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An ordinary computer user's capsule.
Thoughts and things - a tinylog
lilloggen - a tinylog in Swedish
At the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 21) the Paris Agreement where negotiated and was signed in 2016. One part of the agreement was that the global surface temperature should be kept well under 2.0℃ and and with a goal of 1.5℃ above the pre-industrial levels. By May 2019, 185 countries had ratified the agreement. Are we on our way to reach this goal? No, on the contrary the temperature levels globally are rising over the agreed goals. It seems that the countries that has signed the agreement just did it to push any political unpleasentness forward in time. How long can we put our heads in the ground and pretend evereything is fine? Shame on you politicians that do not make any real atempts to save our world.
Do I do enough? Of course I don't. I do not take part in any climate activism and I am not going in to politics. I just moun about the problem and write futile postings in my tinylog. Shame on me.
Finally a link to a really good text:
Alex Schroeder's gemlog: 2024-10-29 On our watch
📧 skf at sverro dot se
Many thanks to Ctrl-c.club for letting me have an account and access to a gemini server.
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