Guide to the information contained in the databases of: U.S. ARMY MILITARY HISTORY INSTITUTE U.S. ARMY WAR COLLEGE An index of the available information can be obtained by mailing to with a Subject: line containing only the word "index" i.e. Subject: index To request the information contained under a subject heading, send mail to In the subject line, input the refbib abbreviation (contained in the parenthesis after the subject heading) followed by the extension '.asc' (this tells the database to return the information in ascii format). Leave the body of the message empty. EXAMPLE: mail Subject: adjen.asc letter body empty. Send request. Response times vary from 3-4 min. to 12 hours. - A - Updated 15 Jan 92 ADJUTANT GENERAL (adjgen) Adjutant General...p.2 .....p.5 ADMINISTRATION #1 (admin) 19th Cent US Mililitary Administration......p.2 20th Cent US Army Admin: Gen/Misc..........p.4 Bureaucracy.................................p.5 Admin Personnel in Combat Role: Examples...p.7 Admin Support Planning, Field Army Level....p.8 .................p.10 ADMINISTRATION #2 (admin2) Guard & Duty Rosters..............p.2 The Morning Report................p.5 ......p.6 AFGHANISTAN (afghan) First Afghan War, 1839-1842.........p.2 Second Afghan War, 1878-1880........p.3 Afghan-Soviet Conflict, 1979-1989...p.4 .............p.7 AFRICA (africa) Herero Uprising, Ger SW Africa, 1904-08...p.2 British Colonial Africa, WWII.............p.5 Congo, 1960-1965: Mil Interventions......p.7 ...............p.9 AGRICULTURE (agri) Western Post Gardens, Esp Pre-CW...p.2 Military Agriculture, WWI..........p.4 New Caledonia Farm Program, WWII...p.5 ..........p.6 AIR #1a Gen/Misc (airA) Air Power...........................p.2 US Air Force.......................p.3 Special Air Opns....................p.5 Confederate Air Force...............p.6 Cessna (L-19) "Bird-Dog" Aircraft...p.7 ..........p.10 AIR #1b More Gen/Misc (airB) Airlift.....................p.2 ............p.5 AIR #2a (air2a) Wright Bros & Pioneer Aviations...p.2 Origins of Formation Flying.......p.3 Early US Air (Pre-1914)...........p.4 Air Warfare, WWI..................p.5 ............p.8 AIR #2b (air2b) Pre-1917 American Air in WWI...p.2 Lafayette Escadrille, WWI......p.4 US Army Air Service, WWI.......p.6 ..........p.8 AIR #2c Early (air2c) US Army Air Service/Corps Between Wars.......p.2 US Army & Air Mail...........................p.4 US Army & Airport Lighting, 1920s............p.5 GHQ Airforce, 1935-1941......................p.6 .............p.8 AIR #3a WWII (air3a) Strategic Bombing, WWII.................p.2 Air Attacks on Ploesti..................p.3 US Accidental Bombing of Switzerland....p.5 "Lady-Be-Good" Episode..................p.6 8th Air Force, USAAF....................p.7 Recovery of Downed Fliers...............p.9 ........p.10 AIR #3b More WWII (air3b) Black Sheep Squadron.............p.2 Ninth Air Force, USAAF...........p.3 Ground Observer Corps............p.4 German Air Force, WWII...........p.5 Aircraft, WWII...................p.6 Technique of Aerial Bombardment..p.8 Training Aircraft, USAAF, WWII...p.9 US Army Flight Officer, WWII.....p.10 ........p.11 AIR #3c Still more WWII (air3c) US Army Air Forces, WWII.......p.2 Doolittle Raid on Japan........p.6 ..........p.7 AIRBORNE #1 Gen/Misc (abn) Airborne: Very General.......p.2 Parachutes....................p.3 Airborne Dolls & Dummies......p.6 ........p.8 AIRBORNE #2 WWII (abn2) US Airborne, WWII........p.2 Abn Divs, 1942-46........p.9 2d Abn Div, WWII.........p.10 555th Parachute Inf Bn...p.11 .......p.12 AIRBORNE #3 More WWII (abn3) Gliders, WWII..............p.2 Troop Carriers, WWII.......p.4 Foreign Airborne, WWII.....p.6 .......p.11 AIRBORNE #4 Since WWII (abn4) Airborne, Since WWII........p.2 .....p.6 AIR-GROUND #1 Gen/Misc (airgrnd) Close Air Spt.........p.1 ..........p.10 AIR-GROUND #2 WWII (airgrnd2) U.S. Army Gen/Misc.....................................p.1 Mediterranean Theater - North Africa............................p.2 - Sicily/Italy............................p.3 European Theater - Gen/Misc................................p.3 - Specific Operations/Units...............p.4 Pacific Theater - Gen/Misc................................p.5 - Guadalcanal.............................p.6 - Other Southwest Pacific.................p.7 - Central.................................p.7 Other Armies British......................................p.7 German.......................................p.8 Russian......................................p.8 .............p.9 AIR-GROUND #3 Since WWII (airgrnd3) Gen/Misc........................................p.1 1945-1950.......................................p.2 Korean War......................................p.3 1954-1964.......................................p.5 Vietnam War.....................................p.7 Since 1972......................................p.9 Foreign Doctrines/Operations....................p.10 ...............p.11 AIRLAND BATTLE (airland) AirLand Battle...p.2 ....p.4 AIRMOBILITY #1 (airmob) Gen/Misc...............p.1 World War II...........p.2 1945-55 - Korean War Opns...p.2 - Other.............p.3 1955-65 - Howze Board.......p.5 - Other.............p.5 1965-75 - Vietnam War Opns..p.8 - Other.............p.9 Since 1975.............p.10 ..........p.12 AIRMOBILITY #2 (airmob2) AWC Study Papers on Airmob/ Army Avn...p.2 Piper Cub (Grasshopper, L-4), WWII.....p.5 Helicopters in General.................p.7 Military Helicopters...................p.8 ........p.10 AIRMOBILITY #3 (airmob3) Airmobile Armor....................p.2 Small Rocket Lift Device, 1960s....p.4 Army Pilot Training & Behavior.....p.5 ALASKA #1 Gen/Misc (alaska) AK Communications System...p.2 Black Units in AK..........p.4 ..................p.5 ALASKA #2 Pre-WWII (alaska2) US Army in AK, 1867-1939...............p.2 Termination of War Dept Jurisdiction...p.7 ..............p.8 ALASKA #3 WWII (alaska3) Alaska, WWII..........p.2 ALCAN Highway.........p.6 ......p.10 ALASKA #3a WWII, esp Aleutians (alaska3a) Aleutian Islands, WWII......p.2 7th Div Selected for Attu...p.9 Canol Project...............p.10 .........p.12 ALASKA #4 Since WWII (alaska4) General/Miscellaneous......................p.1 Strategic Perspective......................p.3 Technical Studies..........................p.3 Reports of Exercises.......................p.5 Units & Commands...........................p.7 ALCOHOL (alcohol) Alcohol: Military Use & Abuse...p.2 US Army Prohibition, 1890-1953...p.5 .........p.9 ALGERIA (algeria) Algeria, 1954-1962...p.2 ....p.5 AMPHIBIOUS #1 Early (amphib) "Father" of Amphibious Warfare.....p.2 Amphibious Opns thru WWI...........p.3 Amphib Opns/Developments, 1919-39..p.8 .........p.11 AMPHIBIOUS #2a WWII (amphib2a) Part I General Accounts..............p.2 Wartime Doctrine/Lessons......p.2 Naval Role General....................p.4 Specific Aspects...........p.5 Intelligence General....................p.5 Reconnaissance.............p.6 Fire Support Ship Gunfire...............p.6 Air........................p.7 Field Arty.................p.8 Other......................p.8 AMPHIBIOUS #2b WWII (amphib2b) Part 2 Antiaircraft....................p.9 Armor...........................p.9 Engineer Support................p.10 Supply/Loading..................p.11 Landing Vehicles Gen/Misc.....................p.11 LVT's........................p.12 AMTRAC's.....................p.12 Training........................p.13 Operations Mediterranean Theater........p.14 European Theater.............p.14 Pacific Theater..............p.14 Misc............................p.15 Postwar Lessons Immediate (1945-48)..........p.15 Longer Term..................p.16 ............p.16 AMPHIBIOUS #2c WWII foreign (amphib2c) Amphibious Opns, WWII, Non-US....p.2 ............p.4 AMPHIBIOUS #3 Since WWII (amphib3) Amphib Warfare Since 1945...p.2 Naval Gunfire Support.......p.11 ...........p.12 ANCIENT WARFARE (ancient) Ancient Warfare: Gen/Misc........p.2 ................p.3 ANECDOTES (anecdote) Mil anecdotes..............p.2 ........p.3 ANIMALS #1 Gen/Misc (animal) Animals: Gen/Misc................p.2 US Veterinary Services............p.3 Military Mascots..................p.5 Proposed Ostrich Cavalry, 1879....p.7 Oxen Shoeing......................p.8 Insects...........................p.9 ........p.10 ANIMALS #2 Camels/Elephants (animal2) Military Camels.............p.2 U.S. Army Camels, 1856-66...p.3 Elephants...................p.6 .......p.7 ANIMALS #2a Dogs (animal2a) General...........p.1 Pre-WWI...........p.1 WWI...............p.1 WWII..............p.1 Since 1945 - Gen/Misc.....p.5 - Vietnam......p.6 .......p.6 ANIMALS #3 Birds (animal3) The Military Pigeon.................p.2 "Old Abe" Eagle Mascot, Civil War...p.7 ..................p.9 ANIMALS #4 Horses (animal4) Horses & Horsemanship..............p.2 Capture of Lippizaners, 1945.......p.10 ..........p.11 ANIMALS #4a More horses (animal4a) Military Horse Equipment................p.2 Coded Messages in Equestrian Statues...p.7 Mounted Status of CW Inf Officers.......p.8 ..........p.10 ANIMALS #5 Mules (animal5) Military Mules..........p.2 The "Last" Army Mule....p.7 Mules as Rations........p.8 ......p.9 ARIZONA (arizona) Military AZ......p.2 .......p.4 ARMENIA (armenia) Armenia........p.2 .......p.3 ARMOR (armor) Intro.......p.1 ...p.2 ARMOR #1a Gen/Misc (armorA) Armor: Gen/Misc...........................p.2 Armor Doctrine, Tactics & Techniques.......p.4 Armor Training Pubs, DA Level, 17-series...p.7 Armored Cars...............................p.8 US Armored Inf.............................p.9 Dummy Tanks (Inflatable) & Other Decoys....p.11 ..............p.12 ARMOR #1b More Gen/Misc (armorB) Armored/Mechanized Cav...p.2 .......p.4 ARMOR #2 Early (armor2) Development of Armor, to 1939...p.2 Early US Armor, to 1939.........p.3 US Army Tank Board..............p.5 British Armor, 1914-1939........p.6 German Army, 1914-1939..........p.7 .........p.10 ARMOR #3a WWII (armor3a) Armor, WWII: Gen/Misc...................p.2 Tank Losses, WWII........................p.3 Armor in Overlord & Normandy.............p.5 Allied Specialized Tanks, WWII...........p.6 Tank Dozers, WWII........................p.7 Hedgerow Cutter, Normandy................p.9 Canal Defense Light (CDL) Project, WWII..p.10 ...........p.11 ARMOR #3b More WWII (armor3b) US Armor, WWII................p.2 Armor River Crossings, WWII...p.5 US Sherman Tank...............p.7 US Light Tanks, WWII..........p.8 US Light Tank M3 (Stuart).....p.10 Prov Tk Grp, USAFFE, 1941.....p.11 ...........p.12 ARMOR #3c WWII foreign (armor3c) German Armor, WWII...............p.2 German Tanks, WWII: Gen/Misc....p.4 Tiger Tanks in Tunisia, WWII.....p.5 Japanese Armored Vehicles........p.6 ............p.7 ARMOR #3d (armor3d) Mil Monographs, Armored School, List & Index. (7 p.) ARMOR #3e (armor3e) Arm Sch Comm Rpts List & Index. ARMOR #4 Antitank/TD (armor4) Antitank: Gen/Misc.........p.2 US Tank Destroyers, WWII....p.4 US TD Units, WII............p.10 .......p.11 ARMOR #5 Korea (armor5) Armor in Korea, 1950-53........p.2 US Armor, Vietnam..............p.3 Enemy Armor, VN................p.5 Bradley Inf Fighting Vehicle...p.6 US Abrams M-1 Tank.............p.7 Soviet Armored Vehicles........p.9 Armor Misc.....................p.10 ........p.11 ARMY WAR COLLEGE (awc) AWC Historical Section..........p.2 Two Army War Colleges...........p.3 US Army War College.............p.4 ......p.7 ART (art) Battle Art and Pictorial Journalism...p.2 Posters...............................p.6 Cyclorama Paintings...................p.7 ..............p.8 ART #2 (art2) Art Treasures, WWII....p.2 .......p.6 ARTILLERY (arty) Arty Files List...p.1 ......p.5 ARTILLERY #1a Gen/Misc (artyA) Saint Barbara..........................p.2 Ancient Arty: Ballista & Catapult.....p.3 US Arty: Gen/Misc.....................p.4 US Arty Branch Specialization..........p.5 Shrapnel vs Fragment: Semantic View...p.6 .............p.10 ARTILLERY #1b Gen/Misc2 (artyB) US Arty Tactical Doctrine & Organiz...p.2 Arty in Towns.........................p.4 Arty in Close/Direct Support..........p.5 Flash & Sound Ranging.................p.6 Pack Arty.............................p.8 ..........p.9 ARTILLERY #1c Gen/Misc3 (artyC) 75-mm Pack Howitzer, M1A1...p.2 US 105mm Howitzer...........p.4 US 155mm Howitzer...........p.5 .....p.6 ARTILLERY #2 Early (arty2) Ancient & Honorable Arty Co of Mass......p.2 US Light Horse Arty: Flying Batteries...p.3 US Horse Arty, 1840-60...................p.5 US Arty Carriages, 1809-1850.............p.7 US Mountain Howitzer, Model 1841.........p.8 British 32-Pound Howitzer, 1844..........p.9 Kneeguards Worn by US Artymen............p.10 ......p.11 ARTILLERY #3a Civil War (arty3a) US Field Arty, CW................p.2 Confederate Arty.................p.6 Confederate Ordnance, esp Arty...p.7 ......p.8 ARTILLERY #3b Civil War 2 (arty3b) Artillerymen's Indiv Wpns, CW.........p.2 Light Arty Troops Used as Inf, CW.....p.4 A 3" Rodman Field Gun.................p.5 Wiard Field Cannon....................p.6 ..........p.7 ARTILLERY #3c Late 19th - Early 20th Cent (arty3c) Artillery in West, 1866-1900............p.2 Arty "Company" Becomes "Battery"........p.4 French 80mm Fld/Mtn Guns................p.5 US Arty Wpns, Spanish-Amer War..........p.6 2.95-in Vickers-Maxim Mtn Gun, Philip...p.7 ...........p.9 ARTILLERY #4 Coast Arty (arty4) US Coast Artillery........................p.2 Hot Shot..................................p.7 Rodman Coastal Guns.......................p.8 Columbiads: Heavy Coastal Arty...........p.9 Zalinski Pneumatic Dynamite Torpedo Gun...p.10 ..........................p.12 ARTILLERY #5 WWI (arty5) US Arty, WWI.........................p.2 Shrapnel in WWI......................p.3 37mm Inf Support Gun.................p.4 Railway Arty.........................p.5 US 75mm Field Gun, WWI and After.....p.6 155mm Howitzer (Schneider 1917)......p.8 ........p.10 ARTILLERY #5a Early 20th (arty5a) Artillery, 1900-1914........p.2 U.S. Artillery, 1919-1939...p.3 Davis Recoiless Gun.........p.4 End file....................p.5 ARTILLERY #6 WWII (arty6) US Arty, WWII........................p.2 Proximity Fuses, WWII................p.4 Field Arty Observation Bns, WWII.....p.5 Super Guns: Very Heavy Arty, WWII...p.6 .........p.7 ARTILLERY #6a WWII 2 (arty6a) German Arty, WWII............................p.2 Ger Arty Ranges: Rugenswald & Hillerleben...p.4 ..........p.5 ARTILLERY #7 Since WWII (arty7) 75-mm Pack Howitzer as Modern Salute Gun...p.2 US Arty in KW..............................p.3 52d thru 69th Inf Counterfire Plts, KW.....p.4 US Arty Weapons, Mid-20th Cent.............p.5 .............p.6 ARTILLERY #8 (arty8) Antiaircraft, WWII............p.2 Nike Missile System & Sites...p.5 End file......................p.7 ASIA: GEN/MISC (asia) Resources on East Asia, MHI...p.2 Asia: Very General...........p.6 East Asia.....................p.7 End file......................p.8 ATTACHES & OBSERVERS, MILITARY (attache) US Military Attaches and Observers...p.2 German Attaches, 1890-1914...........p.5 ........p.6 AUSTRALIA (aussie) Australian Military History.......p.2 US Army in Aust, WWII.............p.5 US Influence on Aust Army, WWII...p.7 .......p.9 AUSTRIA/AUSTRO-HUNGARY (austria) US Opns in Austria, Apr-May 1945.....p.2 Occupation of Austria, 1945-55.......p.3 Austrian (Hapsburg) Army, Pre-1914...p.6 Austro-Hungarian Army, 1914-1918.....p.7 ..........p.8 AWARDS #3 (award3) Indiv Awards: Gen/Misc.)....p.2 The Blue Max.................p.4 .....p.5 AWARDS #4 MOH (award4) Medal of Honor.......................p.2 Blacks & MOH.........................p.7 English-Born Awardees, Indian Wars...p.8 Medical Medals of Honor..............p.10 The 1916-1917 Purge..................p.11 ........p.12 AWARDS #5 Purple Heart (award5) The Purple Heart.............p.2 Most Purple Hearts Awarded...p.4 ........p.5 AWARDS #6 (award6) Wound Certificate, WWI....p.2 Legion of Merit, WWII.....p.3 ......p.5 AWARDS #7 Badges/Tabs (award7) Expert Infantryman Badge.........p.2 Combat Infantryman Badge (CIB)...p.3 The "Ruptured" Duck..............p.4 ........p.6 - B - Updated 3 Sep 91 BALKANS (balkans) Balkan Wars, 1912-13......................p.2 German Invasion of Balkans, Spring 1941...p.4 ...........p.6 BALLOONS #1 (balloon) U.S. Army Balloons.....................p.2 Japanese Balloon Attacks on US, WWII...p.9 ........p.12 BALLOONS #2 (balloon2) Military Balloons (Chiefly Foreign)...p.2 Military Airships (Dirigibles)........p.4 Airship Roma Disaster, 1922...........p.6 .........p.7 BATTLES (battles) Battles..............................p.2 Various Battles Analyzed, Compared...p.4 ........p.6 BIOLOGICAL WARFARE (biowar) Bibliograpies.............p.1 Gen/Misc..................p.1 Pre-WWII..................p.2 WWII Gen/Misc...............p.3 Japanese Experiments...p.3 Since 1945................p.4 ......p.6 BOER WAR, PT 1 (boerwar) Bibliographies....................p.1 General Histories.................p.2 Political Analysis................p.2 Various Contemporaneous Views.....p.3 Battles/Campaigns General........................p.6 Siege of Ladysmith.............p.6 Siege of Mafeking..............p.6 Other..........................p.7 ..............p.8 BOERWAR, PT II (boerwar2) British Forces Gen/Misc................p.1 Strategy/Tactics........p.2 Units...................p.3 Logistics Gen/Misc.............p.3 Transportation.......p.4 Medical.................p.4 Other Support/Services..p.6 Personal Narratives.....p.6 South African Forces Gen/Misc................p.8 Personal Narratives.....p.8 Misc.......................p.9 .......p.10 BRAZIL (brazil) Brazil and Foreign Wars...........p.2 Brazilian Overseas Forces, WWII...p.3 ..............p.6 BRITAIN #1 (brit) Invasions of England..................p.2 Britain's New Model Army..............p.3 Brit Army, 18th Cent: Gen/Misc.......p.4 Brit Army, 19th Cent (Early & Mid)....p.5 Brit Army, Late 19th Cent.............p.6 No of Field Guns, Eng, Late 19th......p.7 Brit Regts & Regimental System........p.8 Brit Army: Purchase of Commissions...p.10 ...................p.11 BRITAIN #2 (brit2) British Military: 20th Cent Overview...p.2 British Army, WWI.......................p.3 British Bantams, WWI....................p.5 British Home Front, WWI.................p.6 British Army Between WW's...............p.7 .....................p.8 BRITAIN #3 (brit3) British Army, WWII.........p.2 British Home Front, WWII...p.3 ...........p.5 BROADCASTING (RADIO/TV) (brdcast) Armed Forces Network (Radio & TV)...p.2 Radio Broadcasting, US Army.........p.3 ....................p.4 BUILDINGS/QUARTERS (bldg) Military Architecture: Gen/Misc...p.2 Mil-Related Bldgs & Structures.....p.4 Quonset Huts.......................p.5 Canvas Buildings, 1850s............p.6 ..................p.7 BUILDINGS/QUARTERS (bldg2) Barracks & Furnishing..........p.2 Family Housing & Furnishings...p.4 Ranking Out of Qtrs Custom.....p.6 Army Guest Houses..............p.7 ..............p.9 BURIALS #1 (burial) Military & State Funerals............p.2 Unknown US Servicemen................p.4 Burial/Commemoration Amer War Dead...p.6 ...................p.10 BURIALS #2 (burial2) Disposition of CW Dead...........p.2 CW Burials in Nat Cemeteries.....p.5 Burials, 1898-1916...............p.7 Disposition of Dead, WWI-1930s...p.8 Return of US WWI Dead............p.12 ...............p.13 BURIALS, WWII (burial3) US Army Disposition of the Dead, WWII...p.2 US "Dishonored" Dead....................p.9 ....................p.10 BURIALS #4 (burial4) Burials Since 1950........p.2 Vietnam War Memorial(s)...p.5 ......p.6 - C - Updated 5 Sep 91 CAMOUFLAGE (camflge) Camouflage......................p.2 Camouflage Uniforms.............p.6 Decoy Targets & Other Dummies...p.7 Industrial Camouflage, WWII.....p.8 ......p.9 CANADA #1 (canada) US-Canada Mil Relations.............p.2 Canada & US: Military Parallels?...p.7 ...........p.9 CANADA #2 (canada2) Canadian Army..........................p.2 French-Italian Carignan Rgt, 1665-67...p.3 Pig War, San Juan Is., 1859............p.4 .............p.6 CASUALTIES Gen/Misc (cas) US Casualties: Statistics/Overview.........p.2 Casualties Analyzed.........................p.4 War Dead & Traffic Dead Compared............p.6 Lethality: By Causative Agent..............p.7 ..................p.10 CASUALTIES #2 Amicicide (cas2) Amicicide..................................p.2 Friendly Fire Casualties, Mexico, 1917?....p.5 .................p.6 CASUALTIES #3 Reporting (cas3) Emergence of Casualty Notification...p.2 Casualty Reporting Since 1941........p.4 ...........p.6 CAVALRY (cavalry) US Cavalry (Horse)..................p.2 Candidates for US Cavalry "Lasts"...p.9 Last US Cavalry Charge..............p.10 .........p.12 CAVALRY #2 (cavalry2) Horse Cavalry, 1870-1945................p.2 Cavalry Recruit Trng, CW................p.6 US Horse Cav, WWII: Wishful Thinking...p.7 26th Cav (PS)...........................p.8 .............p.9 CENSORSHIP (censor) Military Censorship: News, Postal & Personal...p.2 Personal Wartime Diaries, WWII..................p.6 .....................p.7 CHAPLAIN (chapln) Military Chaplains & Religious Activities.....p.2 Chaplain-Arranged Cease-Fire, France, WWII....p.10 Sinking of Dorchester w/Four Chaplains........p.11 Misc Chaplain Info............................p.12 ..................p.13 CHEMICAL #1 (chem) Pre-1900 Chemical Warfare...............p.2 Chemical Warfare Since 1945.............p.3 Troop Performance & Protective CBR Gear.p.5 Chemical Incidents......................p.6 ............p.7 CHEMICAL #1a (chemA} Tactical Smoke................p.2 .......p.6 CHEMICAL #2 (chem2) Gas Warfare, WWI.........p.2 Chem Warfare 1919-1939...p.6 .......p.8 CHEMICAL #3 (chem3) Gas Warfare, WWII...................p.2 Germany & Gas Warfare, WWII.........p.3 Gas Incident at Bari, Italy, WWII...p.5 West Loch Explosions, 21 May 1944...p.6 San Jose Project....................p.8 ..........p.9 CHEMICAL #4 (chem4) Herbicides in VN............p.2 ...........p.5 CHINA #1 (china) The Mongols............................p.2 Shanghai Volunteer Corps, 1853-1941....p.3 ..............p.4 CHINA #2 (china2) Boxer Rebellion & Relief Expedition...p.2 Calvin P. Titus......................p.10 ..........p.11 CHINA #3 (china3) 15th US Inf in China, 1912-38...p.2 Hankow Volunteers, 1938.........p.4 Chinese Civil War (to 1941).....p.6 China, 1901-41: Misc...........p.7 Germany in China................p.8 ..........p.10 CHINA #4 (china4) US Military in China, 1930s-1949...p.2 Panay Incident.....................p.8 Sino-Japanese, 1937-45.............p.9 .............p.13 CHINA #5 (china5) US & Nationalists on Formosa.......p.2 Chinese Communist Forces...........p.3 Sino-Soviet Relations Since 1949...p.4 ...........p.5 CHIVALRY (chivalry) Chivalry: In Its Time & After........p.2 Duelling..............................p.6 ..............p.7 CHRISTMAS (xmas) Christmas: Military Perspectives...p.2 ..........p.5 CHRONOLOGIES (chrono) Mil Chronologies............p.2 .........p.3 CITIZENSHIP (citizen) Aliens & US Army...p.2 .....p.6 CIVIL AFFAIRS & MILITARY GOVERNMENT (camg) US Army in Occupation: CA/MG...........p.2 US CivAff, Sarrequemines, Fr, 1944-45...p.2 US Exploitation Natural Resources, ETO..p.9 ..............p.11 CIVIL AID (civaid) US Army Civil Aid/Contributions..........p.2 US Army Security for Ft Knox Gold........p.4 War on Drugs, 1980s......................p.5 US Marines as Mail Guards, 1921 & 1926...p.6 ...............p.7 CIVIL AID (civaid2) US Army Disaster Relief: Gen/Misc...p.2 San Francisco Earthquake.............p.5 Grasshopper Plagues, 1874-75.........p.7 Texas City, 16 Apr 1947..............p.8 ...........p.9 CIVIL-MILITARY RELATIONS (civmil) Gen/Misc...........p.1 Case Studies USA Pre 1900......p.3 20th Cent.....p.4 Other General.......p.6 Britain.......p.6 Germany.......p.7 Poland........p.7 France........p.8 Misc..........p.8 ......p.8 CIVILIAN CONSERVATION CORPS (ccc) Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)..........p.2 CCC v Potential Jap Invasion, Baja, 1937...p.7 .........p.8 CIVILIANS (civilns) Civilians & War: Gen/Misc.............p.2 US Army Civilian World Force...........p.3 Civilians in Combat Roles..............p.6 US Civilian Contractors Overseas.......p.10 Foreign Civilian Workers in Military...p.11 .........p.12 CIVIL WAR...see separate listing (cw) COALITIONS/INTEROPERABILITY (coalitn) Gen/Misc.............p.1 Pre-WWI..............p.3 WWI..................p.4 WWII Europe-Allies.....p.5 Europe-Axis.......p.7 Asia-Allies.......p.8 Korean War...........p.9 Vietnam War..........p.9 ........p.11 COAST DEFENSE (coast) U.S. Coast Defense..........................p.2 U.S. Army Mine Planter Service..............p.5 U.S. Coast Defenses, WWII...................p.7 German Coastal Defense, WWII................p.9 Beach Obstacles.............................p.11 .........p.12 COAST GUARD (coastgd) US Coast Guard..............p.2 Control of US Coast Guard...p.6 .......p.7 COLD WAR (coldwar) Cold War......p.2 ......p.5 COLONIAL AMERICAN WARS (colwars) Colonial Wars: Gen/Misc...p.2 Siege of Cartegena, 1741...p.3 ...........p.4 COLONIAL AMERICAN WARS #2 (colwars2) French & Indian War (1755-1763).......p.2 Consequences of Braddock's Defeat.....p.4 Battle of Bushy Run (4-6 Aug 1763)....p.7 Brit 22d Cheshire Regt, 1763-65.......p.9 ....................p.12 COLONIAL AMER WARS #3 (colwars3) Royal American Regiment...p.2 ........p.8 COMBAT BEHAVIOR (combat) Psychology & Sociology of Combat Gen/Misc.............p.1 Pre-Civil War........p.5 Civil War............p.5 World War I..........p.6 World War II Era.....p.7 Korean War...........p.8 Vietnam War..........p.9 Israel...............p.10 ...........p.10 COMBAT BEHAVIOR #2 (combat2) Personal Combat Tips............................p.2 Behavioral Problems Assoc w/NBC Warfare.........p.3 .......................p.4 COMMAND #1 (command) General/Miscellaneous............................p.1 Pre-20th Century.................................p.3 1900-1940........................................p.4 World War II.....................................p.5 Since 1945 Korean War....................................p.7 Vietnam War...................................p.8 Other.........................................p.8 ..................p.10 COMMAND #2 (command2) Military Management...p.2 ........p.4 COMMAND #3 (command3) Decisions and Decision-Making...p.2 Systems Analysis & Decisions....p.3 ........p.5 COMMAND #5 (command5) Liaison........p.2 ........p.4 COMMANDOS (commando) Commandos (Chiefly WWII)..............p.2 British Commando 14 & Amer Indians....p.4 Vaagso Raid...........................p.5 ..........p.6 COMMUNICATIONS #1 (commo) Military Communications...............p.2 Wigwag Signals........................p.3 War Dept Msg Center Opns, Mid-1930s...p.4 US Army/Armed Forces Courier Srvc.....p.5 Teleprinter/Teletype Opns.............p.6 ...........p.7 COMMUNICATIONS #2 (commo2) Military Heliography...p.2 ........p.5 COMMUNICATIONS #3 (commo3) Early Radio, US Army........................p.2 Early Radio Manuals.........................p.5 Radio, WWII.................................p.7 Radio Miniaturization & Transistors, WWII...p.8 ............p.11 COMPUTERS/DATA PROCESSING (computer) Computers and the Army...............p.2 Machine Records & Processing Units...p.4 ........p.6 CONGRESS (congress) US Congress and the Military...p.2 ........p.4 CRIMEAN WAR (crimea) Crimean War........p.2 ...........p.3 CUBA (cuba) Identity of US Volunteer, 1896...p.2 US Occupation, 1898-1899.........p.3 Cuban Crisis of 1906.............p.4 Guantanamo Bay...................p.5 Cuban Military Forces............p.6 Cuban Revolution, 1953-59........p.7 Bay of Pigs, 1961................p.8 Cuban Missile Crisis, Oct 1962...p.9 .......p.11 CUSTOMS (custom) Military Customs & Ceremonies (Amer & Brit)...p.2 ...................p.5 CUSTOMS #2 Social (custom2) American Military Weddings...p.2 Military Balls & Dancing.....p.4 Hail & Farewell..............p.6 .............p.7 CUSTOMS #3 Organizational (custom3) Officers Mess & Dining-In Tradition...p.2 Chits, Chitting & Chit System.........p.6 Drumming Out..........................p.8 .....................p.10 CUSTOMS #4 Hand Salute (custom4) The Hand Salute.................p.2 Form of Hand Salute in CW.......p.4 Saluting in Civilian Clothing...p.7 ..............p.9 CUSTOMS #6 (custom6) Customs: Gen/Misc.............p.2 Retreat Ceremony...............p.4 History of Change of Command...p.6 Adjutant's Walk................p.8 ............p.9 CZECHOSLOVAKIA (czech) Czechoslovakian Army, 1919-39....p.2 Entry of U.S. Forces, May 1945...p.4 ..............p.6 - D - Updated 19 Sep 91 DECEPTION & SURPRISE (decept) Deception & Surprise: Gen/Misc....p.2 Cover & Deception, WWII............p.8 23d Headquarters, Special Troops?..p.12 .......p.13 DEFEAT (defeat) Military Defeat: A Miscellany...p.2 .....p.5 DEPENDENTS/FAMILIES #1 (depends) US Dependents & Mil Families...p.2 British Military Dependents....p.6 US War Brides..................p.7 Dependents Benefits, WWII......p.9 Survivors Assistance...........p.10 ........p.11 DEPENDENTS #2 (depends2) Military Family Law, Calif, 1846-92...p.2 ...............p.5 DEPLOYMENT/REDEPLOYMENT #1 (deploy) Deployment to................p.2 Redeployment (to US).........p.7 .......p.10 DEPLOYMENT/REDEPLOYMENT #2 (deploy2) Rapid Deployment Force............p.2 Exercise Reforger, 1969 -.........p.6 ......p.7 DESERT #1 (desert) Part I Gen/Misc.....................p.1 1900-1939 WWI Campaigns.............p.2 Other.....................p.3 World War II Gen/Operational...........p.4 Logistics & Misc..........p.6 ..........p.7 DESERT #2 (desert2) Part II: Since 1945 Gen/Misc..................p.8 Mideast & Other Locales...p.9 Doctrine & Techniques Gen/Operational........p.9 Logistics & Misc.......p.10 Exercises Desert Strike, 1964....p.12 Desert Rocks, 1950s....p.13 Others.................p.14 .........p.15 DESERT #3 (desert3) Desert Training Center, WWII................p.2 Long Range Desert Group, WWII...............p.4 Desert Warfare, Pre-20th Century............p.5 Exercise Bright Star, 1981-.................p.6 ...............p.8 DISARMAMENT (disarm) Disarmament.............p.2 ....p.3 DOCTRINE #1 (doctrn) Concept of Doctrine..................p.1 Evolution of US Army Doctrine Gen/Misc..........................p.2 Pre-20th Cent.....................p.3 1900-1939.........................p.4 World War II Era..................p.4 Korean War Era....................p.5 Vietnam Era.......................p.5 Since 1972........................p.5 Doc