Subject: RISKS DIGEST 11.31 REPLY-TO: RISKS-LIST: RISKS-FORUM Digest Tuesday 19 March 1991 Volume 11 : Issue 31 FORUM ON RISKS TO THE PUBLIC IN COMPUTERS AND RELATED SYSTEMS ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy, Peter G. Neumann, moderator Contents: Untested mods to amusement rides... (Peter da Silva) The true risks of computerized voting (Hank Nussbacher) California, driving, and privacy, again (Chris Hibbert) Can't stop auto-withdrawal (Rick Simkin) Re: Let your fingers do the walking... (Chris Thomas) Re: About Risks in Believing AI Gurus (M.Minsky) (Bob Frankston) Re: Telephone risks revisited (Kian-Tat Lim) Re: Pilot Error - an impartial assessment? (Jerry Hollombe) Re: Drawing correct conclusions from Miami NTSB report (Jerry Hollombe) Re: "What the Laws Enforce" (Nancy Leveson) Telecommunications Risks (Nigel Allen) The RISKS Forum is moderated. Contributions should be relevant, sound, in good taste, objective, coherent, concise, and nonrepetitious. Diversity is welcome. CONTRIBUTIONS to RISKS@CSL.SRI.COM, with relevant, substantive "Subject:" line. Others ignored! REQUESTS to RISKS-Request@CSL.SRI.COM. For vol i issue j, type "FTP CRVAX.SRI.COMlogin anonymousAnyNonNullPW CD RISKS:GET RISKS-i.j" (where i=1 to 11, j always TWO digits). Vol i summaries in j=00; "dir risks-*.*" gives directory; "bye" logs out. ALL CONTRIBUTIONS CONSIDERED AS PERSONAL COMMENTS; USUAL DISCLAIMERS APPLY. Relevant contributions may appear in the RISKS section of regular issues of ACM SIGSOFT's SOFTWARE ENGINEERING NOTES, unless you state otherwise. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 16 Mar 91 23:41:35 CST (Sat) From: (Peter da Silva) Subject: Untested mods to amusement rides... Recently at Astroworld they decided to do a mod to their new ride, the "Condor", for its initial public performance. They were giving a bunch of reporters the first shot, so they decided to make it stop at the top to give them plenty of time to take pictures. Apparently they didn't test the change before the big day, because it went up then got stuck halfway down, and it took 20 minutes of coaxing before they got the press off. Since this ride involves swinging people around at 40 MPH, it could have been a *lot* worse! Astroworld officials insist that thanks to daily safety checks there was never any danger, but I think we've all heard that before. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 Mar 91 12:34:42 IST From: Hank Nussbacher Subject: The true risks of computerized voting The following is a true story that happened on Wednesday March 13. Tel Aviv University decided to hold this year's student elections via computer. 23 voting stations were set up, a VAX/VMS system was dedicated to the one day project and a special voting program was developed. Since every faculty had different students running for office and since different students would arrive at the polling booth, the menu screen was designed with a dynamically built vote selection. The menu would list 20 or so candidates and the student would select their choices at the bottom. The computer would then display the following menu with the selected choices in positions 21, 22, 23 ... of the initial menu. The user could either accept their choices by pressing enter or go back to the main menu. When the user hit enter, the number of choices selected were to be extracted from positions 21, 22, 23, etc and placed into the vote file. By mistake, the program always took positions 1, 2, 3 from the original menu. When the voting was done and the tallies were counted it was spotted that in every faculty the people listed in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions were the ones that always won. A quick check of the program showed the flaw. A single line of code with an incorrect initial pointer destroyed 3,000 votes. The test data that was run through the program did not catch this flaw since the checking was done by name and not by number and since there were dozens of names involved, no one took the time to double check that indeed the names voted for the most were indeed the ones who won. This week, Tel Aviv University will be doing a manual re-vote. Hank Nussbacher, Israel ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 Mar 91 11:19:48 PST From: hibbert@xanadu.UUCP (Chris Hibbert) Subject: California, driving, and privacy, again Reply-To: The California Department of Transportation (CalTrans) has been studying Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) systems, which would be used to automate the charging of tolls on bridges and highways throughout California. They've asked for comments on a proposal titled "Compatibility Specification for Automatic Vehicle Identification Equipment". The specification calls for an active transponder that could be installed securely on vehicles. When it is queried the transponder responds with a radio burst that would contain, among other things, the VIN issued by the vehicle's manufacturer. This is a first-rate RISK to privacy. The system makes it possible for highway authorities (and anyone else who can build or buy a reader that meets the spec.) to track the movements of anyone who signs up in order to get faster service at tollbooths. The most plausible charging system using this kind of reader requires that records be kept long enough for disputes to be resolved. As we have seen here before, those records (or their backups) can be examined with a subpoena or with the cooperation of the vendors. (CalTrans would probably pay the vender of the system to maintain the records, though that's not discussed in the spec.) Other RISKS evident in this preliminary spec include the RISK of over- specification. The stated accuracy requirement is "incorrect transaction decodings and encodings shall not exceed 1 in 20,000". The box is required to work without change in accuracy over a temperature range of -40 to +180 degrees Fahrenheit; with vehicle spacing as close as 15 feet; at all speeds up to 100 mph; and with up to "6 inches of dry uncompacted snow," "2 inches of salt water ice or slush," or "1 inch of dirt sand or salt" obstructing the path between a transponder and reader. There are quite a few alternative designs that don't require an identifier that is traceable to an individual. At the low end there are low-tech low-discrimination systems like color-coded or bar-coded monthly window stickers (with many people getting the same sticker each month.) These allow charging a monthly fee and charging a price based on number of occupants and time of day (require paying manually in a separate lane on days when the car is less full or traveling at rush hour.) They don't support charging based on the amount of use within a month. A more sophisticated system would use unique (but not traceable to individuals) identifiers. The user has an anonymous account to deposit money into and money would get deducted each time past a toll collector. No one has to maintain an association between account numbers and people's names. New Orleans apparently uses this kind of a system. Drivers get individual boxes, and pay into anonymous accounts. If anyone can give me more details about this system, I'd appreciate it. The most sophisticated system might have active transponders in the car that themselves maintained records about how much money had been deposited. The toll collector would send a packet asking the box whether it had enough money and then to deduct the current charge. When the box indicated it was running low, it could be recharged like a Pitney-Bowes postage meter. This scheme would obviously require much more security in the box and reasonably sophisticated encryption mechanisms in order to make sure that the same packet couldn't be used more than once to pay for trips, etc. Any AVI system design that requires that records be kept to do billing or resolve disputes allows tracking of individual movements. This would lessen our individual privacy, which in California at least is protected by the state Constitution. Comments on the proposed specification can be sent to Les Kubel, Office of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, California Department of Transportation, 5900 Folsom Boulevard, PO Box 19128, Sacramento, CA 95819. I have a scanned copy of the proposed specification. You can get a copy from me or from that same address. You can also call and ask for a copy at (916)739-2245. I wasn't able to find out what deadlines have been set when I talked to Les. Chris ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 Mar 91 8:20:39 CST From: (Rick Simkin) Subject: Can't stop auto-withdrawal Some banks offer a service which pays bills directly out of your checking account. This service is started with a single authorization for each company which will have this privilege. This could be considered a risk all by itself--NO customer action is required for the bank to pay out whatever the creditor bills. If there's an error in billing, the customer finds out only when the bill comes, with the annotation "Paid by bank draft." At this point, the money is already gone--there's no way to withold payment in the case of a dispute. But I discovered a more alarming risk this month: at the bank I have in mind, this service, once started, continues forever. Although direct drafts can be authorized by a signature given to the bank, they can't be stopped that way. Instead, the customer has to tell the billing party, "Stop removing money from my account," and keep doing so until the billing party stops. The bank employee blamed this setup on the computer. Maybe the bank's programmers studied under the Sorcerer's Apprentice? Rick Simkin, Datalogics, Inc., 441 W. Huron St., Chicago, Illinois 60610-3498 uunet!dlogics!rsimkin +1 312 2664437 ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 Mar 91 09:12:50 PST From: thomas@sono.UUCP (Chris Thomas) Subject: Re: Let your fingers do the walking... John McMahon mentions the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) road-information service, and how it failed to have any information on the quake-damaged Embarcadero freeway. Some experimentation with the system reveals two facts: - the default condition is that "the route you have selected is reported open with no driving restrictions"; and - there is no check to verify that the input is an actual highway number in California. (Unless someone has created a highway 9999 without telling anyone!) Since Caltrans filed paperwork to have the Embarcadero officially removed from the state system (sometime in 1990, I believe), highway 480 "no longer exists", and Caltrans thus has no information about it. Compare this with the information provided for another quake-damaged freeway, I-280. The message correctly identifies the mile-long closure. Chris Thomas thomas@sono.uucp (415) 969-9112 x2994 ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Mar 91 15:19 GMT From: Bob Frankston Subject: Re: About Risks in Believing AI Gurus (M.Minsky) (RISKS-11.19,21) There are risks of unthinkingly believing various philosophies be they AI, religion or other maintstream philosophies. It is not clear what the particular risk is in the case of Minsky. I view him as a source of questions not final answers. Our understanding of what "intelligence" is minimal. I wouldn't expect computers to be the same as humans short of synthesizing people from DNA. But the idea of a symbiotic relationship between computers and people both with highs levels of intelligence (whatever that is) is not that far fetched. Klaus Brunnstein's claim: "In my analysis, it is this kind of misconceptions that are an esssential reason for contemporary computer accidents - misconceptions of scientists (uncritically following paradigms and unverified assumptions), top- and medium-level-misconceptions, misimplementations, misunderstandings on the users' side, conscious use of side effects and other misuse..." seems to trivialize real issues in systems design and engineering. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Mar 91 19:44:35 GMT From: (Kian-Tat Lim) Subject: Re: Telephone risks revisited (RISKS-11.27) I'm sure many people will point out the similarity of this scenario to that in John Brunner's 'The Shockwave Rider'. Kian-Tat Lim (, KTL @ CITCHEM.BITNET, GEnie: K.LIM1) [Actually noone else did, but I am always amused at how many of our current risks were in some way anticipated by Brunner. PGN] ------------------------------ Date: 12 Mar 91 21:12:58 GMT From: (The Polymath) Subject: Re: Pilot Error - an impartial assessment? (RISKS-11.) Twenty-some years ago, when I worked for the L.A. County Engineer, Aviation Division, I got FAA accident reports across my desk almost daily. Without doing any statistical analysis, one relationship seemed to stand out: If the pilot's dead, it's his fault. Plus ca change ... Jerry Hollombe, Citicorp, 3100 Ocean Park Blvd., Santa Monica, CA 90405 (213) 450-9111, x2483 {rutgers|pyramid|philabs|psivax}!ttidca!hollombe ------------------------------ Date: 19 Mar 91 02:30:35 GMT From: (The Polymath) Subject: Re: Drawing correct conclusions from Miami NTSB report (RISKS-11.29) While the analysis of danorman@UCSD.EDU (Donald A Norman-UCSD Cog Sci Dept) is probably true in the broadest sense, I can give a single "reason" for the accident: The need to have an o-ring in the first place. Had the plugs been designed to not require an o-ring, the accident wouldn't have happened. Is such a design reasonable? Very much so. The Boeing 727 is designed to operate without gaskets or o-rings. All joints where you would expect such are simple metal to metal (or so I was taught in mechanic's school, some 22 years ago. I admit I've never actually been that intimate with a 727). The unfortunate fact is, it's cheaper to build and maintain a design requiring gaskets and o-rings. The acceptable tolerances are much looser. Possible moral: You get what you pay for. Jerry Hollombe, Citicorp, 3100 Ocean Park Blvd., Santa Monica, CA 90405 (213) 450-9111, x2483 {rutgers|pyramid|philabs|psivax}!ttidca!hollombe ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 Mar 91 07:37:30 -0800 From: Nancy Leveson Subject: Re: "What the Laws Enforce" The analogy here is not a good one. A more reasonable analogy is someone breaking into your home or business and perusing your personal files. "Breaking and Entering" IS a felony. After the Morris attack that precipitated this discussion, I lost three days of work because the computers had to be turned off and "cleansed." I don't consider that the equivalent of picking flowers on my lawn but of someone breaking into my home, trashing the place, and making it unlivable until I spend three days away from work cleaning it up. Considering the number of lives and careers nationwide that were disrupted, it is not unreasonable that this was highly publicized or that our society would want to strongly discourage such behavior by making it a crime and not a misdemeanor. Although such laws may not discourage true criminal behavior, they do discourage potentially destructive "play" by essentially law-abiding people. In fact, personal and business privacy and property is extremely important in a complex, crowded society such as ours. Many science fiction horror stories about future societies involve the invasion of personal privacy -- whether it is by the government or my fellow citizens matters little to me. A society that values my privacy less than the curiousity of others about my personal property is not a pleasant one to consider. And yes, there are serious and important societal costs involved. Right now, I am being hampered in my attempts to work on an important system that may save lives (or cost them if done wrong) because a company with which I need to deal has had to severely restrict outside computer access because of security fears. Draconian security measures to prevent frivolous access and pranks (in situations where it would not otherwise be necessary because there is nothing of value to steal) will hurt us all and cost our society untold dollars and perhaps worse. What about the kids who broke into the Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and fooled around with the patient records, changing some as a result? It would be surprising to me that readers of Risks that value privacy highly would consider invasion of privacy a misdemeanor on the same level as walking on the grass. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 Mar 91 19:50:21 EST From: ndallen@contact.UUCP (Nigel Allen) Subject: Telecommunications Risks Many telecommunications-related risks discussed here might also be of interest to readers of the Telecom Digest, which is distributed within Usenet as the comp.dcom.telecom newsgroup. If you would like to submit a telecommunications-related article to the Telecom Digest, send it to If you have access to Usenet newsgroups, you can read the Telecom Digest as the comp.dcom.telecom newsgroup; if not, you can be added to the mailing list by sending a message to I'm not the moderator of the Telecom Digest; Patrick Townson is. [Occasionally someone kindly forwards RISKS-relevant TELECOM stuff to me, and Patrick sometimes picks up RISKS stuff. I'm not sure he is prepared to handle the enormous volume of TELECOM RISKS that I am currently experiencing, but for those of you who also are reading TELECOM, that might be a better place for some of the more detailed stuff. However, RISKS cuts across all disciplines and technologies, and I think it is important that its perspective be as inclusive as possible -- precisely because the risks themselves transcend artificial boundaries and because the lessons to be learned do also. Thanks, Nigel. Peter] ------------------------------ End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 11.31 ************************