[The title is a reference to the time Aden Oshea [1] attempted to dictate a book he was writing to a computer. It fits the theme of today's post. —Sean]
We use Microsoft Teams [2] at The Corporation. What I did not know is that The Corporation has tied our desk phones to Microsoft Teams. So when I logged on I noticed I had “voicemail.” I went to check that, and noticed that there was a transcription of the voicemail:
Hello, I'm not sure if this is the right number for XXXXXXXXXXXXXX and if it is this is a brother Maynard from the Church of Jesus Christ on Earth Day St and they were clerk and I see that XXXXXXXXXXXXXX moved from Jacksonville to the Hollywood area and we are trying to contact her and you live in or about the meetings on the meetings. Uhm, word cheap. It started at 9:00 AM. Uhm we sacrament meeting. Uhm thank you and if this is the right number please give me a call. Again this is brother manner. Me and a phone number XXXXXXXXXXXX. Thank you. Bye bye now.
It's a bit of a word salad, but I can see the gist of the message. I listened to the voice mail and yes, it's about as accurate as one would expect from someone with a heavy accent speaking English.
I'm now curious if he ever got a replacement for the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch [3].
[1] https://seanhoade.wordpress.com/
[2] https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-teams/group-chat-software
[3] https://montypython.fandom.com/wiki/Holy_Hand_Grenade_of_Antioch