“You mean there are worse programmers than rabid howler monkeys on crack?”

I broke The Protocol Stack From Hell™. Again. It's a common occurance whenever I attempt to run a load test (nominally against our own code, but it has to run through The Protocol Stack From Hell™ and well, The Protocol Stack From Hell™ just tends to crumple). It's not fatal, just a severe annoyance at having to restart everything and hope it all comes back up.

I talked to R about this, seeing how he has over twenty years of experience with telephony protocols. I mentioned just how bad The Protocol Stack From Hell™ is, and ask if there was anything better.

I was informed that most of the major telephony players, like AT&T (American Telegraph and Telephone) [1], wrote their own stack, but there do exist two commercial offerings, one being The Protocol Stack From Hell™ that I keep going on and on about. The other one …

R said that the other one is not only more expensive, but it's worse!

The stack we're using, the one written by rabid howler monkeys on crack [2], is the better of the two.

[My head asplode] [3]…

[1] http://www.att.com/

[2] /boston/2012/01/31.1

[3] /boston/2012/02/01/head-asplode.gif

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