Not Being an Asshole

I've been posting less and less... Not that I've been writing less - I just look over my posts and delete them because it feels that the world would not become a better place because of my post.

I used to not care at all. Then I cared a little but it felt like I was shouting into the vacuum anyway. Now it feels just pointless most of the time.

For a while I kept the unpublished posts -- first as .txt files that my indexer ignores, then in an 'attic' directory, still thinking I might rework them later. Now I just delete them, and feel a little better.

A large part of it is that my later ideas and thoughts seem kind of stupid.

A big part of it is that I don't really want to offend anyone, and somehow by the time I write about something it always seems kind of negative.

It's not just gemlog - I was looking over my reviews on Amazon last week. Funny how very few were postive, but many were negative. One review of a paint roller (I totally don't remember writing it) had me in stitches:

...Completely broken. After returning to Amazon, went to the local hardware store to get a new roller and COVID-19.

