I like vintage Coca-Cola ads, and a lot of our modern view of Santa Claus comes from said vintage Coca-Cola ads, but I'm not sure what I make of this holiday display from the neighborhood:
[Huge, three-panel display of a vintage Coca-Cola Santa Ad flanked by a life-sized Santa on the left, and maybe a yeti on the right, in the front yard of a house in the neighborhood] Either Sasquatch is planning an Artic expedition, and thus shilling for Coke for funding, or else he's really old and trying to raise retirement funds by shilling for Coke. In either case, we know Santa has been a sell out for mostly a century now. [1]
I do think Coke has made bank on such advertising, because not only is someone in my neighborhood hawking Coke from nearly centry old ad, but now I'm shilling for Coke for displaying my neighbor's display of a nearly centry old ad. Nice play, Coke.