United States General Accounting Office ____________________________________________________________________________ GAO Report to Congressional Requesters ____________________________________________________________________________ July 1991 HIGH-PERFORMANCE COMPUTING Industry Uses of Supercomputers and High-Speed Networks Note: This report uses the # character to represent a fat line over the top of major headings. The upper ASCII 220 character would draw a better fat line that would be more like the line in the printed report. You can use your word processor to search for 21 #'s and replace them with 21 ASCII 220 characters. If you change the #'s your printer must be able to print the ASCII 220 character. This report represents an effort to make it appear as close to the printed version as ASCII will allow. To obtain a printed copy of this report call call GAO report distribution at 202/275-6241 (7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST) or write to GAO, P.O. Box 6015, Gaithersburg, MD 20877. ____________________________________________________________________________ GAO/IMTEC-91-58 This U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) report is available over the Internet as part of a test to determine whether there is sufficient interest within this community to warrant making all GAO reports available over the Internet. The file REPORTS in the Anonymous FTP directory GAO.REPORTS at NIH lists additional reports; the file A-LIST contains a list of reports issued from September 1991. So that we can keep a count of report recipients, and your reaction, please send an E-Mail message to KH3@CU.NIH.GOV and include, along with your E-Mail address, the following information: 1) Your organization. 2) Your position/title and name (optional). 3) The title/report number of the above reports you have retrieved electronically or ordered by mail or phone. 4) Whether you have ever obtained a GAO report before. 5) Whether you have copied a report onto another bulletin board--if so, which report and bulletin board. 6) Other GAO report subjects you would be interested in. GAO's reports cover a broad range of subjects such as major weapons systems, energy, financial institutions, and pollution control. 7) Any additional comments or suggestions. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Jack L. Brock, Jr. Director, Government Information and Financial Management Issues Information Management and Technology Division i _____________________________________________________________________________ GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 ______________________________________________________ Information Management and Technology Division B-244488 July 30, 1991 The Honorable Ernest F. Hollings Chairman, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation The Honorable Al Gore Chairman, Subcommittee on Science, Technology, and Space Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation The Honorable George E. Brown, Jr. Chairman, House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology The Honorable Robert S. Walker Ranking Minority Member House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology The Honorable Tim Valentine Chairman, Subcommittee on Technology and Competitiveness House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology The Honorable Tom Lewis Ranking Minority Member Subcommittee on Technology and Competitiveness House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology This report responds to your October 2, 1990, and March 11, 1991, requests for information on supercomputers and high-speed networks. You specifically asked that we - provide examples of how various industries are using supercomputers to improve products, reduce costs, save time, and provide other benefits; - identify barriers preventing the increased use of supercomputers; and Page 1 GAO/IMTEC-91-58 Supercomputers and High-Speed Networks _____________________________________________________________________________ B-244488 _____________________________________________________________________________ - provide examples of how certain industries are using and benefitting from high-speed networks. As agreed with the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, and Subcommittee on Science, Technology, and Space, our review of supercomputers examined five industries--oil, aerospace, automobile, and chemical and pharmaceutical. These industries are known for using supercomputers to solve complex problems for which solutions might otherwise be unattainable. Appendixes II through V provide detailed accounts--drawn from 24 companies contacted within these industries--of how supercomputers are used to improve products and provide other benefits. We also obtained information from 10 companies in the oil, automobile, and computer industries concerning how they are using and benefitting from high-speed computer networks. We did not verify the accuracy of the examples of benefits provided by the various companies. Appendixes I, VI, and VII, respectively, provide additional information on the objectives, scope, and methodology of our review, and identify the companies examined to assess uses of supercomputers and high-speed networks. #####################________________________________________________________ RESULTS IN BRIEF Supercomputers contribute significantly to the oil, automobile, aerospace, and chemical and pharmaceutical industries' ability to solve complex problems. They enable companies within these industries to design new and better products in less time, and to simulate product tests that would have been impossible without spending months developing and experimenting with expensive product models. Some companies have attributed significant cost savings to the use of supercomputers. For example, although exact figures were not always available, representatives of some automobile and aerospace companies estimated that millions of dollars have been saved on specific models or vehicle parts because of reduced manufacturing or testing costs. In addition, one oil company representative estimated that over the last 10 years, supercomputer use has resulted in increased production of oil worth between $5 billion and $10 billion from two of the largest U.S. oil fields. Despite widespread use of supercomputers for certain applications, representatives of these companies told us that several key barriers currently hinder their greater use. These barriers include (1) the high cost of supercomputers, (2) a lack of application software, (3) the cultural resistance to the shift from physical experiments to an increased reliance on Page 2 GAO/IMTEC-91-58 Supercomputers and High-Speed Networks _____________________________________________________________________________ B-244488 _____________________________________________________________________________ computational experiments, and (4) a lack of supercomputing education and training. High-speed networks contribute to improved productivity by enabling industries to more efficiently share information and resources and collaborate on product development over distances. Companies within the oil, automobile, and computer industries, for example, rely on high-speed networks to transfer large graphics and data files, and access computers worldwide. In many cases these companies must use high-speed networks (as opposed to those operating at lower speeds) because (1) the applications in use require high transmission speeds, for example to provide instant images for interactive videoconferencing, (2) high volumes of traffic in one or more applications are being transmitted, or (3) fast response is needed for such applications as data base queries. Several companies reported that they would not be able to develop products in a timely manner without high-speed networks. #####################________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND A supercomputer, by its most basic definition, is the most powerful computer available at a given time. Current supercomputers, costing from about $1 million to $30 million, are capable of performing billions of calculations each second. Computations requiring hours or days on conventional computers may be accomplished in a few minutes or seconds on a supercomputer. Although the term supercomputer does not refer to a particular design or type of computer, supercomputers generally use vector or parallel processing. With vector processing, a supercomputer lines up billions of calculations and then uses one or several large processors to perform these calculations. In parallel processing, many smaller processors work on multiple parts of a program concurrently. The trend in supercomputer design is to add more processors to achieve greater performance. Massively parallel supercomputers consisting of between 1,000 and 64,000 processors now exist. The unique computational power of supercomputers makes it possible to solve critical scientific and engineering problems that cannot be dealt with satisfactorily by theoretical, analytical, or experimental means. Scientists and engineers in many fields--including aerospace, petroleum exploration, automobile design and testing, chemistry, materials science, and electronics--emphasize the value of supercomputers in solving complex problems. Much of this work involves the use of workstations for Page 3 GAO/IMTEC-91-58 Supercomputers and High-Speed Networks _____________________________________________________________________________ B-244488 _____________________________________________________________________________ scientific visualization--a technique allowing researchers to convert masses of data into three- dimensional images of objects or systems under study. These images enable researchers to comprehend more readily what data reveal and facilitate the understanding of problems by different types of scientists and engineers. While supercomputers are still relatively limited in use, the number of supercomputers has risen dramatically in the last decade. In the early 1980s, most of the 20 to 30 supercomputers in existence were operated by government agencies for such purposes as weapons research and weather modeling. Today, about 280 supercomputers#1 are in use worldwide. The Government (including defense-related industry) remains the largest user, although private industry has been the fastest growing user segment for the past few years, and is projected to remain so. A high-speed network is generally defined as a network operating at speeds of T1--1.544 million bits per second--or higher. Prior to 1977, high-speed networks were employed exclusively by the telephone companies. By the early 1980s, however, these services had become widely available to commercial customers. Today, thousands of high-speed networks exist, fueled by demands for a variety of applications, such as electronic mail, data file transfer, and distributed data base access. Networks operating at T1-speeds are