I recently described how I got my hands on a 20 year old Palm Zire 72s with a dead battery that I managed to bring back to life. You can read about that here:
Resurrection of a Palm Zire 72s
I took it along some trips in the past few weeks to see how the camera would live up to 2024 expectations.
All-in-all, the end result was not too bad, but it's no replacement for a modern smartphone.
Why do we take pictures at all? For me, it's about capturing and preserving memories of places visited and the people who shared those moments with you.
Does the memory of a past event diminish because the photo's quality of it is inferior? I don't think so.
Rural path leading to the village
Old church building (no longer in use)
Belgian breakfast at the office
The device only has a 1.3MP camera, the quality of the pictures is very dependant on the amount of light, it faired very poorly in low lighting conditions.
Of all the photos, the one with the horse has by far the most detail, it almost seems like it was done with a different camera.
PalmOS, Photography
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Timeless Tech: Capturing daily life with a revived Palm Zire 72s PDA was published on 2024-06-12