SPF might not be worth handling, but what about RBL?

A month ago, I re-evaluated the use of SPF (Sender Policy Framework) as an anti-spam measure [1] and found it wanting. Today, I decided to re-evaluate my stance on the various real-time blackhole lists [2] that exist. I was relunctant to use an RBL (Real-time Blackhole List) because of over-aggresive classification for even the smallest of infractions could lead to false positives (wanted email being rejected as spam). It has been over a decade since I first rejected the idea, and I was curious to see just how it would all shake out.

I used the Wikipedia list of RBLs [3] as a starting point, figuring it would be pretty up-to-date. I then dumped information from my greylist daemon [4]. The idea is to see how much additional spam would be caught if, after getting a “GO!” from the greylist daemon, I do a RBL check.

Out of the current 2,830 entries, only 145 had not been whitelisted. I didn't filter these out before running the test, but I don't think it would throw off the results too much. Half an hour of coding later, and I had a simple script to query the various RBLs for each unique IP (Internet Protocol) address (1,446). I let it run for a few hours, as it had quite a few queries to make (1,446 IP addresses, each one requiring one query to see if the IP address is a known spammer, and a possible second one for the reason, across 45 RBL servers—it took awhile).

First up, how many “spam” results did I get from each RBL:

Table: Results from each RBL
RBL	hits	reasons given
truncate.gbudb.net.	108	108
dnsbl.proxybl.org.	0	0
dnsbl-1.uceprotect.net.	132	132
dnsbl-2.uceprotect.net.	145	145
dnsbl-3.uceprotect.net.	23	23
dnsbl.sorbs.net.	65	65
safe.dnsbl.sorbs.net.	65	65
http.dnsbl.sorbs.net.	0	0
socks.dnsbl.sorbs.net.	0	0
misc.dnsbl.sorbs.net.	0	0
smtp.dnsbl.sorbs.net.	0	0
web.dnsbl.sorbs.net.	21	21
new.spam.dnsbl.sorbs.net.	37	37
recent.spam.dnsbl.sorbs.net.	184	184
old.spam.dbsbl.sorbs.net.	0	0
spam.dbsbl.sorbs.net.	0	0
escalations.dbsbl.sorbs.net.	0	0
block.dnsbl.sorbs.net.	0	0
zombie.dbsbl.sorbs.net.	0	0
dui.dnsbl.sorbs.net.	0	0
rhsbl.sorbs.net.	0	0
badconf.rhsbl.sorbs.net.	0	0
nomail.rhsbl.sorbs.net.	0	0
sbl.spamhaus.org.	293	293
xbl.spamhaus.org.	53	53
pbf.spamhaus.org.	0	0
cbl.abuseat.org.	36	37
psbi.surriel.com.	0	0
intercept.datapacket.net.	186	186
db.wpbi.info.	0	0
bl.spamcop.net.	65	65
noptr.spamrats.com.	224	224
dyna.spamrats.com.	208	208
spam.spamrats.com.	15	15
bl.spamcannibal.org.	96	96
spamtrap.drbl.drand.net.	0	0
blacklist.hostkama.com.	0	0
dnsbl.dronebl.org.	2	2
list.quorum.to.	1309	1309
ix.dnsbl.manitu.net.	48	48
dnsbl.inps.de.	627	627
bl.blocklist.de.	6	6
srnblack.surgate.net.	21	21
all.s5h.net.	363	363
rbl.megarbl.net.	54	54

As you can see, some of them were not worth querying. Also, about list.quorum.to … it's not straightforward to use that server [5] as it always sent back a result even when the others did not. I ultimately decided that any result that only had a “hit” from list.quorum.to to be “non-spam” because of the issues.

I then proceeded to pour through all 2,830 results.

Table: Email classification from RBLs
Marked as SPAM	2739	97%
Not marked as SPAM	91	3%
Total	2830	100%

And out of the 91 that was not marked as spam, only 7 were spam not marked by any of the RBLs. Not bad. But the real test is false positives—email marked as spam that isn't. And unfortunately, there were a few:

Table: False positives
bounce.twitter.com	10
icpbounce.com	2
bounce.linkedin.com	3
returns.groups.yahoo.com	8
facebookmail.com	6
Total	29

Now, I realize that some of my readers might very well consider email from Twitter [6] or Facebook [7] as spam, but hey, don't judge me!


Anyway, that's a problem for me. I will occasionally have issues with the greylisting in some cases (rare, but it does happen, and I have to explicitely authorize the email when I become aware of the issue) but it's even worse with this. For instance:	update+iedcilif@facebookmail.com	XXXXXXXXXXXXX@conman.org	GO!	update+iedcilif@facebookmail.com	XXXXXXXXXXXXX@conman.org	GO!	update+iedcilif@facebookmail.com	XXXXXXXXXXXXX@conman.org	GO!	update+iedcilif@facebookmail.com	XXXXXXXXXXXXX@conman.org	FAIL	ix.dnsbl.manitu.net.	update+iedcilif@facebookmail.com	XXXXXXXXXXXXX@conman.org	GO!	update+iedcilif@facebookmail.com	XXXXXXXXXXXXX@conman.org	GO!	update+iedcilif@facebookmail.com	XXXXXXXXXXXXX@conman.org	FAIL	intercept.datapacket.net.	ix.dnsbl.manitu.net.	update+iedcilif@facebookmail.com	XXXXXXXXXXXXX@conman.org	FAIL	ix.dnsbl.manitu.net.	update+iedcilif@facebookmail.com	XXXXXXXXXXXXX@conman.org	FAIL	recent.spam.dnsbl.sorbs.net.	ix.dnsbl.manitu.net.	update+iedcilif@facebookmail.com	XXXXXXXXXXXXX@conman.org	FAIL	dnsbl.dronebl.org.	ix.dnsbl.manitu.net.	update+iedcilif@facebookmail.com	XXXXXXXXXXXXX@conman.org	GO!	notification+iedcilif@facebookmail.com	XXXXXXXXXXXXX@conman.org	GO!	update+iedcilif@facebookmail.com	XXXXXXXXXXXXX@conman.org	GO!	update+iedcilif@facebookmail.com	XXXXXXXXXXXXX@conman.org	FAIL	ix.dnsbl.manitu.net.	update+iedcilif@facebookmail.com	XXXXXXXXXXXXX@conman.org	GO!

It's hit-or-miss within the IP range Facebook uses to send email. This would make troubleshooting quite difficult. I could whitelist the problematic domains but for any new site I might want to receive email from, I would have to watch the logs very closely for issues like this. But it's not as bad as I thought it would be, and it would cut out a lot of the spam I do get. It's tempting.

I shall have to think about this.

[1] /boston/2015/04/12.1

[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNSBL

[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_DNS_blacklists

[4] http://www.x-grey.com/

[5] http://www.quorum.to/mechanism.html

[6] https://twitter.com/

[7] https://www.facebook.com/

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