Mindestens ebenso genial ist eine Idee, die aus technischen Problemen leider nicht die Mindestwortzahl erreichte: „The Psychotherapy Of Racter Or The Descent Into Madness Of Dr. Eliza“ lässt zwei legendäre Pseudo-Intelligenzen der Computergeschichte gegeneinander antreten: Weizenbaums simplen, aber effektiven Psychoanalyse-Algorithmus Eliza und den assoziativ auf Nutzereingaben reagierenden 80er-Jahre Textgenerator Racter, eine Art Eliza auf Drogen, von seinen Schöpfern auch als „Artificial Insanity“ bezeichnet.
“e-book-news.de » “Brass. Brass. Brass.”: Beim NaNoGenMo werden Algorithmen zum Roman- Autor [1]”
Oh cool! The Psychotherapy Of Racter Or The Descent Into Madness Of Dr. Eliza [2] was mentioned in a German news site! And for those of you who can't read German:
Equally awesome is an idea that unfortunately did not reach the minimum number of words for technical problems: "The Psychotherapy Of Racter Or The Descent Into Madness Of Dr. Eliza" leaves two legendary pseudo- intelligences of computer history against each other: Weizenbaum's simple but effective Psychoanalyse- Eliza algorithm and the associative responsive to user inputs 80s Text Generator Racter, a kind of Eliza on Drugs, by its creators as "Artificial Insanity" means.
“Google Translate [3]”
The Google translation is probably more amusing to read than The Psychotherapy Of Racter Or The Descent Into Madness Of Dr. Eliza.
[2] https://github.com/spc476/NaNoGenMo-
[3] https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&js=y&pre