The good news? Somebody wants to use my blogging engine. The bad news? Somebody wants to use my blogging engine

Over the 23 year history of mod_blog [1], I've given up on the notion of anyone other than me using it. There was only one other person who used it for just a few months before deciding blogging wasn't for him and that was way back in 2002. So it was completely by surprise that I recently received a bug report [2] on it.

Oh my … someone else is trying to use it.

I never did fully document it. And there are, as I'm finding, an amazing number of things I'm assuming about the environment, such as:

And that's just off the top of my head. There's probably more assumptions made that I'm just not thinking of. It's issues like these where one can spend 90% of the time writing 90% of the code, and then spend another 90% of the time writing the final 10% of the code and documentation.

I'm also amused by the timing. Back in August, I removed a ton of optional code that I never used, and because no one else was using mod_blog, it was just sitting there untested. And now someone wants to use the code.


But also, gulp! I've got 23 years of experience with the code, so I know all the ins and outs of using it. Documenting this? So someone else can use this? Good lord!








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