Hello, World!

This corner of the internet is my little place. It's not much, but there is some comfort in that as well.

I would invite you to stargaze with me, but it seems like there is rain coming in.

      __   _
    _(  )_( )_
   (_   _    _)
  / /(_) (__)
 / / / / / /
/ / / / / /

Maybe grab a cup of your favourite hot beverage and read a bit instead?

You stumble upon writings of a stranger. Proceed?

A pinhole projection of myself through a few short sentences

What am I up to?

Version: 3.1
G d- s:- a--- C++>$ UL++++>$ P L+++>++++$ E--- W+++ K? w-->$ O? M- V- PS++ PE- Y++ PGP++ !R b+ G e>+++ h

How can you contact me? (please do <3)

What do I want?

There's a list for that

return to sender?