Subject: RISKS DIGEST 10.09 REPLY-TO: RISKS-LIST: RISKS-FORUM Digest Friday 15 June 1990 Volume 10 : Issue 09 FORUM ON RISKS TO THE PUBLIC IN COMPUTERS AND RELATED SYSTEMS ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy, Peter G. Neumann, moderator Contents: Slovenly Russian Air Defense (again) (Robert Nagler) UK Hacker Goes To Jail (Anthony Appleyard ... via Robert E. Van Cleef) Programmable parking meters (Kee Hinckley) Re: New computerized scoring system fails during Indy 500 (Dave Horsfall) Re: Caller ID for dealing with anonymous callers (Marc Shannon) Re: Liz Taylor and ``secret codes'' (Randal Schwartz) EEC ITSEC adresses (Klaus Brunnstein) I APOLOGIZE (Danny Cohen) The RISKS Forum is moderated. Contributions should be relevant, sound, in good taste, objective, coherent, concise, and nonrepetitious. Diversity is welcome. CONTRIBUTIONS to RISKS@CSL.SRI.COM, with relevant, substantive "Subject:" line (otherwise they may be ignored). REQUESTS to RISKS-Request@CSL.SRI.COM. TO FTP VOL i ISSUE j: ftp CRVAX.sri.comlogin anonymousAnyNonNullPW cd sys$user2:[risks]GET RISKS-i.j ; j is TWO digits. Vol summaries in risks-i.00 (j=0); "dir risks-*.*" gets you directory listing of back issues. ALL CONTRIBUTIONS ARE CONSIDERED AS PERSONAL COMMENTS; USUAL DISCLAIMERS APPLY. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 15 Jun 90 10:47:46 +0200 From: nagler@olsen.UUCP (Robert Nagler) Subject: Slovenly Russian Air Defense (again) Rust Imitator Flew Flowers to the Black Sea By Elfie Siegl, Moscow - Reported in Tages Anzeiger, Zurich - 13Jun90 For the second time after Mathias Rust's landing on Red Square, a West German amateur pilot flew illegally into the Soviet Union with his private plane. As reported by the union newspaper "Trud", an unknown FRG citizen landed last Saturday [9Jun90] between 4 and 5pm at an airport in the Black Sea health resort, Batumi. He got out and distributed flowers, business cards, and leaflets which called for support of Gorbachov and of "perestroika". The Air Force Staff merely told Trud that many questions needed to be clarified. The press release of the Air Force Staff stated that such a small airplane "simply couldn't be noticed". The pilot flew over Turkey towards the Soviet border south of Batumi, then under the radar control of the air force, and landed at the civilian airport in Batumi. [I have three questions. Was this reported elsewhere? The Tages Anzeiger is not a rag. Secondly, the author states that this is the second time since Rust's famous flight. Who was the first imitator? Lastly, why was this not front page news? Is it to be assumed that any yokel can fly into Russia? Forgive my naivete.] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Jun 90 07:28:23 -0700 From: (Robert E. Van Cleef) Subject: UK Hacker Goes To Jail Posted: Sun, Jun 10, 1990 1:52 PM PDT Msg: SJJA-2888-9119 From: RDAVIS To: MTynan CC: CWoodworth, RCarr Subj: UK Hacker Goes To Jail Date: Fri, 08 Jun 90 09:10:12 +0100 From: Anthony Appleyard Subject: First jailed UK computer hacker >From a UK newspaper called 'The Daily Telegraph', Friday 8 June 1990:- ['Mad Hacker' jailed for computer war] A computer operator who called himself "The Mad Hacker" became the first in Britain to be jailed for the offence yesterday. Nicholas Whiteley, 21, of Enfield, north London, was sentenced to 4 months with a further 8 months suspended for criminally damaging computer disks and wreaking havoc on university systems. Whiteley, who, it was said, was driven by a desire top become Britain's top hacker, wept in the dock and held his hands to his face as he walked to the cells to begin his sentence. Judge Geoffrey Rivlin, QC, described him as "very malicious and arrogant", and told him: "Anyone minded to behave in this way must be deterred from doing so.". Whiteley declared war on computer experts, using a computer in his bedroom to swamp university computers with masses of useless material including threats and boasts about his brilliance. One said: "Don't mess with me because I am extremely nutty.". He was found guilty last month of 4 charges of causing damage to magnetic disks in mainframe computers at the universities of London, Bath, and Hull. The judge said some of the computers stored important and confidential data relating to medical and scientific research. #...................................................................... {A.Appleyard} (email: APPLEYARD@UK.AC.UMIST), Fri, 08 Jun 90 08:58:20 BST ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Jun 90 01:53:27 EDT From: (Kee Hinckley) Subject: Programmable parking meters According to the NYT Westwood Village and Reseda, CA are installing digital parking meters which can be reprogrammed (using an infrared beam) when the rates go up. Need I say more? ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 12 Jun 90 12:29:21 est From: Dave Horsfall Subject: Re: New computerized scoring system fails during Indy 500 This reminds me of the time a couple of weeks ago when I was taking part in a car rally, providing communications support. I was amused to hear some of the traffic being passed just after the race started, to do with two sets of fancy digital clocks that provided the elapsed times. It would appear that one of the clocks advanced itself by three minutes, as a result of nearby UHF CB activity from the race marshalls. It did not seem possible (or perhaps legal) to alter the errant clock, so from there on the time had to be adjusted manually before being reported. Since the average lap time was about one minute such a failure was obvious, but had the course been much longer then errors could easily have crept in. Dave Horsfall (VK2KFU) Alcatel STC Australia ...munnari!!dave ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 12 Jun 90 21:39 EST From: Marc Shannon Subject: Re: Caller ID for dealing with anonymous callers (RISKS-10.08) From what I understand, Caller ID *cannot* be used to report crank phone calls. It is simply provided (in some areas - Pennsylvania's legislature has ruled that Caller ID is an invasion of privacy) as a convenience. In order to legally report the phone number of a crank call without prior tracing arrangements with Bell's Nuisance Call Group, one needs to use the Call Trace function which reports the caller's phone number to Bell while keeping the number secure from the call's recipient. The only thing I couldn't understand is that it seems that the ability to "Call Trace" is an optional service (costing ~$1.50/month). I would imagine that it would be in the public's better interest to make it available to anyone since one usually cannot anticipate when such a call might be made. (I'd love to report the numbers of these calls that I get telling me that I need to call 976-xxxx RIGHT NOW. I definitely consider these to be a nuisance!) --Marc ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 12 Jun 90 12:17:37 PDT From: (Randal Schwartz) Subject: Re: Liz Taylor and ``secret codes'' (RISKS-10.08) My answering service told its customers in a recent "fact sheet" that the software they run is used at many (over 200?) locations around the US. I pick up my messages by calling a "message-number" and dialing a five digit code. The first four digits are nothing more than my account number (assigned sequentially beginning at 0000), and the last digit is whatever it takes to make the number a multiple of nine (casting out nines)! How simple. It'd be trivial for me to read anyone's messages. In fact, since the mapping from DID number to the account number is fairly easily determined from a few tries (293-[78]XYZ maps into "account" [12]XYZ, for example), I could scan the phone book for rented numbers from this answering service, and scam on just about anyone I felt like. Security. Ha. If this is the same software that's running on hundreds of sites around the country, lots of answering services are very vulnerable. Just another person that doesn't always answer the phone, Randal L. Schwartz, Stonehenge Consulting Services (503)777-0095 ------------------------------ Date: 14 Jun 90 12:44 GMT+0100 From: Klaus Brunnstein Subject: EEC ITSEC adresses As the EEC IT SEcurity Criteria have been constructed from groups in 4 EEC member countries, the paper can be ordered from any of the following adresses: for France: Service Central de la Security des Systemes d'Information Division Information et Systemes 18 Rue du Docteur Zamenhof F-92131 Issy les Moulineaux (apology for missing accents) for Germany: Zentralstelle fuer die Sicherheit der Informationstechnik (ZSI) Am Nippenkreuz 19 D 5300 Bonn 2 for The Netherlands: Netherlands National Comsec Agency Bezuidenhoutseweg 67 P.O. Box 20061 NL 2500 EB The Hague for United Kingdom: Head of UK CLEF Scheme Certification Body CESG Room 2/0805 Fiddlers Green Lane Cheltenham GLOS GL52 5AJ For those interested in the Green book: you may receive a copy (English or German) from ZSI (=German Information Security Agency, GISA), adress above; essential parts of Green Book (esp. the functional classes F1-F5,F6-F10) are also in EEC ITSEC' annex A, while the 'quality classes' Q0-Q7 have been adapted and partly enhanced with ideas from the other countries' criteria catalogs. Klaus Brunnstein University of Hamburg ------------------------------ Date: Fri 15 Jun 90 13:32:51-PDT From: Danny Cohen Subject: I APOLOGIZE In RISKS-10.05 I expressed some "minority opinion" about the article on A320 in Aeronautique, April 1990 (RISKS-10.02). The article that was written by Mr. Bertrand Bonneau and translated to English by Pete Mellor. While taking issue with the original article, I tried to compliment the translation. In trying to do that I made a terrible mistake by refering to Bertrand Bonneau as the "the translator to English". This mistake offended the Pete Mellor to no end, as he expressed in RISK-10.06: "If this is a joke about the translation, it's a bit too subtle for me!" I APOLOGIZE FOR THIS MISTAKE ! [An explanation (not an excuse): After composing my message about the article I looked for the translator's name and misread the line: "Translation of article by Bertrand Bonneau" as if the translation, not article, was by Bertrand Bonneau. I read it as: "Translation (of article) by Bertrand Bonneau" in stead of : "Translation of (article by Bertrand Bonneau)". RISKS readers are kindly asked not to submit contributions about "Risks in Using Languages with Ambiguous Syntax" and not to recommend using LISP as the ultimate solution. In later issues of RISKS several contribution expressed strong disagreements with what I submitted. One of the key points made by them that in this case (unlike many others) as expressed in: >> "The pilot and copilot survived the Mulhouse crash, and immediately >> made statements implicating delays in engine acceleration (Times 27th >> June 1988)". Another point is the rush to judgment motivated by the desire of the French airlines/Industry/Government/etc., not to ground the aircraft. This was expressed in: >> "...the day after the accident, the DGAC announced a preliminary >> conclusion that the pilots, and not the aircraft, were to blame for >> the disaster. According to the French press, details of the flight >> records were given to Aerospatiale, which announced that it had >> confirmation that the aircraft was not at fault in the crash. Several >> days later, the DGAC exonerated the mechanical performance of the >> Airbus. The head of the DGAC, Daniel Tenenbaum, said that if this had >> not been the case, it would have been necessary to ground the A320 >> for tests." >> (And we couldn't have that, now, could we? :-) >> [In fairness, I should add that I have spoken to a number of people >> in the CAA and elsewhere who know a lot about flight certification >> and about the Mulhouse accident in particular, who have assured me >> that it *was* pilot error, but, as always, confidentiality prevented >> them from saying *how* they knew that.] Facts (that took very little time to find after the accident) included that the pilots flew too slow and too low (e.g., as I remember it the pilots submitted plans for 100' and flew at 35'), that due to the high pitch angle the pilots didn't see early enough the terrain into which they flew, and that the pilot disconnected some of the safety systems (some of RISKS readers complained later that it is not safe for an aircraft system to allow manual override and disconnection -- [this was probably submitted by non-pilots]). All of that was confirmed by the FDR. [By the way, it shouldn't take more than just a few hours to read the FDR.] The surviving pilots (from the hospital) complained that it took too long for the engines to regain their power. Many consider the pilots' statement to be too self-serving (what a surprise!). It was the opinion of many (including not only the FAA/NTSB-like organizations but many people even in competing aircraft engine companies) that this delay was well within the normal response of such an engine. Based on the above the aircraft was cleared ("un-grounded"). History didn't prove this decision to be wrong. Danny P.S., About the timeliness of Aircraft Accident investigation reports: The NTSB report about the UAL DC-10 crash at Des Moines, Iowa, on July-19-89, is not out yet (as of June-15-90). ------------------------------ End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 10.09 ************************