Subject: RISKS DIGEST 15.22 REPLY-TO: RISKS-LIST: RISKS-FORUM Digest Friday 5 November 1993 Volume 15 : Issue 22 FORUM ON RISKS TO THE PUBLIC IN COMPUTERS AND RELATED SYSTEMS ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy, Peter G. Neumann, moderator Contents: Direct Subscribers: Can you instead read RISKS as a newsgroup? (RISKS) Prague computer crime (Mich Kabay) Master of Disaster Phiber Optik sentenced (Mich Kabay) Mass. state police confuse car owners with gun carriers (Brian Hawthorne) Overenthusiastic automated investment programs (John R Levine) RISKS of unaccountable computerized elections (Dave Hart) Re: Safety-critical software (David Parnas) Re: InterNet Mailing List (JS McBride [2]) Security of the internet (Bill Murray, PGN) Yu, "Automated Proofs of Object Code..." available (Jim Horning) "Research Directions in Database Security" ed. by Teresa Lunt (Rob Slade) Re: CERT Reports and system breakins (Phil Karn, A. Padgett Peterson) Call for Participation, FIRST Incident Response Tools Wk Grp (Michael S. Hines) The RISKS Forum is a moderated digest discussing risks; comp.risks is its USENET counterpart. Undigestifiers are available throughout the Internet, but not from RISKS. Contributions should be relevant, sound, in good taste, objective, cogent, coherent, concise, and nonrepetitious. Diversity is welcome. CONTRIBUTIONS to, with appropriate, substantive "Subject:" line. Others may be ignored! Contributions will not be ACKed. The load is too great. **PLEASE** INCLUDE YOUR NAME & INTERNET FROM: ADDRESS, especially .UUCP folks. PLEASE SEND REQUESTS FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS, archive problems, and other information to (not automated). BITNET users may subscribe via your favorite LISTSERV: "SUBSCRIBE RISKS". Vol i issue j, type "FTP CRVAX.SRI.COMlogin anonymousAnyNonNullPW CD RISKS:GET RISKS-i.j" (where i=1 to 15, j always TWO digits). Vol i summaries in j=00; "dir risks-*.*" gives directory; "bye" logs out. The COLON in "CD RISKS:" is essential. "CRVAX.SRI.COM" = "". =CarriageReturn; FTPs may differ; UNIX prompts for username, password. There are also alternative repositories, such as bitftp@pucc.Princeton.EDU . If you are interested in receiving RISKS via fax, please send E-mail to, phone +1 (818) 225-2800, or fax +1 (818) 225-7203 for information regarding fax delivery. PLEASE DO NOT USE THOSE NUMBERS FOR GENERAL RISKS COMMUNICATIONS; instead, as a last resort you may try phone PGN at +1 (415) 859-2375 if you cannot E-mail risks-request@CSL.SRI.COM . ALL CONTRIBUTIONS CONSIDERED AS PERSONAL COMMENTS; USUAL DISCLAIMERS APPLY. Relevant contributions may appear in the RISKS section of regular issues of ACM SIGSOFT's SOFTWARE ENGINEERING NOTES, unless you state otherwise. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 5 Nov 93 16:27:35 PST From: RISKS Forum Subject: Direct Subscribers: Can you alternatively read RISKS as a newsgroup? Folks, New subscriptions are pouring in at a remarkable rate, and BARFmail is increasing at an even more rapid rate. The network seems flakier than ever. If you are getting RISKS via a direct subscription (check your mail headers), PLEASE check with your local netnews wizards to see if you can now read it as a newsgroup, BBoard item, or local redistribution. If you are able to read it that way, PLEASE do so, and send me a message so that I can remove you from my list (actually plural, multiple lists, because otherise my mail system dies). [Yes, I know, I should use an automatic LISTSERV, but that creates its own set of headaches. Are there any really robust, moderator-friendly, portable UNIX LISTSERVers I could use for direct mailings of RISKS, despite the fact that I continually get requests from sites that cannot be answered?!*%&!!?] PGN ------------------------------ Date: 04 Nov 93 17:36:33 EST From: "Mich Kabay / JINBU Corp." <> Subject: Prague computer crime CZECH TRANSITION SPURS BOOM IN ECONOMIC CRIME, By Bernd Debusmann PRAGUE, Nov 3 (Reuter, 2 November 1993) - The Czech Republic's transition to a market economy has led to a boom in economic crime ranging from embezzlement to tax evasion, as criminals exploit money-making opportunities denied them under communism. According to the latest police statistics, economic crime jumped 75.2 percent in the first nine months of the year compared with the same period in 1992 -- a steeper increase than any other criminal activity. [From the Reuter newswire via the Executive News Service (GO ENS) on CompuServe] The article goes on to state that with the growth of an economy, the opportunities for economic crime are increasing apace. Although police claim to solve 75% of the cases of fraud reported to them, there seem to be many more unreported cases. In a recent case, "Martin Janku, a 23-year-old employee of the Czech Republic's biggest savings bank, Ceska Sporitelna, is accused of transferring 35 million crowns ($1.19 million) from various corporate accounts to his personal account over an eight-month period." In a typical hacker's excuse, Janku claims to have done this to demonstrate the bank's poor security. He wrote software himself to be able to tamper with client accounts--but only, he said, after repeatedly warning his bosses of weak security precautions. The theft was not detected by the bank itself until Janku withdrew part of the money. He was arrested as he was in the process of stuffing half a million dollar's worth of banknotes into a briefcase. The problems of inefficient bureaucracies are compounded by poor laws and indifferent enforcement. The problem is so widespread that about 30% of the residents of Prague own a country home--and a large percentage of those are claimed by analysts to be built through illegal economic activity. Michel E. Kabay, Ph.D., Director of Education, National Computer Security Assn ------------------------------ Date: 04 Nov 93 17:37:14 EST From: "Mich Kabay / JINBU Corp." <> Subject: Master of Disaster Phiber Optik sentenced Mark Abene, 21, widely known as Phiber Optik, was sentenced to a year and a day in prison. He will serve 600 hours of community service. He pleaded guilty last July to conspiracy, wire fraud and other federal charges relating to his activities as one of five Masters of Disaster indicted for breaking into telephone, educational, and commercial computer systems. [Perhaps in a few years more, they will be Doctors of Disaster?] [PGN Excerpting Service, drawn from the Associated Press and Reuters, both on 3 November 1993] The Reuter article give background information, including o the charges against MoD marked the first use of wiretaps to record both conversations and datacomm by accused hackers. o the hackers attacked phone switching computers belonging to Southwestern Bell, New York Telephone, Pacific Bell, U.S. West and Martin Marietta Electronics Information and Missile Group. o they broke into credit-status reporting companies including TRW, Trans Union and Information America, stealing at least 176 TRW credit reports. o the young men were apparently competing with each other and other hacker groups for "rep" (reputation) and were also interested in harassing people they didn't like. o the Reuter article mentions that "they wiped out almost all of the information contained on a system operated by the Public Broadcasting System affiliate in New York, WNET, that provided educational materials to schools in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut" and left the message, ""Happy Thanksgiving you turkeys, from all of us at MOD." Michel E. Kabay, Ph.D., Director of Education, National Computer Security Assn ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Nov 93 13:26:43 EST From: (SunSelect Strategic Marketing) Subject: Mass. state police confuse car owners with gun carriers My wife received a letter yesterday from the Massachusetts state police, informing her that it was time to renew her "License to Carry Firearms". It included a renewal form that she was to take to her local licensing authority, the police station in our case. A bit of background: In Massachusetts, a "License to Carry" allows you to carry or transport a handgun. My wife not only has never had such a license, but does not even have the pre-requisite Firearms ID card, which allows ownership and transport of rifles and shotguns. Concerned that someone had used her name and address to get a carry permit, my wife called the phone number indicated. The person answering ("State Police") explained that my wife shouldn't worry. Everyone else who got that letter by mistake was also concerned. They have not yet figured out exactly what happened, but apparently someone loaded a tape containing the list of car owners who needed to renew their automobile registration instead of the list of gun owners needing to renew their carry permits. They generated and mailed many thousands of these letters, and never did any sanity checks. They assured my wife she would get a letter explaining what had happened as soon as they figured it out. Fortunately, in order to actually renew a carry permit, my wife would have to present the form in person at the local constabulary, who would know that she did not have such a permit. Unless, of course, someone loaded the wrong tape when updating the local police records... In retrospect, since a car is a much more dangerous weapon than a handgun, I suppose this is not a very big RISK after all. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 2 Nov 93 22:34:05 EST From: (John R Levine) Subject: Overenthusiastic automated investment programs The story about the Dutch computer that nearly oversold its portfolio reminds me of a similar situation. (This isn't a friend of a friend story -- I actually know the person involved.) Some years back, he'd been doing some of the earliest experiments in computerized commodity trading. At that point, it was still common to send in orders by Telex, since it left a much better log than did phone calls, and he'd recently gotten a lashup that let his computer make its own Telex calls so it could automatically calculate and enter the day's trading orders. So the computer put some money into something (potatoes, I think.) The next day, the prices had moved favorably, so it put in some more. Next day, the same thing. Before the end of the week, he got a phone call from the government regulators. The potato futures market isn't all that big, and his computer had apparently cornered it, which is a definite no-no. He unwound his potato positions and adjusted his program never to buy potatoes again, no matter what. It surprised everyone involved that the computer had been able to distort that market so quickly. Lord only knows what computers do to commodity markets these days; as I recall he managed to do his cornering with a PDP-11. The general problems with automated trading programs are well known. They had a lot to do with the day the market dropped 500 points, as all of the programs cranked away in a financial environment that their programmers had not really anticipated. There are now ``circuit breaker'' rules that limit how much automated trading can be done, but I wouldn't place a great deal of faith in claims that computerized market distortions have thereby been cured. John Levine,, {spdcc|ima|world}!iecc!johnl ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Nov 93 12:17:38 PST From: Dave Hart Subject: RISKS of unaccountable computerized elections There's a good article on the risks of computerized election systems which leave no paper trail for recounts in the 30 October 1993 *Science News* [Vol. 144 No. 18 Pg. 282-3]. A couple of quotes: The situation is exacerbated by state and local election officials, whose primary concern is keeping election costs down and who put a premium on speed and convenience. As a result, `the vendors don't particularly care about computer security because the marketplace doesn't care,' Greenhalgh insists." [Gary L. Greenhalgh, former director of the Federal Election Commissions' National Clearinghouse on Election Administration] The piece quotes heavily from our very own PGN. My favorite: `It takes trustworthy systems and trustworthy people to avoid tampering; it takes even more to avoid accidents from user operation or misuse,' Neumann says. `Our trusting of people and systems that are not trustworthy is an open invitation to disaster.' [Thanks! PGN] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Nov 1993 14:33:43 -0500 From: David Parnas Subject: Re: Safety-critical software (Mellor, RISKS-15.19) Pete Mellor wrote, "Prof. Cliff Jones of Manchester characterised the complexity of software in terms of the number of branch points it may contain, and hence the number of possible paths through it. The combinatorial explosion of possible paths makes exhaustive testing impossible in all but the simplest programs. It may be difficult to achieve with 50 Lines of code and 10 branch points. With 10,000 LOC and the same density of branch points, the testing time would exceed the time elapsed since the big bang. As he pointed out, the Sizewell B Primary Protection System contains 100,000 LOC." It is worth remembering that were John von Neumann still alive, he might remind us that program state and data state are interchangeable, and that the number of sequences of data states in such programs is even larger than the number of sequences of control states. Even if we did test every possible path, we have not done exhaustive testing. We should not ever imply that such a test would be an exhaustive test. Dave Parnas ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 03 Nov 1993 09:56:28 pst From: "JS McBride & Co. PostMaster" Subject: InterNet Mailing List Here is the CORRECT info on the InterNet Mailing List. Addresses are extracted from news feeds, list servers, and other sources. NO personal information is collected. The following is the ONLY information we collect. 1. Electronic mail address 2. User name 3. Search keywords 4. Date info was collected The search keywords are limited to products. Example: xwindows,unix,dos,ms-windows,emacs To have your name removed from the list, send a message to DELETE@NETMAIL.COM Please place ANY addresses that you wanted removed from the list in the body of the message. To get more info on how and why we are building the list, send a message to LISTINFO@NETMAIL.COM . [Just see next message. PGN] Comments should be sent to TMANNING@NETMAIL.COM Thank You, James McBride, NetMail, 415-949-4295 ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 03 Nov 1993 22:11:07 From: "JS McBride & Co. PostMaster" Subject: Auto Reply [What you get from LISTINFO. PGN] Thank you for your mail to Jim McBride at JS McBride & Company. Due to the volume of mail be handled by this account, this is an automatic reply. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY!! 1. JS McBride is NOT collecting demographic information on email addresses. Due to the controversy surrounding this practice, we have discarded the product demographics we collected. We are however still collecting email addresses and user names. 2. The information collected (name and email address) will be offered in a printed white pages directory and in a white pages server on the net. 3. You DO NOT need to ask to have your name removed. BEFORE your name is used in the directory, you will receive mail asking for your permission. If you reply to the inquiry, your information will be used. If you do not reply, your name will NOT be used. 4. Comments regarding the white pages should be sent to Tom Manning at JS McBride & Company. 5. Mail to Jim McBride should be sent to 6. Information regarding the purchase of the white pages directory should be sent to or telephone us at 415-949-4295 Thank you for your time, Jim McBride Thanks to all of you (too many to note) who forwarded this to RISKS. PGN] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 4 Nov 93 06:50 EST From: WHMurray@DOCKMASTER.NCSC.MIL Subject: Security of the internet Our esteemed moderator complains as follows (aside, but in normal voice from a high pulpit): >....which is that system and network security stinks in most >systems, particularly those on the Internet. Not true, Peter. System security stinks on one system in five in the internet. This is not "most." However, it is sufficient to put the whole net at risk. The level of security in the internet is. That is to say it is a given; the laws associated with large numbers make it resistant to change. It is sufficient for most of the applications or uses of the net. Otherwise, by definition, the uses would not take place. At the same time it is insufficient for many of the applications. Users of the net must understand that it is an "open" net. They may not rely upon the security of such a network. They may not rely upon the apparent origin or destination of the messages. They may not rely upon the behavior of privileged users (system managers et. al.) within the net. They not rely upon the polite behavior of users of the net. This is not because the origin and destination of many messages are forged, that many privileged users are malicious, or that most users are rude. If this were the case, the net would simply disintegrate. Rather, it is simply in the nature of an open network that some will be. If it is important to your application that a message came from where it appears to have come from, then you had better have sufficient evidence, independent of that which the net provides you, that that is where it came from. If it is important to you that your message not be seen by anyone other than its addressee, you had better talk in a code that only you and he understand. It is now relatively simple to automate such protection for your traffic at the application layer. Once automated its use will be simple and transparent. You will be able to enjoy both the wide connectivity and economy provided by the net and the security required for your application. It is unrealistic to expect to get both, by default, from the same mechanism. The real world does not work that way. William Hugh Murray, Executive Consultant, 49 Locust Avenue, Suite 104; New Canaan, Connecticut 06840 1-0-ATT-0-700-WMURRAY; WHMurray@DOCKMASTER.NCSC.MIL ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Nov 93 16:40:18 PST From: RISKS Forum Subject: Re: Security of the internet Bill, Consider the network as a system in the large. If almost all of those systems use passwords, their security stinks. [Only a few systems today use token authenticators.] If a Trojan horse in my system captures a password on your system as a result of an FTP or TELNET from my system to yours, then YOUR system is now vulnerable to an attack that might permit me to Trojan horse your system, which in turn can compromise all of the systems that you FTP or TELNET to. It is as simple as that. By induction, virtually the entire net is at risk sooner or later, by iterative closure [cloture?]. Peter ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 04 Nov 93 11:28:54 -0800 From: Subject: Yu, "Automated Proofs of Object Code..." available The following SRC Research Report is now available via FTP on in: pub/DEC/SRC/research-reports/ or in hardcopy (send an e-mail request to This report is based on Yuan Yu's Ph.D. dissertation, supervised by Bob Boyer at the University of Texas at Austin. "Automated Proofs of Object Code for a Widely Used Microprocessor", Yuan Yu, Report #114, October 5, 1993. 122 pages. Computing devices can be specified and studied mathematically. Formal specification of computing devices has many advantages; it provides a precise characterization of the computational model, and allows for mathematical reasoning about models of the computing devices and programs executed on them. While there has been a large body of research on program proving, work has almost exclusively focused on programs written in high-level programming languages. Here we address the important but largely ignored problem of machine-code program proving. This work formally describes a substantial subset of the MC68020, a widely used microprocessor built by Motorola, within the mathematical logic of the automated reasoning system Nqthm a.k.a. the Boyer-Moore Theorem Proving System. Based on this formal model, we mechanized a mathematical theory to automate reasoning about object code programs. We then mechanically checked the correctness of MC68020 object code programs for binary search, Hoare's Quick Sort, the Berkeley Unix C string library, and other well-known algorithms. The object code for these examples was generated using the Gnu C, the Verdix Ada, and the AKCL Common Lisp compilers. ------------------------------ Date: 5 Nov 93 9:55 -0600 From: "Rob Slade, Ed. DECrypt & ComNet, VARUG rep" Subject: "Research Directions in Database Security" ed. by Teresa Lunt BKRDDBSC.RVW 931014 Springer-Verlag, 175 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10010, 212-460-1500, 800-777-4643 or 8 Alexandra Road, London SW19 7JZ, UK 44-81-947 5885 "Research Directions in Database Security", Lunt (ed.), 1992, U$39.50 Generally, we speak of security in binary terms. You either allow access to the system or you don't. You allow a file to be modified, or you don't. There are, of course, some very complex issues to be faced, and access situations can certainly become complicated. But by and large, access security can be resolved to a series of yes/no questions. Not so with database security. The situation is almost the reverse of access security: there is no black or white, only shades of grey. In database security you have to assume that everyone needs and has access to the database, but that certain answers are not to be given to certain people. That's a fairly simple problem to deal with. What about the situation where many people can update but you don't want two people simultaneously updating the same record, and thus corrupting the data. Again, some reasonably simple solutions; although, when we add together many "simple" solutions, we start to build a fairly "complex" system. Let's return to the question of access to information, using the example of the census data. There is no problem with anyone and everyone knowing how many people are unemployed in Canada. An aggregate number for British Columbia, or even for North Vancouver, should still present no problems of confidentiality. However, no one should know that Robert M. Slade is unemployed unless Robert M. Slade chooses to divulge that datum. Even then, Robert M. Slade should have control over who should know that fact. Therefore, we have a situation where the individual records should not be divulged, but queries reported over a range can be. (Just to ensure that the issue doesn't get any easier, we have to build in safeguards that would prevent the indirect revelation of information such as generating queries of intersecting sets and watching the changes.) Such are the questions addressed in this book. The contents are basically the results of a three-day symposium held in 1988. Sponsored by the military, many of the papers specifically address "classified" data, but a number of the concepts have practical business applications as well. (The military involvement may also explain the four-year lead time until the book was published.) The book covers questions at all levels of the computing enterprise, from computer architecture through operating systems to data base architecture to conceptual approaches. Not all possible topics are covered, but there is a good range. This is, quite definitely, for the database professional, and prior database security background would be helpful. The "alphabet soup," as Dorothy Denning notes, flies thick and fast. Most of the papers discuss TCB: the book is about finished before a paper tells you what it is (trusted computer base). The acronyms multiply, even using other acronyms: halfway through one paper on "A1 Secure DBMS (database management system) Architecture" the authors start talking about "ASD". As with all such omnibus volumes, the interest will vary with the topic, and the quality varies with the author. One essay examines the "man in the loop" question in regard to the feasibility of automatic classification of data. After spending seven pages clarifying the question, the answer is basically, "No, computers can't understand text yet." Generally, however, the title is accurate. These are the "cutting edge" (or perhaps *slightly* behind) issues in data security, and an interesting discussion piece for those issues. copyright Robert M. Slade, 1993 BKRDDBSC.RVW 931014 Permission granted to distribute with unedited copies of the Digest ======================604-984-4067===================== DECUS Canada Communications, Desktop, Education and Security group newsletters Editor and/or reviewer,, Rob Slade at 1:153/733 DECUS Symposium '94, Vancouver, BC, Mar 1-3, 1994, contact: ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 4 Nov 93 10:23:44 -0800 From: (Phil Karn) Subject: Re: CERT Reports and system breakins Ethernet addresses are *hardly* the basis of an effective authentication scheme. On most controllers I know, the manufacturer-assigned Ethernet address is contained in a PROM, and the driver software must copy it to a register in the Ethernet controller itself. And nothing prevents the software from writing any address it likes, though of course in normal operation there is no reason not to. I understand that IEEE 802.3 actually requires this capability (no doubt at DEC's behest since DECNET uses its own Ethernet addresses and ignores the PROM). It would not be sufficient to argue that modifying the Ethernet address on "most" systems is "difficult" -- it's quite trivial to do it on many others, particularly PCs, for which networking hardware and software sources are readily available. We need strong security mechanisms based on good cryptography and well thought out protocols. They're underway, but they will take time to develop. Although it's tempting to toss out little quick hacks that might complicate a cracker's life for, oh maybe 15 minutes or so, this sort of thing only diverts us from the effort required to provide meaningful security in the long run. Phil ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 4 Nov 93 13:35:32 -0500 From: (A. Padgett Peterson) Subject: Re: CERT Reports and system breakins Sorry, the original post was in haste and I am regretting that now - not that it was made but that I did not go into sufficient detail (and with the aid of 20-20 hindsight). What I should have made clear is that if the hardware addresses are known for "approved" systems, then "unapproved" addresses will stand out and "unapproved" system could include the case of the router/bridge to the outside world. Certainly it is possible to change a hardware address (though I had not realized just how easy it was) but that changer has a choice - picking another "unapproved" number really does no good while picking an "approved" number risks collision. Further if the hardware address is masked when it leaves my site, changing the number does no good. So we are left with the case of and "approved" address that I can retrieve and now there are other checks possible once the "approved" system identification is known e.g. manufacturer, type of equipment, embedded system information. Still all spoofable but it now is getting to be a major undertaking that must start from the inside. Add on the ability to retrieve which hub the contact is on and we are approaching the case that it is easier for the intruder to use the spoofed machine than it is to spoof it. I thoroughly agree that effective encryption solves most authentication problems in one motion - just look at what I was writing in InfoSecurity News and a couple of other places over the last few years. The difference is that hardware address usage is simple, effective as a discriminant, and adds a layer of security that was not there before. Padgett ------------------------------ From: "Michael S. Hines" Date: 3 Nov 93 13:27:33 EST Subject: Call for Participation - FIRST Incident Response Tools Work Grp * * * * * * * * S E C O N D N O T I C E * * * * * * * * * * The Incident Response Tools Working Group (IRTWG) of the Forum of Indicent Response and Security Teams (FIRST) has been formed for the purpose of developing a catalog to assist incident response teams (often called Computer Emergency Response Teams or CERTs) in the selection and acquisition of tools for use in incident response tasks. The catalogue will be available in electronic form to anyone who wants a copy. David Curry of the Purdue CERT (PCERT) is chairing the group. My name is Mike Hines, also of the PCERT. I am a Senior Internal Auditor for Information Systems at Purdue. I have volunteered to coordinate compilation of a mailing list of potential providers of tools for use in incident response situations. At this point I need two pieces of information from you: (1) An indication if you would like to assist me in compilation of this mailing list. We want to get as broad of coverage as is possible in this task. If you happen to have a source of several addresses, I would like your assistance. This is mostly providing me leads so we achieve as wide of coverage as is possible. I will be creating and maintaining the mailing list here at Purdue. (2) Any and all leads for sources of tools for incident response handling. Areas we are focusing on are: (a) Incident Detection... tools such as virus scanners, file integrity checkers, auditing systems, and intrusion detection systems... tools which monitor systems for signs of security violations. (b) Incident such as keystroke monitoring systems, network packet capture, program disassemblers, and source code which can be used to gather information during an incident. (c) Indicent such as virus eradicators and file integrity which can be used to determine the scope of the damage done during an incident and which can help restore the sytem to pre- incident state. (d) Incident such as specialized database systems of one sort or which can be used to maintain statistics about incidents and archives of know attacks and defenses. For each vendor/publisher/creator of tools in the above categories, please send the following information: Contact Name: Company Name: Street Address: City: State: Zip/Postal Code: Country: E-Mail Address of Contact: Product Name(s): Also if you know of another person who would be a good contact as a source of leads, please send their name and e-mail address along. I will contact them with this message to solicit new leads. Thank you for your assistance. Michael S. Hines, Internal Auditor-EDP, Purdue University, 1065 Freehafer Hall, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1065 (317) 494-5845 ------------------------------ End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 15.22 ************************