Subject: RISKS DIGEST 10.29 REPLY-TO: RISKS-LIST: RISKS-FORUM Digest Saturday 1 September 1990 Volume 10 : Issue 29 FORUM ON RISKS TO THE PUBLIC IN COMPUTERS AND RELATED SYSTEMS ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy, Peter G. Neumann, moderator Contents: What is "safety-critical"? (Nancy Leveson) Re: Computer Unreliability and Social Vulnerability (David Gillespie) Risks of selling/buying used computers (Fernando Pereira) Accidental disclosure of non-published telephone number (Peter Jones) The RISKS Forum is moderated. Contributions should be relevant, sound, in good taste, objective, coherent, concise, and nonrepetitious. Diversity is welcome. CONTRIBUTIONS to RISKS@CSL.SRI.COM, with relevant, substantive "Subject:" line (otherwise they may be ignored). REQUESTS to RISKS-Request@CSL.SRI.COM. TO FTP VOL i ISSUE j: ftp CRVAX.sri.comlogin anonymousAnyNonNullPW cd sys$user2:[risks]GET RISKS-i.j ; j is TWO digits. Vol summaries in risks-i.00 (j=0); "dir risks-*.*" gives directory listing of back issues. ALL CONTRIBUTIONS ARE CONSIDERED AS PERSONAL COMMENTS; USUAL DISCLAIMERS APPLY. The most relevant contributions may appear in the RISKS section of regular issues of ACM SIGSOFT's SOFTWARE ENGINEERING NOTES, unless you state otherwise. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 31 Aug 90 18:08:40 -0700 From: Nancy Leveson Subject: What is "safety-critical"? Reply-To: nancy@ics.UCI.EDU RISKS-10.28 was certainly provocative. I do not want to enter into the basic argument, but I would like to comment on a couple of statements that appear incorrect to me. Peter Mellor writes: >Safety-*related*, I would say, but not safety-*critical*. The usual >definition of safety-critical is that a system failure results in >catastrophe. System safety engineers in the textbooks I have read do not define "safety-critical" in terms of catastrophic failure. They use "hazards" and the ability to contribute to a hazard. A safety-critical system or subsystem is one that can contribute to the system getting into a hazardous state. There are very good reasons for this, which I will attempt to explain. Accidents do not usually have single causes -- most are multi-factorial. We usually eliminate the simpler accident potentials from our systems which only leaves multi-failure accidents. The basic system safety goal is to eliminate all single-point failures that could lead to unacceptable consequences and minimize the probability of accidents caused by multi-point failures. Using Pete`s definition, there are almost NO systems that are safety critical including nuclear power plant and air traffic control systems because we rarely build these systems so that a single failure of a single component can lead to an accident. That the failure of the whole nuclear power plant or air traffic "system" is an accident is tautological -- what we are really talking about are failures of components or subsystems of these larger "systems" like the control components or the simulators (in this case). The term "safety-related" seems unfortunate to me because it is too vague to be defined. Some U.S. standards talk about "first-level interfaces" (actions can directly contribute to a system hazard) or "second-level" (actions can adversely affect the operation of another component that can directly contribute to a hazard). Another way of handling this is to talk about likelihood of contributing to a hazard -- with the longer chains having a lower likelihood. But I would consider them all safety-critical if their behavior can contribute to a hazard -- it is only the magnitude of the risk that differs. I have a feeling that the term "safety-related" is often used to abdicate or lessen responsibility. There is a very practical reason for using hazards (states which in combination with particular environmental conditions have an unacceptable risk of leading to an accident). In most complex systems, the designer has no control over many of the conditions that could lead to an accident. For example, air traffic control hazards are stated in terms of minimum separation between aircraft (or near misses) rather than in terms of eliminating collisions (which, of course, is the ultimate goal). The reason is that whether a collision occurs depends not only on close proximity of the aircraft but also partly on pilot alertness, luck, weather, and a lot of other things that are not under the control of the designer of the system. So what can the designer do to reduce risk? She can control only the proximity hazard and that is what she does, i.e., assumes that the environment is in the worst plausible conditions (bad weather, pilot daydreaming) and attempts to keep the planes separated by at least 500 feet (or whatever, the exact requirements depend on the circumstances). When assessing the risk of the air traffic control system, the likelihood of the hazard, i.e., violation of minimum separation standards, is assessed, not the likelihood of an ATC-caused accident. When one later does a complete system safety assessment, the risk involved in this hazard along with the risk of the other contributory factors are combined into the risk of a collision. Why does this push my hot button? Well, I cannot tell you how many times I have been told that X system is not safety-critical because it's failure will not cause an accident. For example, a man from MITRE and the FAA argued with me that the U.S. air traffic control software is not safety critical (and therefore does not require any special treatment) because there is no possible failure of the software that could cause an accident. They argued that the software merely gives information to the controller who is the one who gives the pilot directions. If the software provides the wrong information to the controller, well there was always the chance that the controller or the pilot could have determined that it was wrong somehow. But an ATC software failure does not necessarily result in a catastrophe so it is not safety critical (as defined above). Perhaps this argument appeals to you, but as a person who flies a lot, I am not thrilled by it. As I said, this argument can be applied to EVERY system and thus, by the above definition, NO systems are safety-critical. Again, there may be disagreement, but I think the argument has been pushed to its absurd limit in commercial avionic software. The argument has been made by some to the FAA (and it is in DO-178A and will probably be in D0-178B) that reduction in criticality of software be allowed on the basis of the use of a protective device. That is, if you put in a backup system for autoland software, then the autoland system itself is not safety critical and need not be as thoroughly tested. (One could argue similarly that the backup system is also not safety-critical since it's failure alone will not cause an accident -- both of them must fail -- and therefore neither needs to be tested thoroughly. This argument is fine when you can accurately access reliability and thus can accurately combine the probabilities. But we have no measures for software reliability that provide adequate confidence at the levels required, as Pete says). The major reason for some to support allowing this reduction is that they want to argue that the use of n-version software reduces the criticality of the function provided by that software (none of the versions is safety critical because a failure in one alone will not lead to an accident) and therefore required testing and other quality assurance procedures for the software can be reduced. >With a safety-critical airborne system, we are certifying that it has >a certain maximum probability of crashing the aircraft. Actually, you are more likely to be certifying that it will not get into (or has a maximum probability of getting into) a hazardous state from which the pilot or a backup system cannot recover or has an unacceptably low probability of recovering. The distinction is subtle, but important as I argued above. Few airborn systems have the capacity to crash the aircraft by themselves (although we are heading in this direction and some do exist -- which violates basic system safety design principles). >RTCA/DO-178A ('Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment >Certification') does *not* define any reliability figures. It is merely a >set of guidelines defining quality assurance practices for software. >Regulatory approval depends upon the developer supplying certain documents >(e.g., software test plan, procedures and results) to show that the >guidelines have been followed. There is currently an effort to produce a DO-178B. This will go farther than 178A does. For one thing, it is likely to include the use of formal methods. Second, it will almost certainly require hazard-analysis procedures. If anyone is interested in attending these meetings and participating, they are open to the public and to all nationalities. >From Pete Mellor's description of the Forrester and Morrison article: >This is likely to change following the publication of the draft defence >standard 00-55 by the MoD in the UK in May 1989. The DoD in the US are >not doing anything similar, though the International Civil Aviation >Organisation is planning to go to formal methods. Depends on what you mean by similar. The DoD, in Mil-Std-882B (System Safety) has required formal analysis of software safety since the early 80s. MoD draft defense standard 00-56 requires less than the equivalent DoD standard. There has been a DoD standard called "Software Nuclear Safety" that has been in force for nuclear systems for about 4-5 years. And there are other standards requiring software safety analysis (e.g., for Air Force missile systems) that were supplanted by 882B. 882B is likely to be replaced by 882C soon -- and the accompanying handbooks, etc. do mention the use of formal methods to accomplish the software safety analysis tasks. nancy ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 31 Aug 90 21:41:05 -0700 From: (David Gillespie) Subject: Re: Computer Unreliability and Social Vulnerability I think one point that a lot of people have been glossing over is that in a very real sense, computers themselves are *not* the danger in large, safety-critical systems. The danger is in the complexity of the system itself. Forester and Morrison propose to ban computers from life-critical systems, citing air-traffic control systems as one example. But it seems to me that air-traffic control is an inherently complicated problem; if we switched to networks of relays, humans with spotting glasses, or anything else, ATC would still be complex and would still be prone to errors beyond our abilities to prevent. Perhaps long ago ATC was done reliably with no automation, but there were a lot fewer planes in the air back then. If it was safe with humans, it probably would have been safe with computers, too. As our ATC systems became more ambitious, we switched to computers precisely because humans are even less reliable in overwhelmingly large systems than computers are. The same can be said of large banking software, early-warning systems, and so on. There's no question that computers leave much to be desired, or that we desperately need to find better ways to write reliable software, but as long as the problems we try to solve are huge and intricate, the bugs in our solutions will be many and intricate. Rather than banning computers, we should be learning how to use them without biting off more than we can chew. -- Dave ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 1 Sep 90 14:27:27 EDT From: Subject: Risks of selling/buying used computers Reply-To: A 8/31/90 Associated Press newswire story by AP writer Rob Wells, entitled ``Sealed Indictments Accidentally Sold as Computer Surplus,'' describes how confidential files from a federal prosecutor in Lexington, KY, were left on the disks of a broken computer sold for $45 to a dealer in government surplus equipment. The files included information about informants, protected witnesses, sealed federal indictments and personal data on employees at the prosecutor's office. The Justice Department is suing the equipment dealer to return the computer and storage media and reveal who bought the equipment and who had access to the files. The government claims that a technician for the computer's manufacturer tried to erase the files, but since the machine was broken he could not do it with the normal commands, and had instead to rely on what the AP calls a ``magnetic probe'' (a degausser?) which apparently wasn't strong enough to to the job. The dealer complains that the FBI treated him rudely and tried to search his premises without a warrant; the Justice Department argues that the dealer hasn't been helpful and could get at the files. The dealer denies he has done so. Fernando Pereira, 2D-447, AT&T Bell Laboratories, 600 Mountain Ave, Murray Hill, NJ 07974 [One of the earlier classics was related in RISKS-3.48, 2 Sep 86: "Air Force puts secrets up for sale", in which thousands of tapes containing Secret information on launch times, aircraft tests, vehicles, etc., were auctioned off without having been deGaussed. PGN] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 31 Aug 90 16:27:12 EDT From: Peter Jones Subject: Accidental disclosure of non-published telephone number The following appeared on a recent mailout from the Bell Canada telephone company. It's probably about time to repeat this warning, even if it has already appeared on the list: "If you have a non-published telephone number, please keep in mind that if someone else uses your phone to make a collect call or to charge a call to another number, your number will appear on the statement of the person billed for the call. This is necessary because the customer being billed must be able to verify whether or not he or she is responsible for the charge." Peter Jones UUCP: ...psuvax1!uqam.bitnet!maint (514)-987-3542 Internet: ------------------------------ End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 10.29 ************************