Subject: RISKS DIGEST 18.57 RISKS-LIST: Risks-Forum Digest Tuesday 5 November 1996 Volume 18 : Issue 57 FORUM ON RISKS TO THE PUBLIC IN COMPUTERS AND RELATED SYSTEMS (comp.risks) ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy, Peter G. Neumann, moderator ***** See last item for further information, disclaimers, caveats, etc. ***** Contents: Cutting off husband's cybersex leads to assault (Mich Kabay) ``Software explosion rattles car makers'' (Daniel P. B. Smith) No power ==> no-see windows (Mich Kabay) Lawyers eager for millennium cases (stayton) More risks in the supermarket; polymorphic buttons (Dan Ruderman) ATM Fraud in Israel - The Polish Gang (Jonathan Rosenne) IRS to send tax information to mortgage brokers by e-mail! (Erann Gat) Tracking Smart Cash (Edupage) Office 97, VBA 5.0, and macro viruses (Rob Slade) Re: Aeroperu (Peter G. Neumann) Re: Tote Board Crash at Breeder's Cup (Ben Morphett) Fault-induced crypto attacks and the RISKS of press releases (Paul C. Kocher) Re: A new attack on DES (Vadim Antonov) Unintentional Accesses (John R. LoVerso) Accidental Shootdown of the F-15, once again (Chiaki Ishikawa) -32768, hopefully for the last time (Kurt Fredriksson) Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 01 Nov 96 16:04:02 EST From: Mich Kabay <75300.3232@CompuServe.COM> Subject: Cutting off husband's cybersex leads to assault Here's yet another RISK, from erasing programs: Marion Walton, an Arkansas man, was discovered having a cybersex affair with a Canadian woman. In response, his wife Pat apparently erased his mail program. In retaliation, he apparently beat her, twice. ``Police are suggesting she file charges.'' [Source: Man beats wife after she pulls plug on cybersex, Reuters World Report, datelined Little Rock, 31 Oct 1996, via CompuServe's Executive News Service, PGN Abstracting.] [Perhaps her husband will have to use his credit card to charge files -- that is, the kind that can be used to file down the iron bars? PGN] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 5 Nov 1996 09:29:45 -0500 (EST) From: "Daniel P. B. Smith" Subject: ``Software explosion rattles car makers'' Automakers [are facing] runaway growth in the lines of code their engineers must write and manage as microprocessors take over automotive functions... ``Software is where the problem is today,'' said William Powers, VP of research at Ford. ``Today, if you change a line of code, you're looking at the potential for some major problems. Hardware is very predictable, very repeatable. Software is in much more of a transient state.'' The volume of code is exploding as processors proliferate behind the dashboard and under the hood. The typical auto has 10 to 15 processors; high-end cars can have as many as 80 ... ``An engine controller can have 100,000 lines of code'' [according to a Bosch VP]. [``Software explosion rattles car makers'', *Electronic Engineering Times*, 28 Oct 1996, front page.] Daniel P. B. Smith [Auto-mation has certainly arrived. PGN] ------------------------------ Date: 04 Nov 96 17:01:04 EST From: Mich Kabay <75300.3232@CompuServe.COM> Subject: No power ==> no-see windows Here's a tidbit from the ever-interesting INNOVATION 96.11.04 (editors John Gehl & Suzanne Douglas , [The folks who bring you Edupage]: Electric Shade Researchers at Vrije University in the Netherlands have developed a light-blocking window film that can be adjusted by turning a switch. The film uses yttrium hydride, a metallic compound, which can block the sun completely, partially, or can be made transparent by using a small battery to alter the voltage passing across the film. The higher the voltage, the more hydrogen atoms, which causes the film to change from a metal to a semiconductor. The result is a clear window. Scientists plan to use the new product in automobiles, sunglasses, houses and other applications. (*Popular Science*, Nov 1996, p31) Great, eh? One needs a voltage in order to have a clear window. Lose power in your automobile and you lose visibility through your window. Let's hope they build in appropriate fail-safes in automotive applications.... M. E. Kabay, Ph.D. / Director of Education, NCSA (Carlisle, PA) [Now you can have an yttrium atrium. If solar powered, it could blacken out on dark days when you need the light most. The next step might be pay-per-view windows? PGN] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 04 Nov 96 20:37:33 -0500 From: Subject: Lawyers eager for millennium cases Lawyers eager for millennium cases: The year 2000 glitch that may trip up computer calendars could bring a slew of lawsuits, by Christian Plumb, Bloomberg Business News, *News & Observer*, Raleigh, NC, Sunday, 3 Nov 1996, page 5F "It's just a gold mine", "It's like a law-school case of tort issues". Charles R. Merrill, of McCarter & English, Newark, NJ. Perhaps IT managers will take better notice of the year 2000 problem -- if lawyers start getting on their case. [The thought of lots of these little cases filled with surprises suggests tortellini, he said, saucily. PGN] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 01 Nov 1996 15:46:48 -0800 From: Dan Ruderman Subject: More risks in the supermarket; polymorphic buttons I was shopping for our Halloween party the other day, picking out all sorts of pricey nibbles and alcohol for our guests. At our local Vons (one of So. Cal's biggest supermarket chains) checkout is generally fast and straightforward, and I do not out of habit bother to check my receipt. But this time the price just seemed too high (perhaps I should just un-refine my tastes?)... A quick glance revealed an obvious suspect: the same entry for a bottle of wine, printed and charged twice. The apologizing checker handed me the correct refund, and I asked how this could happen. Apparently the first time you swipe alcohol through for the customer you are supposed to press a button which confirms their legal age status. But from that point on the very same button means "buying two of those". In my case, the checker simply forgot that she had run a six pack through already by the time the wine came, and so she "confirmed my age" twice. I do not know how widespread this particular system is, but if it is in all Vons stores, then it's plenty wide enough to be a potential problem. She noted and corrected the mistake so quickly that I suspect this circumstance is anything but rare. RISKS readers are well aware of the danger associated with giving a single control two widely different meanings. If any job leaves a worker especially prone to forgetfulness (just through the sheer repetitiveness of the work), it's being a grocery store clerk. Two lessons: 1) check those receipts, and 2) keep all your liquor purchases together; that way the checker is less likely to forget. Dan Ruderman ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 02 Nov 1996 17:05:24 +0200 From: Jonathan Rosenne Subject: ATM Fraud in Israel - The Polish Gang Yediot Aharonot, October 23, 1996 A judge in Tel Aviv has ordered the remand in custody of two additional suspects in a major ATM fraud case, who will join five businessmen from Poland. The gang are suspected of having prepared thousands of counterfeit ATM cards. The police claim they had purchased tens of thousands blank plastic cards in Greece, on which they recorded the magnetic stripe and on each there was a sticker with the PIN. A Israeli computer expert, Daniel Cohen of Ramat Gan, also in custody, obtained the codes and manufactured the cards. The Polish businessmen financed the operation, and planned to bring foreign workers from Poland to use the cards to withdraw money from ATMs. The police have photographs of suspects standing next to ATMs holding quantities of forged cards. They had used them to withdraw 1,500 Israeli Sheqels (500 US Dollars) each, to a total of IS 600,000 (US$200,000). Jonathan Rosenne, JR Consulting, PO Box 33641, Tel Aviv, Israel +972 50 246 522 +972 50 246 522 ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 3 Nov 1996 10:23:09 -0800 (PST) From: (Erann Gat) Subject: IRS to send tax information to mortgage brokers by e-mail! A prototype e-mail program linking IRS tax databases with participating mortgage lenders is scheduled to get underway in the next few months in California, run by the Fresno IRS office. Under the prototype program, lenders will e-mail authorizations by home-loan applicants to the IRS, allowing the agency to quickly e-mail tax data -- typically the applicants' adjusted gross income for one or more years -- back to the lender. [*LA Times*, 3 Nov 1996, Business section first page] The article goes on to say that this information will be used both to verify the information on the loan application, and to trigger IRS audits in cases where the income reported on loan applications is more than what was reported on tax returns. There is no mention in the article about what if any measures are being taken to ensure that this sensitive data is protected and authenticated. Given the ease and regularity with which e-mail is misdirected, intercepted, and forged, and the power that the IRS has to completely screw up your life, I'd say this is the scariest thing I've seen in a long time (and as recent readers of RISKS can attest, that is saying something). Erann Gat ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 3 Nov 1996 15:41:37 -0500 (EST) From: Edupage Editors Subject: Tracking Smart Cash (Edupage, 3 November 1996) A senior Justice Department official has urged makers of smart carts to include a mechanism for tracking transactions over a certain dollar amount. Assistant Attorney General Robert Litt also called for "sensible limits" on how much value can be stored or transferred on a single card or PC. The government hopes it can work with industry without stifling smart card development, and without compromising individual rights. "We don't want to dictate how these features are designed, but there are certain reasonable parameters that industry should build into their systems," says Litt. (BNA Daily Report for Executives 29 Oct 96 A24) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 31 Oct 1996 15:47:41 EST From: Rob Slade Subject: Office 97, VBA 5.0, and macro viruses Good news from those fun guys and gals at Microsoft! According to an article on page 19 of the October 1996, edition of Datamation, Office 97 will include VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) 5.0 as the scripting and integration language for Access, Excel, PowerPoint, and Word. Not only that, but Microsoft has followed up on its promise to license VBA to other vendors: upcoming releases of Visio (Visio), Chameleon (NetManage), Photoshop (Adobe), and even AutoCAD (Autodesk) will use VBA 5.0. To date, with the possible (though unlikely) exception of the recent Excel macro virus, successful macro viruses in the wild have been confined to Visual Basic for Word. The report has no details regarding the level of "backward compatibility" of VBA 5.0 with VBW, so I don't know yet whether Concept and its ilk will continue to propagate on through Office 97 and other VBA 5 compliant applications. Even if they require patching, the new VBA 5 viruses will have a much greater platform base, and therefore faster creation and wider spread. Office 97 shipments will begin to selected customers in December, with boxes due on retail shelves in late January of 1997. link to virus, book info at ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 5 Nov 96 8:31:05 PST From: "Peter G. Neumann" Subject: Re: Aeroperu crash (Ladkin, RISKS-18.51) A possible cause of the Aeroperu crash is mentioned in the media this morning. Crash investigators are considering whether some of the plane's sensor ports (``static ports'') might have been left with protective duct tape covering them when the plane took off. (*San Francisco Chronicle*, CNN, etc.) It is apparently normal maintenance procedure to cover the ports (marking them with bright "Remove Before Flight" markers), to prevent them from getting clogged. [Indeed, it might seem surprising that forgetting to remove the covers does not happen more often.] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 5 Nov 1996 16:16:40 +1100 (EST) From: Ben Morphett Subject: Re: Tote Board Crash at Breeder's Cup (Harminc, RISKS-18.56) > Hmmm... $35,000. Do you suppose a bet of oh, say $32,767 might have > worked? I'm tired of dumb bugs like this tripping us up. To my mind they are as silly as bugs which arise in programmes because of fixed length strings, such as the famous one in sendmail where it didn't check the size of a string it was strcpy'ing into a fixed length buffer. (Internet worm bug - brought down 10% of the Internet.) Fixed length integers have the same kind of problems. If they are limited to 2 bytes or 4 bytes at compilation time (either because the author "knows" that there will never be the need for them to be any bigger, and then the programme is used by someone else, or more usually, the author didn't think about it at all), then all someone needs to do is enter 5000000000 at the prompt, and it will behave much more stupidly than if you try a number in the range that the programme is expecting. What I'd like is compiler support for integers, not a subset of them, in much the same way that you get compiler support for strings, not just strings of a fixed length. Presumably it would malloc some space, and might have to do arithmetic in more than one machine instruction, and yes, this would be much slower than having a fixed 4 bytes sitting there. But often I don't care if programmes are slow, just as long as they are correct. Ben Morphett (02) 9935 5746 International: +612 9935 5746 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 1 Nov 1996 05:59:54 -0800 From: "Paul C. Kocher" Subject: Fault-induced crypto attacks and the RISKS of press releases I've been watching the recent announcements about fault-induced cryptanalysis with interest [e.g., RISKS-18.50,52,54,55,56]. Whereas the attacks are extremely powerful tools, they aren't at all new to the crypto community -- there has been widespread discussion for years about these, they've been implemented by criminals and security system evaluators, and they are reasonably well documented. For example, NIST specifically discuss such attacks and the need to prevent them. FIPS PUB 74-1 (see, "Guidelines for Implementing and Using the NBS Data Encryption Standard," was published way back in 1981 and says in section 5.2.2 on Error Handling: > Errors associated with the primary encryption device should be > detected and handled by the secondary device. Physical tampering detectors > (vibration or intrusion sensors) may be used to detect physical tampering > or unauthorized access to the encryption unit. Sensors which detect > abnormal changes in the electrical power or the temperature may be used to > monitor physical environment changes which could cause a security problem. > However, the major requirement for error detection or correction involves > the application itself. The type of error control utilized will depend on > the sensitivity of the data and the application. The method selected may > range from no error handling capability for some systems to full redundancy > of encryption devices in other systems. Errors may be ignored when detected > or the entire system may be immediately shutdown. Errors which could > compromise the plaintext or key should never be ignored. Anyone interested in issues relating to secure hardware design should also study FIPS 140-1, "Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules." It's the best public document I know of for anyone designing tamper resistant hardware and does a great job of covering the basics and also describes measures to prevent these attacks, suggests using "two independent cryptographic algorithm implementations whose output are continually compared in order to ensure the correct functioning of the cryptographic algorithm," etc. In general, these attacks are fairly straightforward to implement once the appropriate errors are available. In addition to published sources, I've had many discussions with other cryptographers error attacks and other hardware issues. (Ross Anderson in particular is extremely knowledgeable about hardware attacks and has done much to raise awareness about them. [See RISKS-18.52]) It's also important to note that there are also quite a few other attacks which haven't been published but which are widely known to the community. (For example, I've discussed widely my work on using timing attack math to analyze power consumption, use of error analysis to reverse-engineer secret algorithms, implementations of attacks using software pointer errors to damage secret keys and encryption function tables, etc.) With the timing attack I was alarmed by the amount of confusion and misinterpretation that followed my initial release of the paper (though I didn't send out any press releases or contact any reporters), even though it been reviewed by many cryptographers prior to its release and was available online. I haven't seen the actual Bellcore paper yet and don't know whether it was reviewed before they sent press releases to the media, but in general I worry about the consequences of the public trying to evaluate the importance, novelty, and quality of unreviewed work. Paul Kocher (or ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 1 Nov 1996 15:07:24 -0800 From: Vadim Antonov Subject: Re: A new attack on DES (Lauck, RISKS-18.54) I would venture to guess that a simple replication of the encryption circuitry, combined with a circuit that would suppress output if results are different would make the box fairly resistant against DFA. That can be improved further if several substantially different implementations are used, so that identical environmental factors will not cause identical failures. The added benefit is better resistance against current-draw and timing attacks. : It seems reasonable that NSA knew of Differential Fault Analysis in the : 1970's. The idea to break the "black box" to learn something about it is certainly not new. In fact, this is one of the most powerful tools in neuroscience and psychology (applying chemicals or current and watching the results, or investigating injuries to different parts of brain). However, there's a long way from the idea to the practical application. --vadim [A similar replication notion was also suggested by Laurentiu Badea .] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 11 Oct 1996 15:10:47 -0400 (EDT) From: "John R. LoVerso" Subject: Unintentional Accesses (Re: Wanted Poster, Eckenwiler, RISKS-18.51) In RISKS-18.51, Mark Eckenwiler wrote: > Of course, the FBI has had the Ten Most Wanted up in a web page here > in the US for some time; see My favorite thing to do when handed such a URL is to strip off the filename and try to access the directory. The URL brings up a conveniently hyper-linked listing of all the contents of that directory. This is usually not what the creator of those web pages intended. Sometimes there are additional documents or images that you wouldn't otherwise be able to find, because they are not referenced from any of the links in an advertised URL. Using the terms "filename" and "directory" in the previous paragraph is old-style web talk. New-speak suggests the terms "trailing path component" and "containing object", respectively. This is to emphasize that "web space" doesn't necessarily map into files and directories, but can be ephemeral data. Unfortunately, the use of abstract terminology combined with the default settings on web servers tend to confuse the neophyte "web designer". Their lack of understanding leads them to create collections of pages in which there are files that they *think* are hidden from view. In the FBI example, everything in the directory listing was referenced from a link on original URL. Many times this is not the case. Another example comes from a company that hired an outside `expert' to create a survey for people visiting their web site to fill out. The survey was made accessible at a URL ending in ".../survey/surveyform.htm". Trying a URL with just the ending directory component (".../survey/") brought up a surprise. Not only did it give a directory listing showing the files making up the survey, but also included the a file holding the results posted to the survey form! Very interesting reading, especially for their competitors! Not all web servers will automatically convert directory accesses into fancy indices this way. Most have this as an option. Usually an index is created only when there is no manually created index file (commonly called "index.html"). In fact, had the files "topten.htm" or "surveyform.htm" in these examples been called "index.html", then not only would the URLs have been shorter, but a directory listing would have been made unobtainable. Hence, the solution is a combination of: avoid letting neophytes create your web pages, fix your server, and know what you are doing before you release it to the world. Of course, there is far too much momentum on the WWW for any of these to come into play these days. As a parting thought, I wonder if any of the common web search engines strip off trailing path components when indexing sites. Normally a spider will work by collecting the graph of pages available by walking the "advertised" pages (which, in my own work, is called a "weblet"). By trying a path stripping approach, they might end up with a slightly "richer" index. John R. LoVerso, Open Group Research Institute ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 1 Nov 1996 21:41:12 +0900 (JST) From: Chiaki Ishikawa Subject: Accidental Shootdown of the F-15, once again Earlier [RISKS-18.18, 18.41], I reported on the accidental shootdown of a Japanese air force F-15 plane by a sidewinder missile from another plane during training and the subsequent handling of the case by the air force and the prosecutor's office. Now, the Japanese Air Force has taken an unusual step of adding a new finding to its previous report citing that the 30 years pilot in question changed its testimony to "he may have possibly turned off the safety mechanism although he had no clear recollection of having done so" from the earlier "he had not touched the safety mechanism". (Translation mine.) This additional finding to the accident investigation has been reported in at least one Japanese national newspaper(ASAHI) and a major news channel, NHK this morning. According to the NHK news the change of a finding issued by an investigation committee has been very rare among defense community. A little more detail. After the case was sent to the local prosecutor's office, the prosecutor's office decided that the pilot cleared the safety mechanism. (I have absolutely no idea how the office reached this conclusion.) However, his case has not been sent to the court. The prosecutor's office decided not to pursue the case there. (I don't know the English phrase for this, but the office seems to think the merit of doing so is considered less than the hassle/time/money of pursuing the case in the court and is not worth the crime(? I am not sure if this is the right word here.) committed.) After the prosecutor's office concluded differently from its own investigation committee, the Japanese air force questioned the pilot again, and his testimony changed as noted above. Originally, the report mentioned possible unknown hardware (electric circuit and such) malfunction. So the cause finally seems to me a human error of a sort. Pilot himself, and my main contention that whoever organized the training ought to have missiles removed in the first place, and maybe ordered a placement of a little gadget (even a paper cup will do as the previous discussion showed.) over the safety switch to avoid accidental touching. I wish the higher-ups are criticised more in the press, but not so far. PS: I missed joining the discussion of publicly discussing the cause of (air) accident in an open forum, which took place after my previous post re prosecutor's office receiving the case of pilot. Problem was that my workstation was replaced and the printer hooked to it had to be reconfigured. I usually print Risks digest on paper, and read it on the commuter train. Only recently, the printer became back online and I printed the backlog issues on paper and followed the thread. I can only observe the following myself now. - Public scrutiny is not necessarily a bad thing during a formal investigation continues provided that the information accessible to the chosen "experts" is also made available. Beside the chosen experts, there are equally qualified people elsewhere. - Of course, the information may not be released to the public due to legal and other reasons. This makes it very difficult to expect "intelligent" discussion from the public, I agree. - I noticed that the military wanted to make sure the career of the pilot is not unnecessarily destroyed. His name was only revealed after there was news that his case was now handled by the local prosecutor's office. Today's Asahi newspaper, and NHK news in the morning didn't mention the name. Maybe because the prosecutor's office decided not to pursue the case in court? - When I think about this, the public debate can ruin the career of possibly innocent people. If the shoot down of the F15 had been really due to flakey hardware, the pilot would have been really in an uncomfortable position to convince others that it was the fault of hardware produced by contractors with billion-dollar budgets. The recent plight of a security guard who found the bomb in Atlanta during Olympics games comes to my mind. So we must consider about this human element when we discuss these things in an open forum, too. Someone pointed this out to me and this point is well taken. At the same time, not that I want to take side in this discussion, but please bear in mind that all the pieces I reported have already been reported in Japanse mass media such as national newspapers (each has circulation of a few million, I think) and national TV. (PGN kindly noted this.) So, by the time you read about the topic, at least a few million Japanese readers must have seen it already. Anyway, just wanted to let you know what is going on in Japan. Chiaki Ishikawa Personal Media Corp. Shinagawa, Tokyo, Japan 142 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 31 Oct 96 13:00:46 +0100 From: (Kurt Fredriksson) Subject: -32768, hopefully for the last time (Re: Brader, RISKS-18.55) I read Mark Brader's contribution (18.55) and was a bit lost. I can well understand that badly designed compilers can cause problems, but what puzzles me is that this discussion misses the fundamental background with 2's-complement representations: with 16 bits, -32768 is the smallest value that can be represented, and 32767 is the largest value that can be represented. What more is there to say? Kurt Fredriksson, Moelndal [Last time in RISKS? That would be a first time! The saga continues. PGN] ------------------------------ Date: 15 Aug 1996 (LAST-MODIFIED) From: Subject: Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks) The RISKS Forum is a MODERATED digest. Its Usenet equivalent is comp.risks. => SUBSCRIPTIONS: PLEASE read RISKS as a newsgroup (comp.risks or equivalent) if possible and convenient for you. Or use Bitnet LISTSERV. Alternatively, (via majordomo) DIRECT REQUESTS to with one-line, SUBSCRIBE (or UNSUBSCRIBE) [with net address if different from FROM:] or INFO [for unabridged version of RISKS information] => The INFO file (submissions, default disclaimers, archive sites, .mil/.uk subscribers, copyright policy, PRIVACY digests, etc.) is also obtainable from The full info file will appear now and then in future issues. *** All contributors are assumed to have read the full info file for guidelines. *** => SUBMISSIONS: to with meaningful SUBJECT: line. => ARCHIVES are available: or ftp ftp.sri.comlogin anonymous[YourNetAddress]cd risks or [i.e., VoLume, ISsue]. The site risks directory also contains the most recent PostScript copy of PGN's comprehensive historical summary of one liners: get illustrative.PS ------------------------------ End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 18.57 ************************