Newsgroups: bit.listserv.pacs-l Message-ID: <> Approved: NETNEWS@AUVM.AMERICAN.EDU Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1993 15:20:16 CDT Sender: Public-Access Computer Systems Forum From: Chris Scheurweghs Organisation: Defence Research Group, NATO HQ Subject: New list from NATO HQ Lines: 29 ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- For your information : You can subscribe to a new LIST "NATODATA". This list will distribute public data from NATO such as press releases, speeches, NATO articles, communiques, ... To subscribe send a mail to LISTSERV@CC1.KULEUVEN.AC.BE with as only text 'subscribe NATODATA Firstname Lastname' Feel free to announce this information within your community. Greetings -- NATO - OTAN DEFENCE SUPPORT DIVISION Chris SCHEURWEGHS Leopold III laan 1110 BRUSSEL Belgium Telf. : 00-(32)-2-728.4692 FAX : 00-(32)-2-729.4103 Internet :