.30.99 EX 0406.30.30 C 0406.30.40 C 0406.30.50 C 0406.30.55 C 0406.30.60 C 0406.40 Cheese, blue-veined 0406.40.00 Ex 0406.40.20 C 0406.40.01 EX 0406.40.40 C 0406.40.60 C 0406.40.80 C 0406.90 Cheese nes 0406.90.10 Ex 0406.90.05 C 0406.90.01 EX 0406.90.90 Ex 0406.90.10 C 0406.90.02 EX 0406.90.15 C 0406.90.03 EX 0406.90.20 C 0406.90.04 EX 0406.90.25 C 0406.90.05 EX 0406.90.30 C 0406.90.06 EX 0406.90.35 C 0406.90.99 EX 0406.90.40 C 0406.90.45 C 0406.90.50 D 0406.90.55 D 0406.90.60 C 0406.90.65 C 0406.90.70 C 0406.90.80 C 0407.00 Eggs, bird, in shell, fresh, preserved or cooked 0407.00.00 Ex 0407.00.00 A 0407.00.01 EX 0407.00.02 EX 0407.00.99 EX 0408.11 Egg yolks dried 0408.11.00 Ex 0408.11.00 A 0408.11.01 EX 0408.19 Egg yolks nes 0408.19.00 Ex 0408.19.00 A 0408.19.99 EX 0408.91 Eggs, bird, not in shell, dried 0408.91.00 Ex 0408.91.00 A 0408.91.01 EX 0408.91.99 EX 0408.99 Eggs, bird, not in shell nes 0408.99.00 Ex 0408.99.00 A 0408.99.01 EX 0408.99.99 EX 0409.00 Honey, natural 0409.00.00 A 0409.00.00 C 0409.00.01 A 0410.00 Edible products of animal origin nes 0410.00.00 A 0410.00.00 A 0410.00.01 C 0501.00 Hair, human, unworked washed or scoured or not and waste 0501.00.00 D 0501.00.00 A 0501.00.01 A 0502.10 Bristles, hair and waste of pigs, hogs or boars 0502.10.00 D 0502.10.00 A 0502.10.01 A 0502.90 Hair and waste of badger and of other brushmaking hair 0502.90.00 D 0502.90.00 D 0502.90.99 A 0503.00 Horsehair and waste put up or not as a layer with or without 0503.00.10 Bg 0503.00.00 D 0503.00.01 A 0503.00.90 D 0504.00 Guts, bladders and stomachs of animals except fish whole or in 0504.00.00 D 0504.00.00 D 0504.00.01 C 0505.10 Feathers used for stuffing and down cleaned, disinfected or 0505.10.00 D 0505.10.00 A 0505.10.01 A 0505.90 Feathers & down nes clnd, disinfected presvd,feathered pts & 0505.90.00 D 0505.90.00 A 0505.90.99 A 0506.10 Ossein and bones treated with acid, unworked, defatted or 0506.10.10 D 0506.10.00 D 0506.10.01 A 0506.10.90 A 0506.90 Bones and horn-cores degelatinised,unwk, defatted or simply 0506.90.00 D 0506.90.00 D 0506.90.99 A 0507.10 Ivory unworked or simply prepared not cut to shape and powder 0507.10.00 D 0507.10.00 D 0507.10.01 A 0507.90 Whalebone, horns, etc unworked or simply prepared, unshaped, 0507.90.00 D 0507.90.00 D 0507.90.01 B 0507.90.99 A 0508.00 Coral & sim mat, shellfish shells,cuttle bone, echinoderm unwk 0508.00.00 D 0508.00.00 D 0508.00.01 A 0508.00.99 A 0509.00 Sponges, natural of animal origin 0509.00.00 D 0509.00.00 A 0509.00.01 A 0510.00 Ambergris, castoreum, etc, bile dried or not & animal gland & 0510.00.10 D 0510.00.20 A 0510.00.01 A 0510.00.90 A 0510.00.40 D 0510.00.02 A 0510.00.03 A 0510.00.99 A 0511.10 Semen bovine 0511.10.00 D 0511.10.00 D 0511.10.01 D 0511.91 Fish, shellfish & aqua invert prod nes & dead animals of Ch 3 0511.91.00 D 0511.91.00 D 0511.91.01 A 0511.91.99 A 0511.99 Animal products nes & dead animals of Chapter I unfit for huma 0511.99.00 D 0511.99.20 D 0511.99.01 A 0511.99.30 D 0511.99.02 A 0511.99.40 A 0511.99.03 D 0511.99.99 C 0601.10 Bulbs, tubers, tuberous roots, corms, crowns and rhizomes, 0601.10.11 Bg 0601.10.15 A 0601.10.01 D 0601.10.19 D 0601.10.30 A 0601.10.99 D 0601.10.21 D 0601.10.45 A 0601.10.22 Bg 0601.10.60 A 0601.10.23 D 0601.10.75 A 0601.10.29 Bg 0601.10.85 A 0601.10.90 A 0601.20 Bulbs, tubers, corms etc in growth or in flower & chicory 0601.20.10 Bg 0601.20.10 A 0601.20.01 A 0601.20.21 D 0601.20.90 A 0601.20.02 A 0601.20.22 D 0601.20.99 A 0601.20.29 Bg 0602.10 Cuttings and slips, unrooted 0602.10.00 D 0602.10.00 A 0602.10.01 D 0602.20 Trees, edible fruit or nut, shrubs and bushes, grafted or not 0602.20.00 D 0602.20.00 D 0602.20.01 A 0602.20.02 A 0602.20.03 A 0602.20.99 A 0602.30 Rhododendrons and azaleas,grafted or not 0602.30.00 D 0602.30.00 A 0602.30.01 A 0602.40 Roses, grafted or not 0602.40.10 Bg 0602.40.00 D 0602.40.01 D 0602.40.90 D 0602.40.99 A 0602.91 Mushroom spawn 0602.91.00 D 0602.91.00 A 0602.91.01 A 0602.99 Plants, live (including their roots),nes 0602.99.10 D 0602.99.20 D 0602.99.01 A 0602.99.91 D 0602.99.30 A 0602.99.02 A 0602.99.99 Bg 0602.99.40 A 0602.99.03 A 0602.99.60 A 0602.99.04 A 0602.99.90 A 0602.99.05 D 0602.99.99 A 0603.10 Cut flowers & flower buds for bouquets or ornamental purposes, 0603.10.10 A 0603.10.30 A 0603.10.01 A 0603.10.90 Ctq 0603.10.60 B 0603.10.99 A 0603.10.70 A 0603.10.80 A 0603.90 Cut flowers & flower buds for bouquets or ornamental purposes, 0603.90.10 Bg 0603.90.00 A 0603.90.99 A 0603.90.90 Bg 0604.10 Mosses and lichens suitable for bouquets or for ornamental 0604.10.00 D 0604.10.00 D 0604.10.01 D 0604.10.99 A 0604.91 Foliage,branch & pts of plant w/o flo or bud,grass, for 0604.91.10 D 0604.91.00 D 0604.91.01 A 0604.91.20 D 0604.91.99 A 0604.91.30 D 0604.91.90 Bg 0604.99 Foliage,branch,etc w/o flowers or buds & grass for bouquet or 0604.99.10 D 0604.99.30 D 0604.99.01 A 0604.99.90 Bg 0604.99.60 A 0604.99.99 A 0701.10 Potatoes seed, fresh or chilled 0701.10.00 Bg 0701.10.00 A 0701.10.01 D 0701.90 Potatoes, fresh or chilled nes 0701.90.00 Bg 0701.90.10 A 0701.90.99 CAg 0701.90.50 B 0702.00 Tomatoes, fresh or chilled 0702.00.10 Bg 0702.00.0W Ctq 0702.00.XX A 0702.00.91 Ctq 0702.00.0X B 0702.00.XY A 0702.00.99 D 0702.00.0Y Ctq 0702.00.XZ A 0702.00.0Z A 0702.00.0X A 0702.00.40 B 0702.00.0Y A 0702.00.60 Ctq 0702.00.0Z A 0703.10 Onions and shallots, fresh or chilled 0703.10.10 Bg 0703.10.20 A 0703.10.01 B 0703.10.21 Bg 0703.10.30 A 0703.10.99 A 0703.10.29 D 0703.10.4X Ctq 0703.10.31 Ctq 0703.10.4Y C 0703.10.39 D 0703.10.91 Bg 0703.10.99 D 0703.20 Garlic, fresh or chilled 0703.20.00 Bg 0703.20.00 A 0703.20.01 A 0703.20.99 A 0703.90 Leeks and other alliaceous vegetables, fresh or chilled 0703.90.00 Bg 0703.90.00 B 0703.90.01 A 0703.90.0X B 0704.10 Cauliflowers and headed broccoli, fresh or chilled 0704.10.11 Bg 0704.10.20 A 0704.10.XX A 0704.10.12 Bg 0704.10.0X C 0704.10.XY A 0704.10.90 D 0704.10.0Y B 0704.10.0X A 0704.10.0Z A 0704.10.0Y A 0704.10.60 C 0704.10.0Z A 0704.20 Brussels sprouts, fresh or chilled 0704.20.11 Bg 0704.20.0X C 0704.20.01 A 0704.20.12 Bg 0704.20.0Y B 0704.20.90 D 0704.90 Cabbages, kohlrabi, kale and sim edible brassicas nes, fresh o 0704.90.10 Bg 0704.90.20 A 0704.90.01 A 0704.90.21 C 0704.90.4W C+ 0704.90.9W A 0704.90.29 D 0704.90.4X B 0704.90.9X A 0704.90.31 Bg 0704.90.4Y B 0704.90.9Y A 0704.90.39 D 0704.90.4Z A 0704.90.9Z A 0704.90.41 Bg 0704.90.49 D 0704.90.90 A 0705.11 Cabbage lettuce (head lettuce) fresh or chilled 0705.11.11 Bg 0705.11.20 A 0705.11.0X A 0705.11.12 Bg 0705.11.0X C 0705.11.0Y A 0705.11.90 D 0705.11.0Y B 0705.11.0Z A 0705.11.0Z B 0705.19 Lettuce, fresh or chilled nes 0705.19.11 Bg 0705.19.20 A 0705.19.9X A 0705.19.12 Bg 0705.19.0X C 0705.19.9Y A 0705.19.90 D 0705.19.0Y B 0705.19.9Z A 0705.19.0Z B 0705.19.99 A 0705.21 Witloof chicory, fresh or chilled 0705.21.00 D 0705.21.00 A 0705.21.01 A 0705.29 Chicory, fresh or chilled, nes 0705.29.00 D 0705.29.00 A 0705.29.99 A 0706.10 Carrots and turnips, fresh or chilled 0706.10.11 C 0706.10.05 A 0706.10.01 A 0706.10.12 C 0706.10.10 A 0706.10.21 Bg 0706.10.20 B 0706.10.22 Bg 0706.10.40 D 0706.10.30 D 0706.10.40 D 0706.90 Salad beetroot,salsify,celeriac,radishes & sim edible roots, 0706.90.10 Bg 0706.90.20 A 0706.90.99 A 0706.90.21 Bg 0706.90.30 A 0706.90.22 Bg 0706.90.40 B 0706.90.30 D 0706.90.40 Bg 0706.90.51 Bg 0706.90.59 D 0706.90.90 D 0707.00 Cucumbers and gherkins, fresh or chilled 0707.00.10 C 0707.00.0V A 0707.00.0W A 0707.00.91 Ctq 0707.00.0W C+ 0707.00.0X A 0707.00.99 D 0707.00.0X B 0707.00.0Y A 0707.00.0Y B 0707.00.0Z A 0707.00.0Z C+ 0707.00.01 A 0707.00.60 A 0708.10 Peas, shelled or unshelled, fresh or chilled 0708.10.10 Bg 0708.10.20 A 0708.10.01 A 0708.10.91 Bg 0708.10.40 A 0708.10.99 D 0708.20 Beans, shelled or unshelled, fresh or chilled 0708.20.10 Bg 0708.20.10 A 0708.20.01 A 0708.20.21 Bg 0708.20.20 D 0708.20.22 Bg 0708.20.0X C 0708.20.30 D 0708.20.0Y B 0708.20.91 D 0708.20.99 Bg 0708.90 Leguminous vegetables, shelled or unshelled, fresh or chilled 0708.90.10 D 0708.90.05 A 0708.90.99 A 0708.90.90 A 0708.90.15 A 0708.90.25 D 0708.90.30 A 0708.90.40 B 0709.10 Globe artichokes, fresh or chilled 0709.10.00 D 0709.10.00 A 0709.10.01 A 0709.20 Asparagus, fresh or chilled 0709.20.10 Bg 0709.20.10 A 0709.20.0V A 0709.20.91 Bg 0709.20.0X C+ 0709.20.0W A 0709.20.99 D 0709.20.0Y C+ 0709.20.0X A 0709.20.0Z A 0709.20.0Y A 0709.20.90 C 0709.20.0Z A 0709.30 Aubergines(egg-plants), fresh or chilled 0709.30.00 D 0709.30.0X Ctq 0709.30.01 A 0709.30.0Y A 0709.30.0Z C 0709.30.40 C 0709.40 Celery, other than celeriac, fresh or chilled 0709.40.11 Bg 0709.40.20 C 0709.40.XX A 0709.40.12 Bg 0709.40.40 A 0709.40.XY A 0709.40.90 D 0709.40.0X C 0709.40.XZ A 0709.40.0Y B 0709.40.YY A 0709.51 Mushrooms, fresh or chilled 0709.51.10 Bg 0709.51.00 C 0709.51.01 A 0709.51.90 Bg 0709.52 Truffles, fresh or chilled 0709.52.00 D 0709.52.00 D 0709.52.01 A 0709.60 Peppers of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta, fresh o 0709.60.10 Bg 0709.60.0W C 0709.60.0X A 0709.60.90 D 0709.60.0X C 0709.60.0Y A 0709.60.0Y Ctq 0709.60.01 A 0709.60.0Z A 0709.70 Spinach, N-Z spinach and orache spinach (garden spinach), fres 0709.70.00 D 0709.70.0X B 0709.70.01 A 0709.70.0Y B 0709.90 Vegetables, fresh or chilled nes 0709.90.10 D 0709.90.05 A 0709.90.99 A 0709.90.20 Bg 0709.90.10 A 0709.90.31 Bg 0709.90.13 A 0709.90.39 D 0709.90.16 A 0709.90.41 Bg 0709.90.0N Ctq 0709.90.49 D 0709.90.0P B 0709.90.51 Bg 0709.90.0N B 0709.90.52 Bg 0709.90.0P B 0709.90.60 D 0709.90.0Q B 0709.90.91 D 0709.90.0R B 0709.90.99 Bg 0709.90.0S B 0709.90.0T B 0709.90.0U B 0709.90.0V B 0709.90.0W B 0709.90.0X B 0709.90.0Y B 0709.90.0Z C 0709.90.30 A 0709.90.35 A 0710.10 Potatoes, frozen 0710.10.00 Bg 0710.10.00 B 0710.10.01 Ctq 0710.21 Peas, frozen 0710.21.00 Bg 0710.21.20 A 0710.21.01 A 0710.21.40 A 0710.22 Beans, frozen 0710.22.00 Bg 0710.22.10 A 0710.22.01 A 0710.22.15 A 0710.22.20 D 0710.22.25 A 0710.22.37 B 0710.22.40 B 0710.29 Leguminous vegetables frozen nes 0710.29.10 D 0710.29.05 A 0710.29.99 A 0710.29.90 Bg 0710.29.15 A 0710.29.25 D 0710.29.30 A 0710.29.40 B 0710.30 Spinach, N-Z spinach and orache spinach (garden spinach), 0710.30.00 D 0710.30.00 A 0710.30.01 A 0710.40 Sweet corn, frozen 0710.40.00 Bg 0710.40.00 B 0710.40.01 B 0710.80 Vegetables, frozen nes 0710.80.10 C 0710.80.10 D 0710.80.XX A 0710.80.20 Ctq 0710.80.20 C 0710.80.XY A 0710.80.30 Bg 0710.80.40 A 0710.80.XZ A 0710.80.41 C 0710.80.45 A 0710.80.YX A 0710.80.49 Bg 0710.80.50 A 0710.80.YY A 0710.80.50 Bg 0710.80.60 A 0710.80.01 A 0710.80.91 D 0710.80.65 A 0710.80.9X A 0710.80.99 Bg 0710.80.70 A 0710.80.9Y A 0710.80.85 C 0710.80.9Z A 0710.80.93 A 0710.80.99 A 0710.80.9U C 0710.80.9V C 0710.80.9W C 0710.80.9X C 0710.80.9Y C 0710.80.9Z B 0710.90 Mixtures of vegetables, frozen 0710.90.00 C 0710.90.10 A 0710.90.0X A 0710.90.90 B 0710.90.0Y A 0711.10 Onions, provisionally preserved but not suitable for immediate 0711.10.00 Bg 0711.10.00 A 0711.10.01 A 0711.20 Olives, provisionally preserved but not suitable for immediate 0711.20.00 D 0711.20.15 A 0711.20.01 A 0711.20.25 B 0711.20.40 C 0711.30 Capers, provisionally preserved but not suitable for immediate 0711.30.00 A 0711.30.00 A 0711.30.01 A 0711.40 Cucumbers & gherkins provisionally presvd, but not for 0711.40.00 C 0711.40.00 A 0711.40.01 A 0711.90 Vegetables nes & mixtures provisionally presvd but not for 0711.90.00 Bg 0711.90.20 D 0711.90.9X A 0711.90.40 B 0711.90.99 A 0711.90.60 A 0712.10 Potatoes dried, but not further prepared 0712.10.00 Bg 0712.10.00 B 0712.10.01 Ctq 0712.20 Onions dried but not further prepared 0712.20.00 A 0712.20.20 C+ 0712.20.01 A 0712.20.40 C+ 0712.30 Mushrooms and truffles dried but not further prepared 0712.30.10 Bg 0712.30.10 A 0712.30.01 A 0712.30.20 D 0712.30.20 B 0712.30.40 D 0712.90 Vegetables and mixtures dried, but not further prepared nes 0712.90.10 D 0712.90.10 A 0712.90.9X A 0712.90.20 Bg 0712.90.15 A 0712.90.9Y A 0712.90.90 Bg 0712.90.20 B 0712.90.99 A 0712.90.40 C+ 0712.90.60 D 0712.90.65 A 0712.90.70 A 0712.90.75 A 0712.90.80 A 0713.10 Peas dried, shelled, whether or not skinned or split 0713.10.10 A 0713.10.10 A 0713.10.01 A 0713.10.90 D 0713.10.20 D 0713.10.02 D 0713.10.40 A 0713.20 Chickpeas, dried, shelled, whether or not skinned or split 0713.20.00 D 0713.20.10 A 0713.20.01 A 0713.20.20 A 0713.31 Urd,mung,black or green gram beans dried shelled, whether or 0713.31.10 D 0713.31.10 A 0713.31.01 A 0713.31.90 A 0713.31.20 D 0713.31.40 A 0713.32 Beans, small red (Adzuki) dried, shelled, whether or not 0713.32.00 A 0713.32.10 A 0713.32.01 A 0713.32.20 A 0713.33 Kidney beans and white pea beans dried shelled, whether or not 0713.33.10 D 0713.33.10 A 0713.33.01 D 0713.33.91 A 0713.33.20 A 0713.33.02 C+Ag 0713.33.99 A 0713.33.40 A 0713.39 Beans dried, shelled, whether or not skinned or split, nes 0713.39.10 D 0713.39.10 A 0713.39.99 A 0713.39.90 A 0713.39.15 D 0713.39.20 A 0713.39.40 A 0713.40 Lentils dried, shelled, whether or not skinned or split 0713.40.00 D 0713.40.10 A 0713.40.01 A 0713.40.20 A 0713.50 Broad beans & horse beans dried, shelled, whether or not 0713.50.10 D 0713.50.10 A 0713.50.01 A 0713.50.90 A 0713.50.20 A 0713.90 Leguminous vegetables dried, shelled, whether or not skinned o 0713.90.10 D 0713.90.10 A 0713.90.99 A 0713.90.90 A 0713.90.50 D 0713.90.60 A 0713.90.80 A 0714.10 Manioc (cassava), fresh or dried, whether or not sliced or 0714.10.00 D 0714.10.00 A 0714.10.01 A 0714.20 Sweet potatoes, fresh or dried, whether or not sliced or 0714.20.00 D 0714.20.00 A 0714.20.01 A 0714.90 Arrowroot, salep etc fr or dried whether or not sliced or 0714.90.10 D 0714.90.10 A 0714.90.9X A 0714.90.21 Bg 0714.90.20 A 0714.90.99 A 0714.90.22 Bg 0714.90.40 C 0714.90.91 D 0714.90.50 D 0714.90.92 Bg 0714.90.60 A 0801.10 Coconuts, fresh or dried, whether or not shelled or peeled 0801.10.00 D 0801.10.00 D 0801.10.01 A 0801.20 Brazil nuts, fresh or dried, whether or not shelled or peeled 0801.20.00 D 0801.20.00 D 0801.20.01 A 0801.30 Cashew nuts, fresh or dried, whether or not shelled or peeled 0801.30.00 D 0801.30.00 D 0801.30.01 A 0801.30.99 A 0802.11 Almonds in shell fresh or dried 0802.11.00 D 0802.11.00 A 0802.11.01 A 0802.12 Almonds,fresh or dried,shelled or peeled 0802.12.00 D 0802.12.00 A 0802.12.01 A 0802.21 Hazelnuts or filberts in shell fresh or dried 0802.21.00 D 0802.21.00 A 0802.21.01 A 0802.22 Hazelnuts or filberts, fresh or dried, shelled or peeled 0802.22.00 D 0802.22.00 A 0802.22.01 A 0802.31 Walnuts in shell, fresh or dried 0802.31.00 D 0802.31.00 A 0802.31.01 A 0802.32 Walnuts, fresh or dried, shelled or peeled 0802.32.00 D 0802.32.00 A 0802.32.01 A 0802.40 Chestnuts, fresh or dried, whether or not shelled or peeled 0802.40.00 D 0802.40.00 D 0802.40.01 A 0802.50 Pistachios, fresh or dried, whether or not shelled or peeled 0802.50.00 D 0802.50.20 A 0802.50.01 A 0802.50.40 A 0802.50.02 A 0802.90 Nuts edible, fresh or dried, whether or not shelled or peeled, 0802.90.00 D 0802.90.10 A 0802.90.01 A 0802.90.15 A 0802.90.99 A 0802.90.20 A 0802.90.25 A 0802.90.80 A 0802.90.90 A 0803.00 Bananas including plantains, fresh or dried 0803.00.00 D 0803.00.20 D 0803.00.01 A 0803.00.30 D 0803.00.40 A 0804.10 Dates, fresh or dried 0804.10.00 D 0804.10.20 B 0804.10.01 A 0804.10.40 A 0804.10.02 A 0804.10.60 A 0804.10.80 B 0804.20 Figs, fresh or dried 0804.20.00 D 0804.20.40 A 0804.20.01 A 0804.20.60 A 0804.20.02 A 0804.20.80 B 0804.30 Pineapples, fresh or dried 0804.30.00 D 0804.30.20 A 0804.30.01 A 0804.30.40 A 0804.30.60 A 0804.40 Avocados, fresh or dried 0804.40.00 D 0804.40.00 C 0804.40.01 A 0804.50 Guavas, mangoes and mangosteens, fresh or dried 0804.50.00 D 0804.50.40 A 0804.50.01 A 0804.50.0X B 0804.50.0Y C 0804.50.80 A 0805.10 Oranges, fresh or dried 0805.10.00 D 0805.10.0X B 0805.10.01 A 0805.10.0Y A 0805.20 Mandarins(tang & sats)clementines & wilkings &sim citrus 0805.20.00 D 0805.20.0X C 0805.20.01 A 0805.20.0Y B 0805.30 Lemons and limes, fresh or dried 0805.30.00 D 0805.30.20 C 0805.30.01 A 0805.30.40 C 0805.40 Grapefruit, fresh or dried 0805.40.00 D 0805.40.40 A 0805.40.0X A 0805.40.60 C 0805.40.0Y A 0805.40.80 C 0805.40.0Z A 0805.90 Citrus fruits, fresh or dried, nes 0805.90.00 D 0805.90.00 A 0805.90.99 A 0806.10 Grapes, fresh 0806.10.10 Bg 0806.10.20 A 0806.10.01 C 0806.10.91 D 0806.10.40 D 0806.10.99 Bg 0806.10.60 A 0806.20 Grapes, dried 0806.20.00 D 0806.20.10 A 0806.20.01 A 0806.20.20 A 0806.20.90 A 0807.10 Melons (including watermelons), fresh 0807.10.00 D 0807.10.0Q D 0807.10.01 A 0807.10.0R C+ 0807.10.30 A 0807.10.0S C 0807.10.50 A 0807.10.60 A 0807.10.0T C+ 0807.10.0U A 0807.10.0W C 0807.10.0X A 0807.10.0Y B 0807.10.0Z C 0807.10.80 C+ 0807.20 Papaws (papayas), fresh 0807.20.00 D 0807.20.00 C 0807.20.01 A 0808.10 Apples, fresh 0808.10.10 D 0808.10.00 D 0808.10.01 Ctq 0808.10.90 Bg 0808.20 Pears and quinces, fresh 0808.20.10 Bg 0808.20.20 D 0808.20.01 B 0808.20.21 Bg 0808.20.40 A 0808.20.02 B 0808.20.29 D 0808.20.30 D 0809.10 Apricots, fresh 0809.10.10 Bg 0809.10.00 A 0809.10.01 B 0809.10.91 Bg 0809.10.99 D 0809.20 Cherries, fresh 0809.20.10 Bg 0809.20.00 D 0809.20.01 A 0809.20.21 Bg 0809.20.29 D 0809.20.31 Bg 0809.20.39 D 0809.20.90 Bg 0809.30 Peaches, including nectarines, fresh 0809.30.10 Bg 0809.30.20 A 0809.30.01 C 0809.30.21 Bg 0809.30.40 D 0809.30.29 D 0809.30.30 D 0809.30.90 Bg 0809.40 Plums and sloes, fresh 0809.40.10 Bg 0809.40.20 D 0809.40.01 B 0809.40.21 Bg 0809.40.40 A 0809.40.29 D 0809.40.31 Bg 0809.40.39 D 0809.40.90 Bg 0810.10 Strawberries, fresh 0810.10.10 Bg 0810.10.20 A 0810.10.01 A 0810.10.91 Bg 0810.10.40 A 0810.10.99 D 0810.20 Raspberries, blackberries, mulberries and loganberries, fresh 0810.20.11 Bg 0810.20.10 A 0810.20.01 A 0810.20.19 D 0810.20.90 D 0810.20.90 Bg 0810.30 Black, white or red currants and gooseberries, fresh 0810.30.00 Bg 0810.30.00 D 0810.30.01 B 0810.40 Cranberries, bilberries and other fruits of the genus 0810.40.10 D 0810.40.00 D 0810.40.01 B 0810.40.90 Bg 0810.90 Fruits, fresh nes 0810.90.10 Bg 0810.90.20 D 0810.90.01 B 0810.90.90 D 0810.90.40 B 0810.90.99 A 0811.10 Strawberries, uncooked or steamed or boiled in water,sweetened 0811.10.10 Ctq 0811.10.00 C 0811.10.01 C 0811.10.90 Ctq 0811.20 Raspberries,mulberries, etc uncook,steam or boil in water 0811.20.00 Bg 0811.20.20 A 0811.20.01 A 0811.20.40 A 0811.90 Fruits and edible nuts uncook, steam or boil (water) sweetened 0811.90.10 D 0811.90.10 A 0811.90.99 A 0811.90.20 Bg 0811.90.20 D 0811.90.30 Bg 0811.90.22 C 0811.90.40 A 0811.90.25 A 0811.90.50 A 0811.90.30 D 0811.90.90 Bg 0811.90.35 A 0811.90.40 C 0811.90.50 A 0811.90.52 A 0811.90.55 A 0811.90.80 B 0812.10 Cherries provisionally preserved but unsuitable for immediate 0812.10.00 Bg 0812.10.00 B 0812.10.01 B 0812.20 Strawberries provisionally preserved but unsuitable for 0812.20.00 C 0812.20.00 A 0812.20.01 A 0812.90 Fruits and nuts provisionally preserved but unfit for immediat 0812.90.10 D 0812.90.10 B 0812.90.9X B 0812.90.91 D 0812.90.20 B 0812.90.9Y B 0812.90.99 Bg 0812.90.30 C 0812.90.99 A 0812.90.40 A 0812.90.90 A 0813.10 Apricots, dried 0813.10.00 D 0813.10.00 A 0813.10.01 B 0813.10.99 B 0813.20 Prunes, dried 0813.20.00 D 0813.20.10 A 0813.20.01 B 0813.20.20 A 0813.20.02 A 0813.30 Apples, dried 0813.30.00 Bg 0813.30.00 A 0813.30.01 C 0813.40 Fruits, dried nes 0813.40.00 D 0813.40.10 A 0813.40.01 C 0813.40.15 A 0813.40.02 B 0813.40.20 A 0813.40.03 C 0813.40.30 A 0813.40.99 A 0813.40.40 A 0813.40.80 A 0813.40.90 A 0813.50 Mixtures of edible nuts or dried fruits of this chapter 0813.50.10 D 0813.50.00 A 0813.50.01 A 0813.50.20 Bg 0814.00 Peel of citrus fruit or melons (watermelons) fresh, frz, dried 0814.00.00 D 0814.00.10 D 0814.00.01 A 0814.00.90 A 0901.11 Coffee, not roasted, not decaffeinated 0901.11.00 D 0901.11.00 D 0901.11.01 A 0901.12 Coffee, not roasted, decaffeinated 0901.12.00 D 0901.12.00 D 0901.12.01 A 0901.21 Coffee, roasted, not decaffeinated 0901.21.00 A 0901.21.00 D 0901.21.01 C 0901.22 Coffee, roasted, decaffeinated 0901.22.00 A 0901.22.00 D 0901.22.01 C 0901.30 Coffee husks and skins 0901.30.00 D 0901.30.00 D 0901.30.01 C 0901.40 Coffee substitutes containing coffee in any proportion 0901.40.00 A 0901.40.00 A 0901.40.01 C 0902.10 Green tea (not fermented) in packages not exceeding 3 kg 0902.10.00 D 0902.10.00 D 0902.10.01 A 0902.20 Green tea (not fermented) in packages exceeding 3 kg 0902.20.00 D 0902.20.00 D 0902.20.01 A 0902.30 Black tea (fermented) & partly fermented tea in packages not 0902.30.00 D 0902.30.00 D 0902.30.01 A 0902.40 Black tea (fermented) & partly fermented tea in packages 0902.40.00 D 0902.40.00 D 0902.40.01 A 0903.00 Mat‚ 0903.00.00 D 0903.00.00 D 0903.00.01 A 0904.11 Pepper of the genus Piper, except cubeb pepper, neither crushe 0904.11.00 D 0904.11.00 D 0904.11.01 A 0904.12 Pepper of the genus Piper, except cubeb pepper, crushed or 0904.12.00 A 0904.12.00 D 0904.12.01 A 0904.20 Fruits of the genus Capsicum or Pimenta, dried, crushed or 0904.20.10 D 0904.20.20 A 0904.20.0X A 0904.20.21 D 0904.20.40 C 0904.20.01 A 0904.20.29 A 0904.20.60 A 0904.20.70 A 0904.20.80 D 0905.00 Vanilla beans 0905.00.00 D 0905.00.00 D 0905.00.01 A 0906.10 Cinnamon and cinnamon-tree flowers neither crushed nor ground 0906.10.00 D 0906.10.00 D 0906.10.01 A 0906.20 Cinnamon and cinnamon-tree flowers crushed or ground 0906.20.00 A 0906.20.00 D 0906.20.01 A 0907.00 Cloves (whole fruit, cloves and stems) 0907.00.10 D 0907.00.00 D 0907.00.01 A 0907.00.20 A 0908.10 Nutmeg 0908.10.10 D 0908.10.00 D 0908.10.01 A 0908.10.20 A 0908.20 Mace 0908.20.10 D 0908.20.20 A 0908.20.01 A 0908.20.20 A 0908.20.40 D 0908.30 Cardamoms 0908.30.10 D 0908.30.00 D 0908.30.01 A 0908.30.20 A 0909.10 Anise or badian seeds 0909.10.10 D 0909.10.00 D 0909.10.01 A 0909.10.20 A 0909.20 Coriander seeds 0909.20.10 D 0909.20.00 D 0909.20.01 A 0909.20.20 A 0909.30 Cumin seeds 0909.30.10 D 0909.30.00 D 0909.30.01 A 0909.30.20 A 0909.40 Caraway seeds 0909.40.10 D 0909.40.00 D 0909.40.01 A 0909.40.20 A 0909.50 Fennel or juniper seeds 0909.50.10 D 0909.50.00 D 0909.50.01 A 0909.50.20 A 0910.10 Ginger 0910.10.10 D 0910.10.20 D 0910.10.01 A 0910.10.20 A 0910.10.40 A 0910.20 Saffron 0910.20.00 D 0910.20.00 D 0910.20.01 A 0910.30 Turmeric (curcuma) 0910.30.00 D 0910.30.00 D 0910.30.01 A 0910.40 Thyme and bay leaves 0910.40.10 D 0910.40.20 D 0910.40.01 A 0910.40.20 A 0910.40.30 A 0910.40.40 A 0910.50 Curry 0910.50.00 D 0910.50.00 D 0910.50.01 A 0910.91 Mixtures of two or more of the products of different headings 0910.91.10 D 0910.91.00 A 0910.91.01 A 0910.91.20 A 0910.99 Spices nes 0910.99.11 Bg 0910.99.20 D 0910.99.99 A 0910.99.19 D 0910.99.40 A 0910.99.91 D 0910.99.50 D 0910.99.92 A 0910.99.60 A 1001.10 Durum wheat 1001.10.00 Bg 1001.10.00 C 1001.10.01 C 1001.90 Wheat nes and meslin 1001.90.00 Bg 1001.90.10 A 1001.90.99 C 1001.90.20 B 1002.00 Rye 1002.00.00 D 1002.00.00 D 1002.00.01 A 1003.00 Barley 1003.00.00 Bg 1003.00.20 A 1003.00.01 A 1003.00.40 A 1003.00.02 CAg 1003.00.99 CAg 1004.00 Oats 1004.00.00 D 1004.00.00 D 1004.00.01 A 1004.00.99 C 1005.10 Maize (corn) seed 1005.10.10 Bg 1005.10.00 D 1005.10.01 D 1005.10.90 Bg 1005.90 Maize (corn) nes 1005.90.10 Bg 1005.90.20 A 1005.90.01 C 1005.90.90 Bg 1005.90.40 A 1005.90.02 C 1005.90.99 C+Ag 1006.10 Rice in the husk (paddy or rough) 1006.10.00 D 1006.10.00 C 1006.10.01 C 1006.20 Rice, husked (brown) 1006.20.00 D 1006.20.20 C 1006.20.01 C 1006.20.40 C 1006.30 Rice, semi-milled or wholly milled, whether or not polished or 1006.30.00 A 1006.30.10 A 1006.30.01 C 1006.30.90 C 1006.40 Rice, broken 1006.40.00 A 1006.40.00 C 1006.40.01 C 1007.00 Grain sorghum 1007.00.00 A 1007.00.00 A 1007.00.01 D 1007.00.02 A 1008.10 Buckwheat 1008.10.00 D 1008.10.00 D 1008.10.01 A 1008.20 Millet 1008.20.00 D 1008.20.00 A 1008.20.01 A 1008.30 Canary seed 1008.30.10 Bg 1008.30.00 A 1008.30.01 B 1008.30.20 D 1008.90 Cereals unmilled nes 1008.90.00 D 1008.90.00 A 1008.90.99 C 1101.00 Wheat or meslin flour 1101.00.00 Bg 1101.00.00 A 1101.00.01 C 1102.10 Rye flour 1102.10.00 Bg 1102.10.00 A 1102.10.01 C 1102.20 Maize (corn) flour 1102.20.00 Bg 1102.20.00 A 1102.20.01 C 1102.30 Rice flour 1102.30.00 A 1102.30.00 A 1102.30.01 C 1102.90 Cereal flour nes 1102.90.00 A 1102.90.20 D 1102.90.99 C 1102.90.30 A 1102.90.60 A 1103.11 Wheat meal 1103.11.00 Bg 1103.11.00 A 1103.11.01 C 1103.12 Oat groats and meal 1103.12.00 A 1103.12.00 A 1103.12.01 C 1103.13 Maize (corn) groats and meal 1103.13.10 Bg 1103.13.00 A 1103.13.01 C 1103.13.20 D 1103.13.90 Bg 1103.14 Rice groats and meal 1103.14.00 D 1103.14.00 A 1103.14.01 C 1103.19 Cereal groats and meal nes 1103.19.10 D 1103.19.00 A 1103.19.99 C 1103.19.90 Bg 1103.21 Wheat pellets 1103.21.00 Bg 1103.21.00 D 1103.21.01 C 1103.29 Cereal pellets nes 1103.29.00 Bg 1103.29.00 D 1103.29.99 C 1104.11 Barley, rolled or flaked grains 1104.11.00 Bg 1104.11.00 A 1104.11.01 C 1104.12 Oats, rolled or flaked grains 1104.12.00 A 1104.12.00 A 1104.12.01 C 1104.19 Cereals, rolled or flaked grains nes 1104.19.10 D 1104.19.00 A 1104.19.01 C 1104.19.90 A 1104.21 Barley,hulled,pearled,sliced or kibbled 1104.21.00 Bg 1104.21.00 A 1104.21.01 C 1104.22 Oats, hulled,pearled,sliced or kibbled 1104.22.00 A 1104.22.00 A 1104.22.01 C 1104.23 Maize (corn), hulled, pearled, sliced or kibbled 1104.23.00 Bg 1104.23.00 A 1104.23.01 C 1104.29 Cereals, hulled, pearled, sliced or kibbled nes 1104.29.00 A 1104.29.00 A 1104.29.01 C 1104.30 Germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flaked or ground 1104.30.00 A 1104.30.00 A 1104.30.01 C 1105.10 Potato flour and meal 1105.10.00 Bg 1105.10.00 A 1105.10.01 C 1105.20 Potato flakes 1105.20.00 Bg 1105.20.00 A 1105.20.01 C 1106.10 Flour and meal of the dried leguminous vegetables of heading N 1106.10.10 D 1106.10.00 A 1106.10.01 C 1106.10.90 Bg 1106.20 Flour and meal of sago and of roots or tubers with hi starch o 1106.20.10 A 1106.20.00 D 1106.20.01 C 1106.20.90 Bg 1106.20.99 C 1106.30 Flour, meal and powder of edible fruits & nuts & peel of citru 1106.30.00 Bg 1106.30.20 A 1106.30.01 C 1106.30.40 A 1106.30.99 C 1107.10 Malt, not roasted 1107.10.10 Bg 1107.10.00 A 1107.10.01 CAg 1107.10.90 Bg 1107.20 Malt, roasted 1107.20.10 Bg 1107.20.00 A 1107.20.01 CAg 1107.20.90 Bg 1108.11 Wheat, starch 1108.11.00 Bg 1108.11.00 A 1108.11.01 C 1108.12 Maize (corn) starch 1108.12.00 Bg 1108.12.00 A 1108.12.01 C 1108.13 Potato starch 1108.13.00 Bg 1108.13.00 B 1108.13.01 C 1108.14 Manioc (cassava) starch 1108.14.00 A 1108.14.00 D 1108.14.01 C 1108.19 Starches nes 1108.19.00 A 1108.19.00 D 1108.19.01 C 1108.19.99 C 1108.20 Inulin 1108.20.00 Bg 1108.20.00 A 1108.20.01 C 1109.00 Wheat gluten, whether or not dried 1109.00.00 Bg 1109.00.10 A 1109.00.01 C 1109.00.90 A 1201.00 Soya beans 1201.00.00 D 1201.00.00 D 1201.00.01 D 1201.00.02 D 1201.00.03 C 1202.10 Ground-nuts in shell not roasted or otherwise cooked 1202.10.00 D 1202.10.00 C+ 1202.10.01 D 1202.10.99 D 1202.20 Ground-nuts shelled, whether or not broken, not roasted or 1202.20.00 D 1202.20.00 C+ 1202.20.01 D 1203.00 Copra 1203.00.00 D 1203.00.00 D 1203.00.01 C 1204.00 Linseed, whether or not broken 1204.00.00 D 1204.00.00 A 1204.00.01 D 1204.00.99 D 1205.00 Rape or colza seeds, whether or not broken 1205.00.00 D 1205.00.00 A 1205.00.01 D 1205.00.02 D 1206.00 Sunflower seeds, whether or not broken 1206.00.00 D 1206.00.00 D 1206.00.01 D 1206.00.99 D 1207.10 Palm nuts and kernels, whether or not broken 1207.10.00 D 1207.10.00 D 1207.10.01 D 1207.20 Cotton seeds, whether or not broken 1207.20.00 D 1207.20.00 A 1207.20.01 D 1207.20.02 D 1207.30 Castor oil seeds, whether or not broken 1207.30.00 D 1207.30.00 D 1207.30.01 D 1207.40 Sesamum seeds, whether or not broken 1207.40.00 D 1207.40.00 D 1207.40.01 D 1207.50 Mustard seeds, whether or not broken 1207.50.00 D 1207.50.00 D 1207.50.01 D 1207.60 Safflower seeds, whether or not broken 1207.60.00 D 1207.60.00 D 1207.60.01 D 1207.60.02 D 1207.60.03 C 1207.91 Poppy seeds, whether or not broken 1207.91.00 D 1207.91.00 A 1207.91.01 Pro 1207.92 Shea nuts (karite nuts), whether or not broken 1207.92.00 D 1207.92.00 D 1207.92.01 D 1207.99 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, nes, whether or not broken 1207.99.00 D 1207.99.00 D 1207.99.01 D 1207.99.99 D 1208.10 Soya bean flour and meals 1208.10.10 A 1208.10.00 A 1208.10.01 C 1208.10.20 D 1208.90 Flours and meals of oil seeds or oleaginous fruits, except 1208.90.10 A 1208.90.00 A 1208.90.01 C 1208.90.20 D 1208.90.02 C 1208.90.99 C 1209.11 Seeds, sugar beet, for sowing 1209.11.00 D 1209.11.00 D 1209.11.01 A 1209.19 Seeds, beet, for sowing nes 1209.19.10 Bg 1209.19.00 D 1209.19.99 A 1209.19.20 D 1209.21 Seeds, lucerne (alfalfa), for sowing 1209.21.00 D 1209.21.00 A 1209.21.01 D 1209.22 Seeds, clover, for sowing 1209.22.00 D 1209.22.20 A 1209.22.01 D 1209.22.40 D 1209.23 Seeds, fescue, for sowing 1209.23.00 D 1209.23.00 D 1209.23.01 D 1209.24 Seeds, Kentucky blue grass, for sowing 1209.24.00 D 1209.24.00 A 1209.24.01 D 1209.25 Seeds, rye grass, for sowing 1209.25.00 D 1209.25.00 A 1209.25.01 D 1209.26 Seeds, Timothy grass, for sowing 1209.26.00 D 1209.26.00 D 1209.26.01 D 1209.29 Seeds of forage plants, except beet seeds, for sowing nes 1209.29.00 D 1209.29.00 D 1209.29.01 D 1209.29.02 D 1209.29.03 D 1209.29.99 D 1209.30 Seeds, flower, for sowing 1209.30.10 Bg 1209.30.00 A 1209.30.01 D 1209.30.20 D 1209.91 Seeds, vegetable, nes for sowing 1209.91.11 D 1209.91.10 A 1209.91.01 D 1209.91.19 Bg 1209.91.20 D 1209.91.02 D 1209.91.20 D 1209.91.40 D 1209.91.03 D 1209.91.50 A 1209.91.04 D 1209.91.60 D 1209.91.05 D 1209.91.80 A 1209.91.06 D 1209.91.07 D 1209.91.08 D 1209.91.09 D 1209.91.10 D 1209.91.11 D 1209.91.12 D 1209.91.13 D 1209.91.14 D 1209.91.99 D 1209.99 Seeds, fruit and spores for sowing, nes 1209.99.10 D 1209.99.20 D 1209.99.01 D 1209.99.91 Bg 1209.99.40 A 1209.99.02 D 1209.99.92 D 1209.99.03 D 1209.99.04 D 1209.99.99 D 1210.10 Hop cones, not ground, powdered or pelleted 1210.10.00 D 1210.10.00 A 1210.10.01 D 1210.20 Hop cones, ground, powdered or pelleted and lupulin 1210.20.00 D 1210.20.00 A 1210.20.01 D 1211.10 Liquorice roots used primarily in pharm, perf, insecticide, 1211.10.00 D 1211.10.00 D 1211.10.01 A 1211.20 Ginseng roots used primarily in pharm, perf, insecticide, 1211.20.00 D 1211.20.00 D 1211.20.01 A 1211.90 Plants &pts of plants(incl seed & fruit) used in pharm, perf, 1211.90.00 D 1211.90.20 D 1211.90.01 A 1211.90.40 A 1211.90.02 Pro 1211.90.60 A 1211.90.03 Pro 1211.90.80 D 1211.90.99 A 1212.10 Locust beans, including seeds, fresh or dried, whether or not 1212.10.00 D 1212.10.00 D 1212.10.01 A 1212.10.99 A 1212.20 Seaweeds and other algae, fresh or dried whether or not ground 1212.20.00 D 1212.20.00 D 1212.20.01 B 1212.30 Apricot, peach or plum stones & kernels nes,used primarily for 1212.30.00 Bg 1212.30.00 A 1212.30.01 A 1212.91 Sugar beet, fresh or dried, whether or not ground 1212.91.00 Bg 1212.91.00 B 1212.91.01 A 1212.92 Sugar cane, fresh or dried, whether or not ground 1212.92.00 Bg 1212.92.00 A 1212.92.01 C 1212.99 Vegetable products nes used primarily for human consumption 1212.99.00 D 1212.99.00 D 1212.99.01 C 1212.99.99 A 1213.00 Cereal straw and husks, unprepd, whether or not chopped, 1213.00.00 D 1213.00.00 D 1213.00.01 B 1214.10 Lucerne (alfalfa) meal and pellets 1214.10.00 A 1214.10.00 A 1214.10.01 C 1214.90 Swedes,mangolds,fodder roots,hay,clover, sainfoin,forage 1214.90.10 A 1214.90.00 D 1214.90.01 C 1214.90.90 D 1214.90.99 C 1301.10 Lac 1301.10.00 D 1301.10.00 D 1301.10.01 A 1301.20 Gum arabic 1301.20.00 D 1301.20.00 D 1301.20.01 A 1301.20.02 A 1301.90 Natural gums, resins, gum-resins and balsam, except arabic gum 1301.90.00 D 1301.90.40 A 1301.90.01 A 1301.90.90 D 1301.90.02 A 1301.90.99 A 1302.11 Opium sap 1302.11.00 A 1302.11.00 D 1302.11.01 Pro 1302.11.02 Pro 1302.11.03 Pro 1302.11.99 A 1302.12 Liquorice extract 1302.12.00 D 1302.12.00 A 1302.12.01 A 1302.12.99 C 1302.13 Hop extract 1302.13.00 D 1302.13.00 B 1302.13.01 D 1302.14 Pyrethrum or roots of plants containing rotenone, extracts 1302.14.00 D 1302.14.00 D 1302.14.01 A 1302.14.99 A 1302.19 Vegetable saps and extracts nes 1302.19.00 D 1302.19.20 D 1302.19.01 A 1302.19.40 A 1302.19.02 A 1302.19.90 D 1302.19.03 A 1302.19.04 A 1302.19.05 A 1302.19.06 A 1302.19.07 A 1302.19.08 A 1302.19.09 Pro 1302.19.10 A 1302.19.11 A 1302.19.99 A 1302.20 Pectic substances, pectinates & pectates 1302.20.00 D 1302.20.00 B 1302.20.01 A 1302.20.99 A 1302.31 Agar-agar 1302.31.00 D 1302.31.00 A 1302.31.01 A 1302.32 Mucilages and thickeners derived from locust beans and seeds o 1302.32.00 D 1302.32.00 D 1302.32.01 A 1302.32.02 A 1302.32.99 A 1302.39 Mucilages and thickeners nes, modified or not, derived from 1302.39.00 D 1302.39.00 B 1302.39.01 A 1302.39.02 B 1302.39.99 A 1401.10 Bamboos used primarily for plaiting 1401.10.00 D 1401.10.00 D 1401.10.01 A 1401.20 Rattans used primarily for plaiting 1401.20.00 D 1401.20.20 D 1401.20.01 A 1401.20.40 A 1401.90 Vegetable materials nes, used primarily for plaiting 1401.90.00 D 1401.90.20 B 1401.90.99 A 1401.90.40 A 1402.10 Kapok used as stuffing or padding put up or not as a layer wit 1402.10.00 D 1402.10.00 D 1402.10.01 A 1402.91 Veg hair used as stuffing or padding put up or not as a layer 1402.91.00 D 1402.91.00 A 1402.91.01 A 1402.99 Veg mat nes used as stuffing or pad put up or not as a layer w 1402.99.00 D 1402.99.00 D 1402.99.99 A 1403.10 Broomcorn used in brooms or brushes whether or not in hanks or 1403.10.00 D 1403.10.00 A 1403.10.01 A 1403.90 Veg mat nes used in brooms or brushes whether or not in hanks 1403.90.00 D 1403.90.20 D 1403.90.01 A 1403.90.40 A 1403.90.99 A 1404.10 Raw vegetable materials used primarily in dyeing or tanning 1404.10.00 D 1404.10.00 D 1404.10.01 A 1404.10.99 A 1404.20 Cotton linters 1404.20.00 D 1404.20.00 D 1404.20.01 C 1404.90 Vegetable products nes 1404.90.00 D 1404.90.00 D 1404.90.99 A 1501.00 Lard;pig fat nes & poultry fat,rendered, whether or not presse 1501.00.00 A 1501.00.00 A 1501.00.01 CAg 1502.00 Bovine,sheep & goat fats,raw or rendered whether or not presse 1502.00.00 A 1502.00.00 A 1502.00.01 C 1503.00 Lard stearin & oil, oleostearin & oil & tallow oil,not 1503.00.00 A 1503.00.00 A 1503.00.01 C 1503.00.99 C 1504.10 Fish-liver oils & their fractions, refined or not, but not 1504.10.00 A 1504.10.20 D 1504.10.01 A 1504.10.40 A 1504.10.99 C 1504.20 Fish fats & oils & their fractions exc liver,refined or not, 1504.20.00 A 1504.20.20 D 1504.20.01 C 1504.20.40 A 1504.20.99 C 1504.20.60 A 1504.30 Marine mammal fats & oils & their fract, refined or not, but 1504.30.00 A 1504.30.00 A 1504.30.01 C 1505.10 Wool grease, crude 1505.10.00 A 1505.10.00 A 1505.10.01 B 1505.90 Derivatives of wool grease and fatty substances (including 1505.90.00 A 1505.90.00 A 1505.90.01 B 1505.90.02 C 1505.90.99 C 1506.00 Animal fats & oils & their fractions nes refined or not, but 1506.00.00 A 1506.00.00 A 1506.00.01 C 1506.00.99 C 1507.10 Soya-bean oil crude, whether or not degummed 1507.10.00 A 1507.10.00 B 1507.10.01 C 1507.90 Soya-bean oil and its fractions, refined but not chemically 1507.90.10 D 1507.90.20 A 1507.90.99 C 1507.90.90 Bg 1507.90.40 B 1508.10 Ground-nut oil, crude 1508.10.00 A 1508.10.00 A 1508.10.01 C 1508.90 Ground-nut oil and its fractions refined but not chemically 1508.90.00 A 1508.90.00 A 1508.90.99 C 1509.10 Olive oil, virgin 1509.10.00 D 1509.10.20 A 1509.10.01 A 1509.10.40 A 1509.10.99 A 1509.90 Olive oil and its fractions refined but not chemically modifie 1509.90.00 D 1509.90.20 A 1509.90.01 A 1509.90.40 A 1509.90.02 A 1509.90.99 A 1510.00 Oils & their fract nes obt from olives, ref'd or not, not chem 1510.00.00 D 1510.00.20 D 1510.00.01 C 1510.00.40 A 1510.00.60 A 1511.10 Palm oil, crude 1511.10.00 A 1511.10.00 D 1511.10.01 C 1511.10.99 C 1511.90 Palm oil and its fractions refined but not chemically modified 1511.90.00 Bg 1511.90.00 D 1511.90.99 C 1512.11 Sunflower-seed or safflower oil, crude 1512.11.10 A 1512.11.0X B 1512.11.01 C 1512.11.20 A 1512.11.0Y B 1512.19 Sunflower-seed or safflower oil & their fractions refined but 1512.19.10 A 1512.19.0X B 1512.19.99 C 1512.19.20 A 1512.19.0Y B 1512.21 Cotton-seed oil crude, whether or not gossypol has been remove 1512.21.00 A 1512.21.00 B 1512.21.01 C 1512.29 Cotton-seed and its fractions refined but not chemically 1512.29.00 A 1512.29.00 B 1512.29.99 C 1513.11 Coconut (copra) oil crude 1513.11.00 A 1513.11.00 D 1513.11.01 C 1513.19 Coconut (copra) oil and its fractions refined but not 1513.19.00 A 1513.19.00 D 1513.19.99 C 1513.21 Palm kernel or babassu oil, crude 1513.21.00 A 1513.21.00 D 1513.21.01 C 1513.29 Palm kernel or babassu oil their fract, refined but not 1513.29.00 Bg 1513.29.00 D 1513.29.99 C 1514.10 Rape, colza or mustard oil crude 1514.10.00 A 1514.10.10 D 1514.10.01 C 1514.10.90 A 1514.90 Rape,colza or mustard oil & their fract, refined but not 1514.90.00 A 1514.90.10 D 1514.90.99 C 1514.90.50 A 1514.90.90 A 1515.11 Linseed oil, crude 1515.11.00 A 1515.11.00 A 1515.11.01 C 1515.19 Linseed oil and its fractions, refined but not chemically 1515.19.00 Bg 1515.19.00 A 1515.19.99 C 1515.21 Maize (corn) oil crude 1515.21.00 A 1515.21.00 A 1515.21.01 C 1515.29 Maize (corn) oil and its fractions, refined but not chemically 1515.29.00 Bg 1515.29.00 A 1515.29.99 C 1515.30 Castor oil and its fractions,whether or not refined, but not 1515.30.10 D 1515.30.20 A 1515.30.01 A 1515.30.90 Bg 1515.30.40 A 1515.40 Tung oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not 1515.40.00 D 1515.40.00 D 1515.40.01 A 1515.50 Sesame oil and its fractions whether or not refined, but not 1515.50.10 A 1515.50.00 A 1515.50.01 A 1515.50.90 Bg 1515.60 Jojoba oil and its fractions whether or not refined, but not 1515.60.10 A 1515.60.00 A 1515.60.01 A 1515.60.90 Bg 1515.90 Veg fats & oils nes & their fractions, refined or not but not 1515.90.10 D 1515.90.20 D 1515.90.01 A 1515.90.91 A 1515.90.40 A 1515.90.02 A 1515.90.99 A 1515.90.03 C 1515.90.99 C 1516.10 Animal fats & oils & fract hydrogenated, inter or 1516.10.00 A 1516.10.00 A 1516.10.01 CAg 1516.20 Veg fats &oils & fractions hydrogenated, inter or 1516.20.00 A 1516.20.10 A 1516.20.01 C 1516.20.90 A 1517.10 Margarine, excluding liquid margarine 1517.10.00 A 1517.10.00 A 1517.10.01 C 1517.90 Edible mx or prep of animal or veg fats & oils or of fractions 1517.90.10 Bg 1517.90.10 A 1517.90.01 C 1517.90.91 A 1517.90.20 A 1517.90.02 C 1517.90.99 Bg 1517.90.40 C 1517.90.99 C 1518.00 Animal or veg fats & oils & fract boiled oxid,etc, & ined 1518.00.10 Bg 1518.00.20 A 1518.00.01 C 1518.00.20 A 1518.00.40 A 1518.00.02 C 1518.00.90 Bg 1518.00.03 C 1518.00.99 C 1519.11 Stearic acid 1519.11.00 Bg 1519.11.00 A 1519.11.01 C 1519.11.02 C 1519.11.99 C 1519.12 Oleic acid 1519.12.00 Bg 1519.12.00 A 1519.12.01 C 1519.12.99 C 1519.13 Tall oil fatty acids 1519.13.00 D 1519.13.00 A 1519.13.01 C 1519.19 Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids, nes 1519.19.00 Bg 1519.19.20 A 1519.19.01 C 1519.19.40 A 1519.19.99 C 1519.20 Acid oils from refining 1519.20.00 Bg 1519.20.00 A 1519.20.01 C 1519.30 Industrial fatty alcohols 1519.30.10 D 1519.30.20 A 1519.30.01 C 1519.30.90 Bg 1519.30.40 A 1519.30.02 C 1519.30.60 A 1519.30.99 C 1520.10 Glycerol (glycerine), crude and glycerol waters and lyes 1520.10.00 D 1520.10.00 A 1520.10.01 C 1520.10.99 C 1520.90 Glycerol (glycerine), nes including synthetic glycerol 1520.90.00 Bg 1520.90.00 A 1520.90.01 C 1520.90.99 A 1521.10 Vegetable waxes excluding triglycerides, whether or not refine 1521.10.10 D 1521.10.00 D 1521.10.01 C 1521.10.90 Bg 1521.10.99 C 1521.90 Beeswax,other insect waxes & spermaceti whether or not refined 1521.90.10 A 1521.90.20 A 1521.90.01 A 1521.90.90 A 1521.90.40 D 1521.90.02 A 1521.90.03 A 1521.90.99 A 1522.00 Degras & residues from fatty substances or animal or vegetable 1522.00.10 D 1522.00.00 A 1522.00.01 C 1522.00.90 Bg 1522.00.99 C 1601.00 Sausages & sim prod of meat, meat offal or blood & food prep 1601.00.10 A 1601.00.20 A 1601.00.01 C 1601.00.1V Ex 1601.00.40 A 1601.00.9X EX 1601.00.91 A 1601.00.60 A 1601.00.99 C 1601.00.99 A 1602.10 Homogenized preparations of meat and meat offal 1602.10.00 A 1602.10.00 A 1602.10.01 C 1602.20 Livers of any animal prepared or preserved 1602.20.10 A 1602.20.20 A 1602.20.0X EX 1602.20.90 D 1602.20.40 A 1602.20.01 C 1602.31 Turkey meat and meat offal prepared or preserved, excluding 1602.31.10 Ex 1602.31.00 A 1602.31.01 EX 1602.31.91 Ex 1602.31.99 Ex 1602.39 Dom fowl, duck, goose & guinea fowl meat & meat offal prep or 1602.39.10 Ex 1602.39.00 A 1602.39.99 EX 1602.39.91 Ex 1602.39.99 Ex 1602.41 Hams and cuts thereof of swine prepared or preserved 1602.41.10 A 1602.41.10 A 1602.41.01 C 1602.41.90 A 1602.41.20 A 1602.41.90 A 1602.42 Shoulders and cut thereof of swine prepared or preserved 1602.42.10 A 1602.42.20 A 1602.42.01 C 1602.42.90 A 1602.42.40 A 1602.49 Swine meat & meat offal nes/exc livers/ incl mixtures, prepare 1602.49.10 Bg 1602.49.10 A 1602.49.01 C 1602.49.91 A 1602.49.20 A 1602.49.99 C 1602.49.99 A 1602.49.40 A 1602.49.60 A 1602.49.90 A 1602.50 Bovine meat and meat offal nes,excluding livers, prepared or 1602.50.10 Bg 1602.50.05 A 1602.50.01 C 1602.50.91 A 1602.50.09 A 1602.50.99 C 1602.50.99 A 1602.50.10 A 1602.50.20 A 1602.50.60 A 1602.50.90 A 1602.90 Meat, meat offal or blood, prepared or preserved, nes 1602.90.10 Bg 1602.90.10 A 1602.90.01 C 1602.90.91 A 1602.90.90 A 1602.90.99 A 1603.00 Extracts & juices of meat,fish,or crust, molluscs or other 1603.00.10 A 1603.00.10 A 1603.00.01 B 1603.00.21 Bg 1603.00.90 D 1603.00.99 B 1603.00.29 A 1604.11 Salmon prepared or preserved, whole or in pieces, but not 1604.11.00 A 1604.11.20 A 1604.11.01 A 1604.11.40 A 1604.12 Herrings, prepared or preserved, whole or in pieces but not 1604.12.10 D 1604.12.20 A 1604.12.01 A 1604.12.91 A 1604.12.40 A 1604.12.92 A 1604.12.60 D 1604.12.99 A 1604.13 Sardines,sardinella & brisling or sprats prep or presvd, whole 1604.13.10 C 1604.13.10 C 1604.13.01 C 1604.13.90 C 1604.13.20 C 1604.13.99 C 1604.13.30 C 1604.13.40 A 1604.13.45 A 1604.13.50 A 1604.14 Tunas,skipjack & Atl bonito, prepared or preserved,whole or in 1604.14.11 Bg 1604.14.10 C+ 1604.14.01 C+ 1604.14.12 Bg 1604.14.20 C+ 1604.14.99 C+ 1604.14.90 Bg 1604.14.30 C+ 1604.14.40 C+ 1604.14.50 A 1604.14.70 C 1604.14.80 C 1604.15 Mackerel, prepared or preserved, whole or in pieces, but not 1604.15.00 A 1604.15.00 A 1604.15.01 A 1604.16 Anchovies, prepared or preserved, whole or in pieces, but not 1604.16.10 A 1604.16.10 A 1604.16.01 A 1604.16.90 A 1604.16.30 A 1604.16.99 A 1604.16.40 A 1604.16.60 D 1604.19 Fish nes, prepared or preserved, whole or in pieces, but not 1604.19.10 Bg 1604.19.10 B 1604.19.99 B 1604.19.90 Bg 1604.19.20 A 1604.19.25 B 1604.19.30 A 1604.19.40 B 1604.19.50 B 1604.19.60 D 1604.19.80 A 1604.20 Fish prepared or preserved, except whole or in pieces 1604.20.10 Bg 1604.20.05 A 1604.20.99 B 1604.20.90 Bg 1604.20.10 D 1604.20.15 B 1604.20.20 D 1604.20.25 B 1604.20.30 B 1604.20.40 B 1604.20.50 B 1604.20.60 B 1604.30 Caviar and caviar substitutes prepared from fish eggs 1604.30.00 A 1604.30.20 A 1604.30.01 A 1604.30.30 A 1604.30.99 A 1604.30.40 D 1605.10 Crab, prepared or preserved 1605.10.00 Bg 1605.10.05 A 1605.10.01 B 1605.10.20 A 1605.10.40 A 1605.10.60 D 1605.20 Shrimps and prawns,prepared or preserved 1605.20.00 D 1605.20.05 A 1605.20.01 B 1605.20.10 D 1605.30 Lobster, prepared or preserved 1605.30.10 Bg 1605.30.05 A 1605.30.01 B 1605.30.91 D 1605.30.10 D 1605.30.99 Bg 1605.40 Crustaceans nes, prepared or preserved 1605.40.10 A 1605.40.05 A 1605.40.01 A 1605.40.90 A 1605.40.10 D 1605.40.99 A 1605.90 Molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates prepared or preserved 1605.90.10 A 1605.90.05 A 1605.90.99 A 1605.90.91 D 1605.90.06 A 1605.90.92 A 1605.90.10 A 1605.90.93 A 1605.90.20 A 1605.90.94 A 1605.90.30 D 1605.90.99 A 1605.90.40 D 1605.90.50 A 1605.90.55 A 1605.90.60 D 1701.11 Raw sugar, cane 1701.11.10 Sug 1701.11.01 Sug 1701.11.01 Sug 1701.11.20 Sug 1701.11.02 Sug 1701.11.99 Sug 1701.11.30 Sug 1701.11.03 Sug 1701.11.40 Sug 1701.11.50 Sug 1701.12 Raw sugar, beet 1701.12.00 Sug 1701.12.01 Sug 1701.12.01 Sug 1701.12.02 Sug 1701.12.99 Sug 1701.91 Refined sugar, in solid form, containing added flavouring or 1701.91.00 Sug 1701.91.21 Sug 1701.91.01 Sug 1701.91.22 Sug 1701.91.40 Sug 1701.99 Refined sugar, in solid form, nes 1701.99.00 Sug 1701.99.01 Sug 1701.99.01 Sug 1701.99.02 Sug 1701.99.99 Sug 1702.10 Lactose and lactose syrup 1702.10.00 Bg 1702.10.00 A 1702.10.01 C 1702.10.02 C 1702.10.99 C 1702.20 Maple sugar and maple syrup 1702.20.00 D 1702.20.20 A 1702.20.01 C 1702.20.40 D 1702.30 Glucose & glucose syrup not cntg fruct or cntg in dry state < 1702.30.00 Bg 1702.30.20 A 1702.30.01 C 1702.30.40 A 1702.30.99 C 1702.40 Glucose inc syrup cntg in dry state at least 20% but < 50% by 1702.40.00 Bg 1702.40.00 A 1702.40.01 C 1702.40.99 C 1702.50 Fructose, chemically pure 1702.50.00 D 1702.50.00 C 1702.50.01 C 1702.60 Fructose & fructose syrup nes, cntg in dry state > 50% by 1702.60.00 Bg 1702.60.00 A 1702.60.01 C 1702.90 Sugar nes, including invert sugar 1702.90.10 Bg 1702.90.31 Sug 1702.90.01 Sug 1702.90.20 Bg 1702.90.32 Sug 1702.90.99 Sug 1702.90.31 Sug 1702.90.35 A 1702.90.32 Sug 1702.90.40 A 1702.90.33 Sug 1702.90.50 A 1702.90.34 Sug 1702.90.35 Sug 1702.90.36 Sug 1702.90.37 Sug 1702.90.38 Sug 1702.90.40 Sug 1702.90.50 Bg 1702.90.60 Bg 1702.90.90 Bg 1703.10 Cane molasses 1703.10.10 A 1703.10.30 A 1703.10.01 Sug 1703.10.20 A 1703.10.50 A 1703.10.02 Sug 1703.10.30 A 1703.10.90 D 1703.90 Molasses nes 1703.90.10 Bg 1703.90.30 A 1703.90.99 Sug 1703.90.20 Bg 1703.90.50 A 1703.90.90 Bg 1704.10 Chewing gum containing sugar, except medicinal 1704.10.00 C 1704.10.00 A 1704.10.01 C 1704.90 Sugar confectionery nes (including white chocolate), not 1704.90.10 D 1704.90.10 B 1704.90.99 C 1704.90.20 C 1704.90.20 A 1704.90.30 C 1704.90.40 C 1704.90.90 C 1704.90.60 C 1801.00 Cocoa beans, whole or broken, raw or roasted 1801.00.00 D 1801.00.00 D 1801.00.01 A 1802.00 Cocoa shells, husks, skins and other cocoa waste 1802.00.00 D 1802.00.00 D 1802.00.01 A 1803.10 Cocoa paste not defatted 1803.10.00 D 1803.10.00 D 1803.10.01 A 1803.20 Cocoa paste wholly or partly defatted 1803.20.00 D 1803.20.00 A 1803.20.01 A 1804.00 Cocoa butter, fat and oil 1804.00.00 D 1804.00.00 D 1804.00.01 A 1805.00 Cocoa powder, not containing added sugar or other sweetening 1805.00.00 Bg 1805.00.00 A 1805.00.01 A 1806.10 Cocoa powder, containing added sugar or other sweetening matte 1806.10.00 Sug 1806.10.20 C 1806.10.01 Sug 1806.10.30 A 1806.10.41 Sug 1806.10.42 Sug 1806.20 Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa weighin 1806.20.10 D 1806.20.20 D 1806.20.01 C 1806.20.20 Bg 1806.20.40 A 1806.20.90 Bg 1806.20.60 A 1806.20.70 A 1806.20.80 C 1806.31 Choc & food prep cntg cocoa in blocks, slabs or bars,filled, 1806.31.00 Bg 1806.31.00 A 1806.31.01 C 1806.32 Choc & food prep cntg cocoa in blocks, slabs or bars, not 1806.32.00 Bg 1806.32.20 A 1806.32.01 C 1806.32.40 A 1806.90 Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa nes 1806.90.00 Bg 1806.90.00 A 1806.90.99 C 1901.10 Prep of cereals, flour, starch or milk for infant use, put up 1901.10.10 Bg 1901.10.00 C 1901.10.01 C 1901.10.20 Bg 1901.20 Mixes & doughs for the prep of bakers' wares of heading No 1901.20.10 Bg 1901.20.00 A 1901.20.01 B 1901.20.20 Bg 1901.20.99 B 1901.90 Malt extract & food prep of Ch 19 < 50% cocoa & hd 04.01 to 1901.90.10 Bg 1901.90.10 A 1901.90.01 C 1901.90.21 Bg 1901.90.20 B 1901.90.02 B 1901.90.22 Bg 1901.90.25 D 1901.90.99 B 1901.90.30 C 1901.90.2X A 1901.90.30 C 1901.90.40 C 1901.90.80 C 1901.90.90 C 1902.11 Uncooked pasta not stuffed or otherwise prepared, containing 1902.11.00 Bg 1902.11.20 D 1902.11.01 C 1902.11.40 A 1902.19 Uncooked pasta, not stuffed or otherwise prepared, nes 1902.19.10 D 1902.19.20 D 1902.19.99 C 1902.19.90 Bg 1902.19.40 A 1902.20 Stuffed pasta, whether or not cooked or otherwise prepared 1902.20.00 Bg 1902.20.00 A 1902.20.01 B 1902.30 Pasta nes 1902.30.10 Bg 1902.30.00 A 1902.30.01 B 1902.30.20 Bg 1902.40 Couscous 1902.40.10 Bg 1902.40.00 A 1902.40.01 B 1902.40.20 Bg 1903.00 Tapioca subst prep from starch in flake, grain, pearl, sifting 1903.00.00 D 1903.00.20 D 1903.00.01 B 1903.00.40 A 1904.10 Prep foods obtained by the swelling or roasting of cereal or 1904.10.00 Bg 1904.10.00 A 1904.10.01 C 1904.90 Cereals, exc maize (corn),in grain form, pre-cooked or 1904.90.10 Bg 1904.90.00 A 1904.90.99 C 1904.90.20 Bg 1905.10 Crispbread 1905.10.10 D 1905.10.00 D 1905.10.01 B 1905.10.91 Bg 1905.10.92 Bg 1905.20 Gingerbread and the like 1905.20.00 Bg 1905.20.00 D 1905.20.01 B 1905.30 Sweet biscuits, waffles and wafers 1905.30.10 Bg 1905.30.00 D 1905.30.01 C 1905.30.90 Bg 1905.40 Rusks, toasted bread and similar toasted products 1905.40.10 D 1905.40.00 D 1905.40.01 C 1905.40.90 Bg 1905.90 Communion wafers,empty cachets for pharm use and sim prod and 1905.90.11 D 1905.90.10 D 1905.90.01 A 1905.90.12 D 1905.90.90 A 1905.90.99 C 1905.90.13 Bg 1905.90.14 Bg 1905.90.21 Bg 1905.90.29 Bg 1905.90.31 Bg 1905.90.39 Bg 1905.90.40 A 1905.90.50 D 1905.90.61 Bg 1905.90.62 Bg 1905.90.90 Bg 2001.10 Cucumbers and gherkins, prepared or preserved by vinegar or 2001.10.00 Bg 2001.10.00 A 2001.10.01 B 2001.20 Onions prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid 2001.20.00 Bg 2001.20.00 A 2001.20.01 C 2001.90 Veg,fruit,nuts & edible parts of plants nes,prep or presvd by 2001.90.10 Bg 2001.90.10 A