I was trying out a new search engine, Million Short [1] (which allows you to easily exclude the top N websites) and while trying it out, I came across this:
There are a few towns in the US, though, that have very high numbers of white squirrels. This could be for a few reasons. First, predators in towns tend to be low. This cancels out the negative selection against the white morph. Sometimes in towns, a few neighbors will also select against the normal coloration of eastern grey squirrel. Yes, that happens. After a few generations, all you get are whites, and they can spread to the rest of the town! Fascinating!
## The Big 5 White Squirrel Towns
> * Marionville, MO (read) [2]
* Brevard, NC
* Olney, Il
* Kenton, TN
* Exeter, Ontario Canada (web) [3]
“The White and Albino Squirrel Phenomenon + New US Maps! [4]”
It's interesting that there are quite a few “Home of the White Squirrel” across the country.
[2] http://www.ruralmissouri.org/03pages/03DecSquirrels.html
[3] http://www.whitesquirrels.ca/
[4] http://www.untamedscience.com/biodiversity/white-squirrel/