Subject: RISKS DIGEST 10.34 REPLY-TO: RISKS-LIST: RISKS-FORUM Digest Saturday 8 September 1990 Volume 10 : Issue 34 FORUM ON RISKS TO THE PUBLIC IN COMPUTERS AND RELATED SYSTEMS ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy, Peter G. Neumann, moderator Contents: Risks of shutdown? (PGN) French prisoners use "smart cards" (Robert Nagler) Instrument Software failure in BAe aircraft (Sean) BMW's 'autopilot' (Michael Snyder) Re: "wild failure modes" in analog systems (Henry Spencer) Re: Dealing with software complexity (Martin Minow) Re: Software bugs "stay fixed"? (Robert L. Smith) Re: Computers and Safety (John (J.G.) Mainwaring) Re: Object Code Copyright Implications (Dan Bernstein, Randall Davis) Re: Accidental Disclosure of non-published phone numbers (Jeff Johnson) RISKS Forum is moderated. Contributions should be relevant, sound, in good taste, objective, coherent, concise, and nonrepetitious. Diversity is welcome. CONTRIBUTIONS to RISKS@CSL.SRI.COM, with relevant, substantive "Subject:" line (otherwise they may be ignored). REQUESTS to RISKS-Request@CSL.SRI.COM. TO FTP VOL i ISSUE j: ftp CRVAX.sri.comlogin anonymousAnyNonNullPW cd sys$user2:[risks]GET RISKS-i.j ; j is TWO digits. Vol summaries in risks-i.00 (j=0); "dir risks-*.*" gives directory listing of back issues. ALL CONTRIBUTIONS ARE CONSIDERED AS PERSONAL COMMENTS; USUAL DISCLAIMERS APPLY. The most relevant contributions may appear in the RISKS section of regular issues of ACM SIGSOFT's SOFTWARE ENGINEERING NOTES, unless you state otherwise. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 8 Sep 1990 12:49:01 PDT From: "Peter G. Neumann" Subject: Risks of shutdown? In August 1989 the town of Tisbury, Massachusetts, signed a $113,000 contract for a computer system, but a town meeting in October nixed the deal. The vendor refused to take the system back, and sued the town. The town left the CPU and printer plugged in, because they were uncertain whether just pulling the plug would cause any damage, and because they did not know the "secret password". Finally, this August the vendor agreed that if the town would negotiate, they would divulge the password to the town consultant, Eric Ostrum, who could then shut down the system. While the attorneys were negotiating, the consultant read the manual instructions, got the system to answer "Do you want to shut down the system?", and typed "yes". Then, the system shut itself down, with no password required! So he called the town's attorney and told him not to bother to negotiate for the vendor assistance. [Source: An article by Rachel Orr in the Vineyard Gazette, 28 August 1990.] [MORAL: The next time you want to hot-dog a vendor, let Ostrum hire weenies.] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 8 Sep 90 18:41:10 +0200 From: nagler@olsen.UUCP (Robert Nagler) Subject: French prisoners use "smart cards" Prison `a la carte", The Economist, 8 Sep 1990, p 33: "Barely had the first miscreants arrived at France's newest prison, at Neuvic in the Dordogne, than they started a riot. Keen though the appetite of French prisoners is for insurrection, their protest did not result from force of habit. The inmates of the ultra-modern jail had taken unkindly to exactly the measures designed to make their lives more bearable. "In particular they objected to being locked up by computers. Neuvic, which opened two months ago and is still filling up, is a technological strongbox containing the best ideas the penal service has so far come up with. Every prisoner carries a personalised ``smart card'', which must be used to enter or leave any part of the prison. The cards tell the central computer where all the prisoners are, [or at least where their cards are :-] all the time, and make the constant vigil of warders unnecessary. "In other words, the prisoners inform the security system. It was hoped this might give them a satisfying sense of responsibility, but the signs are not promising. Inmates liken the jail to a computerised warehouse where they are stored as goods. For example, if a man is a minute late for breakfast, he cannot get out of his cell: the smart card works only to pre-programmed times. The convicts also complain of prices in the prison shop that are 20% higher than in other jails; cynics point out that Neuvic is being experimentally run by private enterprise." [After recently having been robbed in the south of France, I have absolutely no sympathy.--RJN] [Excerpted by PGN, who thought it must have been a smarte garde.] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 8 Sep 90 13:19:49 BST From: Subject: Instrument Software failure in BAe aircraft >From The Guardian, September 8, 1990, page 2, column 7 Serious Failure' on BA planes (Patrick Donovan, Transport editor) Instrument Panels on three British Airways aircraft `crashed' on eleven occasions shortly after take-off or landing because of computer software faults, according to Company Documents. The problems occured on short-haul European and domestic flights by three of the airline's British Aerospace Advanced Turbo Prop aircraft in a period between July 9 and August 20 last year. Special restrictions were imposed on the 64-seater aircraft by the Civil Aviation Authority because of the problems. BA was told that pilots must be in their seats when the aircraft flew below 5,000 feet in case emergency action was needed. Takeoff and landing was restricted to a minimum of 1,000 metres visibility, the documents say. Two of the aircraft affected continued flying although they had experienced failure of `captain's and co-pilots primary displays' twice in one day. One of the aircraft, call sign G-BTPJ, suffered instrument failure five times on fights between Belfast, Manchester, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Bremen, Berlin and Manchester [sic]. Pilots were alerted by the caption `I/O Fail' flashing onto a blank screen. Aircrew managed to restore instrument readings after following emergency technical procedures, the papers say. A BA spokeswoman said last night that the problems had been rectified. She said that safety was not compromised as backup systems were available despite loss of `primary instrument panels'. However, the BA document described the problems as being of a `serious nature'. According to the papers the `cause of the failures was due to a design shortfall' in instruments made by Smiths Industries. `Three incidents involved failure of all four displays which required the aircraft to be flown using the standby instruments until the displays were restored. All the failures reported occured during the initial climb, or climb phase with the exception of one incident which occured during the approach.' The documents also explain how BA is developing a `totally new code of practice for dealing with major accidents'. The report, circulated amoung BA operational staff, says: `it is an inevitable fact of life that pilots, engineers, operational personnel, indeed everyone involved in the operation of aircraft will from time to time make professional errors. Some of these mistakes may result in an incident.' Captain Colin Seaman, BA's head of safety, urges staff to be frank about accidents. `No matter what temptation there is after an accident to be economical with the truth when rationalising it with hindsight, please remember it would be unforgivable if, by not revealing the facts or the complete truth, a similar incident became an unavoidable accident.' [What a wonderful sentence! Reminds me of my favorite legal phrase, "Nothing in the foregoing to the contrary notwithstanding, ..." PGN] ------------------------------ Date: 05 Sep 90 17:42:04 EDT From: Subject: BMW's 'autopilot' In regard to BMW's "Heading Control System", my understanding (based solely on hearsay) is that the guidance system provides more of a gentle nudge than an irresistable shove when it thinks the car is approaching a lane divider line. Thus, it should not be difficult to leave the lane on purpose, either to pass or to get out of danger. However, has anyone thought of a more distressing problem? I refer you to countless "Roadrunner" cartoons. Picture a nice shiny white line leading directly into the side of a mountain... Michael Snyder, Compuserve ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 7 Sep 90 14:27:22 EDT From: Subject: Re: "wild failure modes" in analog systems >... we would never attempt to build systems of the complexity >of our current digital systems if we had only analogue engineering to rely on. Unfortunately, this is not entirely true. Very complex analog systems were not at all unknown in pre-digital days. Concorde's engine computers are analog circuitry, which makes them a maintenance nightmare by modern standards -- each setting interacts with others, so readjusting them is a lengthy and difficult chore. (It is not worth developing a digital replacement for such a small number of aircraft.) For another example, I believe the US Navy's four ex-WWII battleships are still using their original *mechanical* analog fire-control computers. For still another, although the recent fuss about fly-by-wire systems for aircraft has focused mostly on digital versions, analog fly-by-wire systems were not at all unknown: Avro Canada's Arrow interceptor was flying at Mach 2 with analog fly-by-wire in 1958. Certain jobs simply require complex systems, and will be done one way or another. It is probably true that digital implementations make it easier to add *unnecessary* complexity, but they also make it easier to do a better and (potentially) more foolproof job on the basics. This argument has many parallels to the old ones about whether word processors lead to poorer writing, or whether 16-bit address spaces forced better programming. Analog circuitry does encourage simplicity, yes... by making design, testing, and maintenance of even simple systems more difficult. This is not necessarily a virtue. Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology utzoo!henry ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 7 Sep 90 13:12:24 PDT From: "Martin Minow, ML3-5/U26 07-Sep-1990 1555" Subject: Re: Dealing with software complexity Several Risks postings have discussed system complexity and whether "risks" are affected by, say, using analog components or finite-state automata. One advantage to putting parts of the system into an analog component is that it separates the problem into isolated (and smaller) units that can be implemented and tested independently. The benefits of isolation might outweigh the disadvantages of analog designs. Of course, such a system could also be built out of all-digital components with a/d and d/a convertors at the final stages. Much the same can be said for finite-state automata. Hand-encoded automata offer a good development methodology for many problems as it is simple to know when all state/action pairs are covered. On the other hand, finite-state automata generated by compilers (such as Unix' lex and yacc) can be fiendishly difficult to hand-check as the "intelligence" is distributed among a number of extremely obscure tables. (In passing, I would make the same complaint about object-oriented programming techniques.) Martin Minow [At least you were not CoOOPTed by a lex barker. PGN] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 7 Sep 90 21:17:40 -0400 From: Robert L. Smith Subject: Re: Software bugs "stay fixed"? Mr. Thomas implies that it is impossible to be certain, other than by nonrecurrence, that a nontrivial software bug is fixed. My experience indicates otherwise. Just last week I was faced with misbehavior in a new program to analyze tablet input, where the analysis depended upon prior selection of an input sequence two or more PELs apart on either coordinate. But close examination revealed that points were occasionally being selected in adjacent PELs. This could occur because, having selected a point, instead of using that point as the basis for succeeding comparisons, the program chose the next following point. The fix was easy -- as it happened by removing a line from the program -- and the misbehavior was eliminated. This is my point: I am as certain as a man can be that the noted misbehavior will never recur in that program for that reason, and I don't have to run it five years to convince myself, either. Over the years I've tackled thousands of software bugs and noted that they divide into two fundamental classes: those that I hoped I'd fixed and those that I knew I'd fixed. I've seldom been wrong about the latter but often about the former. In retrospect in seems to me that all of the latter were in code that I'd written myself. Maybe Mr. Thomas's "software rot" would be less evident if the original writers were held responsible for quality throughout the life of the code. Maybe that's where we ought to have a law! Properly maintained software -- by the original writers -- asymptotically over time approaches faultlessness of execution and design. The reason for this is that truly fixed bugs stay fixed. Of all control logic media, only software exhibits this characteristic. That is, when we let it. In practice we never let that approach continue for very long before all must be redone to fit the next generation of hardware. rLs ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 7 Sep 90 15:42:00 EDT From: John (J.G.) Mainwaring Subject: Re: Computers and Safety In his otherwise well rounded summary in RISKS-10.32 of the computers, complexity and safety discussion, Bill Murray raises the question of GOTOs, admitting that it will probably be a red rag to someone. I happen to be feel bullish on GOTOs at the moment, so here goes. I don't for one minute dispute Dijkstra's original thesis that GOTOs can be replaced by other control structures, and they allow the creation of programming monstrosities. Deeply nested IF/THEN/ELSE and loop constructs are also error prone. In C (which many people mistakenly believe to be a programming language), BREAK is probably a worse time bomb than GOTO as programs are maintained and modified, because the target of the branch is not explicit. Of course BREAK and also RETURN from the middle of a subroutine are actually forms of GOTO. Before using any of them, it's worth examining the whole page to see if the flow of control can be improved. However, some strategies such as introducing new control variables may increase complexity of the program rather than reducing it. There is a parallel with the attitude of British Rail to safety as quoted by Brian Randell in Risks-10.31: if the machine is built not to fail, you don't have to worry about the operator. Of course programming languages should be designed to avoid as many programmer pitfalls as possible. GOTO is a dubious construct. So are razors, but many people use them every day. Changes in design, caution in use, and readily available bandaids make them an acceptable risk to society. If we want safer computer software, we will have to concentrate on formation of programmers. You can train people to keep their fingers away from the pointed end of a chisel and not to drive screws with it, but it takes years to develop a cabinet maker. Likewise, you can train people what to do or not to do in a language that provides GOTO, but to get good software for safety critical applications requires the development of a body of people familiar with both the application and software technology. Of course improved software technology will help too. A cautionary example would be the design of bridges. We now have much better methods for designing bridges than we did in the nineteenth century. Bridges don't fall down nearly as often as they used to. Nevertheless, people were willing to use bridges then, and they still occasionally get killed using them now. We should remember that the design of a bridge is an abstraction, just like a computer program. Society has learned a good deal about managing the life cycle of the bridge abstraction and the artifact derived from it. We will learn more about using computers safely over the next few lifetimes. In the meantime, perhaps the most useful function those of us who work with computers can perform, apart from maintaining high standards in our individual endeavors, is to continue to urge caution on those who, with less understanding, have become entranced with the possibilites. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 6 Sep 90 02:27:44 GMT From: brnstnd@KRAMDEN.ACF.NYU.EDU (Dan Bernstein) Subject: Re: Object Code Copyright Implications Three further comments on reverse engineering: 1. Decompilation isn't necessary for cloning; I don't think that a good programmer gets anything useful out of decompilation anyway. So a law prohibiting reverse engineering may not have much commercial effect. (It's a shame that economic concerns demand object-only distribution.) 2. Decompilation can be very useful in, e.g., figuring out the inner workings of a virus as quickly as possible. So a law prohibiting reverse engineering may add new risks to an already dangerous world. 3. Current copyright laws have special exemptions for each different case of computer translation. A general rule like ``It is fair use to apply a translation to a copyrighted work for personal use if the translation may be defined precisely and axiomatically'' would embrace both compilation and decompilation. It would also be in the spirit of recently expressed sentiments on the unpatentability of software---and, unfortunately, nearly as contrary to current practice. ---Dan ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 5 Sep 90 18:01:32 edt From: (Randall Davis) Subject: Object Code Copyright Implications (Biddle, RISKS-10.24) > 1) If object code is copyrightable, what *exactly* is it that is subject > to the copyright? Magnetic patterns? Ones and Zeros? Source code? Copyright covers the way information is expressed and in this case the key to expression is any binary alphabet (for which 1's and 0's are merely conventional notation). The only thing important about the magnetic patterns of course is that there are two of them. So it is in fact that particular collection of 1's and 0's (or up's and down's or left's and right's...) that is copyright. The same thing is true of text: it's the expression (the way information is conveyed) that's copyright, not the shape of the letters nor the alphabet that's used (using a different type font or a foreign alphabet won't change anything important as far as copyright is concerned.) > Most importantly, these people seem to be arguing that if you have (legally) > an object-code program protected by copyright, and even though you *do* have > the "fair use" right to execute the program, you may *not* have the right to > inspect the program itself by disassembling or reverse compilation, to > determine how it may work in future circumstances. > ... of course programs may be protected by other legal mechanisms which > are not addressed here. But copyright is usually the minimum. Copyright law (in the US and probably elsewhere) is currently unclear on the subject of reverse engineering: different lawyers argue it in different directions and the recent Lotus case stemmed in part from the uncertainty surrounding reverse engineering. Hence in practice copyright is not invoked to deal with it: contract law is. Most code is sold under the explicit agreement that it will not be reverse engineered. You agree to that under most shrink wrap contracts. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 05 Sep 90 10:13:01 PDT From: Jeff Johnson Subject: Re: Accidental Disclosure of non-published phone numbers In RISKS DIGEST 10.29, Peter Jones provided an excerpt from a Bell Canada mailing that warned that, when calls are billed to other than the calling phone (i.e., collect calls), the calling number is given to the billed number. The mailing stated that "this is necessary because the customer being billed must be able to verify whether or not he or she is responsible for the charge." While I agree with this practice, I question the use of the words "necessary" and "must". What sounds like a logical requirement is in fact merely a practice of North American culture. I don't think it is common worldwide. In particular, as I recall from living in West Germany, residential phone bills there are completely unitemized, they simply say: "Pay this amount." If you think your bill is out of line, you dispute it, and the (govt. run) phone company double-checks for you. Not a great system from my (American) point of view, but it proves that is merely a matter of managing people's expectations, rather than a question of necessity and requirement. JJ ------------------------------ End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 10.34 ************************