Subject: Borg collective refugees?
Date: Sat, 12 May 2012 14:23:22 -0400
> I got a great laugh out of this. Thank you for being so awesome.
—Tom Morris, chairman of the Miami Hamfest / Tropical Hamboree
I'm looking at this email, wondering what is this person **talking** about? Is this some type of spam? That's the entire email. But no, it turns out that Tom Morris is the Chairman of the Miami Hamfest [1] and he was commenting on a comment I made eleven years ago [2] (and it's been seven years since I last attended the Miami Hamfest [3]).
But next year's show [4] looks to be interesting, what with part of the emphasis on “alternative energy” and my interest in fringe science (I find it facinating, not necessarily because I believe in it but because I find it highly amusing). I'll have to check it out next year.