I hate web based applications, because as soon as you get used to the interface—**BAM** some attention-deficit programmers [1] change how everthing works, just because. Google Maps [2] is a good example of this. It's still perhaps the best mapping application out there and I always use it, but every few months they change how the entire interface works, destroying existing patterns of use and wasting days, nay weeks of time as I attempt to learn how to use the features I use, only to find out half of them have been removed, because.
But today I'm not here to bury Google Maps, but Facebook [3]. They broke my posting application. The application I use when I post to this blog [4] and send notification to Facebook that is posted on my … whatever that thing is called at Facebook. My wall? Timestream? Spam channel? Whatever it's called.
Facebook changed how things work on the backend, and now I'm getting the dreaded 803 error [5] (and of course there are no real answers there [6]).
Thank you Facebook.
Thank you a lot.