The Overnight Millionaire

Bunny recently received an 88 page booklet in the mail called The Overnight Millionaire by Russ Dalbey, which outlines three easy steps to making money hand-over-fist.

I scanned through the 88 page booklet. It's not until page 13 that Mr. Dalbey mentions what the [DELETED-scam-DELETED] plan is based upon—the “Cash Flow Note” business. It's basically matching sellers of “notes” (read: mortgage), who're currently receiving monthly payments (say, on a house) but want to cash out, to buyers of “notes,” investors who want a steady stream of monthly income.

So the “three easy steps” are (starting on page 37):


But then again, so is writing a metasearch engine [1].

Amusingly enough, as of today, the top result in Google [2] for “The Overnight Millionaire Russ Dalbey [3]” is Russ Dalbey—Winning in the Cash Flow Business Complaints [4].


It's amazing that in the age of Google [5] scam artists can remain in business.






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