Of course there were trailers [1], and I saw the oddest trailer I've ever seen. It was for an animated [DELETED-film-DELETED] movie (because Bunny and I were waiting to watch an animated [DELETED-film-DELETED] movie) so nothing odd there. But it was in Spanish.
I've never seen a trailer for a foreign [DELETED-film-DELETED] movie that wasn't in English.
But it gets odder.
It was subtitled!
Okay, yes, it makes sense for a [DELETED-film-DELETED] movie in a foreign language to be subtitled. But this wasn't a [DELETED-film-DELETED] movie—this was the trailer for a [DELETED-film-DELETED] movie. And not just for a [DELETED-film-DELETED] movie, but an animated [DELETED-film-DELETED] movie!
Granted, I've seen subtitled animated [DELETED-films-DELETED] movies before but they weren't exactly aimed at mainstream American audiences but direct imports, usually from Japan [2], but I suppose some could exist from elsewhere in the world.
Odder still, the voice over, you know, the typical trailer voice over that typically begins “In a world about a land with time, [3]” that type of voice over, was in English!
So Bunny and I saw a trailer for a sub-titled Spanish animated [DELETED-film-DELETED] movie with an English voice over.
About chickens and eggs [4].
I got nothing.
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anime
[3] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMngjDMZTWo