I seem to be on a roll [1]. I think I nailed The Email Situation [2]. Several searches lead me to an email [3] which pointed to the solution to the problem I was having. It wasn't a direct solution, but it certainly led me in the right direction to solving the problem [4] with just a few lines of code:
; check to see if the user has authenticated, if so
; return OK and skip the rest of the processing (we
; hope)
tauth = smfi_getsymval(ctx,"{auth_authen}");
if (!emptynull_string(tauth))
I've also made the latest version [5] available for download.
[3] http://lists.puremagic.com/pipermail/greylist-users/2005-August/000975.html
[4] https://www.milter.org/developers/api/smfi_getsymval