Newsgroups: bit.listserv.govdoc-l Message-ID: Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1993 09:40:29 EDT Sender: Discussion of Government Document Issues From: Larry Schankman Subject: Re: Federal Bulletin Boards Lines: 413 ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- On Tue, 9 Feb 1993, Kathy Webb asked: > Does anyone out there know of a comprehensive list of government operated > Bulletin Boards. I have found several listings but none appear to be > comprehensive. Any help would be appreciated. Very long file follows (enjoy) Larry Schankman Valdosta State College Internet: ************************************************************** GOVERNMENT BULLETIN BOARDS Last updated: July 23, 1992 Department of Agriculture 1. Agricultural Library Forum (ALF) Voice Number: 301-504-5113 Data Number: 301-504-5496 Describes specific information products, such as "Quick Bibliographies" and "Special Reference Briefs" offered by the National Agricultural Library. 2. Human Nutrition Information Service BBS Voice Number: 301-436-8491 Data Number: 301-436-5078 Covers topics related to food and nutrition research. 3. Commercial Information Delivery Service (CIDS) Voice Number: 202-720-5505 Data Number: Must subscribe first CIDS contains government information about developments and statistics dealing with the agriculture industry. Bureau of the Census 1. Bureau of Economic Analysis BBS Voice Number: 301-763-1580 (contact John Rowe) Data Number: 301-763-7554 Contains business and industry information collected by the U.S. Census Bureau and the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Offers trade opportunities also found on the Economic Bulletin Board. 2. State Data Center/Business-Industry Data Center Voice Number: 301-763-1580 Data Number: 301-763-7554 (9600 Baud) This BBS includes Bureau of the Census economic reports, geographic electronic mapping, and any press reports dealing with Census surveys. Public domain software is available which allows users to transfer any census data. 3. Census Bureau Personnel Vacancy Board Voice Number: 301-763-4950 Data Number: 301-763-4574 Posts all Census Bureau position vacancies. 4. Office Automation BBS Voice Number: 301-763-4950 Data Number: 301-763-4576 Lists all new technology dealing with office automation. Allows users to transfer messages. Department of Commerce 1. Economic Bulletin Board (EBB) Voice Number: 202-482-1986 Data Number: 202-482-3870 Provides current information on the U.S. economy and trade situation as released by Federal agencies, as well as trade leads from the U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and USDOC's Eastern European Business Information Center. 2. Patent Licensing Bulletin Board (PLBB) Voice Number: 703-487-4650 Data Number: 703-487-4061 Assists companies in finding government-owned inventions from federal laboratories that are available for licensing. Summarizes each invention and gives supporting material. 3. Office of Budget Planning and Organization Bulletin Board Voice Number: 202-482-2949 Data Number: 202-482-1423 A communications and discussion forum for planning and budget issues of the U.S. Department of Commerce. 4. Climate Dialup Services (CDUS) Voice Number: 301-763-4670 Data Number: 301-899-0827 (300-1200 baud) 301-899-1173 (1200 baud) Fee-based bulletin board providing daily/weekly/monthly weather information collected by the National Weather Service. 5. Fire Research BBS Voice Number: 301-975-6891 Data Number: 301-921-6302 Focuses on the use of computers in fire research. This BBS also includes info. on EMS updates as well as offering programs that simulate correct emergency procedure in various situations. U.S. Customs Service 1. Customs Electronic BBS Voice Number: 202-376-7039 Data Number: 202-376-7100 A complimentary service which provides information on currency exchange rates, quota thresholds, and federal register notices. Also contains related news releases about global trade. Defense Department 1. ELISA (Export License Info. Status Advisor) Voice Number: 703-693-1098 (contact Ken Freshwater) Data Number: 703-697-6109 Permits exporters to monitor the status of their export license applications as they are processed through the Department of Defense. 2. JAG-NET (Navy Judge Advocate General Bulletin Board) Voice Number: 703-325-8312 Data Number: 703-325-0748 Provides information for those seeking software related to time organization, record keeping, and work management programs. 3. Defense Logistics Agency DASC-ZE Bulletin Board Voice Number: 703-274-5757 Data Number: 703-274-5863 Contains files on presentation graphics, telecommunications, statistics programs, and a directory of all Federal Information Centers. 4. Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station (NCTS) Voice Number: 202-475-7685 Data Number: 202-475-7885 Provides marketing information and technical support for Department of the Navy facilities. Contains files of both a technical and general business interest. Department of Education 1. Office of Educational Research Improvement BBS Voice Number: 202-219-1526 Data Number: 202-219-2010/2011 Contains statistics on all aspects and levels of education. Includes a directory of libraries throughout the U.S., as well as a directory of education grants. Department of Energy 1. Energy Info. Admin. Electronic Publishing System (EPUB) Voice Number: 202-586-8800 Data Number: 202-586-2557 Contains selected energy related data from numerous energy publications. 2. Megawatts One Voice Number: 202-586-2216 Data Number: 202-586-0739 Descriptions of recent energy-related publications available through GPO. Specializes in utilities and other software programs that deal with data management. 3. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Issuance Posting System (FERC-CIPS) Voice Number: 202-208-2304 Data Number: 202-208-1397 (2400 Baud) 202-208-1787 (9600 Baud) A source of intelligence on specific utility companies. Contains texts of energy-related regulatory proceedings. 4. Fossil Energy Telenews Voice Number: 202-586-6503 Data Number: 202-586-6496 Covers research and development on all fossil fuel issues. 5. Minority Energy Info. Clearing House Voice Number: 202-586-5876 Data Number: 202-586-1561 Contains information on minority college programs, educational seminars and research involving minority groups. 6. OCRWM-INFOLINK Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Voice Number: 202-586-2835 Data Number: 202-586-9359 Provides current information and DOE positions on waste management developments, OCRWM press releases, selected speeches, technical papers, Congressional testimony and the current OCRWM Bulletin. In addition, Environmental Protection Agency 1. Clean-Up Information Bulletin Board (CLU-IN) Voice Number: 301-589-8368 Data Number: 301-589-8366 Designed to help hazardous waste cleanup professionals find current events information about innovative technologies, consult with each other on line, and provide access data banks. Export-Import Bank 1. EXIM Bank BBS Voice Number: 202-566-8818 (contact Susan Hein) Data Number: 202-566-4699 Contains program information, seminar schedules, press releases dating back six months, and bulletins of special interest (e.g. city-state programs). Federal Communications Commission 1. FCC Public Access Link (PAL) Voice Number: 202-653-6288 or 202-632-0002 Data Number: 301-725-1072 Contains information on Federal Communications Commission rulemaking, including specific references to investigative dockets. Also contains telecommunication topics of special interest. Federal Reserve Bank 1. Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) Voice Number: 314-444-8562 (contact Tom Pollmann) Data Number: 314-621-1824 Contains information on banking, interest rates and the economy. Operated by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. General Services Administration 1. GSA Information Resources Service Center (GSA-IRSC) Voice Number: 202-501-1404 (contact Joe McGuire) Data Number: 202-501-2014 Provides GSA schedules and products which are authorized for purchase by the federal government. Department of Health and Human Services 1. FDA Center for Devices and Radiological Health BBS Voice Number: 301-443-7004 Data Number: 301-443-7496 Contains information about the FDA's procedures for evaluating and approving medical devices. Department of the Interior 1. Geological Survey BBS Voice Number: 703-648-7300 Data Number: 703-648-4168 (9600 Baud) Consists of public domain files dealing with mapping and earth science information. 2. Mines-Data System U.S. Bureau of Mines Voice Number: 202-501-9554 Data Number: 202-501-0373 Contains data from research reports dealing with mineral production, availability, and demand. Department of Justice 1. National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) Voice Number: 301-251-5269 (contact Irene Pappas) Data Number: 301-738-8895 Contains current news, announcements, and on-line publications about justice and crime. 2. Bureau of Prisons BBS U.S. Bureau of Prisons Voice Number: 202-307-3104 (contact Janet Peterkin) Data Number: 202-514-6102/6103 Provides an overview of BOP programs and access to Shareware and Freeware software. 3. Civil Rights Division Voice Number: 202-307-2215 Data Number: 202-514-6193 Provides a listing of automated data processing related materials available to the public and regulations regarding technical data. 4. Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys Voice Number: 202-501-8220 Data Number: 202-501-7521 or 501-7616 Provides a conglomeration of word processing, database, spreadsheet, utilities, management and other software. Department of Labor 1. Labor News Bulletin Board Voice Number: 202-523-7343 Data Number: 202-523-4784 The Labor News Bulletin Board contains press releases from the Department of Labor as well as a labor-oriented legislative calendar. Library of Congress 1. Automated Library Information Exchange (ALIX) Voice Number: 202-707-4848/4800 Data Number: 202-707-4888 A source for developments in information sciences. NASA 1. NASA Headquarters Information Technology Center BBS Voice Number: Via on-line E-Mail Data Number: 202-453-9008 One of the most used resources on this bulletin board is ITC Times which provides current information on computer applications. National Institute for Standards and Technology 1. Microcomputer Electronic Information Exchange Voice Number: 301-975-3359 Data Number: 301-948-5717 (2400 Baud) 301-948-5718 (9600 Baud) Describes software, systems, and techniques that combat unauthorized access to your computer, and contains files that describe computer viruses and how to prevent them. 2. NIST/NCSC Data Management Information Exchange Voice Number: 301-975-3272 Data Number: 301-948-2048 or (2049) Serves as a forum for exchanging information on data management including program languages, data dictionaries, and computer graphics. Small Business Administration 1. SBA Central Office Bulletin Board Voice Number: 202-205-6253 Data Number: 202-205-6269 Open to government agency personnel and SBA contractors. Contains a wealth of computer applications, text files, and software for communications, graphics, word processing, spreadsheets, anti-virus programs, and other functions. State Department 1. Automated License Status System (ALISS) Voice Number: 703-875-7391 (contact Jim DePalma) Data Number: 703-875-7350 Permits exporters to monitor the status of their export license applications as they are processed through the State Department. Department of Transportation 1. Federal Highway Administration Electronic BBS (FEBBS) Voice Number: 202-366-9022 Data Number: 202-366-3764 Provides information on the federal highway and motor carrier programs and the information technology that supports them. Department of the Treasury 1. BXR Info. Corner Voice Number: 703-756-6280 Data Number: 703-756-6109 Contains information on the IRS's electronic filing system, taxpayer assistance programs, and changes in taxpayer forms. Provides files for use with WordPerfect, IRS's standard word processing program. 2. Customs Electronic Bulletin Board Voice Number: 202-376-7039 Data Number: 202-376-7100 Includes information about trade, news releases of the Customs Service, speeches, trade meeting schedules, and currency conversion rates. 3. FMS Inventory Line BBS Voice Number: 202-287-0769 Data Number: 202-287-0767 The FMS Inventory Line is operated by the Financial Management Service and contains information on federal cash management, as well as the current value of funds rate.