# variables #
export EDITOR="nvim"
export MANPAGER="nvim +Man!"
export HISTFILE="$HOME/.sh_history"

# aliases #

alias cls="clear"

alias nv="nvim"

alias :q="exit"
alias :qa="exit"
alias :Q="exit"
alias :Qa="exit"
alias :w="echo 'NOPE!'"
alias :W="echo 'NOPE!'"

if which eza > /dev/null 2>&1; then
   alias lb="eza -a"
   alias ls="eza -lag --group-directories-first"
   alias ls="ls -la"

if which bat > /dev/null 2>&1; then
   alias cat="bat"
alias hexedit="hexedit --color"

alias gita="git add --all && git status"
alias gitc="git commit -m"
alias gitp="git push"

alias ptm="ptts --manual"

alias poweroff="doas shutdown -p now"

# functions #

function cs {
   cd $1 && ls

function kornconfig {
   nvim ~/.kshrc
   . ~/.kshrc

function syms {
	echo "‽
òwó ÒwÓ"

function backup {
   cd ~/backup
	git add --all
   git commit -m "$(date)"
	git push
	cd - # go back to set directiry if called manually

function math {
   echo $(($*))

# prompt #

# \[ and \] are used for length counting
# it can't count escapes, so you must wrap them as well as the entire first line
PS1="\[\e[93m\u \e[35m: \e[34m\w
\e[90m\]\h \[\e[33m\]\A \[\e[35m\\]$\[\e[0m\] "

# shell config #

set -o emacs

# banner #

#                    |
#                \   |   /
#                  \ | /
#              ------*------
#    ___________   / | \   ___________
#    \           /   |   \           _|
#     '._            |          _.--' 
#        '----.             ,.''     
#              \           /   
#               |         |
#               |         |
#              /           \
#           ,.'  HACK TIME  '.,
#          |___________________|

function hello {
   printf "
               \e[93m\\\\   \e[31m|   \e[93m/              
                 \e[93m\\\\ \e[31m| \e[93m/                
   \e[36m___________   \e[93m/ \e[31m| \e[93m\\\\   \e[36m___________  
   \e[36m\\\\           \e[93m/   \e[31m|   \e[93m\\\\           \e[35m_| 
    \e[36m'._            \e[31m|          \e[35m_.--'   
       \e[36m'----.             \e[35m,.''        
             \e[36m\\\\           \e[35m/            
              \e[36m|         \e[35m|             
              \e[36m|         \e[35m|             
             \e[36m/           \e[35m\\\\            
          \e[36m,.'  \e[32mHACK TIME  \e[35m'.,         
