I finally get back into the blogging mode when the server my site (and email) is on goes offline when its power supply flames out.
It was weird today—I felt lost without access to my server, mainly because of the loss of my personal email (yes, I still run my own email server; yes, I'm masochistic like that) but yes, the website being down was also weighing on me—until yesterday (Monday) I don't think any server my site has been on has been down for more than three or four hours (oh, there have been some times recently when the site has been down for over 24 hours but that's because various processes on the box were inadvertantly killed and I didn't realize it, but that's different than the actual server being offline).
But things seem to be back to normal, and I would like to thank the crew hosting my website for their hard work in getting it back up quicker than I expected.