23-Jul-87 23:04:43-PDT,23204;000000000000 Return-Path: Received: from csl.csl.sri.com (CSL.SRI.COM) by F4.CSL.SRI.COM with TCP; Thu 23 Jul 87 22:57:26-PDT Received: from F4.CSL.SRI.COM by csl.csl.sri.com (3.2/4.16) id AA10252 for RISKS-LIST@f4.csl.sri.com; Thu, 23 Jul 87 23:00:00 PDT Message-Id: <8707240600.AA10252@csl.csl.sri.com> Date: Thu 23 Jul 87 22:56:46-PDT From: RISKS FORUM (Peter G. Neumann -- Coordinator) Subject: RISKS DIGEST 5.15 Sender: NEUMANN@csl.sri.com To: RISKS-LIST@csl.sri.com RISKS-LIST: RISKS-FORUM Digest Thursday, 23 July 1987 Volume 5 : Issue 15 FORUM ON RISKS TO THE PUBLIC IN COMPUTER SYSTEMS ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy, Peter G. Neumann, moderator Contents: Access by 'hackers' to computer not criminal (Robert Stroud) On expecting the unexpected in nuclear power plants (David Chase) Risks of Nuclear Power (Mark S. Day) Chernobyl predecessors? (Henry Spencer) Who's responsible - ATC or pilots (Andy Freeman) "Intelligent" control (Alex Bangs) Taxes and who pays them (William L. Rupp) Computer Know Thine Enemy; Reactor control-room design (Eugene Miya) Medical computer risks? (Prentiss Riddle) Electronic cash registers (Michael Scott) Re: Credit card risks (Michael Wagner) Re: "The Other Perspective?" (Baldwin) The RISKS Forum is moderated. Contributions should be relevant, sound, in good taste, objective, coherent, concise, nonrepetitious. Diversity is welcome. Contributions to RISKS@CSL.SRI.COM, Requests to RISKS-Request@CSL.SRI.COM. FTP back issues Vol i Issue j from F4.CSL.SRI.COM:RISKS-i.j. Volume summaries for each i in max j: (i,j) = (1,46),(2,57),(3,92),(4,97). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Robert Stroud Date: Thu, 23 Jul 87 13:02:45 BST To: risks@csl.sri.com Subject: Access by 'hackers' to computer not criminal Regular RISKS readers will remember the case of Stephen Gold and Robert Schifreen who broke into the British Telecom Prestel network and were successfully prosecuted under the UK Forgery and Counterfeiting Act of 1981 last year. I believe they were responsible for breaking into Prince Philip's [demonstration] mailbox on the system. [See RISKS-2.44.] Anyway, this was a test case and it went to the Court of Appeal. Last week the judges decided to allow the appeal. As a result it would seem that under English Law The dishonest obtaining of access to a computer data bank by electronic means is not a criminal offence. I am not a lawyer so I am not sure I can explain the legal arguments behind this decision accurately! I am not even sure from the legalese whether they got off on a technicality or not! However, it would appear that existing law cannot be applied to computer hackers. What follows is based on the account of the decision given in the Law Report section of The Independent dated Wednesday 22nd July 1987 by Simon Cassell, Barrister. (c) Copyright Newspaper Publishing PLC 1987 The legal reference is Regina v Gold and Schifreen, Court of Appeal (Criminal Division), 17th July 1987. Under the terms of the Act, Gold and Schifreen were charged with "making a false instrument on, or in, which information was recorded or stored by electronic means, with the intention of using it to induce the Prestel computer to accept it as genuine, and by reason of so accepting it to do an act to the prejudice of British Telecom plc". At the root of the case was the question of what this false instrument was. In the original ruling, the judge stated that "... the defendant here made a series of electrical impulses which arrive at, affect and operate on what is called a user segment". The two candidates for the false instrument were therefore the electronic impulses and the user segment. The defence argued that the electronic impulses could not be a device since they simply carried information, being no more than a translation of the customer identification number (CIN) and password. The court agreed. The prosecution argued that the user segment was modified by the CIN and password which it recorded momentarily in order to check they were genuine. This was the false instrument manufactured by the appellants and the fact that it had only existed for a brief moment of time was immaterial. The court disagreed with this on three grounds. (1) A forgery is a document containing messages of two kinds: a message about the document itself (e.g. that it is a cheque), and a message in the words of the document that it was to be accepted and acted upon (e.g. that a banker was to pay a certain sum of money). The user segment did not contain both these types of message at the moment when it was supposed to be a forgery. (2) The Act did not seek to deal with information that was held for a moment while automatic checking took place and was then expunged. (3) The prosecution had to prove that the appellants had intended someone to accept the false instrument they had made as genuine. But the machine (i.e. the user segment) which it was intended should be induced to accept the false instrument seemed to be the very thing which was said to be the false instrument (i.e. the user segment) which was inducing the belief. If this was a correct analysis, it reduced the prosecution case to an absurdity. The judges concluded that the language of the Act was not intended to apply to the situation which was shown to exist in this case, and "the procrustean attempt" to force the facts to fit the Act "produced grave difficulties for judge and jury which the court would not wish to see repeated." What the two individuals had done amounted to a trick. If it was thought desirable to make this a criminal offence, "it was a matter for the legislature rather than the courts." It is not clear to me as a non-lawyer whether a more carefully drafted charge which specified the false instrument as being the micro computer and modem which Gold and Schifreen presumably used to gain access would have succeeded. However, it will be interesting to see in the light of this decision whether some specific legislation is drafted to make hacking a criminal offence. The whole area would seem to be a legal minefield at present! Robert J Stroud, Computing Laboratory, University of Newcastle upon Tyne. UUCP ...!ukc!cheiot!robert ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 87 23:54:42 CDT From: David Chase Subject: On expecting the unexpected in nuclear power plants On nuclear power plants, and making them work--unforeseen problems arise. For example, at the South Texas Nuclear Project, one unexpected problem was ... clams growing in the cooling water pipes. You'd like to filter them out, but their larvae are very very small. You'd like to poison them, but the water is kept in great big ponds that could percolate slowly into the clay. What to do? As if that weren't enough to test your foresight, I believe that these clams are exotics (i.e, illegal alien species). In spite of the bad press that technology has received over the years, purely natural problems can be (I think) just as bad. Consider, for example, fire ants, killer bees, hydrilla, water hyacinths, and citrus canker. On the other hand, manatees (which eat hydrilla, though not as quickly as it grows) like the cooling water outlets from the Crystal River Power Plant. Florida Power has this great bumper sticker, "I Brake for Manatees". It was a bit of a coup for the power company. [There was more on alligators in the Indian Point (River?) plant cooling water canals...] David [Let's hear it for Hugh Manatee. P.] ------------------------------ Date: Thu 23 Jul 87 11:17:03-EDT From: Mark S. Day Subject: Risks of Nuclear Power To: RISKS@csl.sri.com It is worth noting, too, that nuclear power is not only risky when things "go wrong" (e.g. bungled construction, operator/control errors) but also when things "go right". A normally-operating fission reactor produces large amounts of wastes that are dangerous for longer than the lifetime of a typical plant, and smaller quantities of wastes that will be dangerous for millenia. We would all do well to remember that our solutions to current problems should not create worse problems in the future. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Jul 87 15:32:23 EDT From: mnetor!utzoo!henry@uunet.UU.NET To: RISKS@csl.sri.com Subject: Chernobyl predecessors? In a recent issue of Science there was a long article by an American scientist who had visited Chernobyl and talked to all the major people involved in the response to the accident. It makes interesting reading. He measured radiation in the area; nothing very serious any more, in the sections he visited. Several aspects of the cleanup were being delayed by cold weather, e.g. replacement of contaminated tar on building roofs. There is an implicit comment that attitudes towards radiation have changed: outside the immediate vicinity, the fallout from Chernobyl was similar in magnitude to that of a very large atmospheric nuclear test -- an event that was not uncommon in the 50s, albeit usually in more isolated areas. In general he was impressed by the speed and competence of the Soviet response to the mess. The medical handling of the situation, in particular, was so rapid and skilled that it strongly suggests they've had practice at this. He also notes that the other reactors at the plant were back in operation within a year -- a considerable contrast to Three Mile Island #1, an undamaged and perfectly functional reactor that sat idle for the better part of a decade. His overall assessment of the cause of the disaster agrees with the common consensus: a somewhat hazardous reactor design combined with truly major ignorance and carelessness by the operators. He notes that just making more rules for the rank-and-file operators would not have solved the problem, because it was one of the senior engineers who was responsible for most of the violations of normal operating rules. As an immediate precaution, the operators are now told that the plant management is *not* authorized to override the basic safety rules. Much more attention is now being paid to operations issues in general, and some modest modifications to the reactors have also been made. The real solution is to use a safer reactor design, but the worker's paradise is no more willing to scrap a dozen power plants overnight than the dirty capitalists would be. Henry Spencer @ U of Toronto Zoology {allegra,ihnp4,decvax,pyramid}!utzoo!henry ------------------------------ Date: Wed 22 Jul 87 23:49:22-PDT From: Andy Freeman Subject: Who's responsible - ATC or pilots To: risks@csl.sri.com In the July 22 issue of the SF Chronicle, page 20, Layne Ridley wrote an article about flying fears. (This is the same issue that reported that two Delta incidents are being blamed on the ATC, not the pilots.) Part of the response to "The pilot is drunk or incompetent." is: The captain of an airliner is held legally responsible for every aspect of the flight. No matter if he or she was acting in good faith on instructions from the airline, an air-traffic controller or anybody else, if an plane under a captain's control is involved in any infraction or incident, the captain will be suspended, guilty until proven innocent. What are the pilot's responsibilities and liabilities? What about the controller's? -andy ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Jul 87 12:04:59 edt From: bangs%husc8@harvard.harvard.edu (Alex Bangs) To: risks@csl.sri.com Subject: "Intelligent" control >From Nancy Leveson >The reasons for the nuclear power industry problems go way beyond >construction difficulties... Oh yes, I realize that. I just hate it when people are dishonest when it comes to such critical safety issues; it reads too much like a horror movie, but it's for real. As for economics and engineering, I realize that those are problems. Sorry for presenting such a simplified view without explanation. >I have not seen Robocop, but from the descriptions in Risks of the robot >following orders and killing someone inappropriately, I would hate to think >that this is the way we would want to build a nuclear power plant... Again, please allow me to clarify. I am talking about systems that would only have the intelligence to help watrch for operator mistakes (like noting that a valve has been open for longer than it normally should), and helping to consolidate information in case of a major alert--summarizing the critical information and making suggestions for courses of action. Basically, I envision a system that is similar to the direction being taken in cockpit avionics. With such a system, however, there is a risk that is the bane of all pilots-- boredom. For a wonderful set of information on aviation risks, see the November 1986 issue of IEEE Spectrum. I don't suggest reading it on a plane :-) I have no intention of ever letting a computer run a nuclear power plant, or the US ICBM system (see WarGames). We are not at that stage, and I am not sure that we ever want to be. Computers can be useful in presenting information in a useful fashion. Making decisions is another matter altogether. Alex Bangs, Harvard Robotics Lab, bangs@metatron.harvard.edu Just a quick addition. John Page, from our lab, suggested that the computer ought to call up the NRC on operator overrides and request that they come take a look, i.e. the computer plays the rat :-) Alex ------------------------------ From: nosc!rupp%cod.nosc.mil@sdcsvax.ucsd.edu (William L. Rupp) Date: 23 Jul 87 15:29:41 GMT To: comp-risks@sdcsvax.UCSD.EDU Subject: Taxes and who pays them Organization: Computer Sciences Corp., San Diego In a comment on the propsed FCC data transmission fee, Alex Bangs states that in this case the "users, not the compay" will pay the tax. I would just like to comment that in *all* cases it is the users, or customers, who pay the tax. I.e., the company gets all its money from what it charges the buyers, and must therefore pass along increases in taxes. My comments reflect neither agreement with nor oppositon to the FCC proposal. I just wanted to clarify that one point. My Usenet comments are strictly my own opinions. ------------------------------ To: risks@csl.sri.com Cc: arms-d@xx.lcs.mit.edu Subject: Computer Know Thine Enemy (Reference); Reactor control-room design Date: 23 Jul 87 10:22:49 PDT (Thu) From: eugene@ames-nas.arpa >... "misconception" that Strategic Computing is promoting "killer robots" ... > - Jon Jacky An interesting reference just appeared (I don't normally read this publication): %A Andrew Borden %Z TRW %T Computer Know Thine Enemy %J AI Expert %D July 1987 %P 48-54 %K Bayesian analysis, aerial combat, battle management, %X No comment. Re: Reactor control room design This is regarded in several sectors as an increasingly sensitive subject, and I am of the growing opinion that it not appropriate to discuss this subject in an open forum. Readers should also note that several of the FORMER readers have included `experts' in this field. --eugene miya, NASA Ames Research Center ------------------------------ From: ut-sally!im4u!woton!riddle@seismo.CSS.GOV (Prentiss Riddle) Date: 22 Jul 87 17:02:18 GMT To: comp-risks@seismo.CSS.GOV Subject: Medical computer risks? This is a request for information: can any of the readers of this list provide examples of problems caused by computer errors in the medical field? [Presumably the requestor has been following the Therac-25... PGN] I would especially be interested in any relating to loss or damage of electronically stored medical records and medical orders. My institution is in the process of purchasing a Patient Data Management System (PDMS) which is supposed to eliminate the use of paper recordkeeping in an intensive care unit. It will hopefully provide a significant improvement in the speed, detail and reliability of patient charting, but there is also clearly an element of risk involved. Some horror stories might help us open our eyes a bit and avoid repeating anyone else's errors. --- Prentiss Riddle --- Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of Shriners Burns Institute. --- riddle@woton.UUCP {ihnp4,harvard,seismo}!ut-sally!im4u!woton!riddle ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Jul 87 10:42:44 EDT From: scott@cs.rochester.edu [Michael Scott] To: wbd.mdc@office-1.arpa Subject: Electronic cash registers Cc: risks@csl.sri.com I response to your note in RISKS: I recently stopped at a nearby supermarket to purchase milk. I chose the cheapest brand (not an easy task, since the labels on the shelves were very poorly maintained and the packages are not marked at all). When the clerk scanned the cartons the register rang up a price considerably higher than what was on the shelf (though not enough higher to be noticable in the middle of a large bill). Since I was only buying one item, I *did* notice the difference and objected. The clerk went off to check with somebody, then gave me the lower price. What was truly amazing was the reaction at the customer service counter when I stopped to complain. I was informed that, yes, the prices in the store's computer do not necessarily match the prices marked on the shelves, and the customer who isn't careful may get cheated. I received the impression that mine was a relatively common experience and that the store did not consider it a problem. I sent a very formal, very strongly-worded letter to the store manager, but received no reply. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Jul 87 15:58 CET To: RISKS@csl.sri.com From: Michael Wagner +49 228 303 245 Subject: Re: Credit card risks (Amos Shapir, RISKS 5.14) There must be something very different about the way Bell Canada calling cards work, or else I missed the point somewhere. > >AT&T phone credit cards use a credit card number that consists > >(in most cases) of your phone number followed by four > >(presumably somewhat random) digits. I suspect this is only true in some cases. It's certainly not true for me. The first 10 digits of my credit card number are some random telephone number in some exchange I've never heard of. It's certainly not my telephone number. I don't even have a Canadian telephone number, currently. [Actually this is true of several of the nonAT&T carriers.] > When I realized that, and that the only purpose of the card was > to remember the number, I memorized the last 4 digits and > destroyed the card. But that's not the only use of the card. My card, at least, has 2 numbers (and a mag stripe that we'll come to later). The second number is an international calling card number, good (in theory) outside North America (in practice, no one in Western Europe seems to honour it yet, but I keep hoping). > The possibility that someone who knows my name will look over > my shoulder while I was using it was just too great. I can't imagine what difference knowing your name makes. They never ask me what my name is. In any case, 'they' can look at your fingers pushing the keys on the telephone just as easily as at the card. Actually, the mag stripe is safer in this respect; you never have to hold it still in anyone's line of vision. > Even now when the cards are magnetic there's not much point in > keeping them, as there are as many systems that accept regular > credit cards wherever the AT&T machines are. This doesn't seem to match my experience. (a) I've been to many places where the credit card machines only take telephone cards. (b) some credit cards cost more for the same phone call. At the least, there is the service charge for the use of the card. (c) the audit trail isn't as good. When I have used VISA to make a phone call, I get back, on my VISA account, an undecodable string of digits. When I use my calling card, I get a line item on the standard telephone bill in a standard, comprehensible format. All in all, I'd say there is a lot of point in keeping the card and using the mag stripe. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Jul 87 09:15:04 EDT From: baldwin@cs.rochester.edu To: LK-HPE%FINOU.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu Subject: Re: "The Other Perspective?" Cc: RISKS@csl.sri.com >From: Heikki Pesonen >According to my opinion, the risk that computers blindly follow >instructions is not so high than the risk that people >blindly follow orders. So they have always done, but the risk >is greater nowadays, when we have the so called advanced technology >in our hands. .... True - people blindly following orders are probably worse than computers doing it. The intent behind my original posting though (which seems to have been widely missed) is that an even bigger potential risk is that some large fraction of non-technical society (a) doesn't realize that there ARE risks in the use of computer technology (no surprise there really), and (b) when shown risks, these people do not say "hey, that's a problem", they say "hey, that's a good joke". At least in places (if any :-) where democratic government works according to theory, those same people help make decisions about some rather critical, risky uses of computers ("Shall we spend X billion dollars on computerized anti-missile defenses?", "It must be OK to build the new nuclear power plant, the computer simulations say it's safe", etc.) Depending on how widely people really mistake serious risks for funny glitches, we have a situation in which the people deploying new technology (at least in a broad policy sense) may neither know what they are doing, nor realize that there are important things that they don't know. This, to my mind, is a much more serious risk (or meta-risk) than the failure of particular languages to check subscript limits or whatever. I guess what I hope to do was get some discussion/feedback on this kind of meta-risk going (other instances? does it really exist or am I just a pessimist? what can/should be done about it? etc.) Apologies if earlier postings didn't make this clear. ------------------------------ End of RISKS-FORUM Digest ************************ -------