Going coconuts at the postal office

A week or two ago, Spring [1] cut down perhaps two dozen coconuts from a tree in the front yard as part of a general “get this XXXX yard cleaned up” project. But what do you do with two dozen green coconuts [2]?

Well, we ate a few, although getting into the coconut was an interesting project and frankly, not really worth the effort. Since they're green, that means they still have this thick fibrous husk that needs removing before you get to the actual nut (and a coconut isn't technically a nut, but a drupe [3]), which needs to be cracked open to reveal the white coconutty goodness inside.

Fresh coconut—good. Spending an hour getting to said fresh coconut—why are we doing this again?

A bunch we gave away.

And apparently, Spring decided to mail a few to some far-off friends. She just slapped a mailing label and stamps directly to the coconut and dropped them into the mail box (or rather, “shoved” would be the more operative word here). There's no reason to actually pack the things since they're so XXXXXX difficult to open.

They arrived to their destinations just fine, although with little notes attached from the postal service saying “One of these days, we'll find a way to break these things … ”

[1] http://www.springdew.com/

[2] http://www.poliza.de/starship/sciencenew/coconuts_and_copra.htm

[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drupe

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