Newsgroups: bit.listserv.govdoc-l From: Date: Fri, 26 Feb 1993 11:31:42 EDT Subject: President Clinton's Economic Plan Message-ID: <01GV6B9Z5AXE0095BY@ENH.NIST.GOV> Sender: Discussion of Government Document Issues Lines: 32 The data contained on the President's Economic Plan diskette is now available via anonymous FTP at The data can be found in a directory named USDOC-OBA-INFO. Currently there are nine text files available. These files are the equivalent to the "Vision of Change" book. Also included on the diskette are several spreadsheet files detailing the plan and statistical tables from OMB and CBO. I haven't been able to transfer these files to the FTP site without errors but will continue to tinker until they are uploaded. The files included in USDOC-OBA-INFO are: LETTER.TXT - Letter of Transmittal PART1.TXT - A New Direction PART2.TXT - A Legacy of Failure PART3.TXT - What We Must Do Now PART4.TXT - Investing in the Future: Increasing Public Investment PART5.TXT - Investing in the Future: Reducing the Deficit PART6.TXT - Restoring Fairness PART7.TXT - Making Government Work Better PART8.TXT - Task Remaining I hope to develop this FTP site to distribute data that may or may not already be on the National Trade Data Bank (NTDB), the National Economic, Social, and the National Environmental Data Bank (NESE), or the Economic Bulletin Board (EBB). We are also establishing a direct link to the internet and will be making the EBB available via telnet. Amy Williams Office of Business Analysis U.S. Department of Commerce - internet I will send another post when the rest of the files are available.