precedence: bulk Subject: RISKS DIGEST 19.66 RISKS-LIST: Risks-Forum Digest Thursday 9 April 1998 Volume 19 : Issue 66 FORUM ON RISKS TO THE PUBLIC IN COMPUTERS AND RELATED SYSTEMS (comp.risks) ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy, Peter G. Neumann, moderator ***** See last item for further information, disclaimers, caveats, etc. ***** Contents: [A few calendar/date items accidentally lost. *PLEASE RESEND*] Stanford business school hit by [Windows] computer 'disaster' (PGN) More Windows Magic (Bob Frankston) LA county pension fiasco (Richard Schroeppel) AOL Stock Charts Posted Erroneously Due To "Malfunction" (Irvin Jay Levy) STOVEACT - Oops, Wrong Number... Gridlock! (Jeremy Leader) Re: EMI and TWA800 (Peter B. Ladkin) Re: Phone scam alert: Social Engineering 101 (PGN) Rice University spammed too! (Scott Ruthfield) Re: Funding for a new software paradigm (Nick Rothwell, Fred Cohen, Erann Gat) "Web Security: A Step-by-Step Reference Guide", Lincoln D. Stein (Rob Slade) ICDCS-18 cfp (Teruo Higashino) Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 9 Apr 98 14:56:47 PDT From: "Peter G. Neumann" Subject: Stanford business school hit by [Windows] computer 'disaster' The Stanford University Graduate School of Business underwent a serious computer system breakdown on 7-8 Mar 1998 (during the weekend that GSB was hosting an entrepreneurship conference on ``The Technology of Success''), and some folks are still trying to recover. Under the guise of ``routine maintenance'' to add storage capacity to two network file servers, disaster struck. The files were unreadable. The Admin server was able to be restored from backup tapes, but the other server with faculty and student files was clobbered when backup tapes were loaded, overwriting the original contents without being able to restore the backups. At least 10 faculty members and Ph.D. candidates have still not been able to recover their files -- in some cases representing work over the past three years. The article notes that ``many of the faculty members and students were shielded from the disaster because they used Apple computers or Unix mainframes [sic] -- rather than the Windows-based PCs served by the business school network.'' [PGN Abstracting from an article by Scott Herhold, *San Jose Mercury News*, 8 Apr 1998 (] [Noted by several readers.] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Apr 1998 13:10 -0400 From: Subject: More Windows Magic Under Windows 95 I had a database "C:\abc\abc.mdb". I decided to move it to the server (Y:\x\Data\abc\abc.mdb) and updated my toolbar link. To be safe I renamed the old directory "C:\abc.x". All was fine. I then decided to go back to the old location and renamed abc.x back to abc, moved the updated database back and renamed the Y directory to abc.z to be safe. All seemed fine. By habit I clicked the toolbar link and it worked. In a little while I realized it shouldn't. W98 had updated the link on my behalf to "y:\x\data\abc.z\abc.mdb". Huh? Nice favor but not at all what I wanted. I then renamed the database itself to "y:\x\data\abc.z\abcz.mdb". But, again Windows was smarter than me and updated the link. (Actually, this was under Windows 98, beta 3 but I presume the behavior is the same on Windows 95). ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 10:37:03 MST From: "Richard Schroeppel" Subject: LA county pension fiasco L.A. County's pension missing $1.2 billion from computer error LOS ANGELES (8 Apr 1998) Because of a computer programming gaffe, the nation's most populous county failed to contribute $1.2 billion to its pension fund over 20 years. The mistakes, discovered when pension administrators brought in an outside auditing firm to look at the books, will likely force cash-strapped Los Angeles County to spend an additional $25 million annually to make up for insufficient fund contributions, the Los Angeles Times reported Wednesday. [] [Curious that they saved $60M/year by not contributing, and it will only cost $25M/year to recover, but the fund has benefited from the stock market run-up. --rcs] Two issues here: Computational Complexity & Data Availability Can you verify the accuracy of the deductions made from your paycheck? How about your mortgage payment, or the interest on your savings account? Is that $5.25 for dental insurance, or the United Fund? I've tried to check savings account interest: it isn't easy, because the banks use various fudge factors along the way. The tellers (remember tellers?) don't know the formula, and the branch manager has to look it up. We should demand, as a correct business practice, that all calculations like this should include sufficient details for independent checking. For a payroll withholding tax deduction, this would be the formula used ("$227 + 28% (paycheck-$1250), from line 37 in Weekly Paycheck table of IRS publication E, available at") and pub E would indicate that the numbers are calculated by dividing the statutory annual rates by 52. If we make checking easy enough, then those of us who are numerically inclined (and either bored or paranoid) will do some checking, part of the time. This sampling will catch the gross systematic errors, which is the first step toward correction. (We will also need an arithmetic ombudsman to force corrections, since we usually are dealing with organizations more powerful than ourselves.) Following the same principal, all code used to calculate pensions, mortgages, etc. should be required to be public. [It wouldn't hurt for x-ray machines and air-traffic control either, but that's another story.] Public accounts should be published as soon as practicable. Pension funds need have no secrets. Imagine if the Orange County derivative position had been posted on the web each night. Rich Schroeppel ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1998 16:42:32 -0400 (EDT) From: IJL Subject: AOL Stock Charts Posted Erroneously Due To "Malfunction" AOL calls this a "chart problem." One wonders what an investor who took the data seriously might call it. Irvin Jay Levy, Gordon College "CHART PROBLEM, THURSDAY 4/9/98 Erroneous data was posted to many MNC charts Thursday, April 9, 1998, starting at approximately 9:30 am ET and ending at approximately 10:45 am ET. Please disregard data posted on the charts in this period. The problem was caused by a computer malfunction. Affected charts include the stock indexes and intraday stock charts. We deeply regret any inconvenience this causes. America Online Transmitted: 4/9/98 11:55 AM" ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 3 Apr 1998 19:49:24 -0800 (PST) From: Jeremy Leader Subject: STOVEACT - Oops, Wrong Number... Gridlock! A local network news show recently reported on a new system called STOVEACT (STOlen VEhicle ACTivation), which would allow police to shut down a fleeing car. Highlights: - State DMV computer would have, in the record for a STOVEACT-equipped vehicle, the vehicle's "STOVEACT number"; a standard police query of the DMV database would display this info. - Police could trigger the device by a phone call. They would wait until the vehicle was in a safe place to stop. - Upon triggering, the vehicle flashes its lights, honks its horn, and announces over a loudspeaker that it's a stolen vehicle and is about to shut down. - After 2 minutes of flashing/honking/etc., the device does a 10 second countdown (displayed on the dash and spoken over the loudspeaker), and shuts off the engine. - The reporter mentioned the idea of _requiring_ this device on the cars of convicted drunk drivers. Looking at a few of these steps, the "obvious" risks (ignored by the news report) seem to include: - What if an unauthorized person gets a vehicle's STOVEACT number? - How secure is the phone number? Against mis-dials? Against hackers? - Can the shut-down be aborted, if during the two-minute warning the car ends up someplace unsafe to stop (on a railroad crossing, e.g.)? - How easily could a criminal disable the device? - How likely is the device to spontaneously activate? Jeremy Leader ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 06 Apr 1998 21:25:15 +0200 From: "Peter B. Ladkin" Subject: Re: EMI and TWA800 Piers Thompson contributed a pithy comment in RISKS-19.65 on the article by Elaine Scarry (*New York Review of Books, 9 Apr 1998, also at as announced by Woods, RISKS-19.64) on whether electromagnetic interference (EMI -- she prefers the acronym HIRF, which she says stands for High-Intensity {Radio Frequency | Radiated Fields} for those who read BNF) could have been `the cause' of TWA800's crash in July 1996. She posits military activity in the area as potentially responsible for this HIRF. She identifies as possible sources a Black Hawk and an HC-130 within 5 miles horizontally and two miles vertically below TWA800; a P3 6,000+ft above; a C-141 and C-10 `in the vicinity', a Coast Guard cutter 15+ miles distant (and of course 13,700 ft = 2.5 miles below); an Aegis cruiser 180+ miles distant; and three submarines 70-200 miles south. I find myself in sympathy with Thompson's comment and would like to contribute a few comments on Scarry's actual argument. Omitting the surrounding packaging, she actually gives two concrete scenarios (1 and 3) and one supposition (2): (1): Arcing from high-voltage to low-voltage wires, caused by a `pulse of energy' from outside the aircraft, caused the central fuel tank explosion; (2): "Whatever evidence in the plane made lightning a possible candidate [for consideration as energy source for ignition] should make HIRF a candidate as well"; (3): "A sudden pulse of energy from a military jammer or countermeasures system could have acted to knock the plane out of control" She wants the possibility of HIRF to become part of the TWA800 inquiry. Let's save the trouble and do it right here. One can show that investigating (1) won't lead anywhere; and (2) and (3) are completely implausible. Before the arguments, some background. The breakup sequence of Flight 800 was initiated by the breakup of the Wing Center Section ( Exhibit 18A, Metallurgy/Structures Sequencing Group Chairman's Report, Section 7.3) whose breakup sequence itself showed signs of an early `overpressure event' (op. cit Section 5.2.3). This means a central fuel tank explosion. Accordingly, one searches for the origin of the explosion, and this has not definitively been identified, so the investigation is still open. Hugh Chicoine has described to me (in another context in private conversation) that three factors must converge to form an `Ignition Sequence': available oxygen, a combustible, and a competent ignition source. I understand that the first two have been identified in the case of TWA800, and have led to the extensive research into flammable fuel vapors in central wing tanks of commercial aircraft. The search for a competent ignition source is open. When inquiring about the possible effect of EMI on aircraft systems, it is important to distinguish, as Scarry does not appear to, between the various kinds of electrical systems on board aircraft: fly-by-wire controls are different from navigation electronics, which are different from fuel pump electrics, which are different from the ovens used for heating passenger meals. She refers to a certain number of accidents to support her case: these occurred to Black Hawk helicopters (see e.g., RISKS-5.56, 5.58, 5.59 from a decade ago) and according to Scarry to F111s during the U.S. raid on Libya. I understand these accidents are believed to have emanated from EMI-FBW interference. There is as yet no definitive incident with reproducible symptoms in which EMI is known to have interfered with commercial aviation navigation systems in navigable airspace, as far as I am aware, although there are plenty of plausible `anecdotes' (Ladkin, RISKS-19.24; see also my essay at --> Publications --> Electronic Journalism --> RVS-J-97-03. There is the possible exception of cases in which aircraft violate airspace restrictions -- stay away from those microwave antennas :-). Also as far as I am aware there has been as yet no suspected incident of EMI interfering with electronic control (`fly-by-wire' or FBW) on commercial aircraft, but in the case of TWA800 this question is moot since the Boeing B747-100 is a `classic' aircraft with hydraulic and mechanical controls. Electrics are generally more robust than electronics. The main potential ignition sources that have been considered are mechanical electrical sources; a pre-existing fire below the central wing tank; a bomb; a missile ( Exhibit 20A, Fire and Explosion Group Chairman's Report, Section 3, p5). There was no evidence of a pre-existing fire, a bomb or a missile found. Potential sources explored include the electrical fuel gauging system; electrical power to the fuel pumps; a static electric charge/discharge; and `other systems' (op. cit p6). "No evidence of electrical arcing or other mechanical failure signature has been noted on the hardware" (op. cit. Section 3, final sentence, p9). Finally, one should note that an aluminium aircraft hull acts as a significant barrier in each direction to electromagnetic radiation on radio frequencies. The original response to questions of EMI from passenger electronics pointed out that the nav receiver antennae were outside the hull, but the potentially damaging signals were supposed to come from inside the aircraft, and no one could see a way that those signals could have interference strength outside - they simply couldn't be powerful enough. Later inquiry has suspected imperfect or degraded interior avionics wiring connections (RVS-J-97-03, op. cit., from RTCA SC-177). As far as I know, no one has published estimates of what the field strength would have to be *outside* the aircraft in order to create that requisite field strength *within* the aircraft hull sufficient to cause arcing in any component of the fuel gauging system, fuel pumps or other such systems. Note that since no evidence of arcing was found, any arcing that did occur must have occurred in an item that was not recovered, despite an unprecedentedly thorough search -- and will not be recovered because the search has stopped. This leads to the following commentary on Scarry's three suggestions. ad 1: The inquiry has looked; no evidence of arcing was found; no evidence therefore will be found; the only thing that can be done is to calculate roughly the kind of field strength outside the aircraft that would be required to cause sufficient arcing inside the aircraft in the suspect but missing components. Any answer is going to be very rough and could not be correlated with any physical evidence; I suspect it could be calculated to a sufficient level of accuracy by some engineering graduate student with a little data from the component manufacturers who have already carried out such arcing tests. I would not expect the answer to lend any plausibility to the supposition that HIRF could have caused arcing. Whether or not, supposition it would remain since physical evidence there is not. ad 2: A lightning strike contains enough energy to kill people it hits. It does not contain enough energy to kill people 100 yards away from a strike, unless one is happening to stand on a conduit without rubber soles. I've been this close to mountain lightning strikes twice without apparent arcing :-) A mile away from a lightning strike is even less of a problem. I don't know that even the military would consider discharging a Van de Graaf generator on a P3, even if they could fit one large enough in the fuselage. And I don't see how that remote and relatively mild event a mile away could be compared with a direct lightning strike on an aircraft. I find such a comparison .... um, implausible. ad 3: The control on this aircraft is via cables and hydraulics. HIRF affects these not one jot. This is a truly stupid supposition [oh dear, that was rude.... it just sorta slipped out....sorry]. So apart from finding the graduate student to do the calculation for the first supposition, what are the action items on Scarry's list? To get the `men and women in nearby planes and ships [to] describe the instruments in use that night'; to have the USAF and DoD release classified studies they have done on how EMI affects military planes and ships. I'd judge she has a vastly underwhelming case - but then, she's the expert on the general theory of value, not I. Peter Ladkin, Univ. Bielefeld, Postfach 10 01 31, D-33501 Bielefeld, Germany +49(0)521-106-5326 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Apr 98 17:02:12 PDT From: "Peter G. Neumann" Subject: Re: Phone scam alert: Social Engineering 101 (RISKS-19.64) Quite a few readers insisted that this case was a scam, quoting various newsgroups. However, an AT&T Web site notes that it affects only PBXs and not residential customers. It is an old problem, by the way. Thanks to all of you who wrote in. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 21:54:45 -0600 From: "Scott Ruthfield" Subject: Rice University spammed too! In line with the post on Cornell's spam issue: Rice University had the same problem last week, when an academic department (somehow) obtained the e-mail addresses of all 2600 undergraduate students, and sent a message with all the addresses in the To: block. At least five students responded to the whole group: at some point, Information Services began locking the accounts of those who were sending mail. Several of the responses, though, came from non-Rice addresses (or faked addresses). Interestingly, the day after this incident, some student(s) put up flyers all over campus, encouraging students to send angry mail to the obviously clueless department that sent the original mail, and providing the e-mail address. (Like they hadn't heard it already.) And for extra fun: the e-mail talked about a schedule change for an introductory Latin class, and the flyer mentioned how we should thank the department for their information about a dead language. Scott Ruthfield, Graduate Student, Computer Science, Rice University ------------------------------ Date: 8 Apr 1998 12:55:07 -0000 From: Nick Rothwell Subject: Re: Funding for a new software paradigm (Moran, RISKS-19.64) > 1) Devise a language that fails safely (where safety has programmer > adaptable defaults and values) so that failures "do the right > thing". I think that Perl and Basic come pretty close to this. I wasn't sure whether this was a follow-up spoof to the original spoof at first. My knowledge of Basic is pretty basic, but I don't see how anyone can claim that Perl "fails safely." One should distinguish between apparent runtime errors and incorrect behaviour. While a Perl program might not often exit with an error code, it is one of the most error-prone languages I have ever used. The identifier binding is essentially purely dynamic; the scoping rules for identifiers are rather obscure (non-local by default, for instance, last time I checked); there are huge numbers of highly ad-hoc overloaded primitive operations based upon the contextual occurrence of identifiers and expressions (partly alleviated by prefixes like "#", "$", "@" and so on). There are large numbers of obscure reserved tokens ($', $|, $_, $` and so on). The language freely mixes regular-expression lexical rules with high-level syntactic rules (example: "$x" and '$x' are different, but "x" and 'x' are the same) and there are large numbers of proprietary regular expression constructs. (\E and \Q surprised me, and Perl 5 now outlaws "@", or gives it some meaning which escapes me.) And the scoping rules for file objects are obscure in the least; as I recall they occupy a totally different namespace with different dereferencing rules, such that the Perl 5 man page contains specific hacks to be employed when passing them around. I use Perl heavily, and love what it can do. but it does all the right things in all the wrong ways. On the other hand, if Fred is spoofing then I've made a fool of myself. Nick Rothwell, CASSIEL ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 17:41:15 -0700 (PDT) From: Fred Cohen Subject: Re: Funding for a new software paradigm (Rothwell, RISKS-19.66) Perl fails relatively safely in lots of circumstances, but it also has lousy syntax and semantics, poor language discipline, heavily overloaded operators, and lots of other problems. I agree with many of Nick's comments, but I don't think they invalidate my point that many unanticipated failures result in program termination with an error message. Even more importantly, my comments were intended to have some humorous elements to them and Nick correctly identified it. All of this notwithstanding, it appears that Nick agrees that we should have programming languages with better default error handling. Sandia National Laboratories at tel:510-294-2087 fax:510-294-1225 Fred Cohen & Associates: - - tel/fax:510-454-0171 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 3 Apr 1998 12:09:55 -0800 (PST) From: Erann Gat Subject: Re: Funding for a new software paradigm (Cohen, RISKS-19.65) Several "failure-safe" languages exist, and they all have the same problem: providing safety exacts a cost in performance. All else being equal, code written in a failure-safe language will be slower than code written in an unsafe language. This cost is constantly in your face even when there are no errors, which is most of the time. Using a failure-safe language is like flood insurance. People think they can get by without it because the costs are obvious but the benefits rarely manifest themselves. There is another problem: as a result of this fundamental cost driver, we have built up an enormous infrastructure based on unsafe architectures. (Two-digit date representations are a prime example.) This infrastructure now permeates our society. CS courses teach people that programming is synonymous with writing C++ code. As this infrastructure grows it gets harder and harder to go back and fix it at its core. You'd think that if there were any organization that would be receptive to the use of failure-safe languages it would be NASA, but in fact the exact opposite is true. Failure-safe languages like Java or Lisp (or, God forbid, Haskell or ML) are viewed with suspicion at best. At worst, their advocates (both of us ;-) become pariahs. It seems this is unlikely to change until there is a major disaster that impacts enough people to make it on the evening news. Without prejudging the desirability of this event, I predict that it is only a matter of time before it happens. Erann Gat ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 07:57:47 -0800 From: "Rob Slade" Subject: "Web Security: A Step-by-Step Reference Guide", Lincoln D. Stein BKWEBSEC.RVW 980201 "Web Security: A Step-by-Step Reference Guide", Lincoln D. Stein, 1998, 0-201-62489-9, U$29.95 %A Lincoln D. Stein %C P.O. Box 520, 26 Prince Andrew Place, Don Mills, Ontario M3C 2T8 %D 1998 %G 0-201-62489-9 %I Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. %O U$29.95 416-447-5101 fax: 416-443-0948 %P 448 p. %T "Web Security: A Step-by-Step Reference Guide" As it happened, this book came off the stack on a night when I wanted nothing more than to wander off to bed. Despite my sleep deprivation I managed not only to finish the book, but even to enjoy it. Any technical book with security in the title that can hold interest like that has to have something going for it. The book covers all aspects of Web security, as laid out in chapter one: the client or browser concern for privacy and safety of active content, the Web server concern for availability of service and prevention of intrusion, and the concern that both share for confidentiality and fraud. Chapter two provides a brief but accurate overview of cryptography as the backbone of secure systems operating over unsecured channels. (There is only one oddity that I noted, when 512 bit RSA public key encryption was compared in strength with 40 bit RC2 and RC4 systems.) More of the basics like Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Secure Electronic Transactions (SET) are described in chapter three, along with various forms of digital cash. Part two looks at client-side security, with further discussions of the use of SSL in chapter four. Chapter five details active content, with particular attention to ActiveX and Java. "Web Privacy," in chapter six, is an excellent and practical guide to the realities and myths about information that can be gleaned from your browsing activities. Included are practical tips about keeping your system from finking on you. (Windows users should note that the files referred to are not always in the paths specified, due to the variety of ways that Windows programs can be installed.) The bulk of the book, as might be expected, deals with server-side security, this being the slightly more complex side of the issue. Chapter seven provides an overview of the various vulnerabilities and loopholes to watch and plug. UNIX and Windows NT servers are dealt with in chapters eight and nine respectively. These chapters don't assume much familiarity with the system security functions of the systems, but do stick primarily to the server specific topics. Access control is a major part of any security setup, and is covered in chapter ten. Encryption and certificates are revisited in chapter eleven, concentrating on use in access control. CGI (Common Gateway Interface) scripting has been a major source of Web security risks, and chapter twelve points out safe, and unsafe, practices in programming scripts. Chapter thirteen discusses remote authoring and administration. Firewalls are often seen as the be-all and end-all of Internet security, and Stein covers the reality in chapter fourteen. Each chapter contains references to both online and printed sources of information, and these resources are all of high quality and useful. As noted, the book is not only readable, but even enjoyable. The writing is clear and accurate, giving the reader both concepts and practical tasks in minimum time with maximum comprehension. Although the bulk of the book is for Webmasters, the casual user can not only read it but get a great deal of value from it. Any ISP that does not have it on their customer support bookshelf should held criminally negligent. copyright Robert M. Slade, 1998 BKWEBSEC.RVW 980201 ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 30 Mar 1998 11:24:30 +0900 From: (by way of Teruo Higashino) Subject: ICDCS-18 cfp See for full program. Final Program for ICDCS-18 The 18th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems May 26 (Tue.) - 29(Fri.) Hotel Mercure, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society, TC on Distributed Processing URL ------------------------------ Date: 31 Mar 1998 (LAST-MODIFIED) From: Subject: Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks) The RISKS Forum is a MODERATED digest. Its Usenet equivalent is comp.risks. => SUBSCRIPTIONS: PLEASE read RISKS as a newsgroup (comp.risks or equivalent) if possible and convenient for you. Alternatively, via majordomo, SEND DIRECT E-MAIL REQUESTS to with one-line, SUBSCRIBE (or UNSUBSCRIBE) [with net address if different from FROM:] or INFO [for unabridged version of RISKS information] .MIL users should contact (Dennis Rears). .UK users should contact . => The INFO file (submissions, default disclaimers, archive sites, copyright policy, PRIVACY digests, etc.) is also obtainable from The full info file will appear now and then in future issues. *** All contributors are assumed to have read the full info file for guidelines. *** => SUBMISSIONS: to with meaningful SUBJECT: line. => ARCHIVES are available: or ftp ftp.sri.comlogin anonymous[YourNetAddress]cd risks [volume-summary issues are in risks-*.00] [back volumes have their own subdirectories, e.g., "cd 18" for volume 18] or [i.e., VoLume, ISsue]. The site risks directory also contains the most recent PostScript copy of PGN's comprehensive historical summary of one liners: get illustrative.PS ------------------------------ End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 19.66 ************************