Subject: RISKS DIGEST 10.04 REPLY-TO: RISKS-LIST: RISKS-FORUM Digest Monday 4 June 1990 Volume 10 : Issue 04 FORUM ON RISKS TO THE PUBLIC IN COMPUTERS AND RELATED SYSTEMS ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy, Peter G. Neumann, moderator Contents: Swiss Supreme Court sets limit to duration of data storage by police (Werner Uhrig) A U.K. View of Early C3 Systems (C.F. Reynolds) Glass cockpits (A320, etc.) (Henry Spencer) Article on A320 in Aeronautique, April 1990 (Jon Livesey) Boeing 747-400 Autothrottle problems (Martyn Thomas) Equipment failure or human failure? (ark, Julian Gomez) Re: Steve Jackson Games (Jim Harkins) Routing tables for private switches (Simson L. Garfinkel) Risks of Caller Identification (David Lesher) More sendmail woes (PGN) The RISKS Forum is moderated. Contributions should be relevant, sound, in good taste, objective, coherent, concise, and nonrepetitious. Diversity is welcome. CONTRIBUTIONS to RISKS@CSL.SRI.COM, with relevant, substantive "Subject:" line (otherwise they may be ignored). REQUESTS to RISKS-Request@CSL.SRI.COM. TO FTP VOL i ISSUE j: ftp CRVAX.sri.comlogin anonymousAnyNonNullPW cd sys$user2:[risks]GET RISKS-i.j ; j is TWO digits. Vol summaries in risks-i.00 (j=0); "dir risks-*.*" gets you directory listing of back issues. ALL CONTRIBUTIONS ARE CONSIDERED AS PERSONAL COMMENTS; USUAL DISCLAIMERS APPLY. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 3 Jun 1990 7:05:39 CDT From: Werner Uhrig Subject: Swiss Supreme Court sets limit to duration of data storage by police [ the following is extracted/translated from the Swiss press agency ELSA ] Lausanne, June 2 (sda) Police may not keep any unimportant data captured on a fiche or file for longer than five years on any person. Disrespecting this rule shall be considered contrary to the constitutional right of personal freedom and the right of a person to respect of privacy. This basic ruling was published on Saturday by the Swiss Supreme Court. [ Re: unimportant; don't ask me. no further explanation was given.] [ Re: fiche or file; the German words used were "Fiche oder Dossier". I think that they could better have used an expression like "any form of information storage" - and I assume that using more than one word indicates the intended meaning of "any" rather than limiting the appli- cability of the law - but naming just these 2 forms of data storage may, no doubt, lead to some lawyer to bicker over this "detail".] ------------------------------ Date: 3-JUN-1990 00:07:04 From: Subject: A U.K. View of Early C3 Systems I have read Les Earnest's contributions on U.S. experience with interest. In 1970 I found myself employed on Linesman, a massive UK military command and control system. A year later I moved to a nearby university and ended up assessing Master's degree dissertations carried out by "students" working on Linesman. At the time the project was in deep trouble - in that questions were being asked in Parliament because it was clear that things were going wrong. The basic problem was that there was no comprehension of sunk costs. The cheapest, common sense option of scraping the tons of equipment that had become obsolete before it was ever used was politically unacceptable to the Ministry of Defence. To do this they would have to admit their incompetent management of the project. Perhaps they could escape by throwing even more money to try and buy their way out of the trouble they had got themselves into. The civilian contractors were paid on a costs plus basis - and the more money the MOD threw at the project the better. In fact they could make even more by cutting back on secretarial staff and getting expensive professional staff to collate the tons of documents the project "required". Another problem was excessive secrecy - and the "need to know" attitude. For instance, at one time the application design team wanted to know the typical number of Russion bear bombers flying off-shore at any one time. That's too secret to tell you can the reply - until the figure was given on a BBC TV program, having been cleared for public release by a different arm of the Royal Air Force! In fact asking questions was taboo. As a mere minion you did what you were told and no more. I was considered a maverick because I pointed out that the throughput of a particular device would be an order of magnitude less than the design document required. (The design had been based on the maximum hardware timings theoretically possible - and implicitly assumed, for example, that a human could respond to a twin light signal by pressing a heavy duty key in less time than it would take for the filiment in the bulb to cool sufficiently to be visually detectable.) On another occasion I pointed out that programming and systems staff were repeating earlier errors because the results of assessment trials were considered too sensitive to tell them where they had gone wrong. (For this impudence I was was denied an annual increment!) The effect of the quality of staff was interesting. The salaries paid were above the odds - after all the MOD were desperate and the civilian contractors got a percentage. People being interviewed were not give a fair picture for fear of putting them off. (No one ever though to tell me that I was being interviewed to work on a military project!) Good staff (and those with a professional concience) quickly realised that they had made a mistake and moved on. This left a residue of unimaginative plodders who couldn't possibly get a better paid job elsewhere, and mecinaries who would do anything for money. This was particularly obvious in their project work at the nearby university, when it was clear that working on the project was teaching them bad obsolete techniques and a belief that staff didn't need to know anything outside their immediate work environment. But this isn't the end of the affair. When one military project ends the team of out-of-date and inward-looking programmers and systems analysts is not disbanded. Other military projects are out to tender, and the civilian contractor has a ready made team of staff who have security clearance and know how to work to military specifications .... Of course my experience is now nearly twenty years out of date - but I still meet people who say that there has been little change. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 3 Jun 90 23:58:50 EDT From: Subject: Glass cockpits (A320, etc.) The April 30 issue of Aviation Week has a couple of interesting small items about computerized airliners and "glass cockpits". The first is a news item: Airbus Industrie is considering alterations to the A320's flight software to help guard against "overconfidence syndrome", which they consider a significant factor in the Habsheim and Bangalore crashes. One possible change is upgrading the automatic throttle management of the "alpha floor" protection mode to guard against descents with inadequate thrust. "Alpha floor" already runs the throttles up automatically in emergencies like encounters with serious windshear or maneuvers to avoid collisions. Says Bernard Ziegler (Airbus VP Engineering): "The alpha floor was never designed to save a crew that had been improperly managing a normal approach, but we now are thinking of modifying it to serve as one more safeguard. Such a modification will not make it a 100% safeguard, but it could offer an additional safety margin." The second is a background piece on the poor state of research in glass-cockpit human factors (for example, NASA Ames, a major center of work on such things, has no simulator representative of modern cockpits). Hart A. Langer (United Airlines VP flight operations) says that flight-management-system CRTs act as "cockpit vacuum cleaners -- they suck eyeballs and fingertips right into them. I have given check rides on these aircraft and seen four eyeballs and ten fingertips caught in two [displays] at the same time. This is bad enough at cruise altitude, but it can be lethal in the low-altitude terminal area..." Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology uunet!attcan!utzoo!henry ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 2 Jun 90 17:11:56 PDT From: livesey@Eng.Sun.COM (Jon Livesey) Subject: Article on A320 in Aeronautique, April 1990 In Risks-10.02 Pete Mellor inadvertently gives us a good example of the risks of muddy thinking. Writing of a translated article, he recommends it to us on several ground, one of which is > b) the fact that it presents a French (and therefore not negatively biased?) > view, The two problems with this are, first, Airbus is not exclusively a French aeroplane. It is a joint venture between several European countries. Secondly, there has been quite a lot of negative comment about Airbus from French sources, mainly from pilots' unions. The risk here is that of giving one source extra credence on specious grounds. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Apr 90 17:26:41 BST From: Martyn Thomas Subject: Boeing 747-400 Autothrottle problems This week's Flight International reports: "British Airways (BA) Boeing 747-400s have experienced uncommanded inflight closure of all four throttles on six separate flights between 6 October 1989 and 19 February 1990, 'several times' on one of those flights alone, according to formal reports. Several other airlines have suffered the same incident, Northwest reporting it first. ... In most of the events the power levers retarded rapidly to idle, but sometimes the reduction was partial, followed by automatic reset. ... All incidents have occurred in the climb or cruise, and an IAS of more than 280 Knots is believed to be fundamental to the event. ... Evidence indicates that the event is caused by a spurious signal to the full authority digital engine control from the stall-management module. The 'single-word' spurious command says that the undercarriage [gear] is down or the flaps are at setting 1, so if the IAS exceeds the maximum speed for these configurations, the autothrottles close to reduce IAS to limiting speed, then reset to maintain it. The modification [to correct the problem - issued on February 22nd] assumes that the fault was in the processing logic of the appropriate universal logic card (a printed-circuit software unit [sic]) and adopts a standard technique for reducing digital oversensitivity: there is now a delay (a few miroseconds) built into the software by requiring it to receive an 'eight-word' command before acting. Power spikes of other spurious commands should not produce a reaction. So far the latest modification has proved effective. Early corrections, though, had assumed the reaction was associated only with main-gear selection, so although software changes had reduced the incident rate, spurious flap signals continued to set engines to idle. BA has not reported any further events since February." [end of quote] This looks like a useful warning of inability to get complex systems right - luckily it only occured at high IAS and was sub-critical for flight safety. I hope that appropriate lessons are learnt by both developers and certification authorities, and that they start to question their ability to assure the safety of such systems. Notice that the partial fix, reported in the last paragraph, implies that the Flight Data Recorder either was not used to diagnose the fault, or contained insufficient information to point the finger at both the gear and flap signals. This seems ominous for future accident cause analysis. The apparent action of fixing symptoms until no further errors are reported, rather than analysing the cause and then looking for all possible classes of the same error, seems ill-judged, too. I wonder what re-certification was undertaken following the modification. Martyn Thomas, Praxis plc, 20 Manvers Street, Bath BA1 1PX UK. Tel: +44-225-444700. Email: ...!uunet!mcvax!ukc!praxis!mct ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 3 Jun 90 00:12:55 EDT From: Subject: Equipment failure or human failure? (RISKS-10.01) Henry Spencer wonders if the failure of the pilot who had problems with the `glass cockpit' to come forth means that something more was going on than meets the eye. It's possible, of course, but if the UK Civil Aviation Authority is anything like the FAA, I'm not surprised the pilot is keeping quiet. It's rather amazing how nasty the FAA can be if it decides to go after someone. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 03 Jun 90 22:57:01 -0700 From: Subject: Equipment failure or human failure? (RISKS-10.01) >Some little while ago, Risks published the report of a flight crew landing an >airliner in Britain after a very difficult time with wind readings of 100+ ... >problem are hamstrung, doubts are cast on the accuracy of the report, and if it >*is* factual, that aircraft is still in service and potentially a lethal hazard >to crews and passengers. They aren't the only ones. Here is an excerpt from "Tales from the TRACON: a controller's view of emergencies" in June 1990 "IFR" 6(6). Belvoir Publications, 75 Holly Hill Lane, Greenwich, CT 06836 (all typos mine): It's frequently the same for controllers. We're sometimes reluctant to take any action that invites scrutiny of our routine work. An experience I had last year shows what can happen. During one shift on a typical hectic IFR day in the TRACON, my frequency died three times. Technicians reviewed the problem, only to find the "bad" frequency had started working again. After three such outages (with no repairs) I filed an unsatisfactory condition report (UCR) which goes straight to Washington and requires an answer to the complaint in writing. Not surprisingly, facility managers aren't too fond of UCRs. When my complaint was checked out, my tapes were "dumped" (supposedly to discover whether the outage reqallly happened) on *every* position and frequency I had worked that day, not just the "bad" frequency. The tapes showed that I had really had a problem. But in the process, management had my supervisor "counsel" me for bad phraseology and improper land line usage. The experience hardly encourages one to draw attention to malfunctions or emergencies. A few days ago I posted to rec.aviation a white paper by an ARTCC controller detailing how certain kinds of targets could be eliminated from the controller's scope by the computer, roughly because it didn't like the targets. Washington's response to his UCR was that they didn't see a problem. Dr. Julian Gomez RIACS - Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science ------------------------------ Date: 2 Jun 90 22:01:48 GMT From: jharkins@sagpd1.UUCP (Jim Harkins) Subject: Re: Steve Jackson Games (Webb, RISKS-10.01) >The chance of GURPS Cyperpunk being used as a manual for computer crime is very >slight indeed. I don't see where this is relevant. Its perfectly legal to buy books on how to make illegal stuff like explosives, check out the warnings section(s) in college chemistry books, not to mention stuff like The Poor Mans James Bond. There are some very good cookbooks on committing murder (see the mystery section of Waldenbooks). Should we have thrown Agatha Christi in the slammer? So what would make it illegal to give even a step by step list of instructions for breaking into a computer? It seems to me that the act of commiting a crime is illegal, but the knowledge of how to commit that crime isn't. I think we can all figure out on our own how to stick a gun into a cashiers face to get money, but we haven't done anything wrong until we actually do it. Nor have I done anything wrong by offering a suggestion on improving your monthly income :-) Of course, if I suspect that you did use my suggestion then by not finking on you I am breaking the law. jim ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 2 Jun 90 11:47:00 EDT From: (Simson L. Garfinkel) Subject: routing tables for private switches It is a general problem that NYNEX has not been automatically distributing routing updates to people who own their own switches. This is one of the things that NYNEX does to discourage companies from owning their own switches and encourage them to use Centrex. If you think that this is bad public policy, call the public utility comission's complaint number. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 3 Jun 90 18:16:14 EDT From: David Lesher Subject: Risks of Caller Identification The law enforcment community in FL is upset over Bell South's plan to offer Caller ID without subscriber blocking. While the telco has offered blocking to law enforcement officers, and a few select others, they are still worried because: 1. The utility will need to have a list of all those eligible, including undercover officers. 2. The fact the CID is blocked is a sure pointer that the caller is a cop, sure death to an informant. I soon thought of a third. The blocking is done in the terminating CO. What happens if the expected block fails, for whatever reason? There is no feedback to the caller that such has happened. Given the level of violence within the general population around here, the CID block seems to made a classic RISKS mistake. A system designed for less critical use has been thrust beyond its design parameters into a life-dependent role. This strikes me as no different than using unproven software for designing bridges or buildings. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 4 Jun 1990 9:32:45 PDT From: Peter G. Neumann Subject: More sendmail woes (duplicates of RISKS-10.02 for a few of you) HERCULES crashed at 6AM this morning, but the completion of the mailing of RISKS-10.02 had been hung in the queueueueueueue manager since Saturday for just one of the six RISKS sublists --so a few of you got a second copy of RISKS-10.02 when the system automatically rebooted. This is of course Standard Sendmail Problem Number 1. (Unfortunately the log tapes do not explain the crash!) This problem reinforces the need for a more robust algorithm that more often deletes nonNACKed sendings periodically from the queue during the first pass over the long list, rather than waiting (hopefully) for the end of the list. Private hacks of sendmail exist to do that, but each privately hacked version of sendmail seems to introduce its own set of new problems or else does not provide the services of other hacked versions. At any rate, mailing to very large lists remains a tricky business. Ironically, I had just prepared a bunch of slides for the talk on my COMPASS paper at the end of the month, The Risk of the Year: Distributed Control, which (among other things) relates the 15 Jan 90 AT&T problem to the 1980 ARPANET collapse, and throws in a section on sendmail woes for good measure. ------------------------------ End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 10.04 ************************