Let me see where I find myself today. I find myself wishing I had a decent block of time to study HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I wish I had some time to tinker around the Linux terminal and learn more about grep, awk, and ssh'ing. I'd like to be more comfortable using vim, and Emacs is whispering in my ear to play with it. I have neglected film cameras begging to be taken out for a walk, and typewriters collecting dust. Once upon a time, not to long ago, I wanted to set up a crystal radio set. We're not even not going to get into the books waiting to be read.
So, where am I today. I'm in an endless cycle of sleeping, prepping for work, and working. It feels like I waste too much of my free time --on what? I can't even say. I know, though, my phone has a lot to do with it. The only social media I consume is probably YouTube videos. It's that and scrolling through Google News. I try to stay away from the evil YouTube shorts --hours may go by if I get sucked into one of them.
So, I'm staying away from the news. I may to have to give up YouTube at some point, but for now, I'm restricting myself to a JavaScript tutorial playlist and Linux terminal related subjects. I'm hoping I can practice more self control and limit how much time I spend on there.
I guess, I'll see how it goes.