I like the old web, I really do.

I think classical web sounds better, but it's not important now.

I'm not trying to convey anything in this b-log, it's just my current stream of conciousness, because I need to write myself out.

You are meaningless. We all are. You always hear how in the grand scheme of things, you mean nothing. Be it the universe. Be it the history of humanity. Be it this generation.

It hit me now. Here, have a few tabs I have open right now:














Their contents are not important (maby outsite of mellon). I have not looked into most of them, so I don't even know what I'm sharing. Just open some, click around... come back when you feel like it.



Are you back yet? Have you seen everything? No, no you haven't. There will always be more to see.

You might even opened some new awesome page linked from one of my links I will never see because I wasn't there.

I'm writing this website/capsule full of b-logs about my life and opinions and experiences. I'm also writing another website all disconected from this one.

I put effort into this, thinking I'm making something great...

How did you get there?

What led you to this page? What made you click on b-logs and then on rants and then on nobody-reads-this??? Why do you want to read my rants of all people???

You might be someone from ^C. You might have just looked on whose online and checked out my page. We might have chatted on IRC and you decided to look more into my stuff.

You might be not.

Why this page? Why any page in particular?


Have you ever browsed



It's site count is more than double the population if Iceland.

This one 'small' and 'niche' place on the internet most people never heard of has more websites then how many people you'll ever see. And as fas as I know, most are worth a visit.

There are more.

Tilde servers.

Mellon stuff


just random independent pages on the internet under domain you never heard of, linked from maby two other places...

They all have stories worth telling; visuals worth viewing; wisdom worth knowing....

look, I just hit 100 lines....

And also links worth following to more links worth following to more links worth following to more links worth following...

I have those...

it's in a way beautiful. Infinity is beautiful, which this practically is...


But, it also kinda losts it's beuty once you realise you are nothing outside of that infinity.


For a while I have identified as a existencionalis. Existencionalism says that nothing matteres, life has no meaning, you will be forgotten right after you die...

But that is a good thing, because instead of worrying about fulfilling your destiny, contributing to the meaning of life and giving a fuck about what other think and will think of you;; you just kinda choose your own personal goals and follow those. You make your own path. Change it if you don't like it anymore...

Being meaningless is peacefull!

Now, I feel more nihilism however.

That is the same thing, but without the nice parts. You probably know that, right?

Not like it matteres (ba dum dasss)

Not that I don't enjoy my meaninglessness anymore. Source of my nihilism is the meaninglessness of my suroundings.

Or more specifically, their sheere numbers.

You could spend hours upon hours, days upon days, years upon years reading books. And then meet someone who spent ten fold doing the same, yet as you stand there, you both realise that there is no book you both red.

There are so many forms of art and it's true for all of them.

The web is very new technology, yet I feel the same about it.

So many people. So many websites. So many lives...

I used to cope by thinking that most people are just soulless NPCs, not worth as much as a second thought. I still do that, yet the sheer number of people makes this information absolutely unimportant...



is a little itch.io game shown to me by


I think...

The game doesn't matter...

Ther are probably livetimes worth of gameplay on itch.io right now. I wouldn't know; I wasn't there.

are you waiting for a point? Because there is none!

Come on, go and explore some elses website...

Or my IDC...

I finished my typesetter (called ptts btw) today.....

Github is full of nice software that noone uses. I'm a part of it now I guess...

You can be too if you want <3

You know it's bad when I start writing kamoji


Before the web, there was sooooo much BBSes. And then sooooo much gopherholes. They're all gone now. Only a distant fading memory. Most of the time not even that.

This page will be the same one day. Does it make it special? Does it make you feel special? Is there anything worth keeping, or will it's lost be highly neutral.

Someones webpage probably died today. How does it make you feel?


do you know that you don't have to read this, right?


is a random geocities website I bookmarked for some reason. Give it a while, it will load eventually. Thought you might like it.


I think I expressed what I wanted to express... I don't know what to write next, so I guess I wrote myself out? I do certainly feel happier now. You know, that kind of bittersweet happines when you realise that everything is still fucked up, but everything turns out well in the end?

It might be just the music tho, I'm listenning to the mellonking greenhouse theme I linked at the beginning.

So this is the EOF, hugh?

I should do more of those when I feel sad, this one was fun. No one will probably read them, but the uncertainty that someone might read them is worth it by itself.

PS: I will make RSS soon, I swear :)



previous: multiline-prompt

next: on-pronouns-and-grammar


