Subject: RISKS DIGEST 18.11 RISKS-LIST: Risks-Forum Digest Monday 13 May 1996 Volume 18 : Issue 11 FORUM ON RISKS TO THE PUBLIC IN COMPUTERS AND RELATED SYSTEMS (comp.risks) ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy, Peter G. Neumann, moderator ***** See last item for further information, disclaimers, caveats, etc. ***** Contents: Massive failure of Washington DC traffic lights (Jeremy J Epstein) Computer Error in phone bills (Mike Schwartz) Reactivating Windows95 Screen Savers (Mich Kabay) Re: AOL censors British town's name! (Xcott Craver, Dave Horsfall) Re: Odds of an accident for the Challenger (Hal Lewis, Jordin T. Kare) Internet in danger (Patrick Robin via Gordon Peterson, Bill Frantz, and Martin Minow) ABRIDGED info on RISKS (comp.risks) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 10 May 1996 09:19:35 -0500 From: JEREMY J EPSTEIN Subject: Massive failure of Washington DC traffic lights According to the 9 May 1996 *Washington Post*, most traffic lights in downtown Washington D.C. went onto their weekend pattern (typical: 15 seconds of green per light), rather than their rush hour pattern (typical: 50 seconds of green per light). This occurred during the Wednesday (8 May) morning rush hour. The problem was reportedly caused by a new version of software installed in the central system that controls all of the traffic lights, providing timing (so lights turn green in sequence). The result was mile-long traffic jams. One woman reported that her 35-minute commute turned into 75 minutes, due to the overloaded streets. By the afternoon rush hour, the software glitch had been "fixed". It wasn't clear whether that meant they reloaded the old software or fixed the bug. Some might consider this a risk of computer controlled systems, and others might consider it a substantial increase in the nation's productivity: think of all the lawyers and congresscritters who couldn't get to work! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 09 May 1996 20:00:28 +0000 (GMT) From: schwartz@ACM.ORG (Mike Schwartz, Phoenix Chapter ACM; +1.602.561.1223) Subject: Computer Error in phone bills I thought this might be of interest not so much because it made a big splash in the news recently here in the Phoenix area (both print and broadcast media), but mainly because it brings back memories of the days when the phrase "computer error" caught up with and overtook "dog ate my homework". ((When was that, some time in the 60's?)) THOUSANDS OF US West customers recently got an unpleasant surprise on their telephone bills: an erroneous $5 charge for switching to new long-distance carriers for certain in-state long-distance calls. The billing mistakes were due to a computer error. Mike Schwartz, Phoenix Chapter ACM, PO Box 47302 Phoenix AZ 85068 (602) 436-4590 Phoenix_Chapter@ACM.ORG ------------------------------ Date: 06 May 96 09:13:55 EDT From: Mich Kabay <75300.3232@CompuServe.COM> Subject: Reactivating Windows95 Screen Savers As I reactivated the Windows screensaver this morning after having turned it off while ago, I suddenly realized that there is a problem with the way Windows95 handles the reactivation. Here is a scenario for what can happen: The user-- 1) Sets a password in any Windows95 screen saver. 2) Disables the screen saver for a while. 3) Forgets Windows95 screen-saver password. 4) Forgets that there even _was_ a password on your Windows95 screen saver. 5) Reactivates Windows95 screen saver. The user has now reactivated the old, forgotten password and will be locked out (at least temporarily) of Windows95 files) as soon as the user selects the OK key. Moral #1: Any software which allows a passworded function to be deactivated and then reactivated should require that the password be verified before allowing reactivation. Moral #2: Before deactivating your Windows95 screen saver for an extended period, disable the password. An alternative: to have much the same effect as disabling the Windows95 screen saver, set its delay period to a longer time that is unlikely to bother you during your normal work cycle (e.g., 15 minutes) rather than disabling it altogether. M.E. Kabay, Ph.D. (Kirkland, QC) / Director of Education, National Computer Security Association (Carlisle, PA) / ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 May 96 08:21:27 CDT From: (Xcott Craver) Subject: Re: AOL censors British town's name! (Miller, RISKS-18.10) >> 1) Use PGP. > >This does not help. What if the output of PGP encryption innocently >contains the byte sequence 0x63 0x75 0x6E 0x74? Being gibberish, you didn't >check - but the computer may, and censor it. There are similar problems >with uuencode, rot13, etc. Sigh! There is a public domain computer program known as "figlet." What it does is turn text into large letters made of ASCII characters, .__ .__ __ __ .__ .__ | | |__| | __ ____ _/ |_| |__ |__| ______ | | | | |/ // __ \ \ __\ | \| |/ ___/ | |_| | <\ ___/ | | | Y \ |\___ \ |____/__|__|_ \\___ > |__| |___| /__/____ > /\ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ Normally, figlet is used only for aesthetic reasons, but certainly one sees its potential for bypassing "decency filters." Figlet fonts range from the huge to the relatively tiny, and it is quite easy to see that a figletized message will not contain any potentially indecent random strings. Yet more proof that brute regular-expression searching is an ineffective method of weeding out indecent speech. Of course, aside from the obvious disadvantages of using big, tacky letters, there is the problem that enough people writing in figlet will alienate anyone whose online service software uses a proportional font. I'm not sure offhand if AOL's interface still does, but a couple years ago some people on the anti-aol group "" actually advocated piping articles through figlet for just this reason! Scott Craver -- -- ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 May 1996 18:07:52 +1000 (EST) From: Dave Horsfall Subject: Re: AOL censors British town's name! (Miller, RISKS-18.10) In RISKS-18.10, Peter Miller wrote: ``What if the output of PGP encryption innocently contains the byte sequence 0x63 0x75 0x6E 0x74?'' This actually happened to me! I always PGP-sign my messages on the local (amateur) packet radio network, to discourage forgeries, and many people run a "naughty word" filter to protect themselves. One day, my "signature" had the "f" word in it... Dave Horsfall VK2KFU Ph: +61 2 9957-4224 Fx: +61 2 9922-5286 FGH Decision Support Systems P/L, 77 Pacific Hwy, Nth. Sydney, 2060, Australia [... as did the AUSTRIAN gerundive town name I mentioned in RISKS-18.08, which I misattributed as GERMAN. A correction is noted in the SRI archive copy of that issue. PGN] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 08:38:44 -0800 From: hal lewis Subject: Re: Odds of an accident for the Challenger I didn't want to get involved in the thread that involved NASA's pre-Challenger risk estimates, but it's probably better to set the record straight. (The reason for reluctance is that people who think of risk as a single probability are usually going to misuse the number they find, whatever it is. There is more to risk than a probability. Especially when that number has an uncertainty of more than a factor of ten.) In the glory days of Apollo NASA had pretty good risk estimates available (by the standards of those times), but tended to suppress them for reasons like the one mentioned above. If you say that the risk of failure is one in a hundred, give or take a factor of ten, your decision is likely to be different for a chance in ten and for a chance in a thousand, so the people who made the decisions found that the risk estimates didn't help them much. And they didn't care about the social and scientific benefits of actually knowing something. (That's a pattern throughout the risk business, that people cling to bottom-line numbers as if they were gospel, either not caring about uncertainties or not understanding them.) Anyway, NASA lost interest in risk analysis, but there were still a few competent people toiling away and making the estimates. By the time of Challenger there were decent (within a factor of ten or so) estimates available at NASA HQ, but the upper management treated them like the Apocrypha. And the attitude spread (largely because of the beneficial politics) that space travel was now "safe," leading to the mindset that Feynman found in the engineers he talked to after the accident. They really believed (in part because they didn't understand probability) that risks of a chance in 100,000 were about right, despite all the evidence in the world that that was a fantasy. (I also interviewed lots of NASA people after the accident, and found the same syndrome.) Through it all, there were people at HQ who had pretty good analysis. There were also lots of little things (like the hydrazine fire potential) in which risk analysis revealed a hazard that top management talked its way around. (Just a few months ago we found NASA management redefining the risk criteria just to avoid holding up a launch---that's the sort of thing that led directly to Challenger.) People who spoke about risk at HQ were treated as if they had leprosy (I tell you that from personal experience.) And out in the field, people took their cues from HQ. I personally asked Jim Fletcher (twice Administrator of NASA, including the period after the accident) to go public with risk estimates, and he always said he'd consider it. You can't sell that kind of promise for much in Washington. Finally, after Jim had left NASA, he was asked at some public meeting what the risk of a disaster was, and he actually answered. He said a chance in seventy-two. There was indeed such a number available in an internal NASA report, but with the usual admonition of real experts that it's probably good to around a factor of ten. The author of that report, who is indeed a real expert, was horrified that the bottom line had been mentioned without the uncertainty. The same old reason---people will believe it to be TRUE, and bad decisions will be made. So this is a case in which, as Alexander Pope would have said, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Some well-meaning people at NASA disliked bottom lines because they were of little help in making the necessary bottom-line decisions, while many of the engineers simply didn't understand risk at all. Whenever anyone says that something is "safe' or "unsafe," they don't understand risk. Through it all, decent analyses did exist, and were available to, but ignored by, all the top management. It's still that way. My judgment, not based on access to any recent analysis, is that the probability of a disaster hasn't changed a great deal in recent years, but that NASA management's complacency grows with each launch that is free of disaster. Since the laws of probability never sleep, but people do, the outcome is predictable. I once asked an astronaut (in connection with a proposed change) whether he'd be willing to fly on top of that thing. His answer (loosely quoted) was "Sure, because I'm an intrepid sort, but I wouldn't want my best friends on the same flight." It's as wrong to let risk paralyze you as it is to underestimate it. And it's a scam on the citizenry to quote risk in terms of a single probability number. To say nothing of the astronauts, who are a pretty good bunch. As Clint Eastwood would have said if Dirty Harry had been an author, read my book. Hal Lewis ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 May 96 13:25:48 PDT From: (Jordin T. Kare) Subject: Re: Odds of an accident for the Challenger (Green, RISKS-18.10) >I have Volume I of the Report of the Presidential Commission on the Space >Shuttle Challenger Accident (U.S. Gov't Printing Office, June 6th, 1986). >Nowhere in this volume could I find a reference to the numerical odds >of a shuttle accident. In Volume II of "Technical Report on Preliminary Risk Assessment for Nuclear Waste Disposal in Space", (E.E.Rice, NASA CR 162029, 2/28/82) there is a discussion of Shuttle failure probability from early in the Shuttle flight era. On P. 57, under "Standard (SRB) Space Shuttle": "NASA does not publish or have in its possession 'official' reliability or failure rate data for the space shuttle.... Plans are to continuously upgrade problem areas as they are encountered on flights. The failure rates for the Shuttle are actually corollaries to ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable, as in nuclear radiation risk)" So there was no "official" reliability estimate. But the very next paragraph says: "Because of a NASA need to evaluate whether or not a destruct system on the Shuttle during the early portion of the flight is worthwhile, NASA contracted with Wiggins Company, Redondo Beach, CA, to perform a study involving the hazards to the public of a failing Shuttle (Baeker, 1981). Another Wiggins study (Hudson, 1979) has also been conducted for the later portions of the flight profile to evaluate hazards when flying nuclear payloads (e.g., Galileo). The failure rates developed in these studies were based upon data developed for hardware in WASH-1400 (US NRC, 1975) and upon NASA committee reliability estimates for the SRB. The analysis was accomplished for only single-point failure modes, as have been identified in [various NASA and Rockwell references]. The Wiggins data also includes changes/modifications to failure rates resulting from an in-depth review by NASA Space Shuttle engineers...." There's a summary table of results from the Wiggins study, which I won't reproduce in full, but a few of the entries are: Failure mode Failure rates mean lower upper 1. Tipover on pad 3.3E-5 1.6E-5 6.0E-5 2. Loss of control and Tumble 2.0E-3 to 2.0E-4 ... 5. Corkscrew motion from SRB TVC failure 4.2E-7 2.3E-7 7.4E-7 6. Ext. Tank Punctured Liftoff to Staging 2.0E-7 8.4E-8 4.6E-7 ...and so on The dominant failure mode is Loss of Control and Tumble, at 1-in-500, which has a footnote: "Engineering Judgement from NASA for man-rated solid propellant boosters." Interestingly, there's a second set of data for a modified Shuttle with liquid-fuel boosters, for which the highest failure probability is Liquid Booster Recontact at Separation, 1.3E-5. So a Shuttle with liquid boosters was estimated to be about 15 to 150 times safer than one with solids. The appendix to this report has much more detailed breakdown of the risk analysis, for the Shuttle itself and for other potential failure modes for nuclear waste disposal. [References were: Baeker, J.B., 1981, Space Shuttle Range Safety Hazards Analysis, Tech. Report 81-1329, J.H. Wiggins Co., Redondo Beach, CA. Hudson, J.M., 1979, Development of STS Failure Probabilities, MECO to Payload Separation, Tech Rpt 79-1395, J.H. Wiggins Co....] Jordin Kare ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 May 1996 15:14:15 -0700 From: Subject: Internet in danger (via (Bill Frantz) and (Martin Minow)) The following was distributed to Cypherpunks. I have not verified it (or summarized it). The translation appears accurate, however. Martin Minow ---- Attachment follows ---- You think we're having problems here in the USA with the idiotic CDA, right? I just received the following message from a colleague and friend who operates a large ISP in Paris, France. The translation is mine, and I can't assure its total accuracy, (anyone who sees an error on my part, please correct it for me). I'm leaving the original French so that the original intent of the message can be viewed. [Bill Frantz] <---- Begin Forwarded Message ----> Return-Path: Date: Thu, 9 May 1996 19:42:12 +0200 >From: Communication client To: Subject: Internet en danger > Cher(e)s abonne(e)s, Dear Subscribers, > Nous n'avons malheureusement plus la possibilite de vous laisser acceder au service de News. Exception faite des news world-net.communnaute,, Unfortunately, we no longer have the possibility to let you access Usenet. The only exceptions are the newsgroups "world-net.communnaute", "", and "". > En effet, la justice francaise rend actuellement World-Net responsable de tout ce qui est diffuse sur Internet ; j'ai ete personnellement, en tant que responsable de World-Net, mis en examen hier parce que des images a caractere pedophile, venant de l'autre bout du monde etaient accessibles par notre service de News. Aujourd'hui les news, demain peut-etre le web. The French courts currently hold World-Net responsible for everything which is distributed on the Internet; I was personally, as director of World-Net, interrogated yesterday because some pedophile images, coming from the other end of the world, were accessible through our News server. Today Usenet, tomorrow perhaps the Web. > La majorite d'entre vous connait le fonctionnement du reseau Internet et sait bien que World-Net n'est que votre transporteur sur ce reseau. Cependant nous n'avons pas le choix. The majority of you understand the functioning of the Internet network and clearly realize that World-Net provides merely your access to this network. It's not a matter of our choice. > Nous diffuserons sur notre serveur Web l'ensemble des informations citees dans la presse et a la television concernant ce dossier. We will distribute via our Web server complete information as cited in the press and on television concerning this whole affair. > Si vous voulez soutenir World-NET, envoye un mail de soutien a If you want to support World-NET, send a mail message of support to "". > Sebastien Socchard Directeur de World-Net. (director of World-Net) >Ci-joint le communique de presse de l'A.F.P.I., que nous remercions pour leur soutient : Here is the press release from the A.F.P.I., which we thank for their support: >COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE DE L'A.F.P.I. Association Fran=C1aise des Professionnels d'Internet PRESS RELEASE FROM THE A.F.P.I. French Association of Internet Professionals > Mardi 7 Mai 1996 Tuesday, May 7, 1996 > Affaire: Newsgroups/Pedophilie/Internet: deux dirigeants en gardes a vue. Affair: Newsgroups/Pedophilia/Internet: Two directors > Resume: "Nous demandons a l'ensemble des providers fran=C1ais et des administrateurs des reseaux d'universites de fermer l'acces a tous les Newsgroups, afin que plus un seul Newsgroup ne soit accessible du territoire fran=C1ais, du moins tant que les fournisseurs d'acces n'auront pas en France un statut clair". Summary: "We ask all French ISPs and administrators of University networks to close access to all Usenet newsgroups, such that no longer will even one single Newsgroup will be accessible from French territory, at least until French ISPs have a clear legal position within France." > Depuis 48h00 les deux dirigeants des societes FranceNet et WorldNet sont en garde a vue pour avoir simplement fait leur metier consistant a fournir l'acces a l'Internet... Since about 48 hours, two directors of French companies, "FranceNet" and "WorldNet" are for having simply done their job, consisting of providing access to the Internet... > En effet, la Section de Recherches de Paris de la gendarmerie Nationale a procede lundi a leurs arrestations et a la saisie de leurs materiels, pour avoir diffuse au travers des Newsgroups des images pedophiles. Ces Newsgroups et les images qu'ils abritent, sont tous produits a l'etranger et rapatries comme le font la plupart des fournisseurs d'acces fran=C1ais via les serveurs de News de Transpac, filiale de France Telecom. The Research Section in Paris of the National Gendarmes started on Monday their arrests and seizures of equipment, for having distributed pedophile images through the Usenet newsgroups. These Newsgroups and the images they contained (?) are all originated abroad and brought into France as is done by the majority of French access providers via the News servers of Transpac, which is a subsidiary of France Telecom. > Alors que la justice, dans une affaire similaire mais liee cette fois a des contenus racistes ou revisionnistes presents sur l'internet, ne s'est pas encore prononces a l'encontre de neuf fournisseurs d'acces, alors que le ministere des Postes et des Telecommunication, au travers de son ministre Fran=C1ois Fillon assurait encore recemment qu'en aucun cas les fournisseurs d'acces ne pouvaient =CDtre tenus pour responsables des contenus qu'ils ne produisaient pas et qui circulaient sur l'internet, alors que le lieutenant-colonel Browne, commandant la SR de Paris, reconnait lui meme que les serveurs en question recevaient, stockaient et distribuaient (tout comme Transpac) mais ne produisaient pas ces Newsgroups, deux hommes, deux chefs d'entreprises sont aujourd'hui en prison simplement parce que les autorites n'ont toujours rien compris a l'Internet et a son fonctionnement. The [French] courts, in a similar case but this time based on racist or revisionist contents present on the Internet, have not yet passed their judgement regarding nine ISPs, although the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, through its minister Francois Fillon, stated again recently that in no case can access providers be held responsible for content that they do not produce and which circulates via the Internet, and although Lieutenant-Colonel Browne, commander of the Research Section in Pairs, admitted himself that the servers in question receive, store, and distribute (the same as Transpac), but do not produce these Newsgroups, two men, two company directors, are today in prison simply because the authorities still haven't understood anything about the Internet and its functioning. >La plupart des providers rapatrient de 6 a 8 000 Newsgroups chaque jour, soit plusieurs centaines de milliers de messages, pouvant egalement contenir des images. Parmi ces messages ils y a incontestablement des contenus contraire a la loi fran=C1aise (sans doute moins de 5%), tout comme il peut en circuler par la poste, ou dans les soutes a bagage d'Air France. Il est materiellement impossible pour un provider de controler l'ensemble du contenu des messages des Newsgroups, il lui est eventuellement possible de supprimer l'acces a ceux dont le titre est de fa=C1on evidente contraire a la loi (ex.alt.binaries.pedophilia...), ce qui n'empechera pas le lendemain de voir surgir un nouvel intitule pour remplacer le Newsgroup censure. Depuis plusieurs mois deja les membres de l'AFPI (Association des Professionnels de l'Internet) dont FranceNet est l'un des fondateurs, ont spontanement decide de supprimer l'acces a une vingtaine de Newsgroups dont le simple libelle ne laissait aucun doute quant au caractere illegal de leurs contenus. The majority of providers import from six to eight thousand Newsgroups each day, therefore several hundred thousand messages, any of which could also contain images. Among these messages there are incontestably some contents which are contrary to French law (no doubt less than 5%), just as they could circulate through the mails, or in the baggage holds of Air France. It is materially impossible for a provider to check the contents of all Newsgroup messages; it is possible to block access to those whose title is clearly contrary to the law (e.g. alt.binaries.pedophilia...), which wouldn't prevent the following day to see a new group appear to replace the censored one. Since several months already, the members of the AFPI (Association of Internet Professionals), of which FranceNet is one of the founders, have spontaneously decided to suppress the access of about twenty Newsgroups whose title left no doubt as to the illegal character of their contents. > Aujourd'hui ce sont les Newsgroups qui sont vises, demain ce sera sans doute le tour du Web. Si les fournisseurs d'acces, qui nous ne le repeterons jamais assez, ne sont que de simples transporteurs facilitant l'acces a un reseau, peuvent =CDtre emprisonnes, avec comme simple piece a conviction un contenu produit au Canada ou en Australie, nous allons assister purement et simplement a la mort de l'internet en France. Today it is the Newsgroups which are wiped out, tomorrow it will be doubtless the Web's turn. If access providers, which we can never emphasize enough, are but the simple transporters facilitating access to a network, can be imprisoned, due to the singular cause of an item produced in Canada or in Australia, we are going to see, purely and simply, the death of the Internet in France. >En signe d'indignation, de protestation et de solidarite envers nos confreres =46ranceNet et Worldnet, le fournisseur d'acces ImagiNet, egalement membre fondateur de l'AFPI, a decide de fermer purement et simplement l'acces a tous les Newsgroups. Nous demandons a l'ensemble des providers fran=C1ais et des administrateurs des reseaux d'universites d'en faire autant afin que plus un seul Newsgroup ne soit accessible du territoire fran=C1ais, du moins tant que les fournisseurs d'acces n'auront pas en France un statut clair. As a symbol of indignation, of protest, and of solidarity with our brothers at =46ranceNet and WorldNet, the access provider ImagiNet, also a founding member of the AFPI, has decided to purely and simply close access to all newsgroups. We ask all French ISPs and administrators of University networks to do the same, such that no longer will as much as a single Newsgroup will be accessible from =46rench territory, at least until access providers in France have a clear legal status. >Nous esperons sincerement que cet appel sera suivit par l'ensemble des prestataires de connexion internet. We sincerely hope that this call will be followed by all Internet access providers. >Nous nous excusons aupres de nos abonnes pour la gene ainsi occasionnee par une telle decision, mais nous savons que vous la comprendrez et que la majorite d'entre vous nous soutiendrons dans cette action. We ask the understanding of our subscribers for the inconvenience caused by such a decision, but we know that you will understand and that the majority of you support us in this action. > Patrick Robin President d'ImagiNet. Tel 43 38 10 24 <---- End Forwarded Message ----> Please feel free to forward this message to all appropriate venues. "If we don't all hang together, we shall assuredly all hang separately." ---Thomas Jefferson (?) Gordon Peterson ------------------------------ Date: 18 March 1996 (LAST-MODIFIED) From: Subject: ABRIDGED info on RISKS (comp.risks) The RISKS Forum is a moderated digest. Its USENET equivalent is comp.risks. SUBSCRIPTIONS: PLEASE read RISKS as a newsgroup (comp.risks or equivalent) on your system, if possible and convenient for you. BITNET folks may use a LISTSERV (e.g., LISTSERV@UGA): SUBSCRIBE RISKS or UNSUBSCRIBE RISKS. [...] DIRECT REQUESTS to (majordomo) with one-line, SUBSCRIBE (or UNSUBSCRIBE) [with net address if different from FROM:] INFO [for unabridged version of RISKS information] CONTRIBUTIONS: to, with appropriate, substantive Subject: line, otherwise they may be ignored. Must be relevant, sound, in good taste, objective, cogent, coherent, concise, nonrepetitious, and without caveats on distribution. Diversity is welcome, but not personal attacks. [...] ALL CONTRIBUTIONS CONSIDERED AS PERSONAL COMMENTS; USUAL DISCLAIMERS APPLY. Particularly relevant contributions may be adapted for the RISKS sections of issues of ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes or SIGSAC Review. * Submissions: By submitting an item that is accepted for publication in RISKS, the author grants permission for unlimited public distribution and redistribution in electronic or other form. * Reuse: Blanket permission is hereby granted for reuse of all materials in RISKS, under the following conditions. All redistributed items must include the Risks-Forum masthead line. All reuse must be accompanied by the following statement: Reused without explicit authorization under blanket permission granted for all Risks-Forum Digest materials. The author(s), the RISKS moderator, and the ACM have no connection with this reuse. As a courtesy, reusers of individual items (as opposed to forwardings of entire issues) should notify the authors, and should pay particular attention to any subsequent corrections. RISKS ARCHIVES: "ftp ftp.sri.comlogin anonymous[YourNetAddress] cd risks or cwd risks, depending on your particular FTP. [...] [Back issues are in the subdirectory corresponding to the volume number.] Individual issues can be accessed using a URL of the form [i.e., VoLume, ISsue] The site risks directory also contains the most recent PostScript copy of PGN's comprehensive historical summary of one liners: get illustrative.PS PRIVACY: For info on the PRIVACY Forum Digest and Computer PRIVACY Digest, see the unabridged INFO file at RISKS-Request (send one-line message INFO to as noted above). ------------------------------ End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 18.11 ************************