Subject: RISKS DIGEST 17.92 RISKS-LIST: Risks-Forum Digest Weds 20 March 1996 Volume 17 : Issue 92 FORUM ON RISKS TO THE PUBLIC IN COMPUTERS AND RELATED SYSTEMS (comp.risks) ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy, Peter G. Neumann, moderator ***** See last item for further information, disclaimers, caveats, etc. ***** Contents: Re: Backdoors, bugs, and Oracle (Mary Ann Davidson) Errors in W2s and other tax forms (David Emery) Music, nonstop! (Bruce Kingsbury) Stupid ftpd messages (Mark Rafn) Ironic risks on ATM story (Dave Barr) Risks of using an insecure browser, as discussed on RISKS (Doug Claar) Reminder: Computers, Freedom and Privacy '96, 27-30 March 1996 (Bruce R Koball) Re: jury duty (Steve Sapovits) Re: FTC Targets Internet Fraud (Paul Hoffman) More on Iomega stock volatility (Carl Wittnebert) Re: Hare Krsna chants trigger answering machine (Panero, Kevin Rainier) Call for Papers -- CSI 23rd Annual Conference (Patrice Rapalus) ABRIDGED info on RISKS (comp.risks) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 20 Mar 96 09:50:05 -0800 From: "MADAVIDS.US.ORACLE.COM" Subject: Re: Backdoors, bugs, and Oracle [Identity withheld, RISKS-17.88] On 9 March, an unidentified user posted a message concerning backdoors, bugs, and Oracle7. He mentioned a specific (security-relevant) bug that he had reported through Oracle's normal bug reporting mechanisms and which Oracle has subsequently fixed. It is general - and prudent - security practice not to publish details of security-relevant bugs, in order to protect exposed systems from potential attack. In his rush to expose `backdoors and bugs,' The unidentified user has irresponsibly put other Oracle7 customers - who may not have had a chance to upgrade - at risk, while his systems are, of course, protected. (As a sidebar, many of his other comments were inaccurate - but a discussion of the reasons for this properly belongs on rather than this forum.) The RISK? That users who think they know a little about security can, by posting before thinking, create or magnify the threat they are allegedly trumpeting against. Mary Ann Davidson Manager, Security Product Management, Oracle Corporation ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 Mar 96 21:23 PST From: (David Emery) Subject: Errors in W2s and other tax forms I recently got a call from a friend where I used to work (The MITRE Corporation). MITRE recently "re-engineered" their financial systems. It turns out that these "new and improved" systems mis-printed the W2 forms (U.S. tax form showing earnings and tax withholdings. Up here in Canada we call it a T-4 form, eh?) The employer ID number was printed incorrectly. It should start with a leading zero, but this zero was suppressed, leaving the employer ID with the wrong number of digits. MITRE made a quiet announcement about this problem in its weekly news bulletin, and it was only through a phone call from a friend still there that I found out about this problem. My mother recently had a problem with a IRS 1099, which mistakenly reported tax-exempt interest income as taxable. She was lucky to catch the mistake. Otherwise, she would have received a dunning letter from the IRS assessing taxes and penalties and requiring lots of back-and-forth to rectify the mistake. (Been there, done that...) The MITRE incident raises two questions, one technical and one social. Technically, the problem with the mis-printed number is the distinction between "radix numbers" (e.g. Federal Employer ID number, Social Security Number) which are required to have a fixed number of digits, and where the leading zero is significant, and "cardinal numbers", where the leading zero can (and usually should) be suppressed. Of course, COBOL gets this exactly right, with two different format strings (9 and Z). But other languages don't make this clear distinction, and I suspect that the MITRE system was not written in COBOL... (I shudder to think what it WAS written in. There are lots of horror stories about the failure of this system...) The other issue concerns the employer's responsibility to report errors on computer-generated forms, to both the IRS and to the former employee. I think that publishing a "by-the-way" notice in the company newsletter is NOT a sufficient response to errors on a legal document. (If anyone thinks that a W2 is not a legal document, good luck arguing this with the IRS!) The unfortunate thing about computers is that it's so easy to replicate mistakes. (Reminds me of the ``Dear Rich Bastard'' letters...) [See RISKS-14.89, with a follow-up from Mark Brader in RISKS-15.08. PGN] dave emery ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Mar 96 10:24:35 +1200(GMT) From: Subject: Music, nonstop! As I sat reading the latest RISKS, the local Radio Station here announced that their computer is down, so they won't be playing any advertisements -- just music all afternoon. Apparently all the adverts are now kept as digitised files on the computer rather than on "carts" as they formerly were. I'm sure there's a "risk" in this story somewhere, but I'm not exactly sure what it is. [Count your blessings, not your adverts. But it is amazing that they could not ``Ad lib''! Most stations keep manual backup copies or readable hardcopies for just such situations -- they hate to lose ad revenue. But, I hope this outage was not blamed on a home-grown compiler, so that we can conclude that ``The key, we see, is not the KiWi-C.'' PGN] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Mar 1996 08:54:31 -0800 From: Mark Rafn Subject: Stupid ftpd messages Has anyone else been surprised by an FTP server, when it denies access because of too many users, affirming that the user-count isn't a bug? For example, the site gives the following message: # Sorry, there are too many anonymous FTP users # using at this time. # There is currently a limit of 90 anonymous users. # This message is not the result of a bug. What is the purpose of the last line? I can't imagine that it's actually somehow checking number of users in more than one way, and only generating the "not a bug" comment when both methods match (and therefore generating a "this might be a bug" message if there's a discrepancy). All I can think of is that someone once reported a bug which turned out not to be a bug and the comment was put there to prevent more non-bug reports when the server's busy. The risks are somewhat obvious, although minor. If there *is* a bug, it'll take longer to find and fix, because it's clearly labelled "not a bug", so it won't get reported as soon or often. I think there's also a risk in the programmer attitude that erroneous bug reports can be best prevented by such disclaimers - I'd much prefer that an informative sentence (such as "it's not uncommon to see 300 users or more trying to access this site") be displayed than a condescending and difficult-to-believe "this is not a bug". Mark Rafn ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 Mar 1996 19:31:25 -0500 (EST) From: Dave Barr Subject: Ironic risks on ATM story Here I am, watching the Discovery Channel. There's this show called "Invention", which has this interesting story about Automated Teller Machines. On the show they have the Scottish inventor of the ATM, Shephard Barron (I probably have the spelling wrong). They go and introduce him and show him walking down the street of his home town, and him walking up to an ATM and in plain sight you see him insert his card and TYPE IN HIS PIN! If that weren't ironic enough, later on in the story you hear him talk about how he had some buddies at MI6 try to break the system. (they couldn't) You also got to see at least one other "person off the street" demonstrate the ATM and his poor PIN is seen typed in in plain view. (in closeup this time!) The risk? Shows like this only reinforce people's ignorance of how important it is to keep PINs private. --Dave ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Mar 1996 09:19:29 -0800 From: Doug Claar Subject: Risks of using an insecure browser, as discussed on RISKS I am having a really difficult time working up much sympathy for the folks who complained in RISKS about the html "mailto:" code getting triggered: Netscape 2.0's security flaws have been widely noted. But I find it very interesting that RISKS readers, who ought to know better, are still using a browser with known security problems. (Netscape 2.01, which has been out for a week or so, has plugged this particular hole, and allows you to turn off Javascript altogether). For all the complaints decrying the ignorance of "those people out there still running unsecure sendmail, etc.", we find that even those that "know better" still do the same thing. Of course, like the majority of drivers who think that they are the minority of very good drivers, RISKS readers probably think that "they know what they are doing". ==Doug Claar [Besides, Netscape is paying good money to folks who are helping them find new flaws! Sounds like a constructive strategy, considering how difficult it is to solve the security problem, especially in the presence of Trojan horses! PGN] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Mar 1996 14:38:17 -0800 From: Bruce R Koball Subject: Reminder: Computers, Freedom and Privacy '96, 27-30 March 1996 On March 27-30, MIT (and its Laboratory for Computer Science, together with the World Wide Web Consortium) will host the Sixth Conference on Computers Freedom and Privacy (CFP). Since its inception in 1991, the series of CFP conferences has been the premiere forum for exploring the implications of computer and telecommunication technologies for privacy and civil liberties. This year's conference brings together international experts from the fields of computer science, law, business, public policy, law enforcement, and government to confront controversial issues that have dominated public discussions of computer communications policy over the past year. Highlights of the conference include - The Constitutional challenge to the Communications Decency Act. Computer companies, internet service providers, publishing and library associations, and civil liberties groups have filed suit in Federal court to overturn the Communications Decency Act of 1996 on the grounds that it violates the First Amendment. A judgment is expected in April. One basis for the challenge is the existence of less restrictive means to protect children from indecent material on-line, including filtering software developed at the MIT Lab for Computer Science. At the conference, lawyers involved in the ongoing suit will discuss the progress of the suit and analyze the Constitutional arguments raised in briefs by the challengers and by the Department of Justice. - Limiting on-line speech on campus. Harvard Law School's Arthur Miller will moderate a panel of university administrators, lawyers, and journalists to explore the conflicts between universities and the free-speech rights of their students. - Can the US government outlaw unauthorized encryption? In cooperation with the Criminal Justice Section of the American Bar Association, the conference will present a moot Court hearing on the Constitutionality of a proposed law that criminalizes the use of encryption methods that have not been authorized by the government. The arguments, which pit former federal prosecutors against noted civil liberties lawyers, will be conducted before a distinguished panel of federal appellate and district court judges. - China and the Internet. The Chinese expression "may you live in interesting times" clearly applies to issues of computers and society as the Internet spreads explosively throughout China and the rest of Asia. Sociologist Gary Marx and a panel that includes officials of the China Education and Research Network (CERNET) discuss the likely social impacts of the Internet on China. - Export-controlled encryption software on the Internet. Jeff Schiller, Manager of the MIT Network, and Ron Lee, General Counsel of the National Security Agency, will describe the legal and technical procedures to be followed in distributing software over the Internet in compliance with US export controls. - FBI/DOJ law-enforcement training on computer crime. On the afternoon of March 27th, Peter Toren of the US Department of Justice Computer Crime Unit and Richard Ress, Head of the FBI's National Computer Crime Squad, will run a training session devoted to crime and law in cyberspace. Admission to this tutorial will be free for law-enforcement personnel, so long as they pre-register. (Qualified law-enforcement personnel should phone 617/253-1700 for information.) - George Metakides, Director of Research and Development in Information Technologies for the European Union, will present a keynote address on Freedom and Privacy in the Information Age: A European Perspective. - Michael Dertouzos, Director of the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, will deliver a banquet speech on "Ancient Humans in the Information Age". - A free-admission, all-day "Technology Fair" on March 27 will include hands-on demonstrations of computer technologies affecting freedom and privacy. - Noted privacy advocate Marc Rotenberg and a panel of international experts will discuss the roles of governments and technology in dealing with data privacy in the Global Information Infrastructure. - What policies and regulations are under consideration for the international control of cryptography? How does a multinational company meet those requirements? How do we resolve tensions between countries, between governments and industries, and between governments and popular groups? Dorothy Denning of Georgetown University, Deborah Hurley of the OECD, Chairman David Herson of the European Commission's Senior Advisor Group on Information Systems, Nick Mansfield of Shell, and White House Special Assistant on Information Technology Mike Nelson examine the issues. - The struggle to control controversial content on the Internet is being waged in the the US Congress and in open and restrictive societies around the world. Will conflicts among governments over what and how to censor restrict the flow of ideas for all? Moderator Danny Weitzner of the Washington-based Center for Democracy and Technology and an international panel will offer their views. - Representatives of business, banking, and law enforcement look at the future of Electronic Money. Should on-line payments be anonymous or traceable? David Chaum of DigiCash, the American Bankers Association's Kawika Daguio, and Stan Morris of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FINCEN) will compare different perspectives. - Will copyright law be an enabler of freedom of expression in digital networked environments or will it be an impediment to free speech? Does digitizing information so fundamentally change the economics of creating and disseminating information products as to render copyright law obsolete? Pamela Samuelson of Cornell Law School will explore this topic with and international panel of copyright experts. - Science fiction authors Pat Cadigan, Tom Maddox, Bruce Sterling, and Vernor Vinge will present their unique perspectives on the future of freedom and privacy in an increasingly computerized world. For further information, consult the conference web page at, or send a blank e-mail message to, or phone MIT Conference Services at 617/253-1700. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 Mar 1996 15:36:48 -0500 (EST) From: Steve Sapovits Subject: Re: jury duty (Bruhin, RISKS-17.91) > Emily is only 8 years old and, therefore, is not *eligible* for jury duty... I'm guessing there's more to it than this. As far as I know, all potential juror names are pulled from some known pool. Traditionally, the list of registered voters was used. Some areas are now using lists of licensed drivers. Either pool would yield people of the proper age. The last time I served at the county level here in Pennsylvania I was pulled from the list of registered voters. However, we were told that licensed drivers would be used in the near future to get a larger pool and not discourage people from voting to avoid their "other" civic duty. I don't know if this sort of decision is typically made at the state or local level. No comment on WPVI. But if you're in Philly and it snows, you can turn to Channel 6 to see every flake. Steve Sapovits Telebase Systems and ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Mar 1996 11:42:16 -0800 From: "Paul Hoffman's publications inbox" Subject: Re: FTC Targets Internet Fraud (Edupage, 17 March 1996) The *SJ Mercury* article about this had a bit more information. Near the end of the article they listed just what it was that the FTC found in its first busts. The scams had nothing to do with the Internet: they were the same kinds of scams you see flyers for on non-computer bulletin boards and the classified ads of most newspapers (credit history fixing and so on). The RISK here is that people tacking the word "Internet" onto the job they are already doing makes the job sound more important and the Internet more dangerous than the rest of the world. In this case, neither are true. --Paul Hoffman, Proper Publishing ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Mar 1996 00:57:41 -0800 (PST) From: Carl Wittnebert Subject: More on Iomega stock volatility (Re: Edupage, RISKS-17.91) : ... postings on Motley Fool and other BBSs have contained false information This is speculative and misleading. No one has demonstrated that online discussion influences the price of a stock. Companies often complain to the SEC about alleged manipulation; such complaints, in my experience, are usually spurious, as there are no adverse consequences to the company from making unfounded claims. Share prices go up or down primarily on the decisions of mutual fund managers, who don't have the time or inclination to read newsgroups. The amount of capital controlled by Internet users is minuscule compared to the $1+ trillion in equity mutual funds. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 Mar 1996 16:27:57 -0800 From: (Panero) Subject: Re: Hare Krsna chants trigger answering machine (Cross, RISKS-17.91) Concerning the attempt to record Hare Krishna chants on a telephone answering machine... When Ma Bell invented touch tone dialing it was quite reasonable to choose frequencies that fall within the range of the human voice -- after all, all the equipment was and still is optimized for that range. It was many years before anyone tried detecting these "DTMF" tones in a context where a person would be speaking. It is difficult to avoid false detection of DTMF tones in human speech. Of course, if the telephone answering machine industry had waited around for the development of "out of band" signalling systems such as ISDN, a multi-billion dollar industry would never have gotten off the ground. Tony Panero / home: / work: [Also noted by "john (j.g.) mainwaring" . PGN] ------------------------------ Date: 20 Mar 96 6:11:10 EST From: Kevin Rainier Subject: Re: Hare Krsna chants trigger answering machine (Cross, RISKS-17.91) Voice activation of tone-detection equipment is a long standing issue with voice mail/answering machine systems. The problem has been significantly alleviated by the transition from analog circuitry to digital signal analysis, but some voices still register as one or another DTMF signal. Fortunately, digital signal analysis has eliminated the far more annoying problem of the recorded message triggering tone detection when it is played back. If the expected signal may be both quite brief and the margin of error is wide (to accommodate some PBX systems which generate fixed length and remarkably dirty tones), a wide variety of voices may cause a problem. For the record, my answering machine thinks that Lisa Kudrow and Chrissie Hynde singing harmony on "Smelly Cat" sounds like a DTMF * (end-of-message indicator). Or maybe it just has taste... Kevin Rainier ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Mar 96 12:23:02 PST From: "Rapalus, Patrice" Subject: Call for Papers -- CSI 23rd Annual Conference The Computer Security Institute invites you to submit an abstract of a proposed topic to be considered for presentation at the 1996 23nd Annual Computer Security Conference, November 11-13, in Chicago. We are looking for presentations on the following possible topics: access control, electronic commerce, remote access security, Internet, cryptography, risk management, business continuity planning, security awareness, telecommunications security, network architecture, wireless network security, LANs, WANs, management issues, network viruses, client/server systems, single sign-on, imaging, privacy issues and e-mail. We are particularly interested in case studies -- in-depth practical discussions of network-related security projects, problems, and solutions for the real world. Next year's conference will offer approximately 120 scheduled sessions. Faculty are intended to address a broad range of experiences, expertise and interest in networks and related security issues. Sessions generally run one hour and fifteen minutes. Double sessions are scheduled if warranted by the topic. If your abstract is selected, you are required to provide a paper for inclusion in the proceedings. Applicability to Attendees The proposed presentation should offer successful concepts, models, processes and applications useful to those responsible for information security. Innovation/Originality A presentation that advances existing or presents new ideas is better than a presentation that merely repeats information already widely known. The timeliness of ideas is important. A presentation designed to sell a name product or service will be rejected. A presentation should focus on the general attributions, benefits and drawbacks of a given application or tool. Some general guidelines Courses that offer tips and techniques to increase productivity, in addition to theory, are much more valuable. Sessions on novel and unique applications of products and tools are good but keep in mind that emphasis on a single product can limit the scope of appeal for the class. Case studies of computer security projects, problems and solutions are very popular. To ensure a wide variety of perspectives, no more than three principal speakers per organization will be allowed to present at the conference. Papers presented at other computer security conferences will be disqualified unless they contain substantial new or updated information. The Submission Process To be eligible for selection as a speaker, you will need to submit an abstract that describes the content of your talk(s), a biography that describes your background, and complete contact information including your e-mail address and fax numbers. We must receive your submissions by April 15, 1996 to be considered. Please include any scheduling conflicts you have as well. The abstract should be approximately 200-300 words (8-10 sentences), and classified by the presenter as entry-level, intermediate or advanced. Please provide 3-6 "bullet points" telling us what attendees will learn from your session. Indicate any special prerequisite knowledge required of participants and emphasize what attendees will learn. We prefer to receive submissions electronically. E-mail should be sent to prapalus Upload to the CSI BBS at 415/905-2480. Abstracts can also be mailed to CSI, 600 Harrison St. San Francisco, CA 94107 or faxed to 415-905- 2218. For more information, please call Patrice Rapalus at 415-905-2310. Speakers receive complimentary registration for the 2-1/2 day conference and attendance at all lunches and receptions. [I just received my copy of CSI's NetSec '96 program. It identifies Gene Spafford with Perdue University. Perhaps he has become a Friar? Or he deserves a Pullet-Surprize? PGN] ------------------------------ Date: 18 March 1996 (LAST-MODIFIED) From: Subject: ABRIDGED info on RISKS (comp.risks) The RISKS Forum is a moderated digest. Its USENET equivalent is comp.risks. SUBSCRIPTIONS: PLEASE read RISKS as a newsgroup (comp.risks or equivalent) on your system, if possible and convenient for you. BITNET folks may use a LISTSERV (e.g., LISTSERV@UGA): SUBSCRIBE RISKS or UNSUBSCRIBE RISKS. [...] DIRECT REQUESTS to (majordomo) with one-line, SUBSCRIBE (or UNSUBSCRIBE) [with net address if different from FROM:] INFO [for unabridged version of RISKS information] CONTRIBUTIONS: to, with appropriate, substantive Subject: line, otherwise they may be ignored. Must be relevant, sound, in good taste, objective, cogent, coherent, concise, nonrepetitious, and without caveats on distribution. Diversity is welcome, but not personal attacks. [...] ALL CONTRIBUTIONS CONSIDERED AS PERSONAL COMMENTS; USUAL DISCLAIMERS APPLY. Particularly relevant contributions may be adapted for the RISKS sections of issues of ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes or SIGSAC Review. * Submissions: By submitting an item that is accepted for publication in RISKS, the author grants permission for unlimited public distribution and redistribution in electronic or other form. * Reuse: Blanket permission is hereby granted for reuse of all materials in RISKS, under the following conditions. All redistributed items must include the Risks-Forum masthead line. All reuse must be accompanied by the following statement: Reused without explicit authorization under blanket permission granted for all Risks-Forum Digest materials. The author(s), the RISKS moderator, and the ACM have no connection with this reuse. As a courtesy, reusers of individual items (as opposed to forwardings of entire issues) should notify the authors, and should pay particular attention to any subsequent corrections. RISKS ARCHIVES: "ftp ftp.sri.comlogin anonymous[YourNetAddress] cd risks or cwd risks, depending on your particular FTP. [...] [Back issues are in the subdirectory corresponding to the volume number.] Individual issues can be accessed using a URL of the form [i.e., VoLume, ISsue] The site risks directory also contains the most recent PostScript copy of PGN's comprehensive historical summary of one liners: get illustrative.PS PRIVACY: For info on the PRIVACY Forum Digest and Computer PRIVACY Digest, see the unabridged INFO file at RISKS-Request (send one-line message INFO to as noted above). ------------------------------ End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 17.92 ************************