Not everything is about social justice! Sometimes it's just food. I was not sure if it's a joke:
There are so many reasons to keep a vegan or at least a vegetarian diet... Health. Animal abuse. Pollution, deforestation, and waste are real consequences of mass consuption of meat. Respect for life. Religion. Offending native people with your opulent veggies is simply not a thing, except for some overeducated fools with way too much time on their hands.
If anything, meat eaters are much more guilty of 'diet appropriation', with caveman paleo diets and baby-seal-blubber diets. Consuming absurd amounts of fast-food meat daily without ever considering where it came from is terrible.
The idea that not eating animals is offensive to native people is absurd. Billions of people have survived and even thrived largely on rice, grains and legumes. There are few industries more destructive to our planet than raising meat for food.
Of all the terrible sins against the native people around the world, we talk about our diets being offensive to them? Let's blame colonialism on the vegans. How incredibly selfish and stupid can people be...
But I still think think the whole thing is a joke, so I will just laugh it off as good-natured jackassery.