I can't believe I didn't think of that—clarification

Over on Me­Linked­Insta­My­Face­In­Gram­Space­Book­We, my friend Brian commented “Cool! (Whatever it was exactly you did!!!)” about my work issue [1]. Rereading that post, I think I can clarify a bit what I did. But first, a disclaimer: I'm not revealing any personal information here as all the data for the regression test is randomly generated. Names, numbers, it's all generated data.

So I ran the test and the output from that is a file that looks like (feature names changed to protect me):

ERR CNAM feature8 failed: wanted "VINCENZA GALJOUR" got ""
testcase =
  id = "3.0037",
  orig =
    number = "2012013877",
    person =
      business = "-",
      first = "VINCENZA",
      name = "VINCENZA GALJOUR",
      last = "GALJOUR",
    feature9 = false,
    cnam = true,
    extcnam = false,
    feature4 = true,
    feature10 = false,
    feature7 = false,
    feature8 = true,
  term =
    feature10 = true,
    feature1 = false,
    feature2 = false,
    feature3 = false,
    feature4 = true,
    feature5 = false,
    feature6 = false,
    number = "6012013877",
    feature7 = false,
    feature8 = false,

ERR CNAM feature8 failed: wanted "TERINA SCHUPP" got ""
testcase =
  id = "3.0039",
  orig =
    number = "2012013879",
    person =
      business = "-",
      first = "TERINA",
      name = "TERINA SCHUPP",
      last = "SCHUPP",
    feature9 = false,
    cnam = true,
    extcnam = false,
    feature4 = true,
    feature10 = false,
    feature7 = false,
    feature8 = true,
  term =
    feature10 = true,
    feature1 = false,
    feature2 = false,
    feature3 = false,
    feature4 = true,
    feature5 = false,
    feature6 = false,
    number = "6012013879",
    feature7 = false,
    feature8 = false,

Since the regression test is written in Lua [2], I found it easy to just dump the structure holding the test data to the file, given I already have have a function to do so [3]. I also print out what failed just before the data for that particular test case. The code that prints the structure outputs valid Lua code. All I changed was adding an array declaration around the output, turned the error message into a comment, and changed testcase to a valid array index:

testcase = {
-- ERR CNAM feature8 failed: wanted "VINCENZA GALJOUR" got ""
[1] =
  id = "3.0037",
  orig =
    number = "2012013877",
    person =
      business = "-",
      first = "VINCENZA",
      name = "VINCENZA GALJOUR",
      last = "GALJOUR",
    feature9 = false,
    cnam = true,
    extcnam = false,
    feature4 = true,
    feature10 = false,
    feature7 = false,
    feature8 = true,
  term =
    feature10 = true,
    feature1 = false,
    feature2 = false,
    feature3 = false,
    feature4 = true,
    feature5 = false,
    feature6 = false,
    number = "6012013877",
    feature7 = false,
    feature8 = false,

-- ERR CNAM feature8 failed: wanted "TERINA SCHUPP" got ""
[2] =
  id = "3.0039",
  orig =
    number = "2012013879",
    person =
      business = "-",
      first = "TERINA",
      name = "TERINA SCHUPP",
      last = "SCHUPP",
    feature9 = false,
    cnam = true,
    extcnam = false,
    feature4 = true,
    feature10 = false,
    feature7 = false,
    feature8 = true,
  term =
    feature10 = true,
    feature1 = false,
    feature2 = false,
    feature3 = false,
    feature4 = true,
    feature5 = false,
    feature6 = false,
    number = "6012013879",
    feature7 = false,
    feature8 = false,

That way, I can verify my hypothesis with some simple Lua code:

dofile "errorlog.txt"
for _,result in ipairs(testcase) do
  if not (result.feature10 and (result.feature8 or result.feature4)) then
    print("hypothesis failed")

[1] /boston/2020/07/29.1

[2] https://www.lua.org/

[3] https://github.com/spc476/lua-conmanorg/blob/0993e149dfd42934b6dad2784abe7e3eb12b2219/lua/table.lua#L132

Gemini Mention this post

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