Subject: RISKS DIGEST 18.74 RISKS-LIST: Risks-Forum Digest Tuesday 7 January 1997 Volume 18 : Issue 74 FORUM ON RISKS TO THE PUBLIC IN COMPUTERS AND RELATED SYSTEMS (comp.risks) ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy, Peter G. Neumann, moderator ***** See last item for further information, disclaimers, caveats, etc. ***** Contents: U.S. Air Force webpage hacked (PGN) Grammy web page leaks nominees (B.J. Herbison) The Sky Is Falling (Jim Horning) Computer safety 25 years ago (Wayne Hayes) Leap-Year software bug gives "Million-dollar glitch" (Jim Towler) VISA fines banks with Y2K problems (Lloyd Wood) Y2K: Blessing in Disguise (Mark Brader) Another privacy bug in Netscape (Kevin McCurley) When connectors shouldn't meet (Lauren Weinstein) Dan Farmer releases real-time security survey (Betty G. O'Hearn) Let UPS publish your signature on the Net (Hall) Easy answers... (Steve Hand) April 1 considered harmful (William J. Evans) Re: Do Not Attempt to use Airplane as Submarine? (Sam Lepore) 'Ghost Trains' evidence of safe design (Andrew Waugh) 2nd FMICS Int. Workshop, Call for Papers (Diego Latella) Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 30 Dec 1996 18:10 PDT From: "Peter G. Neumann" Subject: U.S. Air Force webpage hacked U.S. Air Force has now joined the club along with the Department of Justice, CIA, and NASA, whose webpages had previously been altered by intruders (RISKS-18.35 and 49). On Sunday morning, 29 Dec 1996, the main webpage of the Air Force's website at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, was included ``Welcome to the Truth,'' above dripping blood and a pair of red eyeballs, and ``You can learn all about gov't corruption here. Learn the secrets that they don't want you to know.'' Also included were links to nonGovernment webpages and an X-rated picture with the caption, ``This is what your gov't is doing to you every day.'' A person identified as a 23-year-old small-business man claiming to have been involved with the two intruders said that they actually had access to the entire AF e-mail system (including classified documents), and were trying to show how ``pathetic'' the security was. An AF spokesman suggested that they had access only to one PC. (Fort Belvoir also houses the websites for the Army and Marines.) [Source: Hackers Disrupt Air Force Web Page, article by Seth Schiesel, *The New York Times*, 30 Dec 1996.] [Yes, the primary purpose of your webpage is usually to make information openly available, not to protect secrecy. But also don't forget that integrity and preventing denials of service are fundamental parts of your web and net security problems. This case was also noted by Christopher Klaus , who added ``With so many government web sites getting hacked, you think they would spend a little more time securing them. The tools exist to secure the web sites.'' Well, more or less. PGN] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Jan 1997 10:42:06 -0500 From: "B.J. Herbison" Subject: Grammy web page leaks nominees On the CNN Interactive web site ( today there is an article about the Grammy awards ( The Grammy award nominees were supposed to be officially announced at 8:40 this morning, but the announcement was on the web site overnight, removed early this morning. When the Grammy site reposted the list, the names matched the information from CNN. The CNN article is at This is nothing new, just the standard risk of not integrating the standards for new technologies with the existing technologies. B.J. Herbison, HighGround Systems, Inc., 1300 Massachusetts Avenue Boxborough, MA 01719-2203 +1 508 263-5588 x126 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 03 Jan 1997 10:46:00 P From: Jim Horning Subject: The Sky Is Falling The "Week in Review" in *The New York Times*, 29 Dec 1996, led off with a column by Michael Wines entitled "The Sky Is Falling: Three Cheers for Chicken Little." It will probably be of interest to most readers of RISKS. I don't agree with all of it, but it is definitely thought-provoking. I just excerpt the main points: ``'Time is running out,' ... Mr. Peterson is writing about the imminent bankruptcy of Medicare. No matter. It easily could have been global warming, overpopulation, designer genes, nuclear terrorism, AIDS, the national debt, Apple Computer, Democrats, Republicans, the two-party system, wetlands, desertification, moral decline, moral zealots, killer asteroids or, for that matter, software that does not recognize the year 2000... ``Alarmism is a national obsession... Are Americans getting too much of a bad thing? Of course they are. But that begs the real question: why doesn't the sky fall? And that question is a tougher one. Sure, plenty of alarms are raised over threats that are, to put it kindly, overstated... Maybe the sky doesn't fall because alarms work as the alarmists intended. Maybe the apocalypse never fully arrives because the alarmists' wretched excess frightens people into taking action... ``There's no way to know for sure. The only evidence that an alarm works is in its being proved false -- which may also be evidence that the alarm was unnecessary to begin with..." ``'It would be intellectually satisfying to say the real impact is through reasoned discourse,' [Paul Ehrlich] said. 'But in my view the real impact isn't in reasoned discourse. Media attention, press coverage and, if necessary, alarmism at least set an agenda. And that way you can have a debate.'" ... ``Alarmists can be self-promoting pains, and they are often wrong. So ignore them. How bad could life be on an Earth slow-cooking in a sauce of melted icebergs, populated by genetic experiments gone wild and fated to an eternity of Windows 95?" Jim Horning [Perhaps Cassandra was a little chicken rather than a Chicken Little? PGN] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Jan 1997 14:50:36 -0500 From: Wayne Hayes Subject: Computer safety 25 years ago I was rummaging around my old books recently and came upon the following gem. It is interesting to note that everything he says is still true today, down to the things he suggests we need to do to make software safer. And this was 26 years ago. When will we ever learn? From _The Computer Revolution_, by Nigel Hawkes. Copyright 1971 Thames and Hudson, London. Copied without permission. HOW SAFE ARE COMPUTERS? (pages 193-196) Less often discussed but potentially more serious is the danger of what I call computer-aided disasters. Many computer experts, particularly those in the software field, believe that these represent a very serious danger. Alex d'Agapeyeff, President of the British Computer Society, has argued that the existing computer systems have a reliability rather worse than that of the British telephone service. Other computer professionals have claimed that up to 70% of the computer systems in operation in Britain are unsuccessful. [He doesn't define what he means here.-WH] Although this may be an exaggeration, we would be wise to recognize the widening gap between what the computer salesmen claim and what the systems engineers actually provide. Large computer systems remain something of an unknown quantity, and are quite capable of going very seriously wrong. Most of the time this does not matter, except to those directly concerned. It is naturally irritating when a computerized system sends one an absurd bill, but it can usually be corrected without too much trouble. [And now, in 1996, even that is sometimes not possible.-WH] When computers are used to control jumbo jets, chemical plants or nuclear power stations, the effects of a similar failure might be catastrophic. More dangerous still, some people believe, are elaborate military systems, where relatively untried weapons may be sent on their way to the target by relatively untried software. The kind of dangers that can arise even in civil air-traffic control are epitomized by a story about Britain's new computerized system, called Mediator. As a first stage of implementation, a computer was introduced which could not deal easily with letters of the alphabet; instead it used flight numbers to identify aircraft. Soon after its introduction, three aircraft were circling over Watford waiting for clearance to land at Heathrow, and all three had the same flight number --- BEA flight 701, Air India flight 701 and Iberia flight 701. Fortunately, a human air-traffic controller noticed in time, before the computer had time to give all three aircraft clearance to land at once. What security can one have against computerized disasters? Errors very rarely arise in the hardware of a modern computer. Almost all are introduced by human error --- by carelessly written programs, inaccurate input data or badly conceived systems design. Greater emphasis on software development and improved input methods would help, but alone are never likely to be enough. The dangers we really need to worry about are exactly the ones we cannot predict, and therefore cannot easily guard against. As a minimum, it seems to me, we should insist on all major computer installations being designed to `fail softly' by falling back to a degraded state of operation rather than collapsing catastrophically. In the case of chemical plants, nuclear power stations, or medical intensive care units, we should insist that the control function is so designed that it can if necessary be taken over by a human operator in the event of a computer breakdown. Failing that, a completely independent `stand-by' system, with its own power supply, should be installed. These may seem expensive safeguards, but they are cheap compared with the possible costs of ignoring them. Unfortunately, there are at the moment no agreed standard to which computer systems are expected to conform. The industry is new, and growing fast, and nobody has yet taken the time to set up proper disciplinary agencies. Even when these are established, they are unlikely to be wholly effective, if the experience of other industries is any guide. Most probably, a better safeguard would be to `professionalize' the computer programmers by establishing learned institutions like those set up in the nineteenth century by the engineers. The British Computer Society is, indeed, trying to turn itself into such a body, although it still has a long way to go. [And these topics have been discussed in the ACM Software Engineering Notes now in volume 22, and RISKS for 11.5 years, ever since. However, I do not recall this book being mentioned before. PGN] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Jan 1997 09:47:40 +1300 From: Jim Towler Subject: Leap-Year software bug gives "Million-dollar glitch" Too many are suggesting that new programs are all OK and its only the "old mainframe stuff" that will have problems with "Year 2000". Well, people are still writing code with bugged date logic. Jim Towler, Wellington, New Zealand Million-dollar glitch ("The Dominion" -- Wellington, New Zealand, 8 Jan 1997) via NZPA [New Zealand Press Assoc.] A computer glitch at the Tiwai Pt [place in South Island of New Zealand] aluminium smelter at midnight on New Year's Eve has left a repair bill of more than $1 million [New Zealand Dollars]. Production in all the smelting potlines ground to a halt at the stroke of midnight when the computers shut down simultaneously and without warning. New Zealand Aluminium Smelters' general manager David Brewer said the failure was traced to a faulty computer software programme, which failed to account for 1996 being a leap year. The computer was not programmed to handle the 366th day of the year, he said. "Each of the 660 process control computers hung up simultaneously at midnight," Mr Brewer said. The same problem occurred two hours later at Comalco's Bell Bay smelter, in Tasmania [Australia]. New Zealand is two hours ahead of Tasmania. Both smelters use the same programme, which was written by Comalco computer staff. Mr Brewer said the cause was difficult to trace and it was not till a telephone call in the morning from Bell Bay that the leap year link was made. "It was a complicated problem and it took quite some time to find out just what caused it." Tiwai staff rallied through the night to operate the potlines manually and try to find the cause. The glitch was fixed and normal production restored by midafternoon. However, by then, the damage has been done. Without the computers to regulate temperatures inside the pot cells, five cells over-heated and were damaged beyond repair. Mr Brewer said they would have to be replaced at a cost of more than $1 million. [Reminder: I generally do *not* use a ``spellchecker'' for Britishisms (including Kiwi-isms) such as aluminium vs aluminum, honour, etc. But here we clearly needed a ``smeltchecker'' for our Smeltschmertz. PGN] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Jan 1997 11:46:34 +0000 (GMT) From: Lloyd Wood Subject: VISA fines banks with Y2K problems The article below appeared in The Times (London, UK), Mon Jan 6 1997, Business News p41 first column, Article is probably available on The Times' website at - registration is required, and a quick hunt didn't turn it up. BANKS FACE FINES OVER VISA CARD PROBLEMS, Fraser Nelson Visa, the world's largest credit card company, is preparing to impose a fine of up to UKP100,000 per month on some of its member banks in a last-ditch attempt to ensure that they will accept credit cards with expiry dates extending into the new millennium. The company, itself a consortium of 20,000 banks, is launching the penal system a year after its first deadline for Year 2000 compliance. It estimated that 1.3 million outlets worldwide are still unable to deal with cards with expiry dates reading '00'. Britain is believed to account for only 40,000 of the faulty terminals. After April, banks that have problems processing Visa's cards will be charged between UKP600 and UKP100,000 per month, depending on volume, until they correct the bug. Visa says that 90 per cent of terminals accept the new cards but an unacceptably high number still throw up an error when told a card was issued in '97 and expires in '00. Jim Dickie, vice president of Visa's operations and services in Europe, said the move was the next logical step to safeguard the credit card's brand name. Year 2000 compliance is the first of three upheavals Visa faces over the next three years. The cards are also to have built-in microchips, and European monetary union will require further upgrades. [My Visa card expires in March. I wonder if I'll encounter any of those 'only 40,000' terminals this year? Convincing shop assistants that my card isn't stolen could be an interesting experience. L. +44-1483-300800x3435] [And don't forget the scam this engendered, noted in RISKS-18.68. PGN] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 1 Jan 1997 18:55:50 GMT From: (Mark Brader) Subject: Y2K: Blessing in Disguise I was in the Los Angeles area on October 20 and clipped this from the *Times* [presumably LA, rather than NY, but I don't know Mark's habits. PGN] that day, but forgot to send it along until now. Perhaps it's more appropriate on New Year's Day anyway: | Your Oct. 16 editorial ("The IRS Wages War on the Millennium Bug") | misses the point. The "Year 2000" problem is a blessing in disguise. | Thanks to our computers we can relive the 20th century. Think of | the mistakes we can correct this time around. We can prevent two | world wars, find Amelia Earhart, vote for Hubert Humphrey in 1968, | catch the Unabomber before he strikes and tell young Jeffrey Maier | to stay in his seat! | Bill Smart, Santa Barbara, letter to the editor [Disguise (DisGuy's?) the Limit. And remember, tomorrow today will be yesterday -- at least until 31 Dec 99. PGN] ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Jan 1997 13:45:19 -0700 From: Kevin McCurley Subject: Another privacy bug in Netscape Version 2.0 of Netscape navigator had a bug in it that allowed web sites to "steal" your e-mail address when you visited the page (see That bug was fixed in Version 2.02 by trying to require that the user approve any mail that is sent out from their machine. Unfortunately, a new bug has been discovered in Netscape 3.0, 3.01, and 4.0b1 that once again allows a web site to steal addresses from browsers without the consent of the user. A satirical demonstration of this is located at Such bugs continue to undermine the public's trust of the Internet. The existence of the bug is simply a programmer error rather than a malicious act. A far more insidious act is the exploitation of such mechanisms to steal e-mail addresses for unknown purposes. In fact the old 2.0 bug is still in use at a US government site: Kevin McCurley ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 15:53 PST From: (Lauren Weinstein) Subject: When connectors shouldn't meet The latest (Jan 1997) issue of "Mix" magazine (a pro-audio trade publication), points out a potential risk in some new connectors recently introduced for the audio industry. Essentially, these are a set of adapters that convert common audio connectors to the standard three prong A.C. power configuration. The idea is to allow ordinary power extension cords to be used to carry audio in "emergency" situations at wiring performance venues if the "correct" cable isn't available. Mix properly notes serious concern over the obvious risks of such use, especially in the hectic wiring situations where mislabeled cables are common, and a technician thinking he or she was handling an audio cable might find themselves plugged into A.C. mains current instead. Lauren, Moderator, PRIVACY Forum ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 06 Jan 1997 00:27:15 -0500 From: "Betty G. O'Hearn" Subject: Dan Farmer releases real-time security survey Dan Farmer, security researcher and creator of SATAN, just released the results of a real-time security survey on the Internet. It included various classes of attacks against government sites, 660 world wide banks, credit unions, on-line sex businesses and media orgs. WWW.InfoWar.Com has posted the complete survey. There is no charge for complete access to this invaluable, unauthorized survey. Click on the home page of at the icon "New on Infowar.Com"- Scroll down. The survey is listed at 2 Jan 1997. [SATANic curses? PGN] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jan 1997 14:31:48 -0800 (PST) From: Subject: Let UPS publish your signature on the Net I noticed a UPS (United Parcel Service) TV commercial this weekend that advertises the capability for one to download an image of the signature of the person who signed for a package. It seems like a matter of a few minutes of hacking for a reasonably clever forger to gain the ability to sign checks and credit card slips (particularly those you sign and mail in) on behalf of anyone who signs for a UPS package. Even if there is tight network security so that only the package sender can see the signature, nothing stops a would-be forger from UPS-ing a bogus package to the person whose credit card or checkbook s/he stole. To the extent that handwritten signatures are used as a security measure any more (which is debatable, of course), publishing them in a computer-readable medium seems to me like an unnecessary risk with little or no compensating advantage. -- Bob [Ah, yes, we have been around on this one before. See RISKS-11.42, 11.71, and 15,29. PGN] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jan 1997 14:16:03 -0500 (EST) From: Steve Hand Subject: Easy answers... (PGN, RISKS-18.72) > The moral lesson is a familiar one in RISKS: Easy answers are risky. > Complex solutions are also risky. On the other hand, even moderate > solutions are risky, as your immoderate moderator repeatedly points out. And, as newspaper editor H.L. Mencken said, "For every complex question there is a simple answer, and it is wrong." Steven Hand (919) 677-8000 ext. 6936 (work) 847-9354 (home) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 30 Dec 1996 13:29:58 -0800 From: (William J. Evans) Subject: April 1 considered harmful Our esteemed PGN commented with respected to the alleged PENPAL virus: : Too bad we were not approaching 1 April instead of 1 Jan. We need to address the risks involved in even _having_ a 1 April in the calendar. What if a powerful newbie takes a 1 April prank seriously, and dives in to "fix" something? What are the risks there? Alternatively, what are the risks of expanding March to 32 days and starting April with 2 April? Would that be any worse than the upcoming Y2K? Sorry, but I couldn't wait three months to submit this. Too bad we're not approaching 1 April instead of 1 Jan. Bill Evans/Box 4829/Irvine, California 92716/(714)551-2766 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 31 Dec 1996 12:08 PST From: Subject: Re: Do Not Attempt to use Airplane as Submarine? (Brader, RISKS-18.72) > The airport is on an island just barely above sea level; presumably, then, > when a high-pressure cell is in the area, its "pressure altitude" is below > sea level. As amusing as it may seem, this shows the excellent design of being prepared for an unlikely event - like flying below sea level. Unlikely, but not impossible. This reminds me of an unconfirmed report from many years ago about the first military aircraft from China Lake/Edwards AFB that flew with an altimeter-linked autopilot and tried to buzz the deck in Death Valley (280 feet below sea level). I've heard various stories about it 1) tried to land in mid-air; 2) believed it was about to crash and attempted to eject the pilot; 3) nearly flew into the Panamint mountains trying to avoid crashing at 'sea level'. [Mark Brader received an out-of-band message from reminding him that one of the busiest airports in the world (Amsterdam Schiphol) is (like much of the Netherlands) below sea level. PGN] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 15:11:28 EST From: Subject: 'Ghost Trains' evidence of safe design (PGN, RISKS-18.70) Without further details, it is almost certain that the 'ghost train' is a track circuit failure. Track circuits are the fundamental building block of railway signaling systems. Their purpose is to detect the presence of a train in a particular section of track. Failure to detect a train is certain to eventually cause a serious accident; the Clapham Junction accident in the UK, for example, was caused by a wiring error which omitted a track circuit from the controls of a signal. All technology fails, of course, so track circuits are designed to indicate the presence of a train when they fail. This is 'safe' as it holds signals at danger and prevents any points in the track section from moving. Totally locking up the system, however, would close the line until the track circuit was repaired. So there is always a method of granting authority for trains to pass a signal at danger and *slowly* pass over a track when a track circuit fails -- the 'manual operation' mentioned above. The railways have traded off a small amount of safety (a small number of collisions have occurred when Drivers travel too fast under these circumstances) to prevent total closure of the line. The 'ghost train' in the tale is the result of a deliberate decision as to a technology failure mode, careful design to bias potential failures into this safe failure mode, and a careful trade off between safety and closure of the line. Given the very low accident rate on railways equipped with track circuits, the 'ghost train' is, in fact evidence of a Risk success, not a failure! andrew waugh [We received a ton of e-mail on ghosts, 911, etc., lots of minor variants on earlier themes, far too many to include here. TNX. PGN] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Jan 1997 11:38:10 +0100 From: (Diego Latella) Subject: 2nd FMICS Int. Workshop, Call for Papers Second International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems ERCIM - FMICS CESENA (Italy) 4-5 July 1997 [truncated for RISKS] The Second International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems will take place in Cesena, close to Bologna (Italy) as a Satellite Workshop to the 24th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, ICALP '97. Workshop page URL: The aim of these workshops is to provide a forum mainly for, but not limited to, researchers of ERCIM Sites, interested in the development and use of Formal Methods in the Industry. In particular, these workshops should bring together scientists active in the area of formal methods and willing to exchange their experience in the industrial usage of these methods. They also aim at promoting research and development for the improvement of formal methods and tools with respect to their usage in/interest of industry. Please notice that the workshop will be held in conjunction with the Second International Workshop on Advanced Intelligent Networks (AIN'97) SUBMISSIONS: Authors are invited to send five copies of a full paper (in English, up to 25 pages) to the Programme Chair: S. Gnesi, CNR - Ist. Elaborazione dell'Informazione Via S. Maria 46, I56126 Pisa - ITALY by 31 JAN 1997. An electronic version of the paper in .ps format plus an abstract should also be sent to: ------------------------------ Date: 15 Aug 1996 (LAST-MODIFIED) From: Subject: Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks) The RISKS Forum is a MODERATED digest. Its Usenet equivalent is comp.risks. => SUBSCRIPTIONS: PLEASE read RISKS as a newsgroup (comp.risks or equivalent) if possible and convenient for you. Or use Bitnet LISTSERV. Alternatively, (via majordomo) DIRECT REQUESTS to with one-line, SUBSCRIBE (or UNSUBSCRIBE) [with net address if different from FROM:] or INFO [for unabridged version of RISKS information] => The INFO file (submissions, default disclaimers, archive sites, .mil/.uk subscribers, copyright policy, PRIVACY digests, etc.) is also obtainable from The full info file will appear now and then in future issues. *** All contributors are assumed to have read the full info file for guidelines. *** => SUBMISSIONS: to with meaningful SUBJECT: line. => ARCHIVES are available: or ftp ftp.sri.comlogin anonymous[YourNetAddress]cd risks or [i.e., VoLume, ISsue]. The site risks directory also contains the most recent PostScript copy of PGN's comprehensive historical summary of one liners: get illustrative.PS ------------------------------ End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 18.74 ************************