/*** glog35.c -- analysis tool for Unix gopherd logs ***/ /******************** START CONFIGURATION ***************************/ /* Define NODETAIL if you don't want detail listings to be kept. Detail * listings can double the pointer memory required and slow things down. */ /* #define NODETAIL */ /* uncomment if you DON'T want detail listings */ /* #define DETAIL_TOTAL*/ /* uncomment if you WANT detail percentages to be out out the total number of connections */ /* #define NOSEARCHTXT */ /* uncomment if you DON'T want to output WHAT */ /* was searched for */ /* #define HCASEMATTERS */ /* uncomment if case matters for hostnames */ #define MAXGLINESIZE 500 /* Maximum length of a gopher log line */ /******************** END CONFIGURATION ***************************/ /* That was really hard wasn't it :) */ /* Bug Reports/suggestions goto */ #define EMAIL "awick@csugrad.cs.vt.edu" #define GLOG_VERSION "Gopher Log Analyzer 3.5" /* Version 3.5 ?/?/94 awick * Added Domain Reports * Added -s? sort of reports and histograms, not plots though * Changed some shorts to ints * Lowers the case of all hostnames now, unless above uncommented * Only keep track of reports need, saves memory and time. * Increased speed of adding data (special InsertDates now) * * Version 3.4 4/4/94 awick * Improved coding efficiency in ProcessLine() routine * Fixed bug when identifying NOPASV ftp types (previously they went * into the error log). If you use the NOPASV patch, you know what I mean. * Search Type now shows what word(s) was(were) searched for...UNLESS * NOSEARCHTXT defined * Cleaned up the code alot, and changed the way reports are produced * Added the -g histograms option * Added the -a averaging/estimating stuff * Added the -i infile support * Added the -o outfile support * Added support for VMS dennis_sherman@unc.edu * * Version 3.3 7/20/93 jdc@selway.umt.edu * fixed up main() routine so that: errors on the command line (or -h as * first parameter) cause glog to print the help information and abort. * fixed up PrintHelp() routine so help message is more understandable * changed FILETYPE character from ' ' to 'I' (What about Image?) * * Version 3.2 * Fixed a small bug with search * * Version 3.1 7/11/93 Andy Wick - awick@csugrad.cs.vt.edu * Added supported for the "missing" gopher types, time plots, month * reports and several other things that I forgot :) * Also added -b and -e options. * * Version 3.0 * by: Andy Wick - awick@csugrad.cs.vt.edu * This version is an almost TOTAL rewrite of glog. It now reads all * the information into memory before it does ANYTHING. It then goes * through the arguments one at a time. So in order to effect something * you must change it before the report. ie. Argument order matters now. * * Version 2.2 * by: Chuck Shotton - cshotton@oac.hsc.uth.tmc.edu * * Version 2.1 12/29.92 * by: Michael Mealling - Georgia Institute of Technology * Office of Information Technology * michael.meallingl@oit.gatech.edu * * Versions 1.0 6/17/92 * by: Chuck Shotton - U of Texas Health Science Center - Houston, * Office of Academic Computing * cshotton@oac.hsc.uth.tmc.edu */ #include #include #include /* Some machines don't have a stdlib. You can remove it if need be * it is here for type checking, usually :) */ #include #ifdef THINK_C #include #endif /********************** THINGS THAT EFFECT INPUT/OUTPUT ********************/ /* These are the different types of data that are currently reconized. Each must be unique and it only effects the output. */ #define FILETYPE 'I' #define BINARYTYPE 'B' #define SOUNDTYPE 'S' #define DIRTYPE 'D' #define MAILDIRTYPE 'M' #define FTPTYPE 'F' #define RANGETYPE 'R' #define SEARCHTYPE '?' char *ROOTNAME = "Root Connections"; char *AverageStrs[6] = {""," per year"," per month"," per week"," per day", " per hour"}; /* How they are in your gopher log file */ char Days[7][4] = {"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"}; char Months[12][4] = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"}; /* The base file name for gnuplot reports */ char DEFAULTBASE[7] = "gopher"; /**********************************************************************/ /* GENERAL STUFF */ typedef unsigned char byte; /* Error log link list */ typedef struct enode_list { char *data; struct enode_list *next; } ELIST_REC, *ELIST_PTR; /* GOPHER LINE STUFF */ /* One line of the gopher log is stored in here */ typedef struct gopher_line { byte day; byte month; byte hour; byte date; char *hostname; char *domainname; char *path; char type; } GOPHER_REC, *GOPHER_PTR; /* A Linked list of gopher lines */ typedef struct node_list { GOPHER_PTR data; long int hits; struct node_list *next; } LIST_REC, *LIST_PTR; /* Main tree */ typedef struct node_rec { GOPHER_PTR data; #ifndef NODETAIL LIST_REC *llist; #endif long int hits; struct node_rec *left, *right; } NODE_REC, *NODE_PTR; /* The cruft list is a general list for things that aren't parse-able by * ProcessLine(). "cruft" kept for historical reasons. */ ELIST_PTR cruft = NULL; /* * The following lists are maintained. */ NODE_PTR hosts = NULL; NODE_PTR docs = NULL; NODE_PTR dais = NULL; /* Can't be days because of VMS :) */ NODE_PTR dates = NULL; NODE_PTR types = NULL; NODE_PTR hours = NULL; NODE_PTR domains = NULL; long int TotalConnects = 0; char *in_file_name = NULL; /* NULL if stdin */ /* Used to tell the Info routines that you are starting and stoping */ #define STARTINFO (GOPHER_PTR)0 #define ENDINFO (GOPHER_PTR)1 /* Width of reports, Width is a major hack, so be careful */ int Width = 62; /* 79 - WIDTHSUB */ #define WIDTHSUB 17 /* The width of the standard print stuff */ /* Information */ /* Internal */ #define NOINFO 0 #define DETAILINFO 1 /* Changing these will change the command line options also */ /* Error log requested, but not a valid SORT TYPE */ #define ERRORINFO 'E' /* SORT TYPES */ #define DATAINFO 'D' #define HOSTINFO 'H' #define WEEKDAYINFO 'W' #define MONTHDATEINFO 'M' #define TYPEINFO 'T' #define TIMEINFO 'I' #define DOMAININFO 'O' byte do_D=0,do_H=0, do_W=0, do_T=0, do_I=0, do_O=0; char *base = DEFAULTBASE; /* Start stop dates */ char start_date[13], stop_date[13]; /* Start stop months */ byte mbegin = 1, mend = 12; /* Averages */ byte AverageStrPos = 0; /* Everything */ float AverageDiv = 1.0; /* Don't change the value */ /* Sorting */ int SortMult = 1; /*Forward Sort, -1 = Reverse Sort */ byte SortHits = 1; /*Sort by Hits = 1, Names = 0 */ /* The only forward decleration needed, since I wrote this the pascal way, * the way all programs should be written. :) You don't need all the stupid * forward declerations, or prototypes. */ void PrintInfo(NODE_PTR tree, void print(GOPHER_PTR), int cmp(GOPHER_PTR a, GOPHER_PTR b), byte DetailType); /* Simple define that cleans up the code a little */ #define INFOERROR(str, strparam) {fprintf(stderr, (str), (strparam)); exit(1);} #define EXITERROR(str) {fprintf(stderr, (str)); fflush(stderr); exit(1);} #define HELPERROR(str) {fprintf(stderr, (str)); PrintHelp(stderr,0);} #ifndef MIN #define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b)) #endif /*******************************/ /* My StrStr, since it is not standard on all unix machines (sun 4.0.3) */ char *mystrstr(char *s1, char *s2) { register int len; if((len = strlen(s2)) == 0) return s1; while (*s1 != '\0') { if (strncmp(s1, s2, len) == 0) return s1; s1++; } return NULL; } /*******************************/ void mytolower(char *s) { for(; *s != 0;s++) if (isupper(*s)) *s += 32; } /*******************************/ /* Add item to error log */ ELIST_PTR InsertErrorLog(ELIST_PTR list, char *data) { ELIST_PTR temp; static ELIST_PTR ende; if (NULL == (temp = (ELIST_PTR)malloc(sizeof(ELIST_REC)))) EXITERROR("Not enough memory to add to ErrorLog\n"); if (NULL == (temp->data = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(data) +1)))) EXITERROR("Not enough memory to add to ErrorLog\n"); strcpy(temp->data, data); temp->next = NULL; if (list == NULL) return (ende = temp); ende->next = temp; ende = ende->next; return(list); } #ifndef NODETAIL /*******************************/ LIST_PTR InsertDetail(LIST_PTR list, GOPHER_PTR data) { LIST_PTR temp; if (NULL == (temp = (LIST_PTR)malloc(sizeof(LIST_REC)))) EXITERROR("Not enough memory to add to DetailList\n"); temp->data = data; temp->next = list; temp->hits = 1; return(temp); } #endif /*******************************/ /* Insert data into tree, if that element is already in the tree * then increment the number of hits. cmp is used to find the location * in the tree. */ NODE_PTR Insert(NODE_PTR tree, GOPHER_PTR data, int cmp(GOPHER_PTR a, GOPHER_PTR b)) { int i; if (tree == NULL) { if (NULL == (tree = (NODE_PTR) malloc(sizeof(NODE_REC)))) EXITERROR("No memory for InsertHost\n"); tree->data = data; tree->left = tree->right = NULL; #ifndef NODETAIL tree->llist = InsertDetail(NULL, data); #endif tree->hits = 1; return(tree); } i=cmp(data, tree->data); if (i > 0) tree->right = Insert(tree->right, data, cmp); else if (i<0) tree->left = Insert(tree->left, data, cmp); else { tree->hits++; #ifndef NODETAIL tree->llist = InsertDetail(tree->llist, data); #endif } return(tree); } /*******************************/ /* Insert dates into tree, if that element is already in the tree * then increment the number of hits. cmp is used to find the location * in the tree. */ NODE_PTR InsertDates(NODE_PTR tree, GOPHER_PTR data, int cmp(GOPHER_PTR a, GOPHER_PTR b)) { int i; static NODE_PTR last; NODE_PTR temp; if (tree == NULL) { if (NULL == (tree = (NODE_PTR) malloc(sizeof(NODE_REC)))) EXITERROR("No memory for InsertHost\n"); tree->data = data; tree->left = tree->right = NULL; #ifndef NODETAIL tree->llist = InsertDetail(NULL, data); #endif tree->hits = 1; return(last = tree); } i=cmp(data, last->data); if (i == 0) { last->hits++; #ifndef NODETAIL last->llist = InsertDetail(last->llist, data); #endif } else { temp = last; /* because last is going to be reset */ temp->right = InsertDates(last->right, data, cmp); } return(tree); } /*******************************/ /* Return the node with the data in the tree, using the cmp routine */ NODE_PTR Find(NODE_PTR tree, GOPHER_PTR data, int cmp(GOPHER_PTR a, GOPHER_PTR b)) { int i; if (tree == NULL) return (NULL); i=cmp(data, tree->data); if (i > 0) return(Find(tree->right, data, cmp)); if (i<0) return(Find(tree->left, data, cmp)); return(tree); } /*******************************/ /* Get a single field from temp, and return the new spot */ char *getf(char *temp, char *field) { while(*temp == ' ') temp++; *field = '\0'; if (*temp == '\n') return(temp); while ((*temp != ' ') && (*temp != '\0')) *field++ = *temp++; *field = '\0'; return(temp); } /*******************************/ int TypesCmp(GOPHER_PTR a, GOPHER_PTR b) { return(a->type - b->type); } /*******************************/ int TimesCmp(GOPHER_PTR a, GOPHER_PTR b) { return(a->hour - b->hour); } /*******************************/ int HostsCmp(GOPHER_PTR a, GOPHER_PTR b) { return(strcmp(a->hostname, b->hostname)); } /*******************************/ int DocsCmp(GOPHER_PTR a, GOPHER_PTR b) { return(strcmp(a->path, b->path)); } /*******************************/ int DaysCmp(GOPHER_PTR a, GOPHER_PTR b) { return(a->day - b->day); } /*******************************/ int DatesCmp(GOPHER_PTR a, GOPHER_PTR b) { int i = a->month - b->month; if (i == 0) return(a->date - b->date); else return(i); } /*******************************/ int DomainCmp(GOPHER_PTR a, GOPHER_PTR b) { return(strcmp(a->domainname, b->domainname)); } /*******************************/ byte MonthStr2Num(char *str) { static int i = 0; if (strcmp(Months[i], str) == 0) return(i+1); for(i=0;i<12;i++) if (strcmp(Months[i], str) == 0) return(i+1); return(13); } /*******************************/ byte DayStr2Num(char *str) { static int i = 0; if (strcmp(Days[i], str) == 0) return(i+1); for(i=0;i<7;i++) if (strcmp(Days[i], str) == 0) return(i+1); return(8); } /*******************************/ /* This routine adds all the data to all the trees. Now that I have done * it this way, I really hate it. What was I thinking? :) It makes no * sense to have the dates sort be a tree, since it is always the worst * case tree :(. Oh well maybe in 4.0 someone will fix it */ void AddData(GOPHER_PTR data) { if ((data->month >= mbegin) && (data->month <= mend)) { if (do_H) hosts = Insert(hosts, data, HostsCmp); if (do_D) docs = Insert(docs, data, DocsCmp); dates = InsertDates(dates, data, DatesCmp); /* Always do dates */ if (do_T) types = Insert(types, data, TypesCmp); if (do_I) hours = Insert(hours, data, TimesCmp); if (do_W) dais = Insert(dais, data, DaysCmp); if (do_O) domains = Insert(domains, data, DomainCmp); /* Small hack to have start and stop dates */ if (start_date[0] == '\0') { sprintf(start_date, "%s %s %d", Days[data->day-1], Months[data->month-1], data->date); } sprintf(stop_date, "%s %s %d", Days[data->day-1], Months[data->month-1], data->date); TotalConnects++; } } /*******************************/ /* What is a more efficent, but CLEAN (non hack) way to do this? */ void MakeDomain(char *hostname, char *domainname) { char *temp = strchr(hostname, '.'); if (temp != NULL) { MakeDomain(temp+1, domainname); *temp = 0; strcat(domainname, "."); strcat(domainname, hostname); *temp = '.'; } else strcpy(domainname, hostname); } /*******************************/ /* Process a single line completely. It checks to make sure it is a * Valid line, if not it inserts it into the cruft */ void ProcessLine(char *line) { GOPHER_PTR data; short len; char *temp, *temp2; /* Used to save line, incase it is needed for cruft */ char junk[MAXGLINESIZE]; char message1[MAXGLINESIZE]; char message2[MAXGLINESIZE]; if (NULL == (data = (GOPHER_PTR)malloc(sizeof(GOPHER_REC)))) EXITERROR("Not enough memory to process line. Sorry\n"); temp = line; temp = getf(temp, junk); /* Day */ if (8 == (data->day = DayStr2Num(junk))) { /* Not a real day of week */ free(data); cruft = InsertErrorLog(cruft, line); return; } temp = getf(temp, junk); /* Month */ if (13 == (data->month = MonthStr2Num(junk))) { /* Not a real month */ free(data); cruft = InsertErrorLog(cruft, line); return; } temp = getf(temp, junk); /* Date */ data->date = atoi(junk); temp = getf(temp, junk); /* Time */ junk[3] = '\0'; data->hour = atoi(junk); /* Hour */ temp = getf(temp, junk); /* Year */ temp = getf(temp, junk); /* Process ID */ temp = getf(temp ,junk); /* Hostname */ if (junk[0] == ':') { /* A colon in the hostfield...baaad */ free(data); cruft = InsertErrorLog(cruft, line); return; } /* This one is for that annoying 0.0.0.* IP address then gets stuck * in the log when someone is trying to access something you ain't got */ if (strncmp(junk,"0.0.0", 5) == 0) { free(data); cruft = InsertErrorLog(cruft, line); return; } len = strlen(junk); if (NULL == (data->hostname = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (len+1)))) EXITERROR("Not enough memory. Sorry\n"); if (NULL == (data->domainname = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (len+1)))) EXITERROR("Not enough memory. Sorry\n"); #ifndef HCASEMATTERS mytolower(junk); /* Only change to all lower if wanted that way */ #endif strcpy(data->hostname, junk); /* Figure out Domain stuff */ if (isdigit(junk[0])) { strcpy(data->domainname, data->hostname); temp2 = strrchr(data->domainname,'.'); *temp2 = 0; } else if (NULL == (temp2 = strchr(junk,'.'))) strcpy(data->domainname, data->hostname); else MakeDomain(temp2+1, data->domainname); temp = getf(temp, junk); /* this should make junk[0]=':' */ if (junk[0] != ':') { /* Now we don't have a colon */ free(data->hostname); free(data->domainname); free(data); cruft = InsertErrorLog(cruft, line); return; } temp = getf(temp, message1); temp = getf(temp, message2); while((*temp == ' ') && (*temp != '\0')) temp++; len = strlen(temp); data->path = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(len+1)); strcpy(data->path, temp); data->path[len] = '\0'; if (0 != len) { if (data->path[len-1] == '\n') data->path[len-1] = '\0'; } if (strcmp(message1, "Root") == 0) { data->type = DIRTYPE; free(data->path); data->path = ROOTNAME; AddData(data); } else if ((strcmp(message1, "retrieved") == 0) && (strcmp(data->path, "/") == 0)) { data->type = DIRTYPE; free(data->path); data->path = ROOTNAME; AddData(data); } else if (strcmp(message1, "search") == 0) { strcpy(junk, message2); #ifdef NOSEARCHTXT /*This finds and removes everything after the " for " in a search line*/ if (strncmp(data->path, "for ", 4) == 0) { /* We found it at the beginning of data->path */ temp = data->path; } else if (NULL == (temp = mystrstr(data->path, " for "))) { /* No " for " in the search */ free(data->path); free(data->hostname); free(data->domainname); free(data); cruft = InsertErrorLog(cruft, line); return; } *temp = '\0'; #endif strcat(junk, " "); /* There is at least one space here */ strcat(junk, data->path); free(data->path); data->path = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(junk)+1)); strcpy(data->path, junk); data->type = SEARCHTYPE; AddData(data); } /* changed from "ftp:",4 to "ftp",3 because of NO-PASV patch */ /* which uses ftp-vms: and ftp-nopasv to denote special ftp types */ else if (strncmp(message2, "ftp", 3) == 0) { strcpy(junk, data->path); /* Incase there was a space in the path */ free(data->path); /* Then we have to save off path, since it contains it*/ data->path = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(message2)+strlen(junk)-2)); strcpy(data->path, message2+4); if (strlen(junk) > 0) { strcat(data->path, " "); strcat(data->path, junk); } data->type = FTPTYPE; AddData(data); } else if (strcmp(message1, "retrieved") == 0) { if (data->path[0] == '\0') { /* We some how retrieved nothing */ free(data->path); free(data->hostname); free(data->domainname); free(data); cruft = InsertErrorLog(cruft, line); return; } if (strcmp(message2, "directory") == 0) data->type = DIRTYPE; else if (strcmp(message2, "maildir") == 0) data->type = MAILDIRTYPE; else if (strcmp(message2, "file") == 0) data->type = FILETYPE; else if (strcmp(message2, "binary") == 0) data->type = BINARYTYPE; else if (strcmp(message2, "sound") == 0) data->type = SOUNDTYPE; else if (strcmp(message2, "range") == 0) data->type = RANGETYPE; else { free(data->path); free(data->hostname); free(data->domainname); free(data); cruft = InsertErrorLog(cruft, line); return; } AddData(data); } else /* wasn't anything we know about, g+ maybe?*/ { free(data->path); free(data->hostname); free(data->domainname); free(data); cruft = InsertErrorLog(cruft, line); return; } return; } /*******************************/ /* The main loop for gathering the data from stdin */ void GatherInfo(void) { char line[MAXGLINESIZE]; FILE *fp; start_date[0] = '\0'; if (in_file_name == NULL) fp = stdin; else if (NULL == (fp = fopen(in_file_name, "r"))) INFOERROR("Error opening input file %s\n", in_file_name); while(!feof(fp)) { fgets(line, MAXGLINESIZE, fp); if (feof(fp)) break; ProcessLine(line); } } /*******************************/ /* These vars are only valid right after a call to TreeTo?List. I could have * done some fancy var passing, but why bother. :) All the print/plot/graph * routines should use the G vars. Which are modified for averages. */ LIST_PTR GByNum; long int GByNumMin; /* These two are used for histograms */ long int GByNumMax; long int GNodes; long int GTotalConnects; /*******************************/ /* Insert the data and number of hits that data got, into a sorted (by hits) * link list (GByNum). */ void InsertSByNum(GOPHER_PTR data, long int hits) { LIST_PTR temp, temp2; if (NULL == (temp = (LIST_PTR)malloc(sizeof(LIST_REC)))) EXITERROR("Not enough memory in InsertByNum\n"); temp->data = data; temp->next = NULL; temp->hits = hits; /* Figure out some vars */ if (hits < GByNumMin) GByNumMin = hits; if (hits > GByNumMax) GByNumMax = hits; GNodes++; if (GByNum == NULL) GByNum = temp; else if ((GByNum->hits-hits)*SortMult < 0) { temp->next = GByNum; GByNum = temp; } else { temp2 = GByNum; while (temp2->next != NULL) { if ((temp2->next->hits-hits)*SortMult < 0) { temp->next = temp2->next; temp2->next = temp; return; } temp2 = temp2->next; } temp2->next = temp; } } /*******************************/ /* Place data and hits onto the front of the list GByNum */ void InsertUByNum(GOPHER_PTR data, long int hits) { LIST_PTR temp; if (NULL == (temp = (LIST_PTR)malloc(sizeof(LIST_REC)))) EXITERROR("Not enough memory in InsertUByNum\n"); temp->data = data; temp->next = NULL; temp->hits = hits; /* Figure out some vars */ if (hits < GByNumMin) GByNumMin = hits; if (hits > GByNumMax) GByNumMax = hits; GNodes++; if (GByNum == NULL) GByNum = temp; else { temp->next = GByNum; GByNum = temp; } } /*******************************/ /* I did two different routines so it would be faster :). I know this * doesn't follow the logic of the rest of the program, but oh well. * Do Inorder so that they remain in order, if two have the same * num of hits. S mean use InsertSByNum. U means use * InsertUByNum. */ void TreeToSList(NODE_PTR tree) { if (tree == NULL) return; TreeToSList(tree->left); InsertSByNum(tree->data, tree->hits); TreeToSList(tree->right); } /*******************************/ /* See above :) */ void TreeToUList(NODE_PTR tree) { if (tree == NULL) return; TreeToUList(tree->right); InsertUByNum(tree->data, tree->hits); TreeToUList(tree->left); } /*******************************/ /* See above :) R = Reverse */ void TreeToRUList(NODE_PTR tree) { if (tree == NULL) return; TreeToRUList(tree->left); InsertUByNum(tree->data, tree->hits); TreeToRUList(tree->right); } /*******************************/ NODE_PTR ListToTree(LIST_PTR list, int cmp(GOPHER_PTR, GOPHER_PTR)) { NODE_PTR temptree = NULL; for(;list != NULL; list = list->next) temptree = Insert(temptree, list->data, cmp); return(temptree); } /*******************************/ void FreeList(LIST_PTR list) { LIST_PTR temp; while (list != NULL) { temp = list; list = list->next; free(temp); } } /*******************************/ void FreeTree(NODE_PTR tree) { if (tree == NULL) return; FreeTree(tree->left); FreeTree(tree->right); #ifndef NODETAIL FreeList(tree->llist); #endif free(tree); return; } /*******************************/ int SizeTree(NODE_PTR tree) { if (tree == NULL) return 0; return (1 + SizeTree(tree->left) + SizeTree(tree->right)); } /*******************************/ /* Given a string and and len, left justify and fill with fill */ void printl(char *str, int len, char fill) { while (len > 0) { if (*str == '\n') str++; if (*str == '\0') putc(fill, stdout); else putc(*str++, stdout); len--; } } /*******************************/ /* Given a string center justify and fill with fill */ void printc(char *str, char fill) { int i, len = strlen(str); int start = (Width + WIDTHSUB - len)/2; for(i = 0; i < start; i++) putc(fill, stdout); fputs(str, stdout); if (fill != ' ') for(i = start+len; i < Width + WIDTHSUB ; i++) putc(fill, stdout); putc('\n', stdout); } /*******************************/ char *TypeNames(char type) { switch(type) { case FILETYPE: return("File"); case SOUNDTYPE: return("Sound"); case BINARYTYPE: return("Binary File"); case DIRTYPE: return("Directory"); case MAILDIRTYPE: return("Mail Directory"); case FTPTYPE: return("FTP"); case RANGETYPE: return("Range"); case SEARCHTYPE: return("Search"); } return("Unknown"); } /*******************************/ void PrintData(GOPHER_PTR data) { if (data == STARTINFO) printf("Data access%s:\n", AverageStrs[AverageStrPos]); else if (data == ENDINFO) printf("%ld nodes accessed. Average of %ld connections per node.\n", GNodes, GTotalConnects/GNodes); else { printf("%c ",data->type); printl(data->path, Width - 2, ' '); } } /*******************************/ void PrintTime(GOPHER_PTR data) { if (data == STARTINFO) printf("Times%s:\n", AverageStrs[AverageStrPos]); else if (data == ENDINFO) printf("Average of %ld connections per hour.\n", GTotalConnects/GNodes); else { printf("%2d:00",data->hour); printl("", Width - 5, ' '); } } /*******************************/ void PrintType(GOPHER_PTR data) { if (data == STARTINFO) printf("Types%s:\n", AverageStrs[AverageStrPos]); else if (data == ENDINFO) printf("Average of %ld connections per type.\n", GTotalConnects/GNodes); else printl(TypeNames(data->type), Width, ' '); } /*******************************/ void PrintHost(GOPHER_PTR data) { if (data == STARTINFO) printf("Hosts%s:\n", AverageStrs[AverageStrPos]); else if (data == ENDINFO) printf("%ld hosts connected. Average of %ld connections per host.\n", GNodes, GTotalConnects/GNodes); else printl(data->hostname, Width, ' '); } /*******************************/ void PrintDomain(GOPHER_PTR data) { if (data == STARTINFO) printf("Domains%s:\n", AverageStrs[AverageStrPos]); else if (data == ENDINFO) printf("%ld domains connected. Average of %ld connections per domain.\n", GNodes, GTotalConnects/GNodes); else printl(data->domainname, Width, ' '); } /*******************************/ void PrintDay(GOPHER_PTR data) { if (data == STARTINFO) printf("Days%s:\n", AverageStrs[AverageStrPos]); else if (data == ENDINFO) printf("Average of %ld connections per day of week.\n", GTotalConnects/GNodes); else printl(Days[data->day-1], Width, ' '); } /*******************************/ void PrintDate(GOPHER_PTR data) { if (data == STARTINFO) printf("Dates %s:\n", AverageStrs[AverageStrPos]); else if (data == ENDINFO) { printf("Connections occured on %ld different days.\n", GNodes); printf("Average of %ld connections per day.\n", GTotalConnects/GNodes); } else { printf("%3s %3s %d", Days[data->day-1], Months[data->month-1], data->date); if (data->date < 10) printl("\0", Width - 9, ' '); else printl("\0", Width - 10, ' '); } } /*******************************/ void PlotData(FILE *rfp, long int num, GOPHER_PTR data) { if (data == STARTINFO) INFOERROR("Plot of Data is not currently supported. Mail me ideas: %s\n", EMAIL); } /*******************************/ void PlotType(FILE *rfp, long int num, GOPHER_PTR data) { char *temp = NULL; if (data == STARTINFO) { fprintf(rfp,"set xtics ("); } else if (data == ENDINFO) { fprintf(rfp,"\"\" %ld)\n", num); fprintf(rfp,"set data style linespoints\n"); fprintf(rfp,"set tics out\n"); fprintf(rfp,"set grid\n"); fprintf(rfp,"set title \"Gopher Usage\"\n"); fprintf(rfp,"plot \"%s.dat\"\n", base); } else { temp = TypeNames(data->type); fprintf(rfp,"\"%s\" %ld,", temp, num); } } /*******************************/ void PlotHost(FILE *rfp, long int num, GOPHER_PTR data) { if (data == STARTINFO) INFOERROR("Plot of Hosts is not currently supported. Mail me ideas: %s\n", EMAIL); } /*******************************/ void PlotDay(FILE *rfp, long int num, GOPHER_PTR data) { if (data == STARTINFO) { fprintf(rfp,"set xtics ("); } else if (data == ENDINFO) { fprintf(rfp,"\"\" %ld)\n", num); fprintf(rfp,"set data style linespoints\n"); fprintf(rfp,"set tics out\n"); fprintf(rfp,"set grid\n"); fprintf(rfp,"set title \"Gopher Usage\"\n"); fprintf(rfp,"plot \"%s.dat\"\n", base); } else { fprintf(rfp,"\"%s\" %ld,",Days[data->day-1], num); } } /*******************************/ void PlotTime(FILE *rfp, long int num, GOPHER_PTR data) { if (data == STARTINFO) { fprintf(rfp,"set xtics ("); } else if (data == ENDINFO) { fprintf(rfp,"\"\" %ld)\n", num); fprintf(rfp,"set data style linespoints\n"); fprintf(rfp,"set tics out\n"); fprintf(rfp,"set grid\n"); fprintf(rfp,"set title \"Gopher Usage\"\n"); fprintf(rfp,"plot \"%s.dat\"\n", base); } else { fprintf(rfp,"\"%2d\" %ld,",data->hour, num); } } /*******************************/ void PlotDate(FILE *rfp, long int num, GOPHER_PTR data) { if (data == STARTINFO) { fprintf(rfp,"set xtics ("); } else if (data == ENDINFO) { fprintf(rfp,"\"\" %ld)\n", num); fprintf(rfp,"set data style linespoints\n"); fprintf(rfp,"set tics out\n"); fprintf(rfp,"set grid\n"); fprintf(rfp,"set title \"Gopher Usage\"\n"); fprintf(rfp,"plot \"%s.dat\"\n", base); } else { if ((data->date == 1) || (data->date == 15) || (num == 1)) fprintf(rfp,"\"%s/%d\" %ld,",Months[data->month-1], data->date, num); } } #ifndef NODETAIL /*******************************/ void DoDetail(NODE_PTR tree, byte DetailType) { NODE_PTR newtree; switch(DetailType) { case DATAINFO: newtree = ListToTree(tree->llist, DocsCmp); PrintInfo(newtree, PrintData, DocsCmp, DETAILINFO); break; case HOSTINFO: newtree = ListToTree(tree->llist, HostsCmp); PrintInfo(newtree, PrintHost, HostsCmp, DETAILINFO); break; case WEEKDAYINFO: newtree = ListToTree(tree->llist, DaysCmp); PrintInfo(newtree, PrintDay, DaysCmp, DETAILINFO); break; case MONTHDATEINFO: newtree = ListToTree(tree->llist, DatesCmp); PrintInfo(newtree, PrintDate, DatesCmp, DETAILINFO); break; case TYPEINFO: newtree = ListToTree(tree->llist, TypesCmp); PrintInfo(newtree, PrintType, TypesCmp, DETAILINFO); break; case TIMEINFO: newtree = ListToTree(tree->llist, TimesCmp); PrintInfo(newtree, PrintTime, TimesCmp, DETAILINFO); break; case DOMAININFO: newtree = ListToTree(tree->llist, DomainCmp); PrintInfo(newtree, PrintDomain, DomainCmp, DETAILINFO); break; default: newtree = NULL; break; } FreeTree(newtree); } #endif /*******************************/ void PrintInfo(NODE_PTR tree, void print(GOPHER_PTR), int cmp(GOPHER_PTR a, GOPHER_PTR b), byte DetailType) { LIST_PTR temp; LIST_PTR ByNum; int Nodes; long OldTotalConnects = TotalConnects; GByNum = NULL; /* Init the vars for the TreeToList function */ GNodes = 0; if (SortHits) TreeToSList(tree); else if (SortMult == 1) TreeToUList(tree); else TreeToRUList(tree); if (DetailType != DETAILINFO) { /* We are not printing Detail info now, so do headers */ print(STARTINFO); printc("", '='); } ByNum = GByNum; /* Save off and clear the globals vars */ Nodes = GNodes; GByNum = NULL; temp = ByNum; while (temp != NULL) { #ifndef NODETAIL if (DetailType == DETAILINFO) printf(" "); #endif print(temp->data); printf(" %4ld (%2.2f%%)\n", (long int)(temp->hits/AverageDiv), (float)temp->hits*100.0/TotalConnects); #ifndef NODETAIL if ((DetailType != NOINFO) && (DetailType != DETAILINFO)) { #ifndef DETAIL_TOTAL TotalConnects = temp->hits; #endif DoDetail(Find(tree, temp->data, cmp), DetailType); /* Don't generate Detail for NOINFO or if we are already doing detail */ TotalConnects = OldTotalConnects; } #endif temp = temp->next; } if (DetailType != DETAILINFO) { /* We are not printing Detail info now, so do footers */ printf("\n"); GNodes = Nodes; /* Restore, incase detail messed it up */ GTotalConnects = TotalConnects/AverageDiv; print(ENDINFO); } printf("\n"); FreeList(ByNum); } /*******************************/ void PlotInfo(NODE_PTR tree, void plot(FILE *, long int, GOPHER_PTR)) { LIST_PTR temp; FILE *rfp, *dfp; char *fn; long int points = 1; fn = (char *)malloc(strlen(base) + 5); sprintf(fn,"%s.run", base); if (NULL == (rfp = fopen(fn, "w"))) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open file \"%s\" for plot run\n", fn); free(fn); return; } sprintf(fn,"%s.dat", base); if (NULL == (dfp = fopen(fn, "w"))) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open file \"%s\" for plot data\n", fn); free(fn); return; } free(fn); plot(rfp, 0, STARTINFO); GByNum = NULL; /* Init the vars for the TreeToList function */ GByNumMax = 0; GByNumMin = 36000; TreeToUList(tree); temp = GByNum; while (temp != NULL) { plot(rfp, points, temp->data); fprintf(dfp, "%ld %ld\n", points++, temp->hits); temp = temp->next; } plot(rfp, points, ENDINFO); printf("\n"); FreeList(GByNum); fclose(rfp); fclose(dfp); } /*******************************/ void GraphInfo(NODE_PTR tree, void graph(GOPHER_PTR), int strwidth) { LIST_PTR temp; LIST_PTR ByNum; int Nodes; int i, max, oldwidth = Width, MyWidth; GByNum = NULL; /* Init the vars for the TreeToList function */ GNodes = 0; GByNumMax = 0; GByNumMin = 36000; if (SortHits) TreeToSList(tree); else if (SortMult == 1) TreeToUList(tree); else TreeToRUList(tree); ByNum = GByNum; /* Save off and clear the globals vars */ Nodes = GNodes; GByNum = NULL; graph(STARTINFO); printc("", '='); /* Do the width stuff after printc, yes its a major hack. :) */ MyWidth = Width - strwidth; Width = strwidth; temp = ByNum; while (temp != NULL) { graph(temp->data); printf(" %4ld (%5.2f%%) ", (long int)(temp->hits/AverageDiv), (float)temp->hits*100.0/TotalConnects); max = (int)((temp->hits/AverageDiv) * (MyWidth/(float)GByNumMax*AverageDiv)); for(i=0; i < max; i++) printf("#"); printf("\n"); temp = temp->next; } GNodes = Nodes; /* Restore */ GTotalConnects = TotalConnects/AverageDiv; printf("\n"); graph(ENDINFO); printf("\n"); FreeList(ByNum); Width=oldwidth; } /*******************************/ void PrintErrorInfo(void) { ELIST_PTR temp = cruft; printf("Exception/Problem Report\n"); printf("NOTE: THESE ENTRIES MAY DENOTE A SERVER PROBLEM. THEY SHOULD BE LOOKED OVER!\n"); printc("", '='); while (temp != NULL) { printf(temp->data); temp = temp->next; } printf("\n"); } /*******************************/ void PrintHelp(FILE *fp, int needreturn) { fprintf(fp,"\nUsage: glog [ | -%c | -h ] ", ERRORINFO); #ifdef VMS fprintf(fp,"[OPTIONS] -i INFILENAME [-o OUTFILENAME]\n"); #else fprintf(fp,"[OPTIONS] [-i INFILENAME] [-o OUTFILENAME]\n"); #endif fprintf(fp," -h prints this help information\n"); fprintf(fp," -%c displays an ERROR LOG\n", ERRORINFO); fprintf(fp," -i INFILENAME specifies the input file (your gopher logfile)\n"); #ifndef VMS fprintf(fp," stdin is expected to be your gopher logfile, unless -i is used\n"); #endif fprintf(fp," -o OUTFILENAME specifies the output file. If an output file\n"); fprintf(fp," is not specified, output will be to the screen.\n\n"); fprintf(fp,"REPORTTYPE is:\n"); fprintf(fp," -g for a histogram\n"); fprintf(fp," -p to output plot data (gnuplot required to display plot)\n"); #ifndef NODETAIL fprintf(fp," -r[] for a report [with detail]\n\n"); #else fprintf(fp," -r for a report\n\n"); #endif #ifdef VMS fprintf(fp,"OUTPUTTYPE is: (must be inclosed in quotes)\n"); #else fprintf(fp,"PUTPUTTYPE is:\n"); #endif fprintf(fp," %c = Host Names %c = Day of Week \n", HOSTINFO, WEEKDAYINFO); fprintf(fp," %c = Document Names %c = Month/Day\n", DATAINFO, MONTHDATEINFO); fprintf(fp," %c = Type %c = Time\n", TYPEINFO, TIMEINFO); fprintf(fp," %c = Domain Name\n\n", DOMAININFO); if (needreturn) { fprintf(stderr, "PRESS [ENTER] TO CONTINUE\n"); fflush(stderr); getc(stdin); } fprintf(fp,"OPTIONS are\n"); fprintf(fp," [-b ] [-e ]\n"); fprintf(fp," [-w ] [-f ]\n"); fprintf(fp," [-a] [-sSORTTYPE\n\n"); #ifdef VMS fprintf(fp,"AVERAGETYPE is: (must be inclosed in quotes)\n"); #else fprintf(fp,"AVERAGETYPE is:\n"); #endif fprintf(fp," E = Everything Y = Per Year\n"); fprintf(fp," M = Per Month W = Per Week\n"); fprintf(fp," D = Per Day H = Per Hour\n\n"); #ifdef VMS fprintf(fp,"SORTTYPE is: (must be inclosed in quotes)\n"); #else fprintf(fp,"SORTTYPE is:\n"); #endif fprintf(fp," h = by hits forward H = by Hits reverse\n"); fprintf(fp," n = by name forward N = by name reverse\n\n"); fprintf(fp,"WARNING: All arguments are evaluated from left to right,\n"); fprintf(fp," except for -i, -o, -b, and -e. Which are evaluated only at\n"); fprintf(fp," the start of execution. This means forexample that the option\n"); fprintf(fp," -sH has to be in the command line BEFORE a -rO, if you want\n"); fprintf(fp," the sorting to be changed for the -rO report.\n\n"); #ifdef VMS fprintf(fp,"Example: glog -s\"n\" -g\"O\" -p\"T\" -a\"Y\" -s\"H\" -r\"D\" -i gopher.log\n"); fprintf(fp," (Remember to enclose capital letters in double quotes!)\n"); #else fprintf(fp,"Example: glog34 -sn -gO -pT -aY -sH -rD < gopher.log | more\n"); #endif /* VMS */ fprintf(fp," '-sn -gO' = Print out a domain graph sorted by the domainname field\n"); fprintf(fp," '-pT' = Generate a gnuplot file with type information. \n"); fprintf(fp," '-aY -sH -rD' = Print out a Document Access Report sorted by\n"); fprintf(fp," reverse number of hits, average the data as if there is a\n"); fprintf(fp," years worth of data.\n"); #ifdef VMS fprintf(fp," Input is from gopher.log, output to the screen except for the plot data.\n"); #else fprintf(fp," Input is from gopher.log output to stdout, except for the plot\n"); #endif /* VMS */ fflush(fp); } /*******************************/ void PrintHdr() { char center[80]; printf("\n"); printc(GLOG_VERSION,' '); fflush(stdout); sprintf(center, "%s to %s", start_date, stop_date); printc(center, ' '); if (AverageStrPos == 0) { sprintf(center, "%ld connections", TotalConnects); printc(center, ' '); } else { sprintf(center, "%ld real connections", TotalConnects); printc(center, ' '); printf("\n"); sprintf(center, "%ld estimated connections%s", (long int)(TotalConnects/AverageDiv), AverageStrs[AverageStrPos]); printc(center, ' '); } printf("\n\n"); fflush(stdout); fflush(stderr); } /*******************************/ /* Yes I KNOW main is more than 1 page */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; int NumOfDays; #ifdef THINK_C argc = ccommand(&argv); #endif if (1 == argc || argv[1][1] =='h') { PrintHelp(stdout,1); /* Clueless */ exit(-1); } i = 1; /* We must go through the arguments twice. Once for the the arguments that * can only be set once. I could add argument checking here, but why bother */ while (i