A guilty pleasure

There is one thing that I am sometimes ashamed of saying but... I really like highschool romances.

I like them because I fondly remember being a teenager and being in my first "serious" relationship ( it wasn't that long ago to be completely honest, I'm still petit ). The weird thing about this is that I *know* my perception of high school romance is really well... romanticized, in truth it was really shitty and immature ¡as teenagers tend to be!

It feels sort of bittersweet. My highschool was "particular", it handled itself like a business and I learnt a lot from that, really a lot. I was taught how to prepare proposals, how to present a project you haven't even started developing, how to then develop those projects and exhibit them to interested people, I was taught marketing ( they actually made us read Kotler which was a deeply enriching experience ) and a bunch of things which weren't really on the curriculum but were useful nontheless. We behaved like tiny sociopaths. It was fun.

Now a bussiness like enviroment is stressful to adults but to teens? it kinda messes you up. I suppose big schools face the same issue, having a kid reduced to a number can really do a lot of good for their brains...

Now grab that educational shitpost and add an economic incentive to ignore non-succesful kids! Just like magic! The ego destructor 9000 was created!

Kids would be favored by the metric of "Who can make the most impressive project" and not impressive in a "technical feat" way but a "it must be showy" so the school could get some prestige.

Of course being as dumb as I am meant that I never really exploited that even though I should have...

I've lost track of where I was going with all this. Kind of fun how someone can use so many words to say something so simple.

I hope you are all doing well.


Recently another cosmonaut wrote to me, I read their stuff. It's good.

Cosmonauta lechuga criolla.