Nristen's (g)log

Re: Wide Technology



Today I ready through the above post and appreciated the reference to time pieces that are not dependant on either the Internet or an electronic device.

I have started collecting hand tools (wood saws, mauls for splitting firewood). I am looking for a hand powered wood auger/drill. I recently read about a wood saw with Japanese origins that cuts when pulled rather than pushed which supposedly is more accurate than traditional saws.

Currently, the only time reference that I use is my phone. Many years ago before I carried a phone everywhere, I wore a digital watch but stopped when the skin on my wrist would breakout from the contact of the watch. The idea of carrying a mechanical wind up watch is very appealing and even more so to use a sundial to set it by (I never did like Daylight Savings). A mechanical watch would also be immune to any possible EMPs and would continue to work even if batteries were not available.

Caution would just have to be taken to prevent it from dropping or moisture inside would potentially cause problems.

I am looking forward to finding other solutions people are using to function offgrid or separated from the system.

Tags: offline mechanical offgrid



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