
Given the problems I had earlier this month [1], I found this poem [2] (via Violet Impudence [3]) quite appropriate:

I met a programmer the other day…> Who said “A vast and blocky plastic box…> Stands in my workspace; in it, so they say…> Half-dead, a chip from Intel lies, which clocks…> 566 M-hertz; the CD (Compact Disc) drive…> And fifteen gigs, and bundled AOL (America On-Line)…> Must have seemed neat when Reagan was alive…> But now the stickers on its lifeless shell…> Seem only fit sad memories to revive…> And on the light beige case are words that say:…> “THIS COMPUTER IS NEVER OBSOLETE…> SURF! INVEST! EMAIL! TYPE! SHOP! TRAVEL! PLAY!”…> The monitor is dark; near its defeat…> My new and shiny MacBook whirs away

There's even a photo [4] of the non-obsolete computer in question.

[1] /boston/2015/10/01-18

[2] http://slatestarscratchpad.tumblr.com/post/131389328496/alienpapacy-i-met-a-traveller-from-an-antique

[3] http://violetimpudence.tumblr.com/post/131491956440/slatestarscratchpad-alienpapacy-i-met-a

[4] http://slatestarscratchpad.tumblr.com/image/131389328496

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