FILE viegophr.que(stion) Questions for VieGOPHER users (client and server) written: 1993-05-23 latest update: 1993-05-29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please invest a few minutes to answer the questions in this file and send everything back to at your earliest convenience. It shall help to improve VieGOPHER for the benefit of the networking community. Don't hesitate to add comments... Thank you for your cooperation. P.S: If it's more convenient for you, I can also be reached by FAX: +43/1/31336/702 That's in Vienna, Austria, (Europe) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installed programs Please specify version number(s) and date(s) of installed packages. [_] Server GOPHERD.EXEC version: ________ [_] Server GOPHERDD.EXEC version: ________ [_] Client, using: [_] REXTCPIP version: ________ [_] RXSOCKET version: ________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method of distribution Where did you get the package from? [_] direct (SENDFILE via Bitnet from author) [_] FTP from (Gopher central) [_] FTP from [_] FTP from [_] other, please specify ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation For installation I used: [_] the pre-installed version as found in the distribution package [_] ROSE Was installation with ROSE [_] easy [_] ok [_] difficult [_] a pain [_] ___________ and why? [_] in additon to ROSE, also the post-installation procedure was it: [_] useful [_] useless [_] ___________ and why? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation (form) Which versions of the documentation files did you have access to? [_] text only version [_] HYX file (NED hypertext) [_] LaTeX file [_] DVI file with a viewer [_] DVI file and printed [_] Postscript file with a viewer [_] Postscript file and printed Any comment about the form of docs? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation (contents) I know the documentation is everything but complete. Is there anything that is especially problematic and needs earliest attention? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Listing Did you print out/use a source listing? [_] HYX file (NED hypertext) [_] printed the individual files [_] printed the PRODUCT file [_] printed vieg-pro.tex [_] printed Any comment about the form of the source listings? Was the listing of any use? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modifications Did you modify parts of the system and if so, please explain. [_] in the server [_] in the client ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Switching Would you prefer to use Rice Gopher instead and if so, why? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Most wanted enhancements in the client What features would you like to see in future releases of the client? [_] a search function (PF-key to activate XEDIT's already existing search function) [_] file transfer [_] ___________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Most wanted enhancements in the server What features would you like to see in future releases of the server? [_] a full text search engine like WAIS [_] a search engine to find gopher items on some (local) server (something like VERONICA or JUGHEAD) [_] ___________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Connectivity Which sources of information about Gopher and VM Gophers in particular do you use? [_] subscribed VMGOPHER [_] actively use VMGOPHER [_] comp.infosystems.gopher [_] [_] direct mail [_] other: ____________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Role of Server What is the role of your server, if it's actually used? [_] not used [_] non-relavant side-server [_] secondary server [_] primary server ------------------------------------------------------------------------- You Please include your name and email address and if possible, other information about yourself, e.g. position in your organization.