I would probably be remiss if I didn't mention the chance that Sean Hoade [1] is giving you, yes you, to become a benevolent benefactor of a starving artist, namely, Sean Hoade [2] himself.
I'm a starving writer, yet a bit overweight. But that's just from eating cheap food and also to fill the emptiness of my being while I struggle to get TEN books finished for my publisher over the next THREE years. Have a look at my video, won't you? This is going to be a great project, and I would really appreciate—and will reward with sanity-shattering surprises— your support!
“Support Sean Hoade creating Nine novels [3]”
Remember, just a few pennies a day could help feed a starving artist in Las Vegas as he plumbs the eldritch horrors to craft his C'thululian writings.
I mean, really! Can you turn him down?
[The book, the beard, the fez. The Hoade] [4]
So please, patronize him [5]. Even just a few dollars could really make a difference in his life. And keep the C'thululian horrors at bay.
[2] http://seanhoade.wordpress.com/
[3] http://www.patreon.com/SeanHoade
[4] /boston/2014/04/23/Hoade.jpg